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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"I'm doin' ok. *hic* Nice place this is eh? I know these nobles though. They can't *hic* appreciate it. They're going to suck up to the hosts here, that's what they want. The*hic*y're gonna just curry their favor and beg like dogs. I used to be called a dog," he said, his expression darkening.

"They called *hic* me a dog and they still *hic* do. I shouldn't have come here. I can hear what they say *hic* about me behind my back. They beg so much and they try *hic* so hard just to get their money and favors, and *hic* like a snake, they bite. And I can feel *hic* all that around. All that, I need a lot of alcohol for me to *hic* stand this. Didn't think it was that bad before *hic* I came."

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Count Luc Altair

Luc listened to the man's constant hiccups. Once he was sober enough, he would have to talk to him about knowing his limits. But for now, Luc could deal. "It is not surprising the depths to which people will sink for their own gain, their own livelihood, their own protection. Though it does look shameful yes, does pride matter before gain? Before goal?" Luc said with some sadness. The man probably wouldn't remember most of this night, so Luc could have a decent release of words he so rarely got a chance to do. "Dog or no, do you care? Should you care? A dog can have pride too, and a prideful dog is better than one cowering away at least." Luc slipped a smile unto his lips. "Ah, I wonder how many even get their chance to strike. How many would even risk that. They may be snakes but they oh so dont have the venom to ensure mutual destruction. Well, maybe the booze is a tad stronger than you're used to, though as long as you don't go picking fights it should be well."

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"To be forced to live a life like that is something truly horrific Ixion." said the headmaster, turning to face him as the magic clothing reformed. "Dejected and treated as less than human while arrogant scientists have their way with you for scientific knowledge is something... You aren't human in their eyes. You aren't even a animal. You're just some undefined being to be ripped apart and examined, kept alive and intact because they don't want to compromise their source. I couldn't turn my back on such things, knowing full well that they were happening. I could have destroyed TISME, brought it's experiments to light, but for what? I would have stopped the experiments, but I would be shutting off knowledge as well. I couldn't do that. Instead, I opened it to the public so that people could gain knowledge, but also so that they could learn something else. No TISME member is allowed to fourth rank without showing that they are upstanding in both knowledge and moral while those of sixth rank and higher actively seek out those whom would destroy others without remorse for the sake of knowledge. A year ago, I proposed opening TISME to the non-magical public as well, only to have it shot down. I will try again, and again. Knowledge is a shame to waste, and I won't let that happen."

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"It's *hic* not as much what the goals are that matters is how you do it. If you *hic* crawl around on your belly and you betray your friends *hic*, no matter what your intentions are, you're scum. That's what *hic* I think. Ye can disagree with that all you want but they *hic* just want the money and power, an' they don't care *hic* how low they have to be to get it."

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Count Luc Altair

"And if that betrayal leads to better things? Makes it easier perhaps, to rescue, save or free others? What then? Though I doubt most of them are so virtuous, there are still those who would betray anyone for the greater good. They are scum, yes, but such things are needed, distasteful as they are." Luc closed his eyes for a second. Would he one day betray these others for the greater good? Perhaps. Could he live with it? Strive forward for a better life with even more lives heavy on his mind because of his actions? Yes, he found himself thinking. If they and the history books damn him so be it, he could endure. "Maybe I'll introduce you one day to those who are not as terrible as you assume. Blanket accusations are never accurate, even with a crowd such as this."

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Anomaly ID: Ixicous Maximus

Ixion: So you do value knowledge after all. I'm only surprised that you would admit it instead of trying to endanger us both with your flying shenanigans. You went through something unspeakable and now have care and concern for any who would face a similar fate. You are guided by emotions and morals. I am not. How could I be? When I finally understood the nature of this place, this world, and humanity, I no longer had a reason to live my life by those rules. Do you know what you're doing? Do you really know why? Do you even care?!

His tone became a clear indication of his rising agitation.

Ixion: Headmaster, you just like everyone else are controlled by abstract concepts that don't have to be followed! Isotov is a slave to the emotion who's only real purpose is to bring about human families! Ivanko is a slave to his own pride as a Zaftran! Levski is a slave to the pleasures of the flesh! Ivan is a slave to his own cowardice! All of you keel over and bend at the slightest hint of immorality or socially ridiculous concept, or sentimental inkling, even if it conflicts with your ultimate goal! Why?! How can you willingly give yourself over to something which does not even exist and enforce it as if it were the laws of nature?!

