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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Everyone slept peacefully through the night and the sun rose high for another beautiful Septimian day.

Charlotte woke up early. There was a lot to do today. She supposed the first order of business was to meet up with the rest of the group, who would be there around midday according to Sir Eric. I should let him sleep for now, since he spent all night and day running after me ^_^

She ran into Tristan on her way out of the palace. "Where are you off to?" she asked him.

"I'm going to meet this group as well. There's still the matter of General Alex's treatment that needs to be resolved. You can ride with me if you want." he offered.

The pair rode towards the gate, thankfully not encountering any birds on the way. Once they arrived, they could see a motley crew of various people and beasts (that would be the main group guys).

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Last night. Need to keep an eye on Heinz. Dammit. Reika thought bitterly. She was so upset at her own powerlessness she forgot to beat up Helios last night.

"Hey guys! There's Charlotte!" said Alferis pointing in her direction.

Can't believe I got ambushed by riddle spouting clown. Why's a raven like a writing desk indeed.

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A good distance away from camp, a certain wind mage could be seen gathering his stuff. Helios had been up all night training. Memories of training with the headmaster kept him up all night. The thought of being unable to touch her was unbearable. After a final sigh, he picked up his pack off the floor, wrapped his jacket around his waist and headed back to camp, the fatigue showing on his face.

OOC: Now would be a good time to off him, Sage.

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Last night, after the mystery of Isotov's writing had been more or less explained, though whether or not anything was actually resolved was a different matter, Tessa had retired early. If they couldn't make it to the capital that night, then a very early morning was in order, as the sooner they arrived, the better.

Morning actually proceeded surprisingly smoothly, with none of the usual delays that seemed to accompany trying to set out on a new day's journey, and the group had quickly set off. They had just been held up at the main gate of the city, seeking entrance, when an absolutely splendid pegasus stallion had descended with a bit of an affair. The guards had apparently recognized the beast, and immediately parted ways for it, and when the dust had settled and a clear path was laid bare, while Tessa couldn't recognize the main rider, the identity of the passenger was all too familiar.

"Charlotte!" she called out, and rushed towards the pair. "You're well? I was, we all were, so worried after you!"

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Luc Altair

The night had thankfully passed by without further incident. Other than his losing track of Reika for a brief moment nothing else had occurred, something Luc was thankful for.

As they held themselves at the gate Alferis shouted something about Charlotte. Luc looked over and saw the Princess approaching them all while riding on a Pegasus with another man. Tessa rushed straight over to the other girl. Luc could hear her excitement.

Can't say I expected that, Luc thought. The spy couldn't have been pleased about this.


Paul meanwhile, had last night slipped out of his comfy resting place and easily dashed out past the watch that Luc had set up. He made his way into the city early to start gathering information. Only to realize it was all futile with the free reign the Princess had been allowed. So instead he spent the night breaking into random houses to screw around with the security detail. That was always such fun.

EDIT: Added context and a bunch of other stuff that I really shouldn't have forgot bleh!

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Charlotte waved down from the pegasus. "It is good to see you all as well" she said. "I'm glad to see you were all so concerned, but I'm fine really." she said, smiling.

"Do not move beyond the gate" Tristan said in a stern tone. "You are the same group that attacked General Alex, correct? The Septimian government has not forgotten nor have they forgiven that crime, and you are all to be questioned about the matter until further notice."

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Goddammit. That clown. Kills people to make them smile? What kind of sick twisted nut is he? And...will he do the same to me? I won't let him, Reika thought, her resolve strengthening a bit.

Gotta forget about it. And look there's a man, with a pegasus. Heh.

"Well this is a first. I must say, a man on a pegasus is quite an unusual and fruity sight," she said in Tristan's direction.

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Cess and Rita:

Seeing Charlotte stand next to the man, he noticed he was dressed in riding armor. "Um, Charlotte. Who's your friend here?"

Rita had had trouble sleeping during the night, and was a bit cranky. Her mind was running a mile a minute, and she couldn't think straight. "Oh, hi Charlotte. >_>" Rita trailed off, looking at the ground keeping to herself.



Riding on Sunny had been a bit uncomfortable, so he dismounted. "Um, excuse me? Who's General Alex?"

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Luc Altair

"You attacked a Septiman General?" Luc urged Thunder ahead further of the others and turned around, with Fargo following somehow. That wasn't good, at all of course. Councilman Richtor probably knew about that, but why he hadn't informed Luc he had no idea.

