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Yet another FE4 Playthrough


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Your Jamka is STR blessed by 3 points. SKL at level 22 is 17.6 so it's average or worse and SPD at that level is 20.8 which is once again, average.

As for Deu, I prefer to have him use the Light Sword to steal from a distance since nobody's really doing anything spectacular with that when you first get it.

Edited by Sirius
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Your Jamka is STR blessed by 3 points. SKL at level 22 is 17.6 so it's average or worse and SPD at that level is 20.8 which is once again, average.

As for Deu, I prefer to have him use the Light Sword to steal from a distance since nobody's really doing anything spectacular with that when you first get it.

Well, that just means he's an even better character overall than I'd thought.

Ethlin took it when she left. Otherwise, I'd do this in a heartbeat.

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Ethlin took it when she left. Otherwise, I'd do this in a heartbeat.

That's fine. It's also nice to have Ethlin leave with the Pursuit Ring so Leaf has an easier time dealing with Chapter 7 seeing as you're not going for LevinxTiltyu.

He can still get the Wind sword in C3, at the cost of a slightly lowered turn count.

If he doesn't care about turn counts it shouldn't really matter and should get the Wind Sword. Although if you were to play a ranked run there is almost no way you can get the Wind Sword without harming your turn-rank. I swear that's one of IS' ways of trolling via FE.

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That's fine. It's also nice to have Ethlin leave with the Pursuit Ring so Leaf has an easier time dealing with Chapter 7 seeing as you're not going for LevinxTiltyu.

I was meant to get the Pursuit Ring by now? Uhhh... ... ... ... ... shite.

Um, I'll have access to FE4 tonight, in all likelihood, so expect more in ... maybe 22 hours.

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Apart from people being picked off by Wind Magi a couple times due to careless positioning, it was smooth sailing. I missed one, lone village, but eh. Jamka had to neatly dodge a couple Blizzards, but he then killed the main dude and things went well. Jamka's awkward positioning led to the deaths of 3/5 of Magical Purple Elliot's bodyguard, although Jamka was clinging barely to his life. He actually has more def than Sigurd, but 5 fewer HP. He's a maniac. Aaaand...the bridge isn't down. I know, I'll kill ALL of MagPurElliot's bodyguards! Nothin'. Oh wait there's the Blizzard guy in the mountains, Fury can...nothin'. ...Can Fury go to Silesia and do something? Nope, those lovely yellow tiles are in the way. ...'kay.

And here, friends, I cheated. Mostly by searching feverishly through Bal's LPs to find the part where the bridge is up, the part where the bridge is down, and the interjoining component. Dew has just doubled the amount of useful things he's done this playthrough. I may have to cut away the 'stupid' and only call him an inept millstone who can't fight worth thin air. Yes, when you tink mages, the time for patience has passed.

I was so angry with Magical Purple Elliot that Sigurd almost killed him. I arbitrarily decided to kill him with Alec, who is...fast, kind of weak, average defensively, haz horse. That sums it up really, but regardless it took ages for Magic Purple Elliot to hit the dust. However, sensing the coming storm, I had cunningly moved everyone down south to where Inexplicably Leader Starred Dude was steadfastly guarding his bridge.

Ooh, peg fight! Hawt. Well, gives me more time to get everyone into position...Hell, the teams are identical, besides Slims vs. Javelins, and Mahnya being far better than but WTD against Pamela. Something's gonna go wrong. Hi, Andre. Beige is a crap colour, but those knights are just so angry they kill everything. I checked Andre's stats, though, and they're actually kinda rubbish. The Bling Knights killed everyone and ran off, and suddenly everyone started caring about the secondary character's easily avoidable doom, but Andre left me with this gem; "You guys go up and attack Thove Castle".


LeXBriggid ran north to meet up with the Warp Queen Aideen, as everyone ran down. I noticed that at the most plotworthy moment, Levin wasn't able to talk to Fury for the superconvo.

S; Down Arrow...Lover -- Sylvia

Damn it. DAMN IT. DAMN. IT.

...so I was pretty angry, and angrier still when Inexplicably Leader Starred Dude had ran off and I couldn't kill him, and this was before realising that there were a shitload of mountains in the way. Which nobody seems to be able to cross, especially not the cavalry, which are the bulk of the troops in position to crush the axemen.

Yes, I raegquit decided to sleep on it. After all, wouldn't you?

...Incidentally, I'm thinking heavily about ClaudeXFury, 'cause Fury really needs someone. Badly. In every way. And ... yeah. LeXBriggid is going well, I think, and HazelXTwotails is probably going swimmingly.

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Get Corple the Elite Ring at first chance. And sell Warp to him once he he joins. Spam him to L20 then promote him.

Holsety is too good to pass up. Masochism is even worth it.

If either he or Levin can fork over the 40k to pay off Jamka or Lester.

I was thinking that Holsety!Useless Underlevelled Crap would make it a useful ranged unit, actually.

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Problem with Corple is that he joins as a unit with no offensive capabilities and has Holsety just sits there. AKA Priest. The only way to get him to Lv20 to promote into something that can use Holsety is through staffspamming. With the Elite ring, though, at least on the first couple of levels, one shot of Warp nets him a full level. You could also field him as another Libro user--Libro gives quite a bit of experience, but not as much as Warp IIRC.

It's an expensive staff to repair, however, so get Patty a 2-range sword and have her steal off people that way. That and hitting clerics/troubadours/female Pallies help too since they're healers.