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"Well, I find it hard to like people unless *hic* they prove themselves good men. Maybe sometimes infiltrating or spying is ok but *hic* if you hurt innocents or if you're cruel, that's *hic* a scummy thing to do. And I can't *hic* stand it."

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"... Yeah, I somehow doubt she'll speed it up any time soon. Though, she may be a bit winded, so, the tempo might increase in a bit," Derek said, throwing a glance over to where Eric and the princess we waltzing. "... Well, no assassinations or riots yet. This year might actually be decent."


"...Are you, Heli?" she replied, looking up at him. "We can stop, if you want..."


"Well," Alex began, growing slightly sad, "You may know that I hold the position of Duchess of Rielle. I've held it for the past 15 years after the passing of my uncle-in law, who I thought was Septimian, thanks to my father . Well, when the invasion was ordered, I was reluctant to participate, but I enrolled as a soldier. Using my position, I captured Rielle and several other fortresses without a casualty, and got promoted rapidly. I wanted to impress Father, by showing him that I could fight, as well.

"After one of these conquests, I happened upon a grave. In that grave, lie my mother, and beside her, my uncle, who was a Jerdonian after all. I realized that I was half-Jerdonian. You could say my sympathies changed, as I began to question my father. A few months later, I eavesdropped on him in a conversation, where he let slip that he wanted to become king of the continent, and that the invasion of Jerdon was just a set-up. I couldn't believe it. That wasn't the man who had raised me, and cared for me, speaking. And all those deaths, just for absolute power? So... I went to speak with the king and the queen. The short answer is, Father has gone too far. He has to be stopped... Even if it means he has to die."

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"Because I am human. Only half, but it is enough. Ixion. There is a difference between knowledge and sadism. There is nothing conflicting with preserving our morals while still seeking knowledge. Instead of kidnapping, we seek those whom desire the tests, then go to our own extreme to ensure that it won't cause pain. What you desire is to bludgeon through people in the name of science to achieve a goal that could be reached through other, less painful, methods. This world is a unique world Ixion. Made by two lovers as a cradle for their children, and we can't even touch the guardrailing yet. Would you have me kill a man to gain a treasure of knowledge? If so than you are no different than a common thug. What is knowledge anyways? Do you claim to be smarter because you can understand a new level of chanting or a different mana weaving? What about healing and curative? Or developing new farming implements, or other such things? There is much to be learned in this world, and not all of it is magical." she said in a stern and chiding voice.

"If you continue down this path, you are no better than a animal." she said, backing away from Ixion slightly. "You are worse than a animal. Have you ever had to look a crying mother in the eye to explain why her son died? Because he chanted something horribly wrong and you were too slow to stop him? I have. Have you ever held your own daughters hand as she is born into the world, and passes from it? Have you ever loved someone Ixion? It changes the world as you see it."

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"Oh, that's...very brave of you Alex and I think you are right" Tristan responded. "If Mother and Father did something that I did not agree with...I'm not sure I could act against them. I cannot even bring myself to leave the capital, much as I might want to." He gave Alex a sad smile. "I would like to help fight your father if I could, but I doubt Mother and Father would agree."

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Count Luc Altair

"Proof of being a good man?" Luc let a little laugh out inside his mind. "That works well enough I suppose. Though some men hide their kindness deep inside, through walls and waves of cruelty and villainy. Just remember, sometimes nothing is skin deep. Especially in a hall of falsities such as this. Though spying huh? Seems an odd thing to allow. Especially since the endgame of spying usually involves such things." Lus let another laugh off inside his head. "It feels like I'm lecturing you when I do partially agree with you."

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Viveka: Yet indeed. Alferis nearly started something over nothing. Urgh. I don't even want to think about it.

A few moments later she looked up into his eyes, obviously curious now.

Viveka: So what else did you learn to do besides dancing?

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"Oh, reading, writing, fighting, general skills needed in life," Derek said, looking straight back at his date. "You could say that most of what I know came from him. Am I right to guess that you learned how to dance as a pass-time?"


Catching the cue, Dani slowly nodded. "Let's go sit down," she said, letting Helios lead her over to the tables.


"Perhaps you can, Prince, if your parents decide to declare war on him. They have to let you fight, as you're a soldier, correct?" Alex said, slightly cheerier. "Though, if it comes to it, I'd like to be the one who stops him... He's all that's left of my family, after all."

