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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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As Esphyr's cold response came to him, Damian stopped abruptly.

"I'm not trying to hurt you Esphyr... I can't do anything about Septimian culture... but there are people who can. I do want to dance with you, Esphyr... and... we can. No one will stop us now... it may not be for the right reasons... but Harold made sure of that much." Damian said softly, he could tell she was angry.

He held out his hand to her, and bowed his head.

"Dame Esphyr... would you be willing to join me in this dance?"

'One of two things will likely happen... either she will take my hand, or that sword will skewer me... she could just walk away... but I doubt it at this point...'

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"I..."she said, a shocked look accenting her sudden stutter. She didn't know quite what to do. On the one hand, she was mad at him still; but was she willing to forgive him? "I will, Lord Damian." she said, extending her hand to take his own. She stepped close to him, looking up into his eyes as she took his other hand, waiting for him to give the lead.

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Ixion: From your point of view perhaps. People he cling to a certain way of thinking become trapped within themselves. Just look at Isotov when you get the chance. His curse is rather fitting. He's as mentally blind as he is physically. The rest of you aren't much better I'm afraid ...

The Oldest Trick In The Book

Krinkov was dozing peacefully for awhile, but the pink wyvern had taken a chance and cut herself free as quietly as she could The hostlers could only watch as she made her way closer to the crate that sat right by Krinkov among other things. As her foot came down near his face, his eye opened, and then closed. A moment later, just as she was about to touch the crate, she was body slammed and pinned down on her back! She looked up to see Krinkov roaring in her face! Frankly, he'd had enough of the other wyverns causing problems and was more than willing to inflict some major injuries on either of them if it would keep them in place. The healers could always fix them later.

She fearfully looked up at the enraged wyvern and whined! He hissed right back before stepping off of her and shoving the crate into a corner. Then he walked over to it and lied down so that she couldn't possibly touch it without moving him. She whined some more and then lied down in front of him. The two stared at each other for five minutes, Krinkov's eyes full of rage and frustration, her eyes replaced by those of a puppy. Krinkov wasn't falling for that. He wanted offspring of his own, but this wyvern was ruining the group's impression of wyverns and he wouldn't put up with it for another instant.

Meanwhile Kiev was dreaming. All of the party's human females were feeding him grapes, massaging his torso, fanning him, and clipping his claws while he lied on his back in a chair.

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"... And, now he's trying to have everyone have two or more dates," the cavalier said, sighing at the announcement. "This is rapidly getting out of hand. Bets on how long it will be before he gets thrown out?"


"You're flattering me, Heli," Dani said, getting pulled up to the Toran in a waltz. "You were doing so good, even before we started dancing together. Were you a noble, or something, before getting your Crimson Tome?"

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The headmaster took a moment of silence before she responded. "Ixion. Come with me outside. There is something you need to see. Something I want you to understand, and that may dissuade our conflict should you heed it."

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As Esphyr took his hand, Damian gave her a quick smile, as he lead her back to the dance floor.

"Listen... Esphyr. I'm sorry... I want to do all I can for you, but... there are things I don't have the power to change... things and people that will stand in our way..." Damian began, as they walked.

"But... in that regard, there will also be things and people who can help us... as much as I hate to admit it, with his mannerisms... Lord Harold is the one who made this possible... there are things I can't do... I understand that... if I try to give everything... the only possible result is failure... but I'm still foolish enough to try..."

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Rita and Cess:

Taking their leave of the noble, the two walked up the grand staircase, around the large hallway overlooking the floor. "It's really neat watching everyone dancing."

"You're having fun?"

"I guess. It's different from the festivals we'd always have at the islands."

"Well it's still kinda fun. I've just been thinking about everyone. It's been really fun since we met up with them."

"Yeah, I like everyone. I should keep training with the others. But, it's been amazing just seeing all the really important people. Charlotte was a princess, and all these lords."

