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Royal/Noble Unit Run

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Alrighty, so I'm thinking about only using units of some Royalty or nobility...Just because of sick of people not saying anything when they are recruited and having no real importance...

And I realized that hardly any of the units have any backstory at all. So far, I have this list of units that can be used...

Absolutely can use -Royalty








Seemingly can use - Noble

Merric - Altean noble

Wendell - Pontifex

Linde - Miloah was a Pontifex

Horace - Akaneian noble, we're guessing

Nagi - Naga reincanate...or something

Can use because of Designers notes - Noble

Lena - According to the Designers notes, she is a Medonian noble

Matthis - '', And his ending title is 'Dashing Noble'

Jeorge - According to the Designers notes, he is an Akaneian noble, of Menidy

Midia - '', of Deil (where Maria was kept)

Ogma - According to the Designers notes, His father was a lower Akaneian noble

These are units I CAN use...I think. Am I missing any one?

Edited by Maria's bro
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Tiki isnt noble, just "divine". Linde should be OK. Boah I think.

And use Norne and Athena because <3

Tiki is the Divine Dragons' princess. Even if the divine dragons themselves are almost in non-existance. :/

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Oh yeah I forgot she was a princess. And since [spoiler=Nagi]Gotoh hints at Nagi being revived Tiki/Naga I think you can use her.

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As for Merric, I think he can be used.

Well, not entirely sure about this, but according to this playthrough, he is indeed a noble.

Actually, something more convincing is Ellerean's words in Mystery's Ch10, thinking that's why Merric got Excalibur.

For Linde, Miloah was a Pontifex. Does that count?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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As for Merric, I think he can be used.

Well, not entirely sure about this, but according to this playthrough, he is indeed a noble.

Actually, something more convincing is Ellerean's words in Mystery's Ch10, thinking that's why Merric got Excalibur.

For Linde, Miloah was a Pontifex. Does that count?

Alrighty, Merric's confirmed.

As for Linde, I don't know, as Fire Emblem may have some different meaning for the title Pontifex - realistically, it would be a No.

And just checked the Notes again: Ogma's father was a noble of Akaneia, so I guess that makes him eligible as well.

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Oh yeah I forgot she was a princess. And since [spoiler=Nagi]Gotoh hints at Nagi being revived Tiki/Naga I think you can use her.

Yeah... And Naga's definetly royalty. Nagi's history is just so weird...But the battle convo with Medeus just about confirms her.

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If you're willing to use the gaiden characters, my recollection is that Horace is intended to be nobility. He's described as a "landed knight" by the script (which often translates as being a noble) and he's referenced by other characters as "Lord" not "Sir."

Edited by PenandPaper71
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If you're willing to use the gaiden characters, my recollection is that Horace is intended to be nobility. He's described as a "landed knight" by the script (which often translates as being a noble) and he's referenced by other characters as "Lord" not "Sir."

Yeah, I was wondering about that. And the villagers do say he inherited the land and things about his father, so I guess he's eligible as well.

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I'd say Linda counts.

The only other time I can think of the title Pontifex being used in FE was FE8's Pontifex (Mansel?) of Rausten, and he led the place. So the precedent is a leader of a theocracy and therefore very noble.

My take, at any rate.

Anyway, isn't there some text about her fleeing the Whateverian courts?

Edited by Integrity
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Maybe it's the manga or something. *shot*

But Pontifexes are nobles even IRL historically. In Roman times, they're the High Priest, who held a hell lot of power. *shot again for bringing in Latin*

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Wasn't Mansel a Pontifex because Rausten was also the head of the religion (a Theocracy, basically)? Meaning being the ruler of Rausten meant being both King and Pontifex at the same time?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Maybe it's the manga or something. *shot*

But Pontifexes are nobles even IRL historically. In Roman times, they're the High Priest, who held a hell lot of power. *shot again for bringing in Latin*

Julius Caesar, in fact, was Pontifex Maximus. I dunno how long he kept the position though, but he definitely...*runs out of actual knowledge and starts blindly speculating before being shot for bringing in Latin*

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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Wasn't Mansel a Pontifex because Rausten was also the head of the religion (a Theocracy, basically)? Meaning being the ruler of Rausten meant being both King and Pontifex at the same time?

The only other time I can think of the title Pontifex being used in FE was FE8's Pontifex (Mansel?) of Rausten, and he led the place. So the precedent is a leader of a theocracy and therefore very noble.

Yes. He was.

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But Wendell = LOLFAIL. XD

When are you starting said PT?

In just a bit, I'm trying to make sure I don't over look anyone - because I'm only gonna have a few peeps. :blink: There's no way I'm using everyone on the list seriously, like Wendell.

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