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I think my mom just broke


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Guys, I am seriously so scared right now

And I am also officially tired of my mom's shit

Like, we were supposed to go school shopping today and now my mom just refuses to talk to me at all, and I think she's having relationship or work problems again but if she is, holy shit, this problem must be huge. I think she tried to sleep, but she just couldn't. She went upstairs to try and do it twice, but now she's just... gone batshit. I don't know why, and it's pissing me off because she thinks she's the only one allowed to get angry. If I get angry, it's nothing to treat seriously.

but you guys the aura she's giving out is

i have never felt this before

everything is always blown out of proportion by her

and now she's going to refuse to smoke outside because she thinks she has the right to endanger the voice I'm trying to protect just because she's angry

and I want to get out of the house but I'm babysitting right now and I have to wait another hour

Edited by Levity
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But necessary joke for the topic title:

I broke your mom, alright. Bitch couldn't handle this!



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Had your mom spoken to any therapists lately? If not, I'd suggest you have her do so, because it sounds like she's in need of serious counselling.

It's the best advice I can come up with right now, so I don't know if it will be helpful or not.

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