Luc looked back at the man who had accused the others. His eyes widened as it dawned on him who the man was. This had to be handled very, very carefully. "Forgiveness, your Majesty!" Luc bowed as best he could, and Fargo followed. "Count Luc Altair of Directus at your service!"

EDIT: Added words.

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Hearing the Prince call out to them, and say they would later be tried for the attack on General Alex, Damian spoke up.

"To be fair, General Alex assailed our group after we had finished dealing with a group of mercenaries hellbent on attacking us. The general launched an unprovoked assault, and was defeated. And even when we spared her, she did nothing more than goad us and beg to be executed."

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Kelas looked up at Alferis' exclamation. She'd been up most of the night, first on watch for the group, then tending to Arrin, who'd been sick again and had trouble sleeping (he was asleep now, and she didn't want to wake him); nevertheless, she'd gotten up early again, and had been practicing the sole sword drill she knew while waiting for the others. "Charlotte! You're all right!"

edit: blah, added a few words

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"I" said Tristan, puffing his chest out "am Prince Tristan Amsel, Septimian Royal Commander Third Division!" he shouted proudly. "And I see nothing wrong with my noble steed. Good to see you, Count Altair."

"It's just an honorary title his parents gave him to shut him up." whispered one of the soldiers to another.

Bellerophon eyed the strangers carefully. There were some horses, easily herded being of the non-magnificent variety of course, and a female pegasus. There were also several wyverns...he would show them who was the ruler of the skies. In time.

"General Alex tells a very different story, one of abuse by the hand of Haltonian military officers entering the nation under false pretenses and slaughtering Septimian soldiers." he said, staring down Damian. "And I'm inclined to believe his word over yours."

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A commanding voice brought Tessa to a halt. While it had only intoned not to proceed beyond the gate, perhaps it was wiser to simply cease moving altogether for the moment. The speaker was the rider atop the splendid pegasus, whom Charlotte was accompanying. The troubadour hadn't paid him much attention at first, but new developments called for new actions, and she sized the man up. By his bearing and his dress, it was clear the man was no commoner, nor even a merchant of some sort. A high ranking official then, perhaps with the military? Given the nature of his inquiry that seemed a likely proposition.

Unsure whether she should answer, or if she should let one of the others from the group be the spokesperson, she paused for a moment. The fact that the pegasus rider simply continued to speak, then began to imply that the question was simply rhetorical, and the conclusion was likely forgone. In that case...

Tessa simply looked back and forth between the man and Charlotte a few times, trying to figure out just what the connection may be, or whether there was anything to do but to submit to the questioning. The experience from Elysimia indicated that the more resistance was offered, the worse things would only continue to get in the long run...

While she was remaining silent, it seemed quite a bit else was happening, Damian and Luc both stepping forward to handle the matter, while the identity of the man on the pegasus was finally made clear. A real-life prince, huh? she wondered, a bit in awe.

Edit: switched up some word choice.

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"I speak the truth, your highness. We entered Septimus due to receiving threats from Jace the Brute. He wished to meet with one of our group, and demanded we proceed as quickly as possible. Shortly after entering Septimus, we were ambushed by a group of mercenary troops, certainly not Septimian soldiers." Damian began, bowing to Prince Tristan before speaking.

"After the mercenaries were defeated, General Alex arrived, and launched an attack on us. The General's soldiers were defeated, and the General was captured. Upon being captured, Alex continuously spoke of how it would be better dead than captured, goading us into making an attempt to kill them. One of our troupe nearly fell for it, but I restrained her. Princess Charlotte then had the General released." Damian finished, keeping his head held high. If he faltered in front of royalty, they would believe even more than they already did that he was lying.

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Tristan eh? He doesnt look hostile. The next thing we need is for Reika to botch it up......... I wont tell her, that will just ensure another fight. Helios stood a good distance away from the prince. It was best for Damian to deal with it. If he does something stupid, He would interject but for now........... After listening to Damian's explanation he was about to kill him. That imbecile. Why did he say that we were going to execute her? Now there is no way he is going to believe you. And put your head down!

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Luc Altair

"My liege," Luc acknowledged. Luc wasn't sure about the circumstance of the group's conflict with General Alex. Both sides claimed it happened, and that the other was responsible and demonic. He had traveled with the group enough to see that they could be responsible for such a thing. But Derek's words in the Councilman's office dissuaded him of that line of reasoning. No, this was a ploy to get everything neat and orderly. So it would be best to play along with it. Luc turned back and faced the group, listening to Damian relate their side of the story. Luc had to hold back a laugh at hearing Damian restrain someone.

