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Yet another FE4 Playthrough


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Well, I've played to slightly beyond where the log ends. The dragons are within striking distance of my units (I can't remember if they will actually strike if I don't move forward or not). Midir and Ayra have been slept. Phinora has been captured, but Fury is too far away to do any decent help (with Noish in the far west). Sylvia is about where the wall was. Claude and Aideen are uncomfortably close to the frontline...in fact, Aideen basically IS the frontline. Basically, my troops are scattered, and it'll be hard, but if I can weather a first strike and take out their major threats, it will be manageable. The meteors...I'll just have to deal with them. They're hellbent on killing Aideen, though, upon whom they have like a 6% chance to hit and will deal about 2 damage.

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Fuck the Meteo's, they're not important.

Ok, if Phinora's been captured (good job, it's not an easy one to do with Wyverns charging), then get Levin, Jamka, Brigid and Midir (wake his ass up with the Restore) to the front like and watch them KO any Wyvern they attack. Wing Clipper Beowulf/Sigard will also be nice.

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Problem is, I need to protect my suddenly fragile horses from harm...eh, it's doable. Tomorrow afternoon I'll hopefully finish the first Gen.

Oh, yeah. Fury and Briggid are both unpaired. It's a little late in the storyline to give birth to a child...

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Oh, yeah. Fury and Briggid are both unpaired. It's a little late in the storyline to give birth to a child...

Aww man, you missed the insta-lover conversation that Levin and Fury have in Chapter 4.

Levin: I love you, Fury...

Fury: Well, that settles it, looks like I'm going to have a Sety who puts Sigurd to shame in the RAPE RAPE RAPE department.

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Aww man, you missed the insta-lover conversation that Levin and Fury have in Chapter 4.

Levin: I love you, Fury...

Fury: Well, that settles it, looks like I'm going to have a Sety who puts Sigurd to shame in the RAPE RAPE RAPE department.

Yeah, well ... Corple...is...a unit...with, like...


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Generation One ended. Abruptly.

Jamka, then Sigurd, ran through the gauntlet of fire. Sigurd dropped Reptor down to negligable health, and Jamka dealt the finishing blow. I talked to Ida and...

Don't do it Sigurd.


Don't do it.

Don't do this, Sigurd.

Don't go down that path.


He's a traitor. Kill him. Kill him now, dammit! KILL THAT FUCKING

and it was over.

As the list of the dead rolled, I sat muttering to myself..."I'm gonna fucking kill him...I'm gonna fucking rip his head off..."

Here is the list of the fallen, once more in order of percieved usefulness.


Equipment; Tyrfing, Silver Sword, Javelin, Ring of Superfluous Skill

Contribution to Genepool?: Yes

Summary: Best unit overall, without a doubt. Crushed the entire game in his fist. Celice is gonna have a lot to live up to.


Equipment: Silver Bow, Hero Bow, Ring of Legs

Contribution to Genepool?: Yes

Summary: Went from being a headtaking killfreak to being God. 11 attack range, brave weapon, too many skills, insane firepower. Gods.


Contribution to Genepool?: Yes

Equipment: Thunder, Relive, Warp, Libro, Magic Ring

Summary: Best healer I've ever used, dealing ridiculous damage with C-level tomes endgame.


Contribution to Genepool?: No

Equipment: Killer Bow, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Return Trinket

Summary: Award for 'Most Times Saved My Ass' for sheer grit and determination, as well as a knack for battles of attrition. Became really good near the end, but was solid throughout.


Contribution to Genepool: No

Equipment: Hero Lance, Silver Lance he couldn't use, Steel and Iron Lances, Ring of Superfluous Speed I can't sell to Beowolf who really really really needed it

Summary: Was a really good unit, but he left, late on, and I really missed his offensive powerhousing.


Contribution to Genepool: Incestuous

Equipment: Iron and Steel Blades, Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Power Ring

Summary: An ungodly character near the end, but sort of mediocre before that. Definitely up there, though.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: Gae Bolg, Silver Lance, Steel Lance, Javelin.