"We saw Ivanko before you met the rest of us. We should go out tomorrow and buy everyone a gift for everything."

"Yeah. That'd be nice."

Sitting in silence a minute, they staired down at the people party-ing. "Let's go look around a bit. I want to go see the library."

"Alright. You and your books."

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"Eric said something about me being a noble. I doubt he would lie about such a thing." He replied. "Your not too bad yourself. Are you a noble as well?"

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She took another glance over at the now obviously drunken hero and sighed.

Viveka: You know the sad thing is that he probably won't get thrown out. What idiots let a sword master into this ball with his sword? He could kill almost half of us in ten seconds and they still wouldn't be able to bring him down before he took out a squad or two of knights. Oh and let's not forget that he's just drunk enough to do it.

She lowered her head a bit, her forehead now resting lightly on Derek's shoulder.

Viveka: I'm fine like this just so you know ... (If a second girl shows up she's going down hard, heeheheheh.)


Ixion: Outside? You do realize that I don't trust you in the slightest, correct?

He still allowed her to lead him outside regardless. He merely wanted her to be sure that he fully suspected foul play.

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Reckless..... but I guess the ends justify the means for Ivanko. And Lev certainly treats his wyvern differently than Irina. Seeing the colonel chase after Esphyr while the hero began shouting out something about partying and women, Heinz stood up from his chair. "That type of loyalty is hard earned," nodding at the rider. She's right when she says it's uncommon. I wouldn't have treated Kiev that way myself, but that type of bond is honorable, he admitted grudgingly.

"Well, I'll let you eat now in peace," he laughed, walking back towards the food table. Ladling a bowl of soup, Heinz noticed the shaman and headmaster he had seen earlier were nowhere to found. "I suppose I can ask later then," he muttered, heading back towards where Irina was sitting.

At the punch table:

The madame pinched the bridge of her nose, suddenly feeling an enormous headache coming on. "Ugh...." she moaned, stumbling in the direction of the tables before crashing into crashing into someone. "Wha-what?" opening her eyes blearily. Looking up, the lady's eyes widened in shock, her headache temporarily forgotten. "Lord Harold?! My apologies for running into you, hero," giggling softly before attempting to smile. He already has two women though.... Wincing as her headache started to come back.

In the corner:

The general smiled as one of the candles briefly flickered for a second, before returning to his conversation with the noble. "Now what do you say you wanted again?" he smiled broadly. "If you want, I can have these shipped directly to your residence within a week or so, faster if you...."

OOC: Other characters can interrupt Heinz, otherwise he'll be back at the table within a post. General in this post is General Punch.

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"You've spent so much time with Aiya though." she said as she followed him out. "And none with me. When I am mad, I am on my own, and when I am happy I am on my own. You've laid with Aiya, but haven't kissed me in a week at least. I don't care about possible or impossible, only if I'm alone when I have to face it or not." she said, hugging him gently as she brought his hands around to her bare back, her own sliding around to his as if readying for an awkward shuffle.


Once outside, the Headmaster turned to Ixion after first glancing each way to ensure they were alone. Her mood was noticeably changed, no longer the spirity sort that she usually was, but rather now seemingly annoyed and serious.

"Ixion. You would value knowledge over tradition? Over humanity? You are a fool. How much do you know of TISME's past? Before I became the headmaster?"

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"You... are hard to read at times... Esphyr. I'm still not sure what the best way to approach you is at times... you seem like the type who likes to be left to her own... a decent amount." Damian replied rather awkwardly, as the slow dance began. Hearing her continue, Damian leaned forward and gently captured her lips, holding the kiss for a short while before pulling away.

"Do not think I have lost interest in you, Esphyr. As for my having laid with Aiya... I am willing to do the same with you when you are ready." He told her, a smirk evident on his face.

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"Uh Geraro? How will we get to Burgosas?" asked the oni masked mage.

