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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"Try not to be a menace to society!" Kelas shouted as she rounded the bend into what passed for a path through the woods. The trees were thick here, and the ground uneven, but she was able to navigate, vaulting fallen branches when necessary. "And keep your eyes on the course!" she added, running through a puddle, momentarily obscuring sight of Amari with a spray of water.

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"Heh... For a horse girl, you aren't as smart as you think! Didn't you wonder why I chose to keep the armor on the front of the horse for a race?" he asked as he too rounded the corner, a bit behind Kelas. What he meant became soon apparent as he entered into the woods. While riding in Kelas's shadow meant his way was a tad clearer from the start, the true advantage became apparent a moment later as he approached the lower-lying shrubs. While Kelas's steed was fast and agile in the dense woods it accounted for less as the trees provided obstacles neither could pass with ease. However, Altion's steed superior power and armoring meant that the animal could literally plough through underbrush that Amari had to navigate around! In less than ten minutes, what had been a one-sided race in Kelas's favor had turned into a closer race between the two with the pair almost neck and neck, were it not for Altion's shorter paths and less difficulty moving resulting in him slowly nudging forwards.

"Ever live in a forest? You get used to pushing about the trees dame!"

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"Oh I don't know, when you live in the saddle half your life you learn some tricks!" Instead of shoving through, Amari was simply vaulting the most troublesome bits of brush. Occasionally a low-hanging branch made Kelas duck, but that was hardly difficult. Kelas headed through another puddle, sending up another spray of water, and made for a clearer path. It was a bit longer, but... "Dahai," she hissed, and Amari sped up a tiny bit.

All the same, they were neck and neck as they shot out of the woods, with a clear stretch back to the manor. "Well then! Maybe I'll show off a bit?" She leaned close to Amari's neck. "Dahai go go go!" Amari surged forward, nearly at full speed now. The gap reopened and continued to grow.

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As they cleared the woods, the final stretch of land seemed to be a fairly straightforwards plains run, if not for one small problem. As the pair ripped through the woods, the howl of a pack of wolves echoed behind them, complete with the snarls and growls of the wild animals as they ripped free from the treeline and moved about in a wide arc, trying to entrap the two riders. Three wolves already ran alongside the twin horses, adrenaline in their bodies giving them the needed boost of speed to match that of the horses for a short time. Two were on Altion, and one hounding Kelas from her left, coming up between the pair.

"Doll-high Kelas! Doll-High!" he called out, trying to mimic the call as he looked worried. He had left his weapons and most of his armor back at the city, keeping only that to allow for ease of traveling through the forest on his body. Yet, he was far from helpless either. He was still in charge of a armored steed, and he knew how to use that armor well. As the wolves closed in, trying to snap as the heels so as to take down the beast as well as looking for a place to leap onto the running animal, Altion maneuvered closer to Kelas, trying to pressure the third while at the same time turning his body so that the light chestplate he wore served as a weak shield against any leaping attacks.

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"That's the best piece of advise I've heard all day!" exclaimed Altion, bringing his steed about to pressure the third and final wolf away from Kelas, before suddenly switching direction so that he could come alongside Kelas. Though lacking a weapon, he did have armor, and that was all he needed. Already, two new wolves were trying to approach Kelas, but Altion swiftly rushed between her and them, rearing his horse up to let the hooves flay at the hunters before the steed came down again, bringing the full weight of the armored steed down in a wall between the two before he kicked the steed forth, forcing both to back off and resume a strafing position where Kelas would have a perfect shot. Thankfully, their numbers were low, no more than eight counting those killed by Kelas already, but only one wolf was needed to win, and they were sure hungry-looking.

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"Ayi! Get back her!" he called out, trying to kick his steed into a gallop as he rushed after her. Yet, as Kelas shot forth, trying to reach the house once again, the wolves rushed after her. However, their speed boost was long since gone, and now they were naught but easily knocked aside fodder for Altion's armored animal as he rushed forwards towards the gate, following in Kelas's wake.

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Count Altair

"Seems not, I'll be going then. Try to restrain yourselves." Luc turned and returned to the dining hall. "Forgive my departure, things have been settled."

The 18th Patrol Cavalry of Directus

The 18th Patrol Cavalry of Directus thundering hard in the wooded areas outside of the cities bounds. Their Captain, a rival-of-sorts of Luc Altair, Captain of the 12th, was pushing his men hard for no serious reason. Instead, he was pushing them out of rage at Luc being doted upon. It had been his unit that found the missing man, or what was left of him, and he had actually led his men safely home. And what does he get? Nothing. While Luc loses most his unit, fails in his task and brings in a bunch of random idiots and gets praised for it. Bah, he didn't need that amount of coddling, he would do real work!

And so when he saw a bizarre group of wolves near Directus he held his unit into a charge and crushed every last one of them. "Vermin! The lot of them!" he yelled before marshaling his men for another patrol.