Summary: The tank of the team. Was a great unit earlygame, but didn't really do as well once he stopped doing absolutely massive damage.


Contribution to Genepool: Inefficient, but yes

Equipment: Elwind and Holsety.

Summary: He gets here just for Chapter Five. Three-digit evade is that godly.


Contribution to Genepool: Incestuous

Equipment: Silver Blade, Iron Blade, Slim Sword

Summary: Was never really as powerful as Ayra, but had more defensive grit. A solid frontliner.


Contribution to Genepool: Possibly

Equipment: Hero Axe, Iron/Steel/Silver Axe, Hand, Barrier Ring

Summary: Not...really that great, if I'm honest. When 2 bashes with the axe stopped being that great, he lost a lot of his sheen, but a 9 move frontliner is always good, and Lex was no exception.


Contribution to Genepool: No

Equipment: The Sword of Manliness, Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Cutter

Summary: Was he worth the massive amount of resources in free EXP I gave him? Maybe. Probably not. But then, he was using Steels. STEELS. Deserved a contribution to the genepool, but it never happened.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: ...Slim Sword, maybe?

Summary: Danced. Frequently.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: Slim Sword, Light Sword, Live, Return

Summary: She was good while she lasted.


Contribution to Genepool: Possibly

Equipment: Ichiaval, Steel Bow, Latent Amnesia

Summary: She was brilliant, a seriously fantastic addition to the team, being like another Jamka at times. Slower than the other archers but with more balanced stats and, of course, Icky Vale. As LeXBriggid only happened either moments before or after Phinora, I'm not sure if they'll have children.


Contribution to Genepool: No

Equipment: Reserve

Summary: Lolbadpun, but seriously. Oh, he did kinda resurrect Briggid, a little. Which was cool.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: Steel Sword

Summary: And heeere is where the crap units come in. Beo did a whole lot of nothing in the last few levels. A good midgame unit, but did nothing either side of that. I mean, almost completely literally. Barely saw combat, even.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: Prayer, Thief and Earth Swords, Wing Clipper, Live.

Summary: Eh. She healed, and fought badly near the start, stopped fighting near the end.


Contribution to Genepool: No

Equipment: Slim Lance

Summary: Crap fighter. Did some flying. Nothing notable, at all, ever. Didn't even get impregnated with Noish's child soon enough.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: Elfire, Fire

Summary: I don't think he even attacked in Chapters 3 and 4.


Contribution to Genepool: No

Equipment: Steel Sword, Iron Lance.

Summary: Worse than an enemy social knight near the end. That's all I need to say.


Contribution to Genepool: Yes

Equipment: Tron, Thunder.

Summary: Traaaaashhh


Contribution to Genepool: Alas, no

Equipment: He was pretty blinged out. I think.

Summary: He would have made a good blue dude.


Contribution to Genepool: Never

Equipment: Iron Sword

Summary: Sometimes, I have nightmares about his eyes.


Equipment: Aura, Silence Staff, Praylife Thing.

Summary: Hi. *chips someone, kills brigand* Cya.


Equipment: Iron Sword

Summary: Level 3. No.

Generation Two has begun. Looking forward to see how the INCEST WONDER TWINS will fight. Stats of Gen One up later.

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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Yay updates.

I used to hate Trabant until I read a bunch of FE4 Analysis stuff on China FE.

Then I saw his artwork in the Oosawa manga.

All hatred gone.

Lakche is god Lakche is god Lakche is god

But seriously, they're two swordies in Axeland. What do you expect?


Femina apparently sucks and can't start with Hero Lance of win, and Hawk is fail compared to Sety.




If LexBriggid happens any time during Gen1, I'm pretty sure they'll have kids. At least you didn't miss Faval.

You'll get your revenge on Trabant and Alvis eventually. In C9 and C10.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Very dangerous situation indeed.

A word to the wise. Try to capture Phinora before the Wyvern Knights get to your army. I know that sounds quite hard but there's a couple of things you should remember.