Well, there's still the next chapter's Arena. And Elwind. Might as well sell that since you can't pass it down (Claude has C wind, and Azel can't pass Elwind either), so Sety can buy it back later and kick some more ass with it.

At least Sety will be a magic tank of death, and Fee is not afraid of Sleep Staves.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Problem with Corple is that he joins as a unit with no offensive capabilities and has Holsety just sits there. AKA Priest. The only way to get him to Lv20 to promote into something that can use Holsety is through staffspamming. With the Elite ring, though, at least on the first couple of levels, one shot of Warp nets him a full level. You could also field him as another Libro user--Libro gives quite a bit of experience, but not as much as Warp IIRC.

It's an expensive staff to repair, however, so get Patty a 2-range sword and have her steal off people that way. That and hitting clerics/troubadours/female Pallies help too since they're healers.

Well, there's still the next chapter's Arena. And Elwind. Might as well sell that since you can't pass it down (Claude has C wind, and Azel can't pass Elwind either), so Sety can buy it back later and kick some more ass with it.

At least Sety will be a magic tank of death, and Fee is not afraid of Sleep Staves.

I'll burn that bridge when I get to it. As it stands, Lex and Pirate Queen against Pamela and PamSquids is on my mind. I think Lex and Pirate Queen will win, easily, but by the time they've won everyone else will be slogging across the mountains. ...Is there a way for cavalry to get past the mountains?

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If said calvary is promoted, then yes.

Otherwise, no.

(Don't forget to have Levin enter Silesia castle after seizing. Late masochism Holsety is better than no Holsety)

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If said calvary is promoted, then yes.

Otherwise, no.

(Don't forget to have Levin enter Silesia castle after seizing. Late masochism Holsety is better than no Holsety)

...Nine move for one tile?! Oh well, Lex is the only non-Sigurd promotable, and he's kind of busy right now. Getting Briggid pregnant while lobbing axes at flying pigs and PamSquid. LegEliteHeroJamka can take anything the world can throw at him, I'm sure.

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Ouch, got to hate Sylvia getting herself involved where she doesn't belong. Your misfortune will be yet more motivation (as I needed any more) for me to kill her off yet again next time I play this game. Maybe I'll give her an extra sadistic death against a boss or something.

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Meh, Holsety would just make the game too easy. If Corple has A's for staves at base, he can Reserve spam for 85 a shot.

Jamka is gonna easily be the first to make it over the mountains, with his sexy 9 move. With good evade and an equally sexy 17 def, he can break through them axes pretty easily, I reckon. Ardan may even make it over in time for the fun, although...his 14 defence is no longer sexy. It's actually kinda naff.

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You'd better stick Claude and Fury next to each other for the rest of the game, though.

Holsety comes in handy on the C9 boss Arion (Fucking Awareness negating my crits and sword skills), but I'm pretty sure if you stick a Pursuit Ring on Sety, he can off him with Elwind. Balmung also works provided that Shanan has a dancer.(or gets danced)

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You'd better stick Claude and Fury next to each other for the rest of the game, though.

Holsety comes in handy on the C9 boss Arion (Fucking Awareness negating my crits and sword skills), but I'm pretty sure if you stick a Pursuit Ring on Sety, he can off him with Elwind. Balmung also works provided that Shanan has a dancer.(or gets danced)

I didn't get the pursuit ring.

Oh, and I just realised last night that Ayra and Holyn haven't been using Iron Swords. They've had Iron Blades.

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Meh, Holsety would just make the game too easy. If Corple has A's for staves at base, he can Reserve spam for 85 a shot.

If you want a challenging FE4 you can always try playing the hard patch afterwards. Generic bandits come with Wrath and generic enemies have Brave weapons as early as chapter 1.

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I didn't get the pursuit ring.

Oh, and I just realised last night that Ayra and Holyn haven't been using Iron Swords. They've had Iron Blades.

Well, there's always Leen.

Sety should do about 30~40 some damage with Elwind, actually, so he can off him in two hits. LOL at Arion's Res.

Shouldn't Ayra be using Hero Sword now? You want as many kills on it as possible so you can crit. People don't survive when Lakche crits things.

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Yeah, Ayra has Hero and Thunder Swords and Holyn's been using a Silver Blade, but it meant that Holyn's slaughterage and Ayra's...competence earlier on meant that they aren't quite as good naturally as I thought they were.

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Their kids are ridiculous, however. If they don't rape C6, RNG really hates you. There is a reason why Lakche, a girl, is my favorite SM of the series and Shanan, her ridiculously sexy (male) cousin with the Holy Sword takes second place after her.

Iron Blade has low mt compared to Silver and the same -5 to AS. Even for swords, that's a lot. I think it would've actually been better if they started with Steel Swords instead. But they got the most AS-taxing of swords. Besides the special effect ones.

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I feel Alec was in more need of starting with a Steel Sword...'though if you get Sigurd's Silver early on, he pretty much gets one straight off. And Ardan would KILL for a blade of any type.

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I stopped using Alec after C2. I'll probably have to train him on my next PT, though. I need Leen to have Awareness so she doesn't get Wrath-blicked in endgame.

Ardan could've switch weapons with Holyn or something. Holyn wants more speed. Ardan doesn't have speed and is a tank anyway so more Mt would work better.

Oh well.

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