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"I am only a soldier in title milady." Tristan said, sighing. "Even in the case of a war, I doubt Mother and Father would allow me to fight. They think it improper or somesuch."

Charlotte stopped dancing for the moment and laid her head upon Eric's chest, smiling as she looked up at him.

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OOC: Minor commotion mentioned was that involving General Richard.

Tessa had done some wandering about the ball floor. For a moment she had thought she had seen a man glowing, but before she could push her way through the throng whatever had happened had faded away, and she was left without any clues. She'd instead gone over toward the stairways where she'd seen a minor commotion arise around Charlotte, but everything had died down by the time she'd arrived. Still she managed to get a good look at the individuals involved, in case it would prove relevant. Though... surely the princess herself would remember, so Tessa wasn't sure how useful it would end up being after all.

Unsure what to do next, she found herself swept up by some young noble she didn't know for a dance before she finally managed to convince him that, yes, she did indeed come with a date. That pretty much sealed her resolve to go and find Luc, and then that they should meet with his acquaintance, and get in a dance of their own.

She wondered if he was at the refreshment tables? Making her way to where the various drinks were assembled she looked around for him, but he wasn't present. As long as she was there however, she decided she could do with a glass of something. She looked around at the various wines, trying to decide, but she didn't see any dandelion wine, and in fact all of the wines had fancy and unfamiliar names, such as Savoyard Blanc or Red Zenfendel. Things really must be different when you don't brew them yourself, she mused. Eventually she settled on pouring a glass of Eiswine, and even by the first sip, she could tell that it was indeed quite delicious and she had made the right choice.

Tessa had just finished the glass when she finally caught sight of Luc, over near a wall. It looked like he'd been accosted by Alferis, who was chatting him up about something or other. Making her way over to the two, she gently interposed herself. "Luc! There you are, it's been awhile. We should either go see that friend of yours now, so you could introduce me, or we should go catch a dance while they're still doing waltzes. I overheard someone mention they were thinking of moving to something up-tempo soon, and that sounded more... difficult."

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"Ohai Tessa *hic*. You enjoying this hall of lies? I'm enjoying the food here," he said in a perkier tone of voice, happy to see a very nice friendly face.

"By the way thanks for *hic* taking care of her before. Really appreciate it."

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Count Luc Altair

As he awaited Alferis' newest reply Tessa had returned. "Indeed. Yes, it would be better to get our dance out of the way while the music and dance is still in our little favor. And if Duke Von has taken to the field so much the better." Or worse, Luc thought. "Ah, if you'll excuse us Alf. We can continue this conversation later, if you'd like. Indeed, I'd look forward to it. Dame Tessa." Luc took Tessa's arm and the two proceeded to the dancing floor. Let us desire that I don't screw up too much. Luc took Tessa into the proper positioning, and began to lead. Through some skill they managed to get the first step or two decently done, but by the third Luc had narrowly missed forcing them both to crash to the ground. He stopped, resting the steps to the initial two movements. At best he could, force those two continuously. "Once again my apologies."

OOC: This post is just terrible, yet I can't think of anything better for this situation, bleh blu, blargh.

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"Ah, right... One would hope that they do not shelter their successor too much," Alex said, thoughtfully. "But, perhaps it is a good thing."


As Charlotte stopped dancing and put her head into his chest, smiling up at him, Eric felt truly happy, a feeling that had rarely appeared in the past year.

"... Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look, Your Highness?" he asked, slightly bold. "Because, you truly are beautiful, regardless of your attire. And tonight, you look magnificent, especially compared to me. I am humbled, simply to be in your presence, my liege..."

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"I'm fine Alferis, and yes, enjoying myself," she gave the axefighter a smile and brief reply before accepting Count Altair's arm, and heading off to the dance floor.

It was... frustrating. Perhaps it was nerves on Luc's part, or perhaps the music really didn't help―though she couldn't imagine why it wouldn't, she was finding it so much easier with a steady beat―but if anything the count's dancing was even worse than during practice. Tessa badly wanted to frown, but she knew the man wasn't doing it on purpose, and so struggled to keep a cheery expression as they recovered from the first (and hopefully last, unlikely though that may be) disaster which led them to take a bit of a disgraceful tumble.