1) The Wyvern Knights won't abuse their whole move (you must have seen this before with the Peg Knights in Silesia).

2) Fury is amazing for taking out Meteo Mages nearby.

3) Sylvia is your best friend. I sincerly hope that she is near Daccar (or whatever Langbart's fort is).

Those guys are how I managed to get Azel to finally promote. I was pairing him with Lachesis for fun, and I wanted to get him as many levels as possible for helping his children. Stuck him guarding the castle for the evade boost and gave him wind to maximize his AS and let him go to work while Sigurd, Levin, Fury, and one or two others headed towards the final battle of gen 1.

You'd better stick Claude and Fury next to each other for the rest of the game, though.

Holsety comes in handy on the C9 boss Arion (Fucking Awareness negating my crits and sword skills), but I'm pretty sure if you stick a Pursuit Ring on Sety, he can off him with Elwind. Balmung also works provided that Shanan has a dancer.(or gets danced)

I know this one was from a while ago, but, Sety doesn't need the pursuit ring. Fury has Pursuit as a personal skill so she passes it to both children.

Oh, and to those that don't seem to know about what you can get in this game (the guy that thought pursuit ring drops in gen 2 if Arden misses it in gen 1):


Don't you just love how this site has so much information?

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Wait, you paired Levin and Tiltyu? At least you have Holsety next generation, starting from CHAPTER FUCKING 6.

EDIT: So no husband for Fury and Sylvia.

Femina and Hawk: Well, I've never not paired Fury but I've never finished FE4 anyways so I can't tell you how bad Femina is. She looks like trash, though. Thank god that Altenna exists in Gen 2. Hawk isn't bad, Sety's just better.

Laylea and Sharlow: Some claim that unpaired Sylvia is better even though Laylea looks like a ho. Laylea gets Charisma, a skill you will enjoy abusing if you can. Sharlow has Elite, that same skill that made Lex promote light-years ahead of everyone else. He's going to be a staffbot though since you had Lachesis also as a staffbot.

Edited by Life Admiral
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I know this one was from a while ago, but, Sety doesn't need the pursuit ring. Fury has Pursuit as a personal skill so she passes it to both children.

Oops. Forgot about that. Must've been thinking about Arthur when I typed Sety or something. >___<

On C9 Arion, now that you don't have Sety: Shanan+Dancer+Charisma+Lover+Leadership Supports.

Balmung!Lakche faced 5% hit rate after all supports are factored in, and I'd imagine Shanan will only be facing something slightly higher while doing slightly less damage (4HKO instead of 3HKO with STR Ring). It's not too bad, actually.

Spam other magic on him too.

Wait, you paired Levin and Tiltyu? At least you have Holsety next generation, starting from CHAPTER FUCKING 6.

I think he said (raeg'd, actually) sometime earlier that Sylvia married Levin. AzelTiltyu probably happened and Sylvia just wasn't on the roster.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Wait, you paired Levin and Tiltyu? At least you have Holsety next generation, starting from CHAPTER FUCKING 6.

EDIT: So no husband for Fury and Sylvia.

Femina and Hawk: Well, I've never not paired Fury but I've never finished FE4 anyways so I can't tell you how bad Femina is. She looks like trash, though. Thank god that Altenna exists in Gen 2. Hawk isn't bad, Sety's just better.

Laylea and Sharlow: Some claim that unpaired Sylvia is better even though Laylea looks like a ho. Laylea gets Charisma, a skill you will enjoy abusing if you can. Sharlow has Elite, that same skill that made Lex promote light-years ahead of everyone else. He's going to be a staffbot though since you had Lachesis also as a staffbot.

Huh? I thought he accidentally paired Levin with Sylvia. Did he fix that? I specifically remember a bunch of convos about Corple with Holsety.

And, I suppose maybe it was listed along the way, but who got whom? I don't understand why he had a "contribution to genepool" heading for each character and then didn't even bother saying who they paired with.

And who is Alva? You don't get an Alva.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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But he has Arthur w/Holsety, which can work just about as well, if not better.