"Whatever the reasons for the conflict, things must be sorted out immediately. I feel and suggest, the quickest way would to bring a representative of the group to meet with General Alex while detaining the others."

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"Some of what you say corroborates with General Alex's story." Tristan began "but such treatment of prisoners is inexcusable. Even Haltonians should know that. Perhaps you were jealous of his skill? I heard General Alex defeated both a Haltonian Colonel and an Elysimian General before being taken down. Still, wounded pride is no excuse for brutality." Tristan said.

"There is no need to fetch General Alex, I am aware of all the events that occurred." Tristan told Luc.

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"Are you a fool?" said Alferis stepping up. "If she was going to die, it was General Alex's fault if she goaded that person into almost doing the deed. And besides, we were supposed to keep her prisoner. What else were we supposed to do, just let her kill us? We let her go soon afterwards anyway. You are the aggressor here, so just keep quiet."

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Luc Altair

"Very well, your majesty." Luc said. There was nothing that could be done. Either Derek's trust in General Alex was for naught, or this was a plan Luc had no place in.

Alferis began speaking up too. Luc held his face impassive, he couldn't let it show that he was bothered that the man would just make things worse.

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"Keeping her prisoner is acceptable, but here in Septimus we do not torture our captives." Tristan reponded to Alferis. "And I would say that you all were the agressors here, not us. Crossing borders under false identities? This group is famous for wanton violence regardless, didn't you all set fire to various places in Elysimia and kill soldiers? Seems to me you lot are all criminals."

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'What a pompous asshole...' Damian thought to himself, letting out a deep breath to calm himself before continuing.

"Brutality? Clearly you do not know as much of the encounter as you claim, milord. After being restrained, General Alex was hit once before I managed to calm the aggressor. With the General's constant begging for execution, a simple thing such as that is not brutal. I'm sure that you of all people are aware that General Alex... or should I say Alexandra, is an fact a woman. Considering what most would do with a prisoner like her, your own Commanders are not excluded from this either, Septimian prince, she should feel lucky she was treated as well as she was."

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Things were not proceeding smoothly. The three leaders were at a bit of an impasse. Damian refused to budge, Tristan was likewise resolute, and Count Altair simply didn't have enough of the facts to be making useful contributions it seemed.

The impulsive axefighter just opened his mouth, and potentially ruined everything, so Tessa decided she had to act. No good would come from another Selizara, or the ensuing chaos that followed their detainment and escape. It was beyond unlikely that the stars could manage to align to grace the group with a second such miraculous escape, and it was better to just face things head on.

Dismounting, and pointedly unstrapping her sword from her waist, leaving it with Trevor, she stepped forward. "Come what may..." she muttered to herself softly before saying out loud and firmly. "If being taken in for questioning is what is needed, that's fine. I for one will submit. Put me in chains if you must, but please, let's not have this come to violence here."

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Luc Altair

Luc once again held an impassive face at the mention of torture. The man clearly didn't know what went on in the deepest pits of misery within his own country. Flashes of horribly mangled bodies flashed through Luc's mind before he chased them away. Remembering such things would do no good today.

The news from Damian finally broke Luc's facial expression. General Alex was a woman? He had never heard of this, and he knew for a damn fact that neither General Mendoza or Councilman Richtor would have either. Councilman Richtor would have used that fact in their dealings with Derek. That meant General Alex had top-class privacy available to her. Beyond anything Luc could fathom.

Tessa meanwhile had laid down her arms and submitted. Luc felt a twinge of regret at not being able to stop this, but it was the best course of action. He would thank the girl later for her decisiveness. "Enough, out of the lot of you," Luc addressed the group again. "Follow Dame Tessa's lead and present yourselves for detention! Lest you all make things a worse case. You may still salvage any position you are in as long as you hold your tongues."


Paul was currently lying somewhere just close enough to hear that General Alex was a woman. I really should have known that, he thought. Ah well.

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Ignoring the issue of Alex's gender for her sake, Tristan continued, "A priest smashed her in the collarbone, a mercenary apparently pummeled her and made crude jokes about violating her, and you yourself hit her! Lucky my arse!" he began to shout.

Hearing Tessa's request, Charlotte hopped off the pegasus and stepped forward. "I think we have...a series of misunderstandings here, and I would prefer this not come to violence, or incarceration for the time being. I claim this entire group as part of my entourage, and therefore place them under my jurisdiction and responsibility." she said, holding her hands up.

"A rather large entourage," Tristan said dubiously "but we cannot deny your request. You all can enter the city, but you will all be watched closely. I will not have Burgosas going up in flames."

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