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Serenes Forest: The "Live Action" Movie


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Act 8: Ensnared


*The Hulk rips off a piece of a pyramid next to him*

*He throws it at Joan*


Lover: He can't possibly hope to hit Joan from that distance! He must be at least 50 feet away!

*the pyramid piece hits Joan's motorcycle*

*the motorcycle explodes, knocking Joan off it*

*Joan is now unconscious*

Lover: He really did it....I guess that's one way to stop her....

*The Hulk rips off another piece of the pyramid and throws it at Bowser*

*Bowser dodges by moving his motorcycle to the left*

*Bowser takes out a gun, which sprays out a haze of smoke*

The Hulk gradually shifts back into his normal human form, Bruce, after he realizes that Bowser has escaped.

Bruce: ....

Lover: Don't worry. Kid and Peppy are following him. He won't get away.

Bruce: ...

Lover: Have you seen Soren?

Bruce: ...

Lover: Uh-oh....

-at the cabin in Goldoa-

*Gevanni is standing in front of the cabin*

Gevanni: Hmmm...Door's locked.

*Gevanni takes out a lockpick*

*Gevanni uses his lockpick to open the door*

*the door opens*

Gevanni: *using the communicator in his left ear* Near...I'm inside.

Near: *via communicator* Good. Now start taking pictures.

Gevanni: Understood.

*Gevanni takes out a small device from his right ear*

*the device is a camera the size of his fingernail*

*Gevanni clicks on the small button on the side of the camera device and takes several pictures of the cabin and the lifeless bodies of Patrick and Batman*

Gevanni: Alright. What do you think, Near?

*Near is playing with a Marth figurine and a toy fire truck*

Near: Gevanni. Wait where you are. I'll send in the special ops to take the two bodies back to headquarters. They should be there within the hour if there isn't any turbulence.

Gevanni: Understood.

-meanwhile, nightime-

*Peppy and Kid are now in some unknown village*

Peppy: We're lost, aren't we?!

Kid: No...I'm pretty sure he went through here.....My princess senses are tingling....

*Peppy and Kid continue to walk through the empty village*

Kid: Strange....Why is this village abandoned?

Peppy: Maybe they all did BOX ROLLS INSTEAD OF BARELL ROLLS!!!

Kid: .....Uh-huh.....Look at this!

*Bowser's motorcycle is parked in front of one of the village huts*

Peppy: That jerk is gonna get his motorcycle towed if he leaves it here.

*Kid slaps Peppy's head*

Peppy: What?!

Kid: Quit-

*in the dark alleyway, they see Bowser running away*

Kid: That way!

*Kid and Peppy chase Bowser through the dark alleyway*

After several turns, Bowser finally manages to lose them.

Kid: Damn! Where is he!?!

*they hear the sound of a door slamming shut*

Peppy: There!

*Kid and Peppy run in through the door that just slammed shut*

*the room is pitch-black*

Kid: What is this place?

Peppy: Looks like some sort of abandoned church.

The torches on the walls suddenly light up, revealing large hordes of demons crawling along the walls and ceiling and in the center of the room, a man wearing a long, black cape. Aristocratic clothing can be seen under his cape. His skin is as pale as chalk. His hair is a jet black, long and curly. His name is Dracula.

Dracula: Welcome, friends! You have made it just in time...for dinner.

*the demons start drawing closer*

Kid: There must be at least fifty of them....Ah man.....

Peppy: Kid...

Kid: Yeah?

Peppy: I think this was a trap...

Kid: You think!?!

One of the demons lunge at Peppy. Peppy takes out his scythe and slashes off the head of the demon. Kid fires a large fireball at one of the demons and burns it to ashes. Kid and Peppy proceed to kill all the other demons. After 15 minutes of head-slicing and fireball-shooting, it appears that all the demons have been slain.

Dracula: Let the feast begin!

Peppy: Feast on this!

*Peppy throws his scythe at Dracula*

*Dracula dodges it*

*the scythe hits the wall*

Peppy: Shit.

*more hordes of demons materialize out of the shadows*

*the other demons slowly continue their advance on Peppy and Kid*

Peppy: More shit....

Kid: Damn...I'm out of energy. I can't cast anymore spells.

Peppy: And my scythe is at the other side of the room!

Kid: Looks like this is the end.


