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I'm in all Honors classes and AP history, because there's no Honors history in my school from 10th grade on for whatever reason. I'm also in what I guess you could consider AP math. My school's filled with a lot of intelligent people, though. One of my friends had a 97.6% NGA last year, which would've been much higher had he not earned a C+ in phys ed. There are people with 4.2 GPAs and crazy stuff like that, too. I'm not too shabby myself, but wow.

AP math sounds hard. dry.gif My school has lots of intelligent people as well but in my grade there are few. (Makes me feel more nerdy. XD ) I barely got a 3.9 last year. dry.gif

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I got my GPA.

Does anyone know how to convert from the system out of 100 to the system out of 4.something?

1. Is 100 the highest possible (even with honors/AP classes)?

2. What is considered passing?

Thats what everyone is saying that they pay off in the long run.

Here's the 4 AP classes I took, and what I got out of the tests:

English, Junior Year (don't remember what it was called): Automatic credit for freshman English, which meant I got out of a 4 hour placement test, and a class.

English, Senior Year (don't remember what it was called): One sophomore-level English credit, which meant I could take classes I normally wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole (stupid university graduation requirements)

Chemistry: Failed the test, but got placed into an advanced freshman Chemistry class, which meant my grade was based off of five tests. The class was taught by the department head, who was the best professor I had (this wasn't my major).

Calculus: Automatic placement into a sophomore-level Calculus. Also got out of the placement test (nowhere near as stupid as the English one, but it's something I'd rather not take).

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1. Is 100 the highest possible (even with honors/AP classes)?

2. What is considered passing?

65+ (D) is passing.

100 is only the highest possible if you have all regular classes. 108 is the maximum, since 1.08 is our AP multiplyer.

I have a 99.82, because English is a bitch and decides to drag my GPA below what would've been over 100.

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I was in some Magnet program in high school so all of my classes were Honor classes. I did take AP World History and Biology but never took the exam so that I can get college credit for them.

Didn't help that I never put any effort into school.

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Then consider 100 to be 4.0, and go from there. Looks like you're close to it!

My state raises the value of the grade of AP classes by one (so A is worth 5, B is worth 4, and so on). Due to my general laziness and affinity for AP classes, I got out of high school with 3.7.

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Well, now that I don't have AP English anymore, I sense my GPA rising again...

Let's just say my grades in AP English were so bad that if I was in a regular class, my effective unweighted GPA would actually be higher than if I was in AP despite the 1.08 multiplier. ;~;

Not even Calc, Physics, and Art (all APs) combined could salvage it.

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Hmm. I'm taking AP European History. It was one of three available AP classes for a sophomore. (The others being AP Chemistry and something else.)

I didn't take Biology in my Freshmen year so I couldn't take AP Chemistry. I'm thinking I'm gonna hate Biology dry.gif

I'm also taking Literary Forms Honors, Algebra II / Trig, and some other unimportant classes.

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2009-2010 school year (Sophomore Year)

Honors English, Algebra II, Biology, Latin II, French II, Physics, and AP U.S. History (got a 4 on the AP test).

Final GPA: 4.7

2010-2011 school year (Junior Year)

Honors Economics, French III, Latin III, Chemistry, Pre-Calculus

AP U.S. Government, AP Language and Composition, Sociology and Philosophy (Dual Credit college classes)

Current GPA: Unknown

I wonder if the workload will kill me. (Too many Honors/AP classes=WAY too much homework) A lot of people at my school overload on AP/Honors classes. And my high school offers Honors in any class that does not offer an AP option.

Oh, and I skipped freshman year. It's gonna mess with my transcripts, I bet.

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Too many AP classes isn't so bad if you manage your time and stock up on coffee. I survived with 5 APs (one of them is Art, though), and one Honors (Latin. AP this year)

Provided, my English grades, like mentioned above, dragged my GPA down horribly, but that's also because of my inability to write a good essay to save my life, and I'm a lazy procrastinator that saves said essays to be typed at lunchtime on my laptop.

Then again, I am a masochistic overachiever.

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i don't like reading these threads because they make me feel unintelligent

go ahead and make fun of my petty 3.5 GPA~

(it'll be higher by the end of this year)

Huh? 3.5 is still Magna cum Lade! Nothing to be ashamed of!

That said, this year, my "honors" I suppose would be Government "CC" (not sure what the CC stands for) and I guess Anatomy. I admit I'm not sure what makes a "honors class" in my school. I had most of my classes, except English, as honors in middle school, but I stopped doing the higher math classes when I hit high school. The rest were on and off. My current GPA is around 3.8, I think 3.86.

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Too many AP classes isn't so bad if you manage your time and stock up on coffee. I survived with 5 APs (one of them is Art, though), and one Honors (Latin. AP this year)

Provided, my English grades, like mentioned above, dragged my GPA down horribly, but that's also because of my inability to write a good essay to save my life, and I'm a lazy procrastinator that saves said essays to be typed at lunchtime on my laptop.

