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Serenes Forest: The "Live Action" Movie


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From the twisted minds of Fireman, Zephrion(now replaced by Songbird), and Nightmare, we present:

When Worlds Collide: The Merging of the Heroes of Serenes with the Heroes of Other Worlds Fighting to the Death to Bring About Peace in the Forsaken Land Known as Serenes.

An FNZ Production...


Prologue: The Warp

Cra Latem is standing atop the sacred altar in Serenes. He is wearing a large, hooded cloak, so his face is hidden in shadows.

Cra: Time for me to screw up the universe....Heh heh heh....

*Reyson flies on to the altar*

Reyson: Who are you? You are not allowed upon this sacred altar! Only the royalty and-

Cra: *waves his finger Jedi-style* These are not the droids you are looking for.

*Reyson obeys and remains silent*

Cra: Hm...It worked....I've got mad Jedi skills! Now to screw up the universe.

Cra places his two palms against the flat surface of the altar top and chants something in the ancient tongue. A bright flash of light engulfs the entire universe in a matter of seconds.

(Reyson is now a mindless minion of Cra)

Reyson: Master....What has just happened?

Cra: I just blended the different dimensions together. Mua ha ha ha ha ha!

Reyson: That is a brilliant plan master.

Cra: Yes it is. Now those fools of Serene have merged with random people from other worlds.

Reyson: What do you mean sir?

Cra: Yep. Some people will merely act a little like the person they merge with. Others will forget their own name. Others will take on the appearance of the person they merge with. And there are those who have combinations of the above traits.

Reyson: What will happen now?

Cra: With all the chaos that I've just created, I doubt those Serenes idiots will survive before they find me.

*on ground level, The Punisher is hiding in the shadows, listening intently*

Punisher: ...

*Cra spots the Punisher*

Cra: Reyson! Capture him!

The Punisher gets in his car and starts driving away really fast. Reyson transforms into his heron form and pursues him with bloody-minded determination. The hider is driving through trees and bushes, unable to focus on finding a clear path since Reyson is following him. The Punisher, realizing the danger of driving blindly through the forest at night, stops the car and gets out. He loads his gun and shoots Reyson's wing. Reyson falls to the floor and loses consciousness. The Punisher gets back into his car and drives away. 15 minutes later, Cra finds Reyson's unconscious body.

Cra: Right...I forgot how fragile you herons are....Then again, I also underestimated The Punisher.

Cra: Frost!

*Frost appears out of the shadows*

Frost: Yes Master?

Cra: I want The Punisher dead.

Frost: It will be my pleasure.

Cra: Also, I want you to capture those Serenes Mercenaries. Namely Priscilla and her crew.

Frost: Yes Master.

*Frost disappears into the shadows*

Cra: Rua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

-in a bar-

Punisher: *thinking* I'd rather battle him alone...but I know even I can't do this by myself. I'm going to need to recruit some help. By now....the people of Serenes have probably been captured by Cra. That means the only place to turn to now for help is Goldoa. It's time to put together a team.


TO BE CONTINUED BY ACT 1: The Punisher Meets The Princess and Master Soren

Edited by Fireman
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Act 1: The Punisher Meets The Princess and Master Soren

-1 week later, in Gallia-

*Princess Kilvas is walking down the streets with a five-year old Soren*

Princess: We've been walking for hours and we still haven't seen any people!

Soren: ....

Princess: Hmmm.....Why am I walking? I can fly....

*Princess starts flapping her wings*

Princess: There, much better.

Soren: ....

Princess: Are you tired too, Winds?

Soren: ....

Princess: Come on. I'll give you a lift.

*Soren climbs onto Princess's back*

Princess: Where to now?

*Soren starts pulling Princess's hair*

Princess: What is it?

Soren: ....*points to a man with a bow and arrow behind them*

*The Punisher fires an arrow at them*

*Princess quickly turns into a raven and dodges*

Princess: What was that for? *turns back into her humanoid form*

Punisher: Thought you were kidnapping the boy. My bad. *puts away bow and arrow*

Princess: Do you know where everybody is? There aren't any villagers or citizens anywhere!

Punisher: It's because of The Warp. Some people have disappeared. Others have become completely different people, like me. I used to be someone from Serenes, I think....