To be continued by Act 9: Turn of Events

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Lol at the Hulk taking down Joan easily. Poor Joan. =/


I can tell who wrote that part. XD

Yeah...Like Nightmare said, that was me writing the Dracula part....But Nightmare provided the inspiration and idea! Plus, he edited out one of the sentences! =D

Edited by Fireman
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*Bowser and Joan both take two motorcycles out of their small handbags and put it on the floor*

(And yes, that defied logic.)


Ha! Dracula! I like vampires.

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Act 9: Turn of Events


Dracula: Hahahaha! You have no hope for surviving!

Peppy: That's some news!


Peppy: What's wrong with you?!

Kid: What's wrong?! WHAT'S WRONG?! Look around us and tell if anything is NOT wrong!

Peppy: Oh...right...

Kid: ...

Dracula: I have matters to attend to... *he transforms into a flock of bats and flies out of a hole in the church*

*the torches go out*

Kid: Oh great, he's probably going to come back with MORE of his friends!

The demons walk towards Kid and Peppy very slowly.

Peppy: Uh...Kid? What are they doing...?

Kid: ...Not sure...maybe they want to scare us...?

Peppy: I-it sure is working, isn't it?

Kid: Yeah...I-I guess...

One of the demons suddenly lunges at Kid.

Kid: AHHHH!! *Tries to block with his arms*

The demon suddenly falls to the ground in mid-air.

Kid: ....*Shaking*

Peppy: Kid...look! *He points to the axe in the demon's back*

Kid: ...I'm not dead...?

Peppy: No...what happened...?

Kid: Why have all the demons stopped? What are they staring at...?

Peppy: It's too dark...I can't see...

A bolt of lightning bathes the whole church in brilliant radiance. A tall, muscular figure can be seen in the center of the church.

???: ...

Kid: ...!!! Wh...who are you?!

???: I am...Simon Belmont...

-meanwhile, at the former SPK headquarters-

Rester: Near. You have a call.

Near: Place the phone to my ear.

In the meantime, Near is holding two empty dice boxes. Rester puts the phone to Near's ear.

*Near hears the Simon theme*

Near: Rester.

Rester: Yes?

Near: Why am I hearing the Simon theme?

Rester: Perhaps Simon has just made a heroic apperance somewhere in the world right when two of the main heroes were about to be killed...

Near: ...

Lidner: ...

Near: Rester.

Rester: Yes?

Near: Stick to your guns.

Rester: Alright...

-back at the church-

Peppy: Who?

Simon: It matters not! *He brandishes his whip*

Simon gets into a combat pose. He then jumps towards the demons and whips them, a holy flash coming from the point he whipped the demons each time.

Kid: Whoa! He's powerful!

Simon: Hmph! *Looks around*

Simon takes out a set of daggers and throws them at several demons. He then takes out an axe and throws it at a demon on the ceiling. Afterwards, he proceeds to kill more demons with his whip.

Simon: There are too many...hmm...what to do...

Kid: Hurry! They're gonna kill us!

Simon: Patience! *He takes out a crucifix* By the might of God...

Peppy: Whoa...what's he gonna do?

Kid: Dunno...

Simon: *Holds the crucifix tightly for a few moments in front of his heart with both hands* ...I shall rid this world of your existence! *He jumps high into the air and takes a pose*


A gigantic cross made of pure holy energy appears behind Simon. Its power is so overwhelming that the ground, walls and ceilings get covered in lightning-patterned holy energy, and the church starts crumbling. It emits a blinding radiance.Kid: GAH! COVER YOUR EYES! *Covers his eyes*

Peppy: *Does the same*

The cross and the radiance all disappear, alongside the demons. Simon falls down from his position in the air. Most of the church is in ruins now.

Simon: *Kneeling with one leg, one of his hands on the ground* ...

Kid: *Looks at Simon in awe* ...Whoa...

Peppy: *Is drooling* How...?

Simon: *Gets up and walks over to the two* Here. *Extends his hand to help them up* Are you alright?

Kid: *Takes his hand and gets up* Th-thanks...

Peppy: *Does the same* How...how did you do all that?!

Simon: I am Simon Belmont.

Peppy: Uh-huh...so that's why you could do all that?