Then again, I am a masochistic overachiever.

:lol: You sound like me. I procrastinate, too. Unfortunately, my school doesn't allow outside electronics to be brought in, so I'm not working on assignments the day that they're due, but last year, I had plenty of assignments that I finished the day before they were due. My school is getting a big head because it was the only one in the state that made the top 30 in Newsweek's Best High Schools list. Stupid rankings... :facepalm:

I'm trying not to procrastinate this year. And I can't write an essay to save my life, either. I think that the only reason that I got a 4 on the AP US History test is because I'm great at multiple choice. Which makes me wonder why exactly I'm taking the AP Language and Comp. course. (I have a photographic memory, so memorizing facts and dates comes easily to me. Timed writing... Not so much. I can analyze, just not with time constraints.)

Everyone calls me an overachiever, but my mom says that I'm an underachiever, based on the fact that I procrastinate and only do the minimum amount of work necessary for an 'A.'

I'll be taking AP Latin next year, so I hope that it's not horribly difficult. A couple of seniors at my school are doing 8 AP classes. :blink: Scary...

@Kintenbo: Maybe CC means college credit? IDK...

@Levity: Yeah, a 3.5 GPA is great! You should be proud. Most people who get obscenely high GPAs don't have anything better to do (like me). :sob: I hate being social, so what can I say?

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@Kintenbo: Maybe CC means college credit? IDK...

I'd think that's what AP is for, but hey, if I just go with its flow, what's there to worry? It gives me an opportunity to debate political stuff, since this class puts me in We the People. It will be nice to find out if all the complaints I hear about the government is reasonable or not!

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:lol: You sound like me. I procrastinate, too. Unfortunately, my school doesn't allow outside electronics to be brought in, so I'm not working on assignments the day that they're due, but last year, I had plenty of assignments that I finished the day before they were due. My school is getting a big head because it was the only one in the state that made the top 30 in Newsweek's Best High Schools list. Stupid rankings... :facepalm:

I'm trying not to procrastinate this year. And I can't write an essay to save my life, either. I think that the only reason that I got a 4 on the AP US History test is because I'm great at multiple choice. Which makes me wonder why exactly I'm taking the AP Language and Comp. course. (I have a photographic memory, so memorizing facts and dates comes easily to me. Timed writing... Not so much. I can analyze, just not with time constraints.)

Everyone calls me an overachiever, but my mom says that I'm an underachiever, based on the fact that I procrastinate and only do the minimum amount of work necessary for an 'A.'

I'll be taking AP Latin next year, so I hope that it's not horribly difficult. A couple of seniors at my school are doing 8 AP classes. :blink: Scary...

Haha. Actually, at the moment, I'm attempting to do my AP Comparative Gov/Eco summer assignment (stupid government/economics being necessary credits to graduate) and it's not working out so well since I'm horribly distracted, by SF no less.

Same here, actually. I don't even know why took AP Lang, since I only got a 3. My parents yell at me to go study all the time and stop going on the computer so much, but eh. I hate work.

I heard the class is okay, but the AP exam is WTF-level in difficulty. Though, it's a good thing that our teacher exempts us from having a written final if we take the AP exam, and just do a fun project instead, so that's good.

8 APs, in one year? I don't even want to know how they fit that many in. ._.

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Same here, actually. I don't even know why took AP Lang, since I only got a 3. My parents yell at me to go study all the time and stop going on the computer so much, but eh.

That's typical asian life for you, sadly. My highschool career consisted of me sleeping in all my classes and barely doing homework and yet I still passed most of my classes with at least a B and even a couple of A's. That's how much of a joke highschool is. The best part is my mom stopped caring about what I did in highschool after freshman year. lulz!

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I heard the class is okay, but the AP exam is WTF-level in difficulty. Though, it's a good thing that our teacher exempts us from having a written final if we take the AP exam, and just do a fun project instead, so that's good.

8 APs, in one year? I don't even want to know how they fit that many in. ._.

Aww...You're lucky. My school requires classes to have a written final, even if it's an AP course. So guess what we were doing AFTER the APUSH test in May? :angry:

I've already read The Aeneid, and done analytical essays on it, so hopefully that'll help a little. One of my friends just graduated, and she took a Latin placement test in college. She did so well that she only needed two or three classes to get a minor in classical languages. :blink: I hope that I do that well...

Oh, and don't ask me how people fit eight AP classes in. They must not sleep. Or eat. Or live. I'm probably going to limit myself to two or three AP classes next year. AP Latin, AP Calculus, and maybe AP French. Maybe something else. And I'm counting my Sociology/Philosophy class as a college class this year because it is. And the workload is horrendous.