Princess: Really? I don't feel any different.

Punisher: Why is it that you are the only one in miles that hasn't changed at all?

Princess: I was wondering the exact same thing.

Punisher: Hmmm....Could this be.....Providence?

Princess: Providence? ....Perhaps.....

Punisher: I think I know who I am...or was....

Princess: Oh yeah! This is Master Soren, or as I like to call him: Winds.

Soren: ....*waves*

Punisher: Feels like I've met him before.

*Soren bites Punishers' hand*

Princess: He's really hungry.

Punisher: I can tell.

Soren: *drooling* ....

Punisher: I have some Cheez its in the car if you guys want them.

Princess: Yay! Cheese Nips!

Punisher: No. They're Cheez its. There's a difference.

Princess: If you say so....crazy....

*The Punisher's car explodes*

Princess: There goes the Cheese Nips.

Punisher: They're Cheese Its!

Princess: Whatever....crazy....

Punisher: Quiet. Don't move.

*a bullet zooms past Raven's right cheek*

Princess: If my face had moved one inch to my left...I would have....

*Princess gulps at the thought of what might have happened*

Punisher: Run. I'll take care of these guys.

Princess: I can fight too!

Punisher: No. You're at a disadvantage in the sky. Take the boy and fly towards the nearest island! An ally will meet you there!

Princess: *stares at little Soren* Right!

Soren: ....

Princess: Don't worry Soren. He'll be okay. He's The Punisher.

*The Punisher gets hit in the shoulder by a bullet*

Punisher: I'm okay.

Princess Kilvas transforms into a raven. While holding Soren in her claws, she starts flying south, towards Goldoa. The Punisher takes out a sniper rifle and hides behind a large rock.

Punisher: ....

The Punisher aims his sniper rifle at one of the many masked assailants and presses the trigger. A flock of pigeons fly away to the sound of gunshots.


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Awesomeness =D

Ha! My brother thought he invented that word himself!

Nice story! Hee hee... Little Soren doesn't say a thing!... Though he is only 5.

Can't wait to read more. :)

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Act 2: The Gathering

Princess is in raven form, flying towards Goldoa with Soren riding on her back.

Princess: Hey, uh.....you should put on a seat belt. It might be dangerous riding without one.

Soren: ....

Princess: Right....I don't have seat belts....Well, can you improvise.

*Soren plucks out some feathers from Princess and makes a hat with it*

*Soren puts the hat on his head*

Soren: ....

Princess: Hey, I see a ship. Shall we land?

*Soren nodds his head*

*Princess lands onto the ship dock and Soren gently gets off*

*Kid is mopping the deck while Lover and Peppy are sipping lemonade and getting tans*

Kid: Why am I doing all the work?!

Lover: Because you were ordered by Gawd.

Kid: That's really getting old, y'know?

Lover: So is your mom!


*Peppy and Lover slap each other high fives*

Kid: This will all be worth it when I get to see the beatuiful and talented princess....

Princess: Umm....hi. *waves*

Kid: It's the- And she's- Oh my God! Lover! Peppy! It's the Princess of Kilvas!

Lover: Don't wet your pants Kid.

Peppy: Do A BARRELL ROLL instead!

Princess: Can you guys take me to Goldoa?

Lover: We're going there as well. Were you told to go there to for some "gathering"?

Princess: I think...Also, this is my buddy, Winds.

Soren: ....*waves*

Lover: *pats Soren's head* Hey there-

*Soren bites Lover's hand*

Princess: He's hungry.

Lover: I can tell. There's a buffet in the cabin below. Peppy, take him down there. And don't make him do a barrel roll!

Peppy: 'Kay...

*Soren follows Peppy downstairs*

Kid: So....Princess....*tries to lower his voice* I was thinking, you and I-

*Lover shoves Kid out of the way*

Lover: Hey, here's my number. Call me if-

*Kid punches Lover in the jaw, knocking him to the floor*

Kid: How about you and I go out for-

*Lover gets up and tackles Kid to the floor*

Kid: Get off me! She's my woman!

Lover: She never said she was your woman!

Kid: Hey! You keep your hands on Joan! And I'll keep my hands on Princess!

Lover: I'll tell you where you can put your hands!

*Lover and Kid start punching each other*

Princess: So...do you go through this everyday?

captain: Pretty much...

