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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"I'll just need to ask Isotov some questions after he wakes up, no rush." Morgan said, rubbing her cheek. A bruise had formed where Damian hit her. "Anything I can get him or uh-anything?" she asked, biting her lip.

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As Iso returned to consciousness he opened his eyes on instinct and then quickly closed them while clinching his fists. Perpetual darkness was more infuriating than scary to him. Not sure where or when he was, he stayed silent and slowly tried to sit up.

Iso: (This is bad. Why did that happen?)


Irina: So if I recall correctly, you two are from the Shoon Islands? What's it like there?

OOC: The food's not going to just magically show up two seconds after ordering, so bare with me.


When Viveka woke up she was trembling and completely panicked! She had no idea what had happened to her! What was worse was that she couldn't even move! She was shaking on the ground, and that was all she could manage! Jasmine hadn't noticed that she was awake yet and thought she was having a nightmare at first.

Viveka: ... h-help ...

Jasmine: *gasp* Viv?!

Viveka: ... someone ... anyone ...

Jasmine: Viv, I'm here! Just hold on okay?! Hey, guys!! She's awake!!

OOC: Viv's injuries are gone, but similar to a car with no gas in it, Viv is totally drained. Her body was ravaged by that spell and has virtually just enough energy left to keep her alive, conscious, and allow a wee bit of speaking.

OOC: I got ninja'd THREE times o_o

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"Dunno that there's much that can be done now, the healers were pretty thorough," Kelas replied. "You look like you could probably use one, though. What was that even abou-- hey, careful," she cautioned as Isotov tried to sit up. She put a hand on his shoulder to let him know where she was, then helped him to sit up, grabbing some cushions for him to lean against. "Your wounds were patched up, but you lost a fair bit of blood..."

edit: ninja'd, fixed

and I can spell, honest

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"I'll be fine. I told Esphyr she shouldn't hand her weapon over to demons and Damian lost his temper." Morgan said to Kelas.

She saw Isotov stirring. "He appears to be awake. I won't ask if you are feeling better, since you won't be, but are you able to answer some questions Isotov?" Morgan asked, fidgeting a little.

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The senior healer walked to Vivika. "Whoa now miss, don't be getting all riled up again. You might make it hurt even worse. Do you want things to be worse dear?" The senior motioned for some of the others to come by in case she didn't respond well.

Hearing some others talk the senior looked and saw the other man was struggling as well. "What do they teach you young'uns these days? Sitting up immediately like that is almost never a good idea." He shook his head.

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With Kelas' help Iso was able to at least get into a comfortable position, even though his eyes longed to observe what was going on around him. When he heard Morgan's voice he almost flinched! He wasn't sure why she was there at first, but when she brought up a need for questioning, it hit him.

Iso: (Of course. She'd recognize what happened to us.) ... sure ... go ahead ... (How much blood did I lose? I feel like I'm about to keel over ...)

Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka: W-who ... are you?

Jasmine: Those are the healers. Where does it hurt?

Viveka: N ... nowhere ... I just can't ... I just can't move. I can ... barely breathe ... ... help ....

EDIT: Added Viv

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"You know, I'm not out to woo Alferas into bed. I mean... The only man I would want to sleep with right now is Damian, and you're batting in at just above a goat. As for cute, I... This is all I have for clothes. Seriously. It's armor or nothing for me. Not that I care. I fight every day, so all I could wear that wouldn't get decimated is armor." said Esphyr.


"You really should pass out you know. I'm gonna keep kicking you until you either pass out, or get up. Your choice."

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"Very well. Do you remember encountering any powerful Elder magic users...probably fairly recently? Or if not that, any inexplicable gaps in your memory?" Morgan asked Isotov, furrowing her brow.

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Iso: Oh boy ... I had no idea this would come back to haunt us so badly. Morgan the man you're looking for is Ixion. Back at Damian's home, the headmaster got rid of the fragments in my head which is why Proxima was stable after we left. She also found a thread of mana that went elsewhere. She and I both suspected it was Ixion. She didn't have confidence that she could remove it without hurting me ...


Lev: I only brought it up because you seemed a little insecure when comparing yourself to Morgan. If Damian is the only man you're interested in then power to you. As for me. There are so many women in these world that I lost count back when I was five. I'll be just fine.