Actually... he's stuck with Corple. Unless he miraculously grind Corple to level 20 before the Arion battle...

Or he restarted the entire C4 without posting it.

I think TiltyuAzel happened instead.

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Actually... he's stuck with Corple. Unless he miraculously grind Corple to level 20 before the Arion battle...

Or he restarted the entire C4 without posting it.

I think TiltyuAzel happened instead.

I'd like to know where people got the idea that he has Tiltyu + Levin going on when he never said it anywhere. That's two already. sigh.

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I'd like to know where people got the idea that he has Tiltyu + Levin going on when he never said it anywhere. That's two already. sigh.

I think it's because they didn't follow the full PT and Sylvia wasn't listed on the tier of usefulness.

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Fury was gonna be paired with Claude? That definitely explains why Noish (don't ask me why I thought she was trying to get Noish) fell through. It's AzelXTailto, FuryXNobody, LeXBriggid (possibly) and LevinXSylvia, because of the dying moments of chapter three. Corple at least had the Elite Ring handed down to him.

Rrrright, let's get right into things. I can't remember how to spell Skasaher (Skashahah? Shakaj? My fingers seize up whenever I want to spell Skasaha) so I will refer to him simply as Skash. He's ... more colour-neutral than I thought he'd be, as is Lakche. My fingers also fuck up saying Lakche, so I'll call her Latchkey because I feel its a better name. Also, Celice has weird hair, but said the best line in gaming history...

Nuns and warfare do NOT mix!

Instant classic. So I figured I'd get the big XP out of the way quickly and do the arena and shit later. First thing I notice is that the Incest Wonder Twins (who, I later discover, are actually twins) have identical stats, except that Skash has one more hitpoint and Latchkey has ... 6 more luck. Oh, yeah, and Latchkey has the Power Ring. And the Hero Sword. And passable 1-2 range with the Thundersword. The forces of evil are fuuuucked.

Name               HP    Str  Skl Spd Lck  Def Res Rank
Incest Wonder Twin 29/28 9/14 14  12  4/10 7?  Bad Star!

Skash is also pretty sexy with that Silver Blade of his, but it's half broken. Celice has Silver Sword and is pretty cool, but only has a rather underwhelming 8 in the offensive stats. Lana is a healer, but she's got some bills to pay; Libro has one use left, but Warp and Relive are more or less intact. It might be challenging to defeat these knights oh hello Lester.

Lester still has the Leg Ring. Lester has the Brave Bow. Lester may not have Pursuit, but he gets both Continue and Charge. Lester is a king.

Delmud is...kind of shit. Steel Sword, single digit stats apart from Str and HP.

Oifaye is not an archetype. He is a natural disaster waiting to happen.

Anyway, the IWT carved through the enemy lines (with both Luna and Astra armours aren't exactly problematic) and manage to leave a few kills for Celice/Delmud as well. Lester ... sadly, avoids the one-rounding on the enemy. His time will yet come. I normally have nothing against Jeigans, but level 15 is a little high for my liking when IWTs are better offensively. He can hold the line though. Delmud is like Cuan except crap. Lester is like Midir except ... pretty much identical, with Hero weapons instead of Pursuit. Celice is remarkably decent, and can hold his own.

Someone kills Harold. I think its a Twin. Celice seizes and Lester races north towards the mountainthief. He has 11 move; he can catch up whenever he needs to. Hello obviouslyCelice'ssister.

Ahh, here's Femina, presumably the daughter of Generic MahnSqd #4. Speaking of Mahn, mahn, her peg's name is Mahnya. How cute. And she has a Berserk Sword. How HOLY SHIT SHE HAS A BERSERK SWORD. Her stats are pretty average, really. Arthur looks cool. Elfire is sexy, too. They save a village, and prepare to save the next, as Romeo and Othello rush me slowly and gently. I'm going for Johalva (?), because A) Green and C) I really want an axefighter more than I want Another Bloody Cavalry Dude. Lex was underwhelming enough, frankly. Also I think Bal picked Johan and I want variety.

