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Funny, Stupid, Interesting, and Unknown Facts about FE8

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Yeah. A generic fighter outside Orson's room gossiping with a soldier. Guess they figured having two identical dudes in a conversation was kinda weird, so they brought the Working Class Hero back.

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Since O'Neill came up, he has 1 more speed as a Level 4 fighter than Gheb, and 1 less than Binks both being level 5 warriors and bosses of chapter 9 in both routes.

Exactly! Dude's a working-class hero!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This most likely applies to all other GBA FEs, but if a flier is killed while carrying a unit over terrain they can't normally cross (e.g. water), the unit being carried will be dropped not into the water, but onto the nearest available land. I can't think of any practical uses for this, but... maybe there are.


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This most likely applies to all other GBA FEs, but if a flier is killed while carrying a unit over terrain they can't normally cross (e.g. water), the unit being carried will be dropped not into the water, but onto the nearest available land. I can't think of any practical uses for this, but... maybe there are.


Fly Tana south in Chapter 10, have her die, dropping someone next to Beran, Beran attacks and is killed.

1-turn strategy for Chapter 10 sounds pretty hilarious to me. I might try it.

Now that I look at the actual map, there are three possible places the carried unit could end up - the forest to the northwest of Beran and the two corners between the Castle and the walls, only one of which would allow Beran to attack and die.

Maybe Chapter 12 Ephraim Route?

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Fly Tana south in Chapter 10, have her die, dropping someone next to Beran, Beran attacks and is killed.

1-turn strategy for Chapter 10 sounds pretty hilarious to me. I might try it.

Now that I look at the actual map, there are three possible places the carried unit could end up - the forest to the northwest of Beran and the two corners between the Castle and the walls, only one of which would allow Beran to attack and die.

Maybe Chapter 12 Ephraim Route?

Recorded Chapter 10 in 1 turn (strategy only). I had assumptions about how units are dropped, recording this has revised my theory to: wut. This needs a promoted Falcoknight (otherwise you drop in the wrong place) so I seriously doubt it'll be useful in speedruns, but, oh well. Uploading video now.

Chapter 12 doesn't really have anywhere useful your flier can get killed from IIRC. On the water would do little more than drop you onto the land just ahead of you.


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Yeah, for a LTC run it's completely impractical, given you lose two fliers and both Elysian Whips (promoted Vanessa dies, Cormag isn't recruited). You could do 2 turns and recruit Cormag though, which MIGHT be worthwhile (are there any chapters having three/four fliers would be worthwhile - ch. 18 springs to mind - and more importantly, can you complete the chapter in 2 turns anyway?)

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Plus, you need a character that can 1-round Beran. The only thing I can think of is a reeeeeeally high level Garcia (I think you need 24STR to OHKO with the Halberd). A high-levelled Joshua could also try with the Killing Edge if he gets an Energy Drop.

And I personally think that dropping someone a little bit forward onto the land in Chapter 12 would be useful. It's Defeat Boss, so the faster you reach Cyclops, the better.

Actually, what about Chapter 7? You could use it to get Eirika to Murray a turn earlier... I think.

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Ephraim with Reginleaf could do it fairly easily if he has the SPD to double... although, Beran has a Lancereaver so Ephraim needs 12 STR (easy), 18 AS (average 20/--) and enough hit to overcome a -50 hit deficit (Reaver + Gate). I think you might have a Halberd by that point though, so someone with 22 STR could OHKO him.

Chapter 7, I don't think it'd matter, you can easily have Vanessa fly straight over the water and drop Eirika by Murray on turn 2.

Chapter 12 Eph could be 3 turned, actually, if you have a Paladin/other 8 move unit who can kill the Cyclops from 2 range in 1 turn (2 rounds, player + enemy phase), or from 1 range if you're willing to lose an Elysian Whip. The Cyclops has no luck and only 9 AS, so actually a few crits should let you take care of it.

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Ephraim with Reginleaf could do it fairly easily if he has the SPD to double... although, Beran has a Lancereaver so Ephraim needs 12 STR (easy), 18 AS (average 20/--) and enough hit to overcome a -50 hit deficit (Reaver + Gate). I think you might have a Halberd by that point though, so someone with 22 STR could OHKO him.

No way is Ephraim hitting Beran. 132 hit at level 20. Beran has 64 avoid. That's 38 hit after weapon triangle penalties.

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That's not THAT terrible though, really. 8.6% chance of hitting both attacks, and a roughly 5.4% chance of getting a critical and hitting once, for about a 14% kill rate. Easily boostable by a fair bit with a Secret Book to 18.8%, acceptable for something we're doing on turn 1, I'd say?

Still, the Halberd strategy will work if you have a promoted Garcia (or perhaps Ross).

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That's not THAT terrible though, really. 8.6% chance of hitting both attacks, and a roughly 5.4% chance of getting a critical and hitting once, for about a 14% kill rate. Easily boostable by a fair bit with a Secret Book to 18.8%, acceptable for something we're doing on turn 1, I'd say?

Still, the Halberd strategy will work if you have a promoted Garcia (or perhaps Ross).

I'm not really a big fan of strategies that are so risky. I can barely stand Marcia's accuracy with the laguz lance in FE9, let alone a 18.8% chance of success.

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If you kill Selena before she leaves in Chapter 10 Ephraim, the events after the first turn will play out like normal and Beran will still appear. However, if you kill Caellach before he leaves in Chapter 12 Ephraim, the game will freeze and you will be forced to restart the chapter.

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If you kill Selena before she leaves in Chapter 10 Ephraim, the events after the first turn will play out like normal and Beran will still appear. However, if you kill Caellach before he leaves in Chapter 12 Ephraim, the game will freeze and you will be forced to restart the chapter.

Similar to this, the game freezes if you kill the chapter 1 and chapter 7 bosses before the end of turn 1, and probably a fair number more. It's because their character has to speak, but they don't exist any more, so they can't.

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Pablo the sage and Riev the bishop are fought in two chapters, and they are seen the second time at a higher level, but the EXACT same stats you faced them the first time around.

While I'm here, am incorrect in thinking that Riev gets a level of random stats on HM on level 20? I don't have a HM file to check, but that's what the coding seems to imply.

Edit: A quick check on a HM file I didn't realise I had has revealed this to be correct. Here's some data:

Riev's HM stats, chapter 19 (same four times):
51 HP
15 MAG
22 SKL
20 SPD
11 LUK
16 DEF
19 RES

Riev's HM stats, chapter 20:
52, 52, 50 HP
16, 15, 16 MAG
22, 23, 23 SKL
20, 21, 20 SPD
12, 11, 11 LUK
17, 16, 16 DEF
20, 19, 21 RES

Most interesting out of those is that his HP dropped by a point.

So, yeah, you fight Riev twice, and the second time he gets a tiny bit stronger.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

(okay so this topic hasn't been posted in since Oct. 9th but it's still on the first page so I'm assuming it's not necroposting)

Myrrh's Dragonstone, though having 1-1 range, has a ranged animation programmed in by default.

There was apparently a second playable Wyvern rider intended to be in the game, whose name would have been Nate. You can find his character slot and name if you're a hacker.

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Nate originally had Cormag's role as Wyvern Rider, while Cormag had Joshua's role, but as a Mercenary. Not sure who Joshua was supposed to be, although he was intended to be a Swordmaster, so presumably he would have still been the prince of Jehanna (except he doesn't gamble).

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Hm... Just a thought, but do you know how Joshua was intended to be recruited? I just finished chapter 14 on my current PT of FE8 and it would make sense to me if he was a recruitable enemy, forced to fight with Carlyle to save his mother. At least, that makes sense to me....

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