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I Don't Care If People Think You Suck, I'm Using You Anyways


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Why is everyone saying Rebecca? She doesn't suck. Even if she does, everyones using her so no one said she sucks.

A lot of people use her in the short term when there's still forced deployment. She comes in handy for chip damage so that someone can finish off an enemy without getting countered but don't count on her to finish off a lot of things thus not getting a lot of XP to keep up in levels in an efficient run.

but he's often been my pick for the early Elite Ring chapter 6 even though it should probably be Celice instead.

I noticed Fee isn't too bad with the Elite Ring either. Having an overlevelled flier is always very nice.

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FE6: Lilina, Noah, Oujay, Cath ,Sofiya

FE7: Rath, Rebecca, Nino, Karla

FE8: Vanessa, Ross, Neimi, Amelia, Marisa, L'Arachel, Ewan, Knoll

FE10: Edward, Leonardo, Sothe, Aran, Pelleas, Lucia, Geoffrey, Kieran, Ilyana, Meg, Calill,Mist,Rolf, Tormod

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FE4: Alec, Noish, Diadora, Dew

FE6: Not really anyone

FE7: Karel, Rebecca, Rath, Lyn (on ranking runs)

FE8: Neimi

FE9: Tormod, Janaff/Ulki (I'll pick one and use that one)

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FE4: Dew

FE5: Laura (I LOVE Laura), Pahn

FE6: Cath, Sophia

FE7: Seth, Kent, Bartre, Karla

FE8: Dozla, Ross, Amelia, Ewan

FE9: Tormond, Sothe, that berserker dude

FE10: Tormond, Leonardo, Aran

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If he was, there will be three games called Seth's Solo Adventures.

Oh god lets hope no one hacks that XD

Kent sucks? News to me.

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I'm sure Seth isn't in FE7... You mean Marcus?

If he was, there will be three games called Seth's Solo Adventures.

Yeah, I meant Marcus. I'm losing some Fire Emblem knowledge because of my gain of Monster Hunter Tri knowledge. It's annoying.

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Hmm. Let's see...

FE5: Lara. But then, with 75 potential level ups what can possibly mess up? Someday I should try using Shanam.

FE6: It's not that hard to train people... Well, does Sophia count?

FE7: Ages since I played that. I don't use Nino since FE7 seems to hate magic units.

FE8: You can't undertrain anyone when the length of the game is infinity with infinite income source. The only way to really mess up is to run out of money and weapons before getting Lyon.

FE9: Rolf?

FE10: The whole DB, Aran and Laura, and perhaps Astrid... but they can't really suck when FE10 gives 3~4 stats per level on average and about 6 if you reset upon bad level ups. FE10 allows you to fill up unmaxed stats with bonus EXP... it's really easy to try to max all stats, and I did max some 11 people in my last (easy) playthrough.

I've yet to try Fiona.

...Except for that FE5 Shanam thing, you can't really mess up with anyone.... really.

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How are Kent and Marcus bad?

And just wondering, I might be missing something here, but how does FE7 "hate" magic units? Last time I checked, the only FE game that does hate magic units is FE10.

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Lyn is forced and she's not bad. Lute and Myrrh kill everything, Myrrh can solo the demon King in one hit ( if shes lucky)

Ray, Fa, Zeiss, Sue are all fairly good units IMO too, Zeiss is an est archetype though so I can see why one might think he sucks

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Lyn is forced and she's not bad. Lute and Myrrh kill everything, Myrrh can solo the demon King in one hit ( if shes lucky)

Ray, Fa, Zeiss, Sue are all fairly good units IMO too, Zeiss is an est archetype though so I can see why one might think he sucks

Personally I didn't think those units are bad since I use them, but I may or may not be deluded about this. It's hard to reach a consensus over what people think are good or bad units so I just went by tier lists, and recalled most units on my list were pretty lowish on lists. I also use L'rachel sometimes because her supports with Ephraim are hilarious.

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I see makes sense to me, L'rachel and the other fire emblem characters who are a bit crazy/egotistical etc have funny support conversations XD

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Obviously, "good" and "sucky" are somewhat subjective, but I think my choices will make the cut (or miss the cut, depending on how you look at it)

FE7: Dorcas, Canas (I don't think Canas sucks, but other people do)

FE8: Knoll (that's about the only one, not too many characters truly suck in FE8 thanks to the unlimited training and statboosters)

FE9: I don't use anyone considered to be "sucky," except for maybe Mist

FE10: Leonardo, Meg, Makalov, Pelleas

FE11: Draug, Gordin

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There's quite a lot of Lilina and Rebecca fans.

I also forgot to mention L'Arachel, Neimi (I will never hold archers' enemy phase against them), and Wallace.

Wallace is kind of a funny story. The first time I used him, he was promoted (since it's forced in LNM and I didn't know about that glitch to get around it) and really sucked compared to my Oswin. The second time, I got Lloyd's and Geitz's chapter instead, so I couldn't get Wallace. The next run through, I got his chapter, but I was doing Hard Mode and he died before I could recruit him. After that, I accidently overlevelled my lords again, so I just Game Genied Hector to level 1 so I could get Wallace's chapter. And because of that, I've only been able to use him twice.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that at least two of those times I Lundgren abused so Wallace would go to level 20 and could use his Knight's Crest more efficiently.

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And just wondering, I might be missing something here, but how does FE7 "hate" magic units? Last time I checked, the only FE game that does hate magic units is FE10.

FEDS. The highest possbile MAG growth is a 50%, coming from Linde who comes Midgame at level 1 with crappy bases.

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FE 2: Boyd,

FE 3: Gordin, Est

FE 4: Diadora, Corple, Dew

FE 5: Salem (I needed to use all the tomes I got by stealing from the enemy...), Laura (as a dancer)

FE 6: Klein, Percival, Sophia, Lilina is bad?

FE 7: Rath, Louise

FE 8: Knoll

FE 9: Geoffrey

FE 10: Astrid, Geoffrey, Rolf

FE 11: Gordin, Minerva

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