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If you were a laguz, what type would you be?


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If it was in an existing game, I'd say black dragon since they're badass.

HOWEVER, if I could be it in real life, Hawk most definitely, I'd love to just jump off skyscrapers and fly though the air...

Oh, and if it wasn't one of the existing tribes, a monkey

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I'd be either Heron or Hawk. I like the whole "read people's thoughts" kind of thing( and heron galdr just seems..fun somhow) but i like to be able to fight i guess and Hawks are cool cuz they are honorable. Im leaning more towards heron though.

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But you probably already knew that.

I'd be a Raven Laguz, for reasons I don't need to go into...

I honestly don't know which one suprised me more :P

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I would prefer to be a wolf, but I would guess I would fit the description of a Raven more, due to my not as large as Muarim/Mordecai build and my black hair. It has nothing to do with my money laundering ways.

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