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OOC: Vantaged, not ninja'ed. >___>


Seeing that most of the others were healed, Derek took a piece of cloth, and wrapped it around Kelas' forehead, stemming the minor cut until a healer could attend to it. Hearing a ruckus outside in the stables, the cav went over to where the healers were, to find that Viveka was awake, but drained.

"Don't try to talk," he said, after hearing that she could not move. "What you need, is rest. I think some sort of life-stealing spell is a play here. If that IS the case, you should be fine after a while. Father, thank you for your aid," he said, shaking the elder healers' hand. "Much appreciated." Before anyone else could protest, he picked up the weakened soldier, and carried her upstairs, into a marked unoccupied room. After laying her down, he asked, rather softly, "Do you need absolutely anything?"

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"Relax, keep your breathing under control," the senior instructed her. "It may just be exhaustion from whatever it was that afflicted you."

"But just in case, let me rule out some other possibilities. You can't move, but can you feel? Do you taste anything funny? Can you hear alright? No sounds of buzzing or bells?"

EDIT: "Er, yes, just don't let her do anything stupid."

Count Altair

"Well it seems everything's calmed down. For now." Luc noted with displeasure. He didn't care much for the state of his manor, but Jeanne and his parents did. There would have to be some repentance for this. While Luc was busy thinking up numerous ways to get the party to repay him, more guards rushed into the manor.

"Lousy tiny doors. Your next house better have a bigger door Altair!" General Mendoza's voice broke through the bustle in the foyer.

"General, sir!" Luc swiveled and saluted. Nearly all the military personal did likewise.

General Mendoza was outside, most of his bulk obscured by the doorframe being smaller than him. He bent down and passed under it, barely. "Well, this looks like a fine mess these guys have made. I think this broke previous record for an outsider ruining part of the city." The general laughed, a sound so loud it could be heard rooms away. "Alright, Altair, what's the big deal? Why's your house a bigger wreck than mine?"

"Just a scuffle sir. I'll need your confirmation to transport the cause of all this to a holding cell for the night." Luc explained to the General.

"Pretty big scuffle? Well, I take it the cause is the fellow being restrained by half our guys?"

"Yes sir."

EDIT: Ninjad. That's what I get for not previewing for once. May edit later.

EDIT2: Maybe I should blindya.

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"What a mess," Reika left, gazing into the destruction the mage and the soldier caused.

"You got hurt too badly?" said Alferis, placing her on his back. At her current state, she was in no position to walk.

"Not at all slave. I'm *yawn* really tired though. Get me to bed slave, if they'll let us," she said. Idiots. Can these people have the good sense not to destroy everything they're in?

"You want a bath though? It might relax you and make you feel better."

"No slave," she said sharply. "Idiot. When I say I want to go to bed, I mean I want to go to bed. Not anymore of lying on that damned horse."

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just thought maybe..."

"You're fine. And did you let it slip?" she said, waiting for a response.

"...Yeah. I told Esphyr and I bribed her into secrecy. Somehow Morgan found out, but she doesn't want to kill you. In fact she wants you kept alive."

"......Idiot," she said, dropping on the floor.

"You idiot! I told you to keep it a secret! Now when I tell you to obey orders, you goddamn obey them!" she said in a rage, her eyes blazing.

"I'm sorry. I just needed help and I wasn't sure what to do."

"You should've kept your damn mouth shut."

"Reika, Morgan doesn't want you dead," said Alf, impatience in his voice. "Like I said, she wants to help you, though I know it's for nothing but practical reasons."

"Maybe, but what if Chase finds out? Or Helios? Or Pary? Those three want me dead and in my condition, I'm going to be the perfect target for them," she spat.

"Chase...I was scared of Chase finding out, but he'd obey Morgan. The other two? Don't worry Reika. I'm going to protect you, and Esphyr will help me. You're going to be ok," he said, picking her up again and walked over to where Luc was.

"Excuse me sir. Are we still allowed in the rooms here? And if so, where can I find our quarters?"

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Lev: Nah. To me you're a human being who deserves at least a shot at happiness. Given your situation you need all the help you can get. Even a swinedog can be handy for something, or Morgan and Viveka might not be paying me to help them out.

He cracked mischievous smile at her.



Viveka: I'm ... not in any pain ... I just ... don't have enough ... energy to do anything.