"It's... okay. Try not to feel under pressure, perhaps? And isn't the music helping any?" She tried to give some encouraging words, and tips, but having only just learned herself, there wasn't much she could really do. She longed to be able to actually help, and couldn't help but feel that a more experienced dancer could probably have helped Luc.

As they began again, trying to make it through at least a full cycle or two of the steps, she thought she caught sight of the noble who had been glowing earlier. It had almost seemed... familiar when she had seen it, but it had been too far away to be sure. While she was aware that it probably would disrupt his concentration, and interrupt any flow they might have, she couldn't help but bring it up, and try to steer towards him.

"Say, Luc... earlier I saw something a little curious... a man was glowing for a bit, before it winked out and I lost him in the crowd." She mentioned while they were close together, continuing, "I think I see him again..."

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Count Luc Altair

Luc was continually grateful for Tessa's own grace for dealing with his inadequacies. By this time most partners would have had given up on him. "I... feel more at ease. But it doesn't seem to be helping any." Luc moved his foot and somehow managed to bang his toes into the floor. "Bah, at the very least I wish I had my combat boots. Stubbing my feet so often is such an embarrassment. At least with my boots I wouldn't have bruises in the morning."

"A glowing man? That's something new. Though these nobles do like to put on more of a display of attention each year. Though, I am curious, what does the man look like? I may perhaps know him." Luc glanced in the direction Tessa was looking in. He saw several familiar faces, yes, including the good Duke Von. Perhaps... "Ah, is it the man with long red hair perchance?"


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Blind Support

Iso: You won't have to worry about that for long. Once I get Proxima back, there'll be the both of us, and I promise I'll make this up to you somehow. ... I just may need a few years of servitude to do it.

He chuckled in the final words of his statement, unable to say that seriously.

Kelas: ...You don't owe me anything, I'm not even doing a very good job... and even once you're better, I still need to get better at this. There's always something that happens, and if I can't deal with it... I couldn't even manage to keep track of my brother long enough to keep him from losing his tome, and now he's... I can't even... can't even shut up and deal with this on my own. I shouldn't be burdening anyone with this.

Iso: Don't say that. You're not burdening me, alright? You're going to get better. So am I. When we do, all our enemies die. You've got to believe that. If I entertained any other ideas I ... I don't think I'd have lasted this long to be perfectly honest.

Kelas: Yeah... I dunno, I used to be convinced of that, but lately... I thought I'd got better, but... I don't know. I'll shut up now, I guess.

Iso: But you have gotten better, Kelas. Our last few battles you haven't even been taken out of the fight, and at the cave you hauled me out of the ice and fire. I don't think you could have done that in the past.

Kelas: I suppose I have. I just wonder when it'll be enough... anyway... I dunno, I guess I'm just going to sit watch, keep trying, maybe one of these days I'll finally start getting enough of it right.

Iso: You will. I'm sure of it.


Viveka: Oh I uh, picked up everything I could in Ilyphina but this kind of dancing I learned from my family ... some of them. I know some other dances too but ... ah you're probably not into anything like that are you? Forget I brought it up.

She was feeling a bit awkward for a moment. She wanted to figure out Derek without actually questioning him on anything. It was just difficult in the middle of a dance and without any good bait to use. She ran out of ideas before she even started trying to probe him. It'd have to wait she thought.

The Dark Truth

Ixion: Love? Now you are thinking like Isotov. Even he doesn't understand that love is only a tool to keep the human race in existence. Why would I love anyone without a purpose? You think me a monster because I broke free from the chains that bind my actions, but you are wrong. I've rarely had to harm anyone in my quest for power, but if I have to ever choose between saving the life of someone not important to me and my final end I will always pick the latter, and that is because I am not controlled by my emotions such as you are.

He quickly threw out his arms from under his cloak! Suddenly his hands gave off a dark eerie glow as hundreds upon hundreds of tiny dark orbs appeared! Each of them flickered like reflective glass.

Ixion: Let me show you why I couldn't continue living as you do, headmaster.

After a few moments something strange began to happen to the orbs, and Ixion began speaking again as it happened.

Ixion: We are all on this earth together, but not in unity. We are each a cell. Our purpose is whatever we choose. But along the way ... there are those that are rivalries ...

Suddenly several orbs began crashing into each other giving off pulse waves!

Ixion: ... there are those that are devoured ...

Some orbs became larger than normal and absorbed nearby smaller ones in seconds!

Ixion: ... there are those that are lovers ...