-meanwhile, in a pyramid in Egypt-

Bowser: Joan, why are we even here!?

Joan: It's Indiana Joan now young man!

Bruce: ....

Bowser: Why is this guy here?

Joan: He's Bruce Banner!

Bruce: ....

Bowser: Why did you pick him of all people to accompnay us?!

Joan: Because he's The Incredible Hulk! He'll smash all the boulder booby traps or something.

Bruce: ....

Bowser: But what if he gets angry at...unwanted times.

Joan: Doubt that's gonna happen...

Bruce: ....

Joan: Anyway, he should be able to transform in a more controlled manner now.

Bowser: I hope you're right....

Joan: Of course I know right! I'm Indiana Joan: The Goddess of Treasure! Mua ha ha ha ha!

*the room starts collapsing due to the sudden increase in the noise*

Bowser: Oh you're something all right....

-meanwhile, back on the ship-

captain: Land ho!

Kid: What did you call me?!

captain: uggh.....Goldoa straight ahead!

*the ship stops when it reaches the shores of Goldoa*

*Everyobdy, but the captain gets off*

captain: Come back alive now!

Lover: We're just going to be talking.

captain: Hey...the unexpected happens everywhere nowadays....


captain: That's what I'm talking about....

Princess: Come on Soren.

*Princess and Soren walk off the ship*

Kid: Damn....Why does that kid get to accompany Princess off the ship?

Peppy: Because he DID A BARRELL ROLL!

Lover: Shut up Peppy....

*Kid slips and falls on the sand*

Peppy: If he had DONE A BARRELL ROLL, this wouldn't have happened.

Lover: You know...I'm gonna have to agree with that.

*a bald man walks out of the forest and onto the shore*

Patrick: Welcome, friends. You have all been gathered here today to fight the Dark One.

Lover: Sounds like Star Wars....

Peppy: DO...A.....BARRELL....ROLL....

Kid: That's it Peppy!

Kid starts strangling Peppy, Lover starts flirting with Princess, and Soren wanders into the forest.

Patrick: I have a feeling we're not going to cooperate really well....

TO BE CONTINUED BY ACT 3: Down in the Pits

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Hilarious! Can't wait for the next part.

Sorry that this is completely off topic, but I made my new sig so similar to yours that I almost thought I double-posted without remembering... I hope it doesn't bug you that they look so similar.

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Sorry that this is completely off topic, but I made my new sig so similar to yours that I almost thought I double-posted without remembering... I hope it doesn't bug you that they look so similar.

IT BUGS ME. I look at it and im like "Ah! A post princess made! Oh wait, NO IT ISNT."

XD nah im kidding!

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IT BUGS ME. I look at it and im like "Ah! A post princess made! Oh wait, NO IT ISNT."

XD nah im kidding!

Even though you said just kidding, I don't like doing things that is getting myself confused. I think I'm making a new sig again...

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Act 3: Down in the Pits

*Patrick has chained Peppy, Lover, and Kid to three different trees*

*Princess is sitting on a log*

*Soren is nowhere to be seen*

Kid: This isn't necessary, you know?

Patrick: Actually, it is. We've already wasted an hour with your tom-foolery!

Kid: Our what?

Lover: He means he didn't want to waste more time with us being all jackass-like.

Kid: Ohhh....

Patrick: Thank you, Lover. At least you're literate.

Lover: You flatter me. I'm also currently working on a novel.

Princess: Writing?

Lover: Reading.

Patrick: Back to the business at hand. I'm here to tell you all of what occurred exactly 1 week ago. 1 week ago, the event which we call The Warp occurred. A dark being known as Cra Latem stepped onto the forbidden altar. He used its magic to alter the entire universe. For instance, Kid, you used to be some guy who liked to use mages and sages in some game called Ice Emblem.

Princess: *raises hand* Actually, it's...Fire Emblem....

Patrick: Moving on....Now, to put it simply, all of you used to be someone else. Now, due to The Warp, all of your identities have become merged with identities from other planes. Cra, the dark one, has also been the source of the disappearance of many people. That is why you don't see any dragons here. There are 4 rules to "the merging".

1)Your appearance either stays the same or you look exactly like the being whom you merged with.

