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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"I'm so *yawn* tired. But it's still kinda cold..." Rita walked over to Iso. "Hey there buddy! ^_^ Fire, warm, rain, cold." Rita hugged Iso, hoping to steal his heat.


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Chase shook himself off in an uncrowded corner in the cave, muttering to himself that he should've brought a change of clothes, and shivered.

Conrad, meanwhile, removed his armor, which revealed a relatively dry shirt underneath. "Huh, surprised this is so dry... not compaling, though."

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"I'm just happy we have a place to stay tonight. Whatever those monsters are, they have only one way in now. Besides, I'm feeling oddly relaxed and soothed. I think it's my wet clothes drying on my body or something. I dunno. Me is stupid."

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In the Cave

Iso: :blink:(Uhhhhh ...)

Kiev had moved to one of the walls near the entrance and lied down. He made sure to curl himself a bit so that Irina would be comfortable too. She didn't like packing bedrolls so she always chose to either sleep atop the wyvern in the saddle, or rest up against his stomach which tended to be warm. After Irina removed her armor, she quickly crawled up next to Kiev and closed her eyes. She was a bit hungry, but was too sleepy to enjoy a meal. Kiev's paw gently came down around her torso, and his claws rested on the ground in front of her. A moment later, his right wing slowly fanned out over her like a blanket, and then he too closed his eyes and nodded off.

Once they had entered the cave, Levski found a better place to lie Damian besides the back of the saddle. He wasn't sure who the bedroll belonged to, but he was more concerned with the man's safety.

Viveka had avoided getting too soaked, but she wasn't going to risk changing clothes without some proper cover. She first dragged Levski, Krinkov, and both pegasi over to a corner, then had Levski untie the cases so she could retrieve some clothes, and finally, she turned him away while she used all three animals for cover. Before she even changed, she took a container of extra water and doused herself. She washed and scrubbed rapidly, and after drying off, she changed into a long sleeved white sweater, and a pair of light blue shorts. Once she was done, she tied her hair back into a ponytail and returned to the main group. Levski of course liked the wardrobe change as usual.

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As Alferis was rummaging through his bag, he thought he heard a couple of people nearby. He looked behind him and saw Helios and Aiya changing, Aiya in all her naked glory. He turned away, trying to burn away the image and hoped she didn't notice. He found a clean pair of pants and quickly put it on while still having trouble finding his shirt, his face flushed with a red hue.

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Derek & Eric

"Idiot knights, then," Derek said, cleaning his gauntlets now. "What nation? Also, I'm not surprised, General. Knight armor lets less water in. A benefit to compensate for less mobility. Or so I heard."

Eric had removed his coat and placed it by the fire, and was now in a corner, scribbling on a partially dry notebook.

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"Warm, yay. <3 Tired." Rita layed her head on Iso's chest, and stared at the flames flickering, waiting to fall asleep.



Entering the cave, Pary pulled off his jacket, hanging it to dry. "*sigh* Anyone hungry? I guess I could make something before we sleep."

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'So far so good.'

A couple of people had passed by, but luckily, so far, none of them had bothered to look into the nook in the wall which Aiya had hidden herself with.

As she looked out, however, her eyes met another pair, belonging to Alferis.

Her mind went blank for a second, as her face was turned a scarlet to shame her own blazing hair.

Panic, confusion. She wasn't accustomed to such a situation. Oblivious, for the moment, to the attention it would draw, the natural reaction to attempt to preserve her modesty.

"Kyaaaah! Goawaygoawaygoawaygoawaygoaway!" Her words were slurred by the speed that they had left her mouth, as her left arm moved to cover her chest, conveniently enough causing the clothing she held to cover... the rest.

Her right hand darted for something to forcibly avert Alferis' gaze, whixh she had not noticed had already turned aside in her panic.

As her right hand gripped the steel breastplate, Aiya hurled it at Alferis face without a second thought!

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"Ow!" he said, as the breastplate struck him across the face. He spat out a tooth and rubbed his jaw.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were here! I'm sorry!" he said, rubbing his jaw and trying to find his shirt, without much luck. He hid behind a rock, ready to deflect anymore projectiles.

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Esphyr cocked an eyebrow as the sounds of Aiya's panic filtered through to the front of the cave. Part of her wanted to rush back and help out Aiya, and another part said that Aiya was her competition and that she deserved it for going back to change without doing everything in her power to preserve her modesty... and it would likely kill her sex drive for at least a day or two. That part happened to be the part which won out, causing Esphyr to do little more than sigh and roll over.