"Simple. I called in one of the healers with a warp staff. I myself shouldn't use such a power right before I use Rewarp. It will drain me quite a bit and I want to avoid that whenever possible."

"I see."

"Good. Now then. You there healer. You'll warp this gentleman here. And then, I'll Rewarp myself to Burgosas afterwards."

"Is that wise? The distance could really drain you and I don't think you should take that risk."

"What about you though? I can't let you frown. You'll be totally drained with just one warp at that distance. Maybe we can fetch the other healer?"

"Ah. That-that's very considerate of you Lord Geraro," said the healer. He was bald, and wore red robes along a fox mask.

"Good. I'll get him," he said, walking out of the room. Five minutes later he returned with a maskless healer, who was pale and fake smiling, shaking as he walked.

"Ok. Are you both ready to begin?"

"Y-yes sir," said the healers.

"Good. You will warp us both at the same time."

Raising their staves, the healers channeled their magic and the forms of Geraro and his masked companion began to fade. Once they were gone, the healers focused harder to make sure that the two got to the right destination. When they were finished, they collapsed against the wall, leaning back out of exhaustion the spell had caused them.

Meanwhile Geraro and the masked man found themselves right in the marketplace of Burgosas.

"Well that wasn't so bad. Now to find the palace and convince the guards. Maybe I can tell him a joke to get in?"

"Er...yes sir. The mask though?"

"Take it off. You'll look suspicious. Or say you're in costume. Anything like that."

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"Yeah... I do wonder if this means trouble for us, but no use worrying about it for the moment. Let's get out of here." Kelas stopped: they'd reached the table again. "Arrin, wake up," she said, shaking his shoulders a bit once more.

"Aw... fiiiine," Arrin grumbled, picking his head up off the table. "C'n I have some more punch?"

"No," Kelas said flatly, picking up his empty glass and examining it. She couldn't tell what had been in it, and it didn't smell like alcohol, but Arrin was certainly acting tipsy at best. "Arrin, I think you're drunk. Come on, let's get you to somewhere you can sleep it off properly..."

"Okay, okay..." Arrin got to his feet unsteadily, and Kelas had to get her free arm around his shoulders to keep him from falling down.

"Let's go," Kelas sighed, and they began the trek back to the guest rooms. It was something of an awkward trip, keeping Arrin from falling or trying to run off with one hand and guiding Isotov with the other, but she managed, and eventually they arrived at the guest rooms again. Arrin muttered something about dancing with Tessa and tried to pull away again, but fell asleep as soon as Kelas directed him to the room's bed.

Kelas headed back out into the hallway, shutting the door. "Sorry I had to drag you along for all that," she told him. She was a bit torn; when both her brother and her friend needed so much help, what was she supposed to do? She couldn't leave one or the other... "It's... never mind... I should probably just sit down and keep watch here in a bit, but is there anywhere you need to go or anything?"


Joren looked away with slight disgust as Rita ran off with Cess: from her demeanor, he'd worked out that she, too, was a commoner. Why were there so many of them here? With a grimace he set off to wander the halls, looking for some girl-- any girl-- who wasn't common or violent, like that Balitang daughter was.

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Ixion: Before you became the headmaster? That was before my time. In my youth I had refused to be associated with TISME partly because I didn't approve of their methods among other progress hindering rules, guidelines, and practices ... and partly because I felt that on my own I could surpass them all. What I know about TISME before you took over I had to read from books, and at least half of it was garbage. Inconsistencies all over the place, and that water tome you've been hiding seems to be about as much progress as you people have made lately. Why don't you just tell me what is so important about TISME's past. Better to hear this from you anyway since you ... took the initiative.


Iso: No. I'll stay here. Kelas are you alright? I'm not really sure but you seem a bit sad. Maybe I'm just hearing things?


Irina smiled at his last comment, and as soon as he'd turned around, she started wolfing down everything within reach! Her stomach had successfully rebelled and overruled her. She would be long finished and satisfied by the time Heinz got back.