That's typical asian life for you, sadly. My highschool career consisted of me sleeping in all my classes and barely doing homework and yet I still passed most of my classes with at least a B and even a couple of A's. That's how much of a joke highschool is. The best part is my mom stopped caring about what I did in highschool after freshman year. lulz!

How'd you know that I was Asian? Lucky guess? I'm adopted, though, so my mom is not Asian. And she doesn't care about my grades because she doesn't need to. She only yells at me if I'm up at 2 AM doing homework, which she thinks is a big deal. (I procrastinated too much last year, so we're talking 7 hours of sleep max, with cross-country running and track on top of it. And I don't eat food, as in I'd forget to pack lunch and not eat all day until dinner) This year, I'm trying for 7 hours of sleep as the norm. (Still with cross country thrown on top. :wacko: )

Well, as long as I can keep my grades up, everything's fine... My school gives this huge speech every year about how junior year is the one that is most scrutinized by colleges. Great... I got a 1900 on my PSAT last year, and I had a great GPA. Let's hope that I can keep it up!

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Oh, and don't ask me how people fit eight AP classes in. They must not sleep. Or eat. Or live. I'm probably going to limit myself to two or three AP classes next year. AP Latin, AP Calculus, and maybe AP French. Maybe something else. And I'm counting my Sociology/Philosophy class as a college class this year because it is. And the workload is horrendous.

8? That must be really hard to manage.

Dam... I just realized our school only offers Spanish as a language course. (And I already know Spanish...) I knew I should have gone to the other school. dry.gif

How'd you know that I was Asian? Lucky guess? I'm adopted, though, so my mom is not Asian. And she doesn't care about my grades because she doesn't need to. She only yells at me if I'm up at 2 AM doing homework, which she thinks is a big deal. (I procrastinated too much last year, so we're talking 7 hours of sleep max, with cross-country running and track on top of it. And I don't eat food, as in I'd forget to pack lunch and not eat all day until dinner) This year, I'm trying for 7 hours of sleep as the norm. (Still with cross country thrown on top. :wacko: )

I thought all parents were like that...

Man... If I get lots of work this year I won't be able to stay up til like 3 in the morning playing the Wii like I did last year. sob.gif

Well, as long as I can keep my grades up, everything's fine... My school gives this huge speech every year about how junior year is the one that is most scrutinized by colleges. Great... I got a 1900 on my PSAT last year, and I had a great GPA. Let's hope that I can keep it up!

Thats what I'm thinking too. Our school seems to make a big deal out of the Junior year too. :/

Your all scaring me with all WTF level test and making me feel like I'll have no life. sob.gif

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How'd you know that I was Asian? Lucky guess? I'm adopted, though, so my mom is not Asian. And she doesn't care about my grades because she doesn't need to. She only yells at me if I'm up at 2 AM doing homework, which she thinks is a big deal. (I procrastinated too much last year, so we're talking 7 hours of sleep max, with cross-country running and track on top of it. And I don't eat food, as in I'd forget to pack lunch and not eat all day until dinner) This year, I'm trying for 7 hours of sleep as the norm. (Still with cross country thrown on top. :wacko:

I've met so many asians with similar stories so when I hear stories like these it's just like. "Yeah, these people are Asian"

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Aww...You're lucky. My school requires classes to have a written final, even if it's an AP course. So guess what we were doing AFTER the APUSH test in May? :angry:

I've already read The Aeneid, and done analytical essays on it, so hopefully that'll help a little. One of my friends just graduated, and she took a Latin placement test in college. She did so well that she only needed two or three classes to get a minor in classical languages. :blink: I hope that I do that well...

Oh, and don't ask me how people fit eight AP classes in. They must not sleep. Or eat. Or live. I'm probably going to limit myself to two or three AP classes next year. AP Latin, AP Calculus, and maybe AP French. Maybe something else. And I'm counting my Sociology/Philosophy class as a college class this year because it is. And the workload is horrendous.

Our school just wants a grade in the final part. So our final project kinda counts as our final, it's awesome.

Usually, it's our state test that serves as the final, though. And those, especially after APs, are laughable.

The exception was Calc, where we took our final before the APs. That test is actually harder than the AP exam. >____< I went into the exam, took a look at the test, and thought "holy crap, this is easier than our final!" luckily our teacher is awesome and gave us a massive curve (bigger than the AP curve), and let us do retakes on parts we did badly on.

Reading the Aeneid certainly does help, since that's pretty much the AP Latin curriculum. Or so my teacher says.

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I'd think that's what AP is for, but hey, if I just go with its flow, what's there to worry? It gives me an opportunity to debate political stuff, since this class puts me in We the People. It will be nice to find out if all the complaints I hear about the government is reasonable or not!

Wow. You give me hope for the future (really). Best of luck with debating (but keep your emotions out of it)!

In my ghetto alma mater (the drop out rate is roughly 1 in 3), 3.6 was the minimum for Magna Cum Laude.

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