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I Don't Care If People Think You Suck, I'm Using You Anyways


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Oh I do this all the time, it's fun.

FE7: Nino, Jaffar?, Legault?, Isadora(with a Devil Axe).

FE8: Knoll, Neimi, Myrrh.

FE9: Brom(Coolest Knight ever), Rhys. Elincia.

FE10: I only just finished playing this, I did this quite a bit(No transfers): Micaiah, Leonardo, Laura, Brom, Heather, Soren, Sanaki.

Next time I'll probably train Pelleas.

Edited by Haze
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Guest Wen Yang

I can say the same, but I have my limits... *glares at Wendy and Sophia with the evil eye*

Oh, I dunno.

Wendy's one of the easiest characters to feed kills to since she can OHKO full health enemies. It helps that the game gives you the ultimate baby-feeding tool at her starting chapter at the low cost of 1 unit deployment slot.

I'm talking about the triangle attack of course.

Sophia does need dedication, I'll admit it. Lots of dedication... and rescuing. But hey, I've babied her without using the arena in Hard Mode successfully, so it can't be THAT bad.

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Oh, I dunno.

Wendy's one of the easiest characters to feed kills to since she can OHKO full health enemies. It helps that the game gives you the ultimate baby-feeding tool at her starting chapter at the low cost of 1 unit deployment slot.

I'm talking about the triangle attack of course.

Sophia does need dedication, I'll admit it. Lots of dedication... and rescuing. But hey, I've babied her without using the arena in Hard Mode successfully, so it can't be THAT bad.

Tch... So predictable. I KNEW the triangle attack card would be played to defend Wendy. Unless you're going out of your way to field all three armors AND get them to surround an enemy... She's pretty much unusable because feeding a female armor kills at far from reliable hit rates is NOT one way I'd spend my time. Oh, and if the enemy doesn't die, she's pretty much dead meat. Also, she joins right before the Western Isles. Talk about bad timing! A definite candidate for worst unit in all FE - that's what she is to me, as well as free equipment and a vulnerary.

Yeah. She needs the patience of a saint... and unfortunately, seeing "MISS!" often wears even that amount of patience thin. And she dies if anything even looks at her funny.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Oh I do this all the time, it's fun.

FE7: Nino, Jaffar?, Legault?, Isadora(with a Devil Axe).

FE8: Knoll, Neimi, Myrrh.

FE9: Brom(Coolest Knight ever), Rhys. Elincia.

FE10: I only just finished playing this, I did this quite a bit(No transfers): Micaiah, Leonardo, Laura, Jill, Brom, Heather, Soren, Sanaki.

Next time I'll probably train Pelleas.

You really had to make me spit my tea?


As for the actual topic I just love using Garcia and Aran.

Edited by Sho.M.the.Money
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You really had to make me spit my tea?


As for the actual topic I just love using Garcia and Aran.

Wait what.

...How did that happen?

Let me rectify this.

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Since when JILL has been considered to suck. Statements like that make my laptop smell like green tea...

With that sort of thinking, most characters in the FE series were considered to suck at some point.

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Been reading the FE12 Tier list debates.

Still gonna use Malice.

She's badass enough for me to overlook her nonexistent durability~

That's our Lumi :awesome:

I like giving knights slim lance I feel it gives them better chance at fighting.

How come? Because I consider Slim Lances pointless other than for GBA pegasi (and even then, I simply stick with Iron).

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That's our Lumi :awesome:

How come? Because I consider Slim Lances pointless other than for GBA pegasi (and even then, I simply stick with Iron).

I like the better hit rates ^_^

I notice they hit a lot more with those than Iron/Steel, when they fight axe users. If I use Wendy I'd give her Slim lance for Western Isles, or I'd rather not deploy her but if I do thats the weapon I'd use. Slim lances for pegasi Why? I give them to jeigans so they don't get many kills.

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I like the better hit rates ^_^

I notice they hit a lot more with those than Iron/Steel, when they fight axe users. If I use Wendy I'd give her Slim lance for Western Isles, or I'd rather not deploy her but if I do thats the weapon I'd use. Slim lances for pegasi Why? I give them to jeigans so they don't get many kills.

Ehh, I don't really see the point I suppose.

I don't really have problems hitting with Iron, since axemen aren't the most evasive of enemies. As for Wendy, even though she might be able to hit somewhat well with a Slim Lance, that brings up the problem of even damaging the enemy in the first place - after all, I can't expect a lot out of 8 atk, now can I? On Pegasi: Their Con sucks :( But like I said, I'm content having them stick to Iron Lances anyhow.

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lol for Wendy she'd have to be spoonfed ^_^ and you're right theres really no point but if I was using a knight and I had enemy axers I'd have my knights and pegs to hit with slim lances just to have better chances at hitting.

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lol for Wendy she'd have to be spoonfed ^_^ and you're right theres really no point but if I was using a knight and I had enemy axers I'd have my knights and pegs to hit with slim lances just to have better chances at hitting.

When it comes to Wendy, spoonfed sounds like an understatement... The only real way I can think of to train her would be the triangle attack, and THAT has its own problems.

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And Heather. Heather is one of my favorite FE10 character.

She always reaches my Top 5, since I always use her for combat. Not like there's much thieving to do in FE10.

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I trained her once and spoonfeeding worked just fine ^^'

Hmmm.... As the case may be, I'd never bother - her horrible bases are more than enough to steer me away from using her, but the fact that her join time screams "bad timing" pretty much puts the nail in Wendy's coffin. That, and she doesn't nearly begin to make up for all the headache that training her was even if raised...

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There's more problems than that. :(

I doubt Lumi's gonna play on Lunatic anyway ;/

Besides, Lunatic teams can probably carry 1-2 weak units. Generic Officer beat it with Marth, MU, Sirius, Minerva, Merric, Catria, Feena, and a bunch of generics. >_>

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I doubt Lumi's gonna play on Lunatic anyway ;/

Besides, Lunatic teams can probably carry 1-2 weak units. Generic Officer beat it with Marth, MU, Sirius, Minerva, Merric, Catria, Feena, and a bunch of generics. >_>

True that. I guess I think a bit too much in Looney Toon land. :(

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