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Kelas slowed as she passed through the gates, cantering up towards the corral and dismounting as Amari slid to a halt. Quickly she checked the mare for injuries, and finding none, groomed her. The race had barely got the mare sweating.

"Right that was a bad idea," she muttered, heading inside as Amari ambled off into the paddock.

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"I-I'm sorry." said Altion, entering in and stabling his steed as well. "I wanted to try to make you happier with me and wanted to have a good time with you. I didn't know that there were wolves out in the forest in the day." he said with a sigh before he went his own separate way from Kelas, not heading back inside, but rather out into the space outside the city where the race had happened. "Dahai..." he muttered to himself, slumping against the stonework.

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The place where the overhwelming majority of Phoenix characters reside ATM

Hearing Kelas' voice while he was caught up in thought, Iso turned to face her, though the aim of his face was slightly off as usual.

Iso: Wolves? That's ... strange. Wolves don't usually become that aggressive unless something's off in the environment.

Irina: Did you at least win or did the wolves mess that up?

Irina took another bite of her food after she asked.

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"Of course I won. No way Amari could lose to some cavalry horse, especially with an idiot in the saddle." Kelas rolled her eyes. "Mind, I think said idiot wasn't even in it for the race, it started to seem like a poorly disguised attempt to get me alone about halfway in... well, that was right out. Still, wolves this close to the manor... wonder if something's upset them. We should leave soon."

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Count Altair

"Wolves?" Luc questioned as he overheard the Nomad girl and others. "Odd, at the very least the 18th should be patrolling right now. Ah, he has been lax in his duties as usual," Luc thouthlessly said without care that he was showing weakness to outsiders. "Though with this sky I can hardly blame animals for being out of mind. A few people have gone a bit odd as well. I've heard old man Cal is screaming for somebody named Charlie about some war in 'Nam."

"Yes, we really should depart soon."

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Same as last time

Iso: Secret admirer? Well that's not the way I would handle it but ...

Irina: How would you handle it?

She tilted her head wondering what her brother's methods were.

Iso: Well I certainly wouldn't do what Lev does ...

He scoffed a bit and then chuckled. When Luc came into the conversation, Irina took another quick bite and swallowed it after barely chewing before speaking up.

Irina: ... umm ... if you need the wolves cleared out ... I might be free to do it. It's not that hard heheh.

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Count Altair

"Oh, I really couldn't impose on my guests to do such things. Especially when we all desire to depart sometime later this day. I'm sure if the 18th doesn't take care of it someone else can," Luc said. The 54th would be due back sometime soon with the remains of his unit. And the 20th was supposedly coming back from an escort soon as well. No, it would just be needless to go out hunting. Though if she pressed it he would relent. it was never wise to push too hard or stand too firm.

"Well it seems they did do it. Good on him for once to kick his guys into doing something," Luc was irate but caught himself before going further. "Bah, forgive my words. I shouldn't be speaking of comrades thus."

EDIT: Do not hope, desire.

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Kitchen place

Irina: Awww. And here I thought I found extra work. Oh well.

She took one last bite clearing her plate and then stood up and took it over to the kitchen sink ... or someplace like that.

Iso: *sigh* ...

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Count Altair

"Well, with the discounts everyone should be receiving funds shouldn't be as big a problem," Luc frowned a bit. Had the papers even arrived yet? They hadn't been at the mansion last night. And still weren't here in the morning. He would have to discuss it with Councilman Richtor next he saw the man. "Unless you're just looking for work. Than I have no compensation for you. The best you could do is challenge trainees to a money match. But I doubt General Mendoza would allow an outsider to do so."

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"Ah. I found mine at the door. Maybe it's there," said Alferis, going to the door and found the letter.

"Here you go," he said handing it over. "Erm, Aiya? You've hung out a lot with nobles. Do you know what kind of food they have? Or what to do at a ball?"

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As they were lead to the dining area, Damian followed slowly. His muscles still slightly unresponsive from the possession and scrambling.

Still, there was something he still wanted to do.

"Hey... Tessa? Could I talk to you for a minute?" Damian asked the troubadour who was walking in front of him.


"What kind of food? It all depends on the chef Alferis. Different chefs cook different things... I know when Damian goes into the kitchen, he does a lot of delicious seafood dishes..." Aiya replied, drifting off with a hungry look in her eye.

Snapping out of it, she registered Alferis second question.

"At balls? Usually, there is upscale music, ballroom dancing, and the one jerk who makes an ass out of themself by eating everything at the h'ors d'oeuvres table..."

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"*cough* *cough* Mmhmm. This stuff is way outta my league and I was wondering if there's anything to avoid being that...jerk," he said, wincing at the thought he would've done that.

"Damian makes seafood? My god, he's a lot better than I thought already! I once had a salmon dish with a little bit of herbs around the area, and it is so good if you cook it tenderly. You can't make it too burnt. And the tuna? He makes good tuna? Oh my god..." Alferis said in a deep voice, his eyes glazed in anticipation and drooling.

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