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Procrastinating is my favorite thing!

Seriously, I do it all the time, except for lately I haven't done it much due to school being interesting.

Oh shi- Im a nerd

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Ouch. Forbade taking more than half the normal amount? That would make it a LOT harder to graduate on time, and to get your GPA back up. Whadda beach.

So, the standard class loadout would amount to umm... approximately 13--16 credits. (3-4 classes)

Because her GPA was so low, the school only allowed her to take 8-10 credits I believe, so as to give more time to focus on the small number of classes. (2-3 classes)

Yes, it would seem as though the policy would prefer that you slow down the pace and pick yourself back up rather than being ground down again. Plus, with a huge confidence and ego hit, it might be better to slow down instead of just burning and wasting away.

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So, the standard class loadout would amount to umm... approximately 13--16 credits. (3-4 classes)

Because her GPA was so low, the school only allowed her to take 8-10 credits I believe, so as to give more time to focus on the small number of classes. (2-3 classes)

Yes, it would seem as though the policy would prefer that you slow down the pace and pick yourself back up rather than being ground down again. Plus, with a huge confidence and ego hit, it might be better to slow down instead of just burning and wasting away.

Hmph... Let me tell you something good. In our world, as human beings, It's better to burn out than to fade away...

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Oh, really?

This is a problem with procrastination.

I have to say that my freshman year in college forced me to develop some discipline. I'm still terrible with getting things like research position applications completed, though.

But I have a 3.7 and screw standardized tests.

Also, to whoever asked what school it was, its actually a really good school and is more challenging than other public schools. Its basically a poor version of a private school in content.

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I procrastinated through freshman year, and my grades did indeed suffer. I was always in a rush to finish some piece of homework right before the class it was due--sometimes the moment before.

Oddly enough, the problem was solved for me. I have to stay after school for 1 1/2 hours, and since I'm only involved in one club, oftentimes I'm so bored I think "ugh, may as well do my homework."

It's always finished when I get home. Consequently, sophomore year has been a smooth operation.

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I procrastinate a LOT. For example, most of my projects are done... 3 days before submission, and usually finished the night before. I also tend to finish up my work in school before lessons as well.

Which reminds me, I need to go study for my EOYs.

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I used to be an awful procrastinator, unless I wanted to do something I'd leave it right up until the can't-avoid-it-anymore stage but since I've arrived at university I've been running my life competently. So far. I haven't actually be assigned anything yet, though.

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Well i have been procrastinating so far this year. Usually do my science and math homework in lunch. (science is the nesxt class...) And i've been leaving the assignments until the day before its due. However i have promised my self to put more attention to this.

An 79 in english ;_; :facepalm:

An 85 in science :sob: WHY!!!!!!!!!!1 I want a 95~100 :sob: The thing that makes me even more mad is the fact that i have seen the topics in this class before :facepalm:

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