Feeling a woman bump into him, Harold quickly took her hands and pulled her in close for a romantic embrace!

Harold: Well what do we have here?! A fine lovely young woman I've found here! Yes indeed, hahah! I guess that means I'm in the lead, followed by Damian!

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Charlotte waltzed with Eric, looking into his eyes and temporarily forgot about politics, wars, demons, or other unpleasant things. Queen Isolde frowned at the pair, but said nothing.

"Er, yes sir." Tristan said to Jace, taking Alex to the ball. "So do you want punch, or a waltz, or we could just talk. Whatever you want really." he said, not sure what to do with his hands.

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Count Luc Altair

Though distracted by the sight of Kamilla intervening on Isotov, Luc reminded himself of the importance of keeping a tab on Harold. He looked back at the hero, just in time to see Esphyr practically jump on Damian in excitement. Hadn't she been moping and dreading this whole thing? Well, it was no matter, he supposed. And as quickly as she arrived she left, another woman of regal bearing arriving and pointing her finger at Damian which the man promptly ignored as he chased after Esphyr. He caught up to her, just within Luc's view. Whatever he said worked wonders, and the two made off to the dance floor. Great for them, bad for possibly keeping Ixion or Harold in check. When Luc glanced back at the original spot, Ixion and the other woman had left. Leaving him a brief glimpse of Harold before the swordmaster himself fell from view. Luc sighed at the terrible amount of intelligence he was gathering. Just after he finished his own thoughts, the Prince led in, accompanied by his own date. Odd, that the prince wasn't one of the first here, but Luc pushed that aside. The man could do whatever he wanted after all.

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"I doubt he'd make it that far," Derek said, pulling his arms up around Viveka's back, and pulling her a little closer, as they danced. "Just making it easier for you," he explained, as the pegasus knight let her forehead rest on his shoulder. "Am I that soft?"


"Used to be, before last year," Dani said, looking glum. "Then, Jace came, and... Now I'm just a thunder mage. But, anyways..."


"I'd... really rather not dance. At least, not now," Alex said, nervously eying Harold. "Punch, or, talking, maybe. I'll, uh, leave the decision to you, milord."

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Kelas sighed. "I'm all right... just, I dunno, for the thousandth time I'm reminded that we shouldn't just be hanging around here, instead of going after the weapons. And... can't really say I wasn't scared out of my wits when I thought Arrin'd collapsed, either. I'm just... I'm not good enough at protecting everyone I need to, I guess."

OOC: Should probably take rest of the conversation to PM, because it looks like it's about to turn into a Support ConversationTM

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"I don't know when I will be ready Damian. It may be tonight, or a year from now." said Esphyr as she gently started to rock back and forth in his hands. A smile was on her face, fresh from the kiss. For a moment, she chose to simply rest in his arms, looking at him, before she herself moved in, her own lips locking firmly with his. She held it for a while. As long as she possibly could. She didn't want to leave him at all, but had to eventually. "How do I look?" she asked, a hint of seduction in her voice.


"Then..." she said, stopping for a moment. With a gentle shimmer, parts of her dress started to fade away. Small area's, none larger than the size of a thumb, in no way compromising her modesty. What was within the cuts was more than enough to make someone unsettled anyways. Thousands upon thousands of small cuts and yellowed spots lined her flesh. Though long since healed over, the wounds were not faded away entirely. Faint strands of magic not of the spirit's origin laced about the wounds, still ambient after what could only be described as a hundred years and hidden from the senses of those magical only through sheer attention to detail by the headmaster. "See what TISME did to a small child whom was decreed special in their quest of knowledge. They took me when I was five months old from my parents, hiding me away from them and letting me see them only on rare occasion. Every night, they would strap me down, sample my blood, and then hide me away in deep vaults where I could never see the sky. A month never went by where they didn't experiment on me, inject me with strange fluids, all to see just what would happen. I was viewed as less than human, a monster without even a flower to take, an abomination. Seventeen years I lived in what could only be described as a waking nightmare; a mad scientists dream. A special little girl with almost know knowledge of the world outside for their pleasure and experimentation. Worst of all, I was forced to hide it away from my parents. Wore makeup before I could even walk, and my first sentence was 'I'm okay mommy'. A lie.