Anyway, my thoughts on Hawk/Sety; Really, if I already have Skasaher, and Lakche (both with major Odo), and then add Shanan, and probably Faval, then really I don't think I need more powerful units. I don't care about pegasi at all, and, well, I don't like the idea of having one unit that just dwarfs the others in power. Levin's 3-digit evade did that near the end, but the immense power made the other units I'd trained just feel weak...I don't think I'd enjoy having one unit of that power for more than one Chapter and a bit.

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Just so you know, I'm going Johan too. Get Johalva, he's better.

Anyway, my thoughts on Hawk/Sety; Really, if I already have Skasaher, and Lakche (both with major Odo), and then add Shanan, and probably Faval, then really I don't think I need more powerful units. I don't care about pegasi at all, and, well, I don't like the idea of having one unit that just dwarfs the others in power. Levin's 3-digit evade did that near the end, but the immense power made the other units I'd trained just feel weak...I don't think I'd enjoy having one unit of that power for more than one Chapter and a bit.

No. Overkill units are fun!

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Fury was gonna be paired with Claude? That definitely explains why Noish (don't ask me why I thought she was trying to get Noish) fell through. It's AzelXTailto, FuryXNobody, LeXBriggid (possibly) and LevinXSylvia, because of the dying moments of chapter three. Corple at least had the Elite Ring handed down to him.

Rrrright, let's get right into things. I can't remember how to spell Skasaher (Skashahah? Shakaj? My fingers seize up whenever I want to spell Skasaha) so I will refer to him simply as Skash. He's ... more colour-neutral than I thought he'd be, as is Lakche. My fingers also fuck up saying Lakche, so I'll call her Latchkey because I feel its a better name. Also, Celice has weird hair, but said the best line in gaming history...

Instant classic. So I figured I'd get the big XP out of the way quickly and do the arena and shit later. First thing I notice is that the Incest Wonder Twins (who, I later discover, are actually twins) have identical stats, except that Skash has one more hitpoint and Latchkey has ... 6 more luck. Oh, yeah, and Latchkey has the Power Ring. And the Hero Sword. And passable 1-2 range with the Thundersword. The forces of evil are fuuuucked.

Name               HP    Str  Skl Spd Lck  Def Res Rank
Incest Wonder Twin 29/28 9/14 14  12  4/10 7?  Bad Star!

Skash is also pretty sexy with that Silver Blade of his, but it's half broken. Celice has Silver Sword and is pretty cool, but only has a rather underwhelming 8 in the offensive stats. Lana is a healer, but she's got some bills to pay; Libro has one use left, but Warp and Relive are more or less intact. It might be challenging to defeat these knights oh hello Lester.

Lester still has the Leg Ring. Lester has the Brave Bow. Lester may not have Pursuit, but he gets both Continue and Charge. Lester is a king.

Delmud is...kind of shit. Steel Sword, single digit stats apart from Str and HP.

Oifaye is not an archetype. He is a natural disaster waiting to happen.

Anyway, the IWT carved through the enemy lines (with both Luna and Astra armours aren't exactly problematic) and manage to leave a few kills for Celice/Delmud as well. Lester ... sadly, avoids the one-rounding on the enemy. His time will yet come. I normally have nothing against Jeigans, but level 15 is a little high for my liking when IWTs are better offensively. He can hold the line though. Delmud is like Cuan except crap. Lester is like Midir except ... pretty much identical, with Hero weapons instead of Pursuit. Celice is remarkably decent, and can hold his own.

Someone kills Harold. I think its a Twin. Celice seizes and Lester races north towards the mountainthief. He has 11 move; he can catch up whenever he needs to. Hello obviouslyCelice'ssister.

Ahh, here's Femina, presumably the daughter of Generic MahnSqd #4. Speaking of Mahn, mahn, her peg's name is Mahnya. How cute. And she has a Berserk Sword. How HOLY SHIT SHE HAS A BERSERK SWORD. Her stats are pretty average, really. Arthur looks cool. Elfire is sexy, too. They save a village, and prepare to save the next, as Romeo and Othello rush me slowly and gently. I'm going for Johalva (?), because A) Green and C) I really want an axefighter more than I want Another Bloody Cavalry Dude. Lex was underwhelming enough, frankly. Also I think Bal picked Johan and I want variety.

