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Amelia's sprites


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Type A Tsundere

Type A (alias Type Tsun or harsh): These Tsundere have tsuntsun as their default mood. It takes something special to trigger their deredere side. The intensity of the tsuntsun can range from "I must glare and fight my way through life" (Louise of Zero no Tsukaima) to grumpy pessimism (Kagami of Lucky Star). It's about which part of the tsundere personality is the public face and which the hidden. If the Tsundere is The Rival, she is more likely to be Type A. When she does help her rival out, expect her to say something along the lines of "Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for you." This is usually accompanied by ferocious blushing. While she usually cuts down on the beatings and insults and shows more signs of mushiness as the series progresses, she will not be fully converted to "dere" in contrast to the Defrosting Ice Queen, which, ironically, was the original definition of Tsundere. Type A can overlap with a Jerk With a Heart of Gold, but usually not. The moods of a Tsundere tend to switch in reaction to the actions of select people or adverse scenarios; the deredere side usually only comes out when someone has acted in a way to trigger it. A Jerk With a Heart of Gold is jerkish in general regardless of whether the other person is mean or nice, and shows their Hidden Heart Of Gold only when the situation warrants, regardless of how the other person had been acting. Male characters in particular should be considered for Jerk With a Heart of Gold status, as arguably because of Double Standards, men are generally that instead of tsundere, although the kuudere subtype is more equally split in gender. Oranyan is sometimes used to refer to a male tsundere character - incorrectly since it means the complete opposite.

Type B Tsundere

Type B (alias Type Dere or sweet): These Tsundere have deredere as their default mood. They are sweet, kind and generous, but just happen to have a hidden violent side as well. In this case, her temper is almost always triggered by someone or something else, usually the male Love Interest. (An example is Kagome Higurashi from Inu Yasha). Either they have Belligerent Sexual Tension, or he is an idiot or an Accidental Pervert, or she just has no idea how to handle feelings of love and attraction and thus is sweet to everyone except the man she's interested in. Unwanted suitors such as Dogged Nice Guys or Jerkasses might also trigger the tsuntsun. Very often the male Love Interest will be very frustrated, as everybody else keeps telling him how soft-hearted the Tsundere is, and wonders how they can possibly be describing the same girl. This may lead to an Informed Attribute if we never actually see the sweet side as default, since the Tsundere and her irritant are always together on screen. In non-romantic scenarios this character is likely to be the disciplinarian and organizer, (though not necessarily the leader). A Type B Tsundere is often subjected to Character Exaggeration and Flanderization, turning her into a Type A. Type B should not be confused with a Yandere. If a Type B Tsundere were really convinced that her Love Interest didn't want her, she would revert back to her deredere side and probably enter an I Want My Beloved To Be Happy phase. A Yandere would calmly tolerate a lot of the things that a Tsundere goes bonkers over, but if a Yandere were to decide that her Love Interest really didn't want her, she would likely snap and Murder the Hypotenuse (or the love interest himself). A common way of showing that a Tsundere has mellowed or has had her heart won over by the Love Interest is to have her shift from Type A to Type B.

I have no idea how copying and pasting the text copied the links... fair warning do not click on the links, that site will devour your soul.

Edited by iavasechui
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/is bored


So liek, new DoF Varkade, since everyone was complaining about lord Hausen in a robe.

Old man sure is hard to FC. @~@


Iris' DoF sprite. Lumi designed this btw. I just sprited it.

Such an asdf palette.

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So clean! <3

As for Varkade, it's good that he has his own face now! Though he does need more wrinkles/facial lines, assuming you're keeping him the same age as the previous portrait; he doesn't look older than 30 to me. That's because his face is still overwhelmingly smooth, despite the bag under one eye and the eyebrow creases (which need moved in towards each other a bit.) Luckily there are a lot of old dudes to ref, it shouldn't be too bad to fix.

Seeing DoF mugs makes me so excited. Keep it up! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Is bored of fixing old men from DoF*

*Goes fishing*

*Takes out her fishing-rod*

*Puts Sonia on as bait*

As you can see, I'm in Rune Factory mood. (I am downloading it right now)

So yeah...


Sonia, main female character in Rune Factory Oceans.

Azel is still in WIP state though.

*Waits for Chalis-fish to come*

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  • 2 weeks later...


*Waits for Chalis-fish to come*

Why hello there. I love the attention to detail, especially the little flower leaves. There's probably nothing constructive I can say other than how Sonia's weird sun visor is but that's her original design flaw. I wonder if you could take off the visor

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  • 3 months later...


Repost Flandre~

Because I don't want my topic to sleep in page 4. =A=

Very nice. But why does it look like she has some kind of mischievous plan planned for mischievousness?

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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  • 3 weeks later...


/takes a gun and shoots self in the head



Male and Female protagonist from Persona 3 and protagonist of Persona 4. (aka Minato, Hamuko and Souji)

Those are pretty awesome. Is that first guy's neck supposed to be that long though? Im not familiar with Persona.

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Holy cows , that is so nice ! They are so clean looking . :) The shape of the girl's face is a bit odd though.

I noticed that, but I couldn't find a way to fix it. :<

Those are pretty awesome. Is that first guy's neck supposed to be that long though? Im not familiar with Persona.

Yeah, it's the style of Persona. o3o

Persona FE gogogo

Would if I could hack. QQ

I love them! My favorite is the gray haired one.

Since he's the last one I sprited so I had some practice.

Wow, those look awesome. I'm actually a fan of Persona 3 and 4(only ones I've played).

With that said ... please do Mitsuru and Yukiko

Very nice Amelia, very nice indeed. Now then, to jump over Phoenix and request Rise.

Requests are pretty much accepted, but you guys gotta wait, I have to sprite someone else first. :3

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