Simon: Yes, that is the reason. I am from the Belmont lineage of vampire hunters. My family have been hunting vampires and the creatures of the night for centuries to come.

Kid: But that still doesn't explain how you're so uber!!

Simon: Pardon me?

Kid: Um...how the hell are you so powerful? What was all that light? And that whip?

Simon: You seem to have much on your mind. I'm sure I will have a chance to explain it all to you later on. But right now, the night is young...there's work to be done! *Turns around to leave*

Kid: Wait! Can we come with you?

Simon: ...The road ahead is a dangerous one.

Peppy: Not with you on our side! Besides, we need all the help we can get!

Simon: Is that so? What are you planning to do?

Kid: Um...well see...

-one long explanation later-

Simon: I...see...no doubt Dracula has a hand in these evil schemes.

Peppy: Yeah! So if you come and help us, you'll be saving the world AND defeating Dracula at the same time!

Simon: Of course. You can count on me.

Kid: YES! *He strikes the typical "yes" pose*

Simon: Then let us be on our way...

*Kid hears a static noise in his walkie talkie*

Kid: I forgot I had this. Yo! Wassup? Over.

Bruce: ....

Kid: That was Bruce. He said he and Lover will meet us here as soon as they find Soren.

Simon: Excellent. Let us sit and wait!

*Simon, Kid, and Peppy sit down on the floor*

Kid: ....

Simon: ...

Peppy: ....Are they here yet?

Kid: NO!

Peppy: Y'know, you don't have to use that tone with me all the time!

Kid: ...Sorry....

Simon: ...


To be continued by Act 9.25: To Chase a Butterfly

Edited by Fireman
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*Near hears the Simon theme*

Near: Rester.

Rester: Yes?

Near: Why am I hearing the Simon theme?

Rester: Perhaps Simon has just made a heroic apperance somewhere in the world right when two of the main heroes were about to be killed...

lol, the theme song? That's funny!

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Following act may include shameless advertising of pizza.

Act 9.25: To Chase a Butterfly

-earlier in the day-

Kid and Peppy have gone off to look for Bowser. Soren is lying on his back on the sand when he spots a pretty, blue butterfly. For some unexplainable reason, Soren has the sudden urge to chase it. He feels as if the butterfly is calling out to him. Soren uses the staff Lila gave him to help himself get up. Without hesitation, he begins to follow the butterfly. He walks for what feels like several hours. Soren finally collapses from exhaustion. As Soren loses consciousness, he starts to forget why he even decided to wander away from Lover and the comfort of the jet.

-present time, night time-

Soren wakes up to feeling a gentle breeze in a dense forest. A small kitty is standing in front of him. After the kitty notices that Soren is awake, it turns around and starts to walk away. Soren, who is starving, bites the kitty's tail. The kitty gets angry and throws Soren off and onto the ground. It starts sniffing Soren as though to discern whether Soren is an enemy or not. The kitty stops sniffing Soren and gives him a nod of approval. Soren, overjoyed, gets on all fours and starts to follow the kitty through the forest, imitating the kitty's actions. After 10 minutes of crawling through the forest, Soren's stomach grumbles. The kitty signals for Soren to follow it. Soren obeys, desperately hoping that it is leading him to a chocolate fountain.

The kitty leads Soren to a small cabin located deep in the forest. On an open window-sill, is a hot, steaming pizza with cheese and pepperoni. Soren frowns. He was expecting a chocolate fountain. Inside the cabin are two men, talking in a hushed tone.

Raven: Wow. This pizza looks tasty. Did you make this?

Mike: It's one of my awesome talents. I am the brother of the queen of Serenes.

Raven: Speaking of women, how long have we been here?

Mike: About 4 hours.

Raven: I guess it's safe to assume Joan's either captured or dead. No sense waiting here anymore then.

Mike: Guess we should just leave after we finish this awesome pizza I made.

*Soren takes two sticks and rubs them against each other*

Raven: You can drop the act. I know you didn't make the pizza. There aren't even any ingredients to make a pizza here! Just look at it! It's too good to have been made by you! The soft and cruncy crusty, the melted-to-perfection cheese, and the hearty slices of pepperoni imported from the finest pizza maker in Italy! I know it was delivered.

Mike: It's not delivery....it's Digiornio.