Once Derek removed her from the scene, he brought her to what seemed to be a private room. After her body came down onto the bed she closed her eyes.

Viveka: I need ... ... I need a break from this crap.

She was only half serious, part of her was trying to let Derek know that she was at least doing well enough to complain.

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"Ixion?" Morgan put her hand on her chin. "He touched Viveka as well, he removed her memory back in Illyphina. Still to dos emthing like this...he's either a traitor trying to kill you or needed your life force very badly. Either way, it appears he had some sort of significant problem. I wouldn't care ordinarily, but continuing to absorb your life force...and Viveka's, is not going to help your continued survival." Her voice trailed off as she continued to ponder.

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Count Altair

"I'm fine with most of you staying the night. Just not that man who started this whole ordeal," Luc said with contempt for Damian. "The unoccupied rooms are marked as such, find one that fits your fancy."

"I don't like that," Jeanne said bitterly. "Even if they didn't do it they're still with them."

"Behave yourself Jeanne. I am at just as much fault," Luc explained. He could have done a hundred things to prevent or stop this terror from occurring and indecision and poor planning had ruined it all again. Just another lesson to learn in the end.

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"Thank you sir. Please excuse my 'friend' over there. He's a sword short of a swordmaster, if you catch my drift," said Alferis, nodding and walking away to one of the rooms.

"There you go," said Alf as he laid Reika down on the bed. "You go get some rest. I'm going to see about getting something to eat for both of us."



"Don't tell anyone about this again. And make sure this doesn't reach Pary or Helios," she said, cursing the demons for doing this to her.

"Don't worry about it. If either of 'em tries anything, they're not going to get out it unscathed," he said, heading right out the door, just when Reika closed her eyes.

Need to send a message out soon. Can't forget the mission and I need to do it without drawing attention to myself. Slave might blab, he's not going to be trustworthy. He wouldn't betray them for me if I asked them to. Or would he? Anyway, no reason to anyway, they'll probably end up destroying themselves anyway.

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Iso: ... that's not right. Ixion hates my guts, but Ivanko would pulverize Ixion if he turned on us. If he used a draining spell on us to save himself, then someone must have injured him ... grievously.

Iso shook his head partly in disbelief.

Iso: Morgan, Ixion is a Dark Druid. What on earth is going on out there that has him draining us to keep himself alive? He took everything he could without killing us. I can't help but wonder what's going on ....

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"Without killing you?" Kelas scoffed. "Right. Sure. Anyway, there's plenty he could have vexed, deal with the devil gone sour or something... or maybe he ran afoul of demons or suchlike. In any case it's more a matter of how to keep this from happening again, way I see it."

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Rita and Cess:

"Oh yeah, it's really cool! We have all these beaches, and waterfalls, and harbors. It's really neat. Plus, you can see all the animals. There's all these tropical birds, and there's even this one spot that all the wild sea wyverns live at. That's where my brother got his."

"Most people fish, or farm or things like that. Rita, where did Tyler say his last job was anyway?"

"Somewhere around here I think. Supposed to be hunting down some rogue mercenary hunter. I dunno."

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"The strongest demons do seem rather fixated on us." Morgan said. "Perhaps Ivanko is dealing with other enemies right now. I'm mostly concerned about your health, if this happens again, he might kill you. We could send a messenger, hopefully they would arrive in time."

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Iso: I'm not sure. Ixion seemed to know what he was doing there. Both Viveka and I nearly died, but he took just what he could. I think he knows we're tapped out. ... that means he's still using these connections to spy on us ...

Iso hung his head a little dismayed.

Iso: Invading my dreams, using my eyes and ears to spy on the group, and using me as a life energy supply should the need arise ... heh. And to think he and I used to be friends. He's no better than Ivanko ...


Irina: Your brother is a bounty hunter? Sounds tough. Mercenaries don't usually have to track people down who could be anywhere.

Levski(He's thinking Arby's)

Lev: I'm thinking that you could use someone like me in your life. Someone who isn't afraid to calm you down. But that's just me.

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"Normally Damian would have been here to calm me down, but... He wasn't. Why, I don't know. Mad perhaps? I head him shouting as I left, but was far too mad to do anything."

OOC: Wait... Did Esphyr and Lev just have a Meg and Quagmire conversation?

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