Then, something happened. I didn't know what. A minor national uprising that forced them to shut down the branch where I stayed. I was packed up in a crate and shipped out without even food or water, only for the carriage to be attacked by bandits and rent open. That day, I flew for real for the first time. At first, I simply drifted, until I heard more tales of TISME's evil. I couldn't take it anymore. I entered TISME with a sole purpose. I would destroy it from the inside out to ensure that no one else would have to go through what I did, and make it into a place of learning and knowledge. The day I became the leader, archsage at the time, was the day I succeeded. I hunted down those foul experiments, exterminated their proposers, and burns all records of the past to give TISME a fresh start. A quest for knowledge at any cost is something to be feared worse than any demon lord Ixion. I would rather live berserked my entire life, than live locked up in a cage for even a week again."

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"Oh I see." Tristan said, eying Harold. "Not that you'll need protection I mean, being able to defend yourself and all." he said, scratching his head. "If you don't mind me asking milady, why do you oppose your father? Not that I'm complaining mind you,but I am curious."

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Attempting to follow Esphyr, Alferis backed up when he saw Damian chase after her. He's gonna handle it better I guess.

Returning back to the ballroom, Alferis leaned back against the wall, wondering what to do. He was full and he had plenty of alcohol. In fact, too much alcohol. Reika clearly wanted him away for awhile and it would be a bad idea to interrupt whatever Damian and Esphyr were doing.

Guess I'll just wait for her to get back. Or maybe see how the others are doing he thought to himself, and seeing Luc, he headed towards him in a unsteady gait.

"Hey there. *hic* You doing ok?"

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The headmaster's story had actually gotten through to Ixion partially. Though he had no sympathy for her personally, he did find something that touched him, if only slightly. His thoughts raced back to his early childhood, a small blonde boy holding a tome, completely inept and unable to cast. From hence forth, he would be Ivanko's adopted son.

Ixion: (I was powerless once. Utterly helpless, and with no parents to protect me ... I should have died. Instead here I am ... my only known superior in this area standing before me covered in a marred past completely opposite the path I now walk.) Tell me why you are so concerned with the well being of others. The life you were forced to live back then is over, yet you endeavored to put an end to it throughout the entire TISME conglomerate. Why? Did you truly intend on protecting others from that pain you felt, if so ... why?


Viveka: Hm, thanks, Derek. You know what? Let's just forget Harold and the drunks for a little bit. I'd rather focus on this.

As they continued their slow dance, Viveka thought to herself. Normally she wouldn't be so content at a dance. She'd been to too many that were all the same, meaningless, and quickly forgotten. But this time it felt a bit different. Even though they were surrounded by generic people with a few exceptions, and her worst rival in life was dancing with Lev, that particular outing felt more meaningful to her. She didn't know why, and didn't bother questioning it either. She was a bit distracted by something else though ...

Viveka: ... ugh, is Charlotte almost done waltzing? I was really looking forward to something a bit more lively.

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Count Luc Altair

Luc was so absorbed in his own searching that he didn't notice Alferis had approached him until the man spoke. Luc looked the man over, more intently than normal due to the man's constant hiccuping. "I myself am fine. Though the more important question is how are you doing? I would advise against drinking so much, especially at an event such as this." It was a tad hypocritical, Luc admitted to himself, since he had drained a glass of wine. But he had done it for strategic reasons, and though Luc hadn't know much about the others, until he saw otherwise he placed them in less long term planning than himself. SoLuc's thoughts were that the man had indulged himself too much.

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