Next, dozens upon dozens of orbs joined together. The overwhelming majority of the swarm had fused together while the rest destroyed each other and even destroyed the fused ones.

Ixion: ... there are those that are born in all of this chaos ...

A violent pulse let out that blew the grass back! Suddenly the fused orbs somehow spawned new ones, and all of the destroyed orbs were replaced in a matter of seconds.

Ixion: These are not just a collection of crystallized mana, headmaster. These are a representation of the human race. This is how we exist together. Where are your morals and practices? They don't exist here. You adopted principles and morals from your ancestors for the purposes of a peaceful co-existence with others, repelling guilt from your actions, and upholding a standard to judge the world by. No, headmaster, I am no animal. I am merely free from the chains that bind me. I'm free to take what I want. Only those who oppose my goals will be harmed. I do not require the lives of thousands upon thousands of your precious human neighbors.

With a snap of his fingers every last orb melted into a hideous black aura and flowed back into Ixion's body. When the cloud was clear, he sighed.

Ixion: I can't make you understand. I can't make you see the human race as nothing more than a mutual means to an end, but it is the truth. If you intend on complicating things with social rules, sentimentality, and submission to love, be my guest, but do not expect me to follow suit. Heh. Love is indeed a tool. Either you wield it, or it will wield you. I learned that lesson for the first and final time three days ago. "Have I ever loved someone?" ... yes ... and I still do.

He crossed his arms standing firm, ready to tell her his own personal truth.

Ixion: I love ... myself. There is no one else, no mother, no father, no lover. There is no one else who will see to my dreams, no one else who will protect me from my enemies. Only I can do that, only I can safeguard my existence, and so love is the tool I use to push myself forward. I don't want your weakness, your binding chains, headmaster. I don't want Isotov's weakness, Ivanko's or anyone else's.

Intoxication Ensues

Kamilla soon noticed that the Duke was acting quite strange, wobbling about ever so slightly to the rhythm of the music. She sighed, before gasping at his slight misstep! He quickly recovered and let out a light giggle.

Von: Oh my, pardon me ... I must be a wee bit tipsy. Odd, as I don't remember consuming any alcohol.

Kamilla: (... maybe if he passes out I can slip away unnoticed. But no. Why is Isotov here? That nomad woman too. Why are they here?)

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Despite the difficulties with the dance, Luc seemed to be trying to stay in good spirits, even cracking a joke about wishing he had on hard-toed boots. Giggling a bit, Tessa countered back, "While your combat boots might be better for your feet... wouldn't they damage your partner's?" She gave a light squeeze with the hand holding his, ensuring he knew she was joking back.

On the matter of the man she had mentioned, the count seemed to recognize him. "Yes, that's exactly the one. You know him then? Though it sounds from what you've said this is a new development... Would he be the type to try something simply to gather attention to himself?"

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"...Thanks," Kelas replied.

She was wondering what to add when approaching footsteps prompted her to look up: a young servant had entered, apparently on an errand. The boy stopped to stare. "...You two goin' to do anythin, then?" he demanded after a few seconds, obviously expecting the sort of thing he usually saw from pairs of guests in hallways.

"Maybe we shouldn't stay out in the hall," Kelas suggested, grimacing, as the servant boy cackled and ran off, convinced of the wrong thing entirely. She went and entered the room they'd borrowed earlier, sitting down in one of the chairs with a sigh. "Guess we're just stuck here until this thing ends, then."

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Count Luc Altair

Luc took Tessa's playing with him with a smile. Normally he forwent humor--public displays at least--but now seemed a fair time. "Ah well, we would just have to hope that wouldn't happen. Or at the very least, my partner would wear some of her own."

Luc nodded at Tessa question. "Yes I know him, in fact that is the very man I inclined to have you meet with. Such things are common to him, if the glow itself was not an attest to. Though the glow is a very new one. I've never heard of that before. That may very well make him the center of attention, should he start glowing again." LUc stared at the man a bit, wondering if that glow would return before they headed over to him. "Well, shall we stop my continued poorness and meet the good Duke Von and his date?"

The Fargo

Fargo was busy--well, not really--watching the gathered weapons of everyone else. If it wasn't for the food that had been delivered to him earlier he would have probably left the room entirely out of boredom. Instead he was stuffing his face again. He just couldn't get enough of that capital food!

OOC: Forwent is an actual word? Huh.

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