2)Everyone who merged with another being will not remember their original name unless some cataclysmic event occurs in which the memory of their name is restored.

3)Some of your original characteristics will remain intact. For instance, Lover, you still love the woman who claims to be the Goddess and Peppy, you still say that dreaded "Barrel Roll" phrase.

4)You will obtain some, if not all, of the skills of the being you merged with. For instance, when that "Goddess girl" merged with Indiana Jones, she gained the skill to swing a whip while theme music plays and that assassin man who merged with The Punisher became an expert on weaponry, such as guns. Also, he gained the knowledge of how to drive a car.

And that's the 4 rules.

*Kid looks dazed and confused*

Kid: Umm....Can you write this down for me?

Peppy: I stopped listening after Rule 1....

Lover: *wakes up with drool on his lower lip* Huh? What?! Whadda I miss?

Princess: Wait. I still feel the same.

Patrick: That's correct. Nothing has changed about you. You always have and still are Princess Kilvas.

Princess: Why am I the only one that wasn't affected by The Warp?

Patrick: I wish I knew....I'll be right back!

*Patrick leaves*

-meanwhile, back in the pyramid in Egypt-

Joan: Thank the goddess we made it out of that collapsing room in time. It's a good thing Joker showed up and rescued us....with his hilarious sense of humor!

Joker: Yeah! My jokes are to die for!*laughs maniacally*

*Joan joins in on the laughter*

Bowser: Yeah...*mockingly* Heh heh heh- Can we just get this over with people?!

Joker: Killjoy....See what I did there? *starts laughing maniacally again*

Joan: *laughing* This guys is just too hilarious!

Bruce: ...

Joan: Bruce is right, though. Let's get serious.

Bowser: Finally...

Joan: Careful....That skull is probably booby-tapped. If you take it out too slow, you may die. Heh heh....I said booby....

Bowser: Tell me again why I'm the one doing this?

Joan: Because you're Bowser! The only thing that can take you down is a fat Italian dude and his oddly shaped brother!

Bowser: True....Here goes!

*Bowser reaches for the glass skull*

-meanwhile, back in Goldoa-

Princess: Did anyone notice where Winds ran off to?

Kid: He wandered off into the forest....

Princess: What?! I hope he's okay. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to him....

Lover: Heh. Looks like you lost your lover to a five year old, Kid.

Kid: Shut up Lover!


Lover: You know...we've always told Peppy to shut up and stop saying that, but have we ever tried doing a barrel roll?

Kid: Guess we got nothing to lose.

*Kid does a barrel roll and rolls off the cliff*

Lover: Right....So that's why we don't do barrel rolls.

*Princess transforms into a raven and rescues Kid from plummeting to his death*

Kid: *blushing* Thanks....

Lover: Some "masculine hero" you are!

Kid: You know what Lover?! I don't like your attitude!

*Kid gets off Princess and falls into a quicksand trap*

*Princess reverts to her humanoid form*

Peppy: Didn't see that coming. But do you wanna know what I did see coming?

Lover: I'm almost afraid to ask...

Peppy: Lover doing A BARRELL ROLL!

Lover: Not even over my dead body!

Kid: Which should be in about a minute!

Lover: Too bad you're stuck in quicksand!

Kid: You're really pissing me off today, Lover.

Lover: I'm sorry. I'm suffering from lack of love....

Kid: Fine...I can sort of understood....

Lover: Group hug!

*everyone jumps into the quicksand pit and hug each other*

Lover: Kid....

Kid: Yes?

Lover: We're all stuck in the quicksand now! *slaps Kid's head*

Kid: Hey! You recommended a hug!

Peppy: Do a barrel roll!

Kid and Lover: SHUT UP!

*Soren walks out of the forest holding a large, glowing staff with a glass jewel on the top*

Princess: Winds! Can you get us out of here?

Soren: ....

*Soren slowly walks back into the forest*

Princess: I'm starting to wonder if Master Soren likes me or not.

Kid: I wonder if you like me or not.

Lover: I just wonder where he got that cool-looking staff....

Peppy: Hey, um....whose butt am I touching?

Lover: Uhhhhh.....*slowly raises his hand*

Peppy: This conversation never happened.

everyone: Agreed.

TO BE CONTINUED BY ACT 4: A little adventurer's little adventure

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