Anyway, my thoughts on Hawk/Sety; Really, if I already have Skasaher, and Lakche (both with major Odo), and then add Shanan, and probably Faval, then really I don't think I need more powerful units. I don't care about pegasi at all, and, well, I don't like the idea of having one unit that just dwarfs the others in power. Levin's 3-digit evade did that near the end, but the immense power made the other units I'd trained just feel weak...I don't think I'd enjoy having one unit of that power for more than one Chapter and a bit.

Who did you pair with Lachesis? Delmud has A swords and an amazing strength growth. And an insane skill promotion bonus. Unless his father is Azel, he can pick up a Silver Blade and should have pretty good hit. And 2HKO most things. Um, wait, if he doesn't have pursuit he might suck. So again, who is his father?

Also, you know how you talk about Lester and his hero bow? Well, if you'd paired his mother with Midir instead of, I assume, Jamka, then he'd have that and pursuit. Hello 4 attacks. He ORKOs a bunch of stuff for a while.

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Who did you pair with Lachesis? Delmud has A swords and an amazing strength growth. And an insane skill promotion bonus. Unless his father is Azel, he can pick up a Silver Blade and should have pretty good hit. And 2HKO most things. Um, wait, if he doesn't have pursuit he might suck. So again, who is his father?

Also, you know how you talk about Lester and his hero bow? Well, if you'd paired his mother with Midir instead of, I assume, Jamka, then he'd have that and pursuit. Hello 4 attacks. He ORKOs a bunch of stuff for a while.

Beo. He only passed on a steel, but does have pursuit. I guess he is kind of completely overshadowed in every way by the Incest Wonder Twins. I think the problem was that he can't dodgetank nor just shrug off the hits, and lacks Celice's Silver. However, now that you mention that I could palm off one of the IWTs spare Blades to him. He'd have like a 1 AS, but it'd be worth it.

Had I paired his mother with Midir he'd have a mere 8 movement. Outrageous!

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Had I paired his mother with Midir he'd have a mere 8 movement. Outrageous!

How is that any different from what he has now? Oh, I guess I vaguely remember you might have given Leg Ring to Jamka? That probably should have been given to Sigurd as he left the second last castle in gen1 anyway. Aside from the obvious (desert cuts him to 2 move otherwise), Celice seizes with 9 move instead of 6.

also, Lester having 11 move probably doesn't help much considering he doesn't even counter most enemies. Though I think you could have been using sarcasm.

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How is that any different from what he has now? Oh, I guess I vaguely remember you might have given Leg Ring to Jamka? That probably should have been given to Sigurd as he left the second last castle in gen1 anyway. Aside from the obvious (desert cuts him to 2 move otherwise), Celice seizes with 9 move instead of 6.

also, Lester having 11 move probably doesn't help much considering he doesn't even counter most enemies. Though I think you could have been using sarcasm.

Yeah, he has the leg ring. And I haven't exactly been the pinnacle of resource management so far :P

Slightly, just slightly. Well, sort of, because while 8 move is great, 11 move and 13 attack range with a brave (alas, no pursuit)...yeah.

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Schmidt has a droppable Hero Axe. Johalva is gonna kick some ass.

Oh, and Dannan has a Silver Axe, a MASSIVE level and wears armour. It's kinda obvious the game wants Oifaye to get that kill.

Oddly enough, he also has a thiefsword. Yeah, I don't know why either.

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Schmidt has a droppable Hero Axe. Johalva is gonna kick some ass.

Oh, and Dannan has a Silver Axe, a MASSIVE level and wears armour. It's kinda obvious the game wants Oifaye to get that kill.

Oddly enough, he also has a thiefsword. Yeah, I don't know why either.

He has an Axe, and he wears armour.

*points to Ayra's awesome kids of doom and Arthur*

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