Meanwhile, the Headmaster was still passed out, lying wherever she had been placed. With good reason. A conk on the head is a very painful thing, and until the throbbing went down, resting was simply less painful than anything else.

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Charlotte huddled near Eric and the fire, struggling to keep warm. She looked over at him wirting in a notebook "Keeping a journal?" she asked him.

Morgan wheezed and coughed up something phlegmy. She found her way over to Tessa, who was looking rather anxious. "Do you wish to do your interview now? It is only you and Katie left, and now is as good a time as any."

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Aiya heard the impact of her makeshift projectile, and instinct continued to win over, as her right hand gripped it's next weapon, and flung it.

Luckily for Alferis, the combat dagger was secured in it's sheath, as it clanged against the rock mere inches from his head, landing in his lap.

"Hnh?" Aiya peeked out to make sure that the offending watcher had been subdued, only to realize how loud that whole display must have been.

Her face grew impossibly scarlet, and she quickly ducked even further into her hiding spot, and hastily threw her new clothing on.

With a deep breath, she poked her head out of the cranny, and asked;

"Alferis? Are you okay? I p-panicked... I hope I didn't hit you too hard..."

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"It's fine. You only knocked out a tooth," he said, spitting out a bit of blood. "I should've known you were in there though. Sorry about that," he said sheepishly as he finally found his shirt and put it on.

"Whew. You're dressed now. Sorry if I looked at you a little too long. It's just I really never truly saw a woman's...anyway, let's get going. Oh yeah, here's your knife."

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"S-sorry if y-you...?" Aiya started to comprehend the words.

"Sorry if I looked at you a little too long."

'H-He was actually...!?'

Panic. How familiar the sensation was this day, as Aiya's body took defensive measures.

She caught herself this time. He was being honest, he could have lied, he could have... she didn't want to think about it.

Stopping her body's counteractive defense, she realized first by the startled and... scared? look on Alferis face, as she realized her foot had been flying towards him, stopping precariously close to his throat.

"Ahh... I'm sorry... I'm still a bit jumpy..."

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"It's fine. I really shouldn't have done that," he said, looking away.

"You hungry? I got some food in my pack. Not a lot though. But enough to last me for a couple more days," said Alferis, walking back towards the fire.

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"Uh... a little bit," he said, looking at Aiya. "I'm going to go to bed now," said Alferis, pulling out bedroll and unfolding it. He moved back from the fire a little and climbed in, glad for the warmth.

"Good night. Oh yeah, if you want any food, you can some from my pack. Just don't take too much," he said.

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Hearing shrieks from the rear of the cave were presumably changing, Kelas decided to avoid all that nonsense, instead ducking behind Amari and wrapping herself in a blanket in order to quickly change into dry clothes. She unbraided her hair in order to let it dry and sat down by Isotov again, ready to take the first watch.

"Oh good, we found some kindling-- gah!" she broke off, noticing Rita. "Where did she come from?!"

OOC: Kelas is mainly worried that Rita will try to attach herself to her.

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Chase took off his cape, and ringed it out, spreading it on the ground and lying down on it. "I wish i had some more clothes... Oh well. I guess I'll just have to sleep like this..."

After a few minutes of attempting to sleep, Chase got up and frowned, he approached Viveka, asking, "How many bedrolls did you bring in those?"

Conrad opened his own pack, taking out what appeared to be a large bundle of cotton tied together by a sting. Untying it, he unfolded a large bedroll, spread it out a few yards away from the fire, and dozed off.

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Having fallen asleep, Rita began talking in her sleep. "Mmm, so warm and comfy." She pulled Iso closer to herself, laying her head on his chest. One hand was on his neck.

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"...I am slightly worried about what happens when she wakes up. She seems to be convinced that I'm a man." Kelas couldn't help but stare for a moment. "...Judging by how she's acting with you, I probably should be worried," she muttered after a moment.

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Iso: Well I should be worried. (Please don't let Katie wake up and see this ...) Wait, why does she think you're a man?


Viveka: Bedrolls? ... three ... I think.

Susann soon appeared and she was pushing one of the orange cases over the ground with her head. She finally stopped when the case was beside Viveka. Illiam did the same with the other case.

Viveka: Oh, thanks.

She quickly dove in and took out not one, not two, but three bedrolls.

Viveka: ... the third one was Lucille's ... ... ... here.

She handed him one of them. She smiled to keep the sadness well at bay.

Viveka: You can use mine.

EDIT: Added Stuff

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"Oh... I'm sorry," he muttered, looking down at the ground. That was so stupid of me... Now I feel like a jerk. "Thanks for the bedroll, though."

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