*one of the sticks catches on fire*

Raven: Well, let's just-

*Soren throws the stick on fire through the open window*

*the fire quickly spreads*

Mike: Holy crap! Our cabin is on fire!

Raven: Get the fire extinguishers!

Mike: We don't have fire extinguishers anymore!

Raven: Why?!

Mike: I wanted to see if they could float in the river....

Raven: ....Let's get some water then!

Soren is standing on top of the kitty and slowly reaches for the pizza on the window sill. Soren grabs the pizza, jumps off the kitty, and runs away from the burning cabin as fast as he can. The kitty runs behind him. After 20 minutes of running, Soren and the kitty decide that they're probably safe from any danger. Soren wonders how he's going to cut the pizza. He puts the pizza on the kitty's back and disappears behind a bush. He comes out with a chainsaw and a pair of safety goggles. He puts on the safety goggles and turns on the chainsaw and cuts the pizza into eight equal pieces while the pizza is still on the kitty's back. Soren randomly throws the chainsaw and the safety goggles into the forest.


Mike: Raven! I got the buckets of water!

Mike gets hit by the pair of safety goggles Soren threw, which makes him turn around and walk straight into a tree. Mike falls to the floor, unconscious.

Raven: Mike?! Where are you?!

Raven gets hit in the back by the sharp end of the chainsaw that Soren threw.


Raven falls to the floor, bleeding and unconscious.

Soren and the kitty are both eating their third slice of pizza when they see the same blue butterfly from before fly by them. Soren, remembering why he even wandered away from the jet in the first place, begins his pursuit of the butterfly again. The kitty follows and they both leave behind the two slices of pizza. After an hour of walking, the kitty and Soren stop at a large rock, which the blue butterfly lands on.

Soren notices a small circular hole in the rock and Soren, in a sudden surge of ingenuity (or plain randomness), sticks the end of his staff into the hole and takes it out. The rock automatically moves out of place and reveals a shallow hole in the dirt. At first, Soren doesn't see anything in the hole, but with further peering, notices that there is an old, green book inside the hole.

Soren picks up the book, and notices words in a different language on the pages. Soren suddenly remembers why he wandered away from the jet to follow the butterfly. The butterfly was trying to lead Soren to the wind tome he now holds in his hands. He did not know how he knew that it was a wind tome, but he knew. The kitty starts to walk away, knowing that it is no longer needed. Soren decides not to follow the kitty anymore. Soren had found what he was looking for, even though he didn't know that he was looking for something in the first place.

*Lover and Bruce come out of the trees*

Lover: Soren! There you are! We've been looking for hours!

Bruce: ...

Soren: ....

Lover: Come on Soren, let's go find Kid, Peppy, and Simon. I think they're waiting at some church in some village.

Soren: ...

Lover: Heh heh....Does anyone know how to get out of here?

*Soren climbs onto Bruce's head and points to the left*

*Soren is now sitting on top of Bruce's head*

*Lover and Bruce(with Soren on top of Bruce's head)walk away and into the forest, with the wind tome firmly in Soren's left hand and the staff in Soren's right hand*

Lover: And don't you go running off again! Who knows what kinds of adventures you get into when you wander into the- *sees a butterfly fly by* Hey look! A butterfly!

*Lover starts to follow the butterfly*

Soren: ...

*Soren hits Lover on the head with his staff*

Lover: Sorry....I don't know what came over me.....

To be continued by Act 9.50: Dirty Secrets

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*plays Mona Pizza song* XD

Awesome part!

But can I have a cast list again? I forgot who everyone is....=/

Nope. You'll find out eventually.

LOL SIMON IS COLLETE! (using grand cross)

Now i see him with long blond hair and pink angel wings! XD

Grand Cross existed as a staple Belmont move waaaaaay before Collete (or however you spell her name) even existed.

And just so you can get that image out of your head:


This is what Simon looks like.

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Lol, in Canada, DiGiorno is Delissio. Which is totally weird because they changed the name of a pizza brand for only one country. So in Canada, it goes 'It's not delivery, it's Delissio!'

It makes me lol everytime. Delissio.

Also, Soren and Bruce had such an epic conversation in this chapter like oh my god. You could FEEL the worry coming from Bruce. You could FEEL how happy Soren was to see Bruce. It was AWESOME.

Also, when you say "some church in some village" all I could think of was RE4. BAD TIMES.

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