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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"If the weapons are destroyed, this entire continent will perish to the Lord of Azure Flame. This is obviously unacceptable." Morgan said flatly. "As for Tessa, she joined us of her own accord and is free to leave whenever she pleases. I would prefer she didn't leave, but I only make decisions for others when necessary."

"Final warning Kamilla. Desist your misguided need for justice, or I'll be forced to take action." Morgan said, advancing towards Kamilla.

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Withdrawal and Retreat

Morgan was approaching her! Not again! The woman was just serious enough to do something, even in view of so many people! She had to say something to stall Morgan or else she would be reduced to a mindless puppet or maybe left to die in a ditch somewhere! She steadily took steps back to keep the distance from Morgan the same as before!

Kamilla: You're crazy! Nothing is going to happen to the continent! The demon king was sealed away! You're just a bunch of criminals carrying around cursed weapons pretending to be fighting to save the world! Look around, the world doesn't need saving! You're just deceiving yourselves! Can't you see that?!

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"That sounds awful." said Altion. "Were I in your shoes, I fear I would lack the patience to do what you do. I would be forcing them to sit down and attend service as well as similar things. Still, there must be some good. Not only have you stayed, but you have become engaged."


Esphyr looked at Tessa for a moment, then at Damian. She wasn't sure what she should do. She knew she had her lover there, whom she had stolen away from Aiya no less, and that they had been in the middle of a dance. Yet, as her feet moved to return to Damian's side, she could feel something tugging on her hand, as if a young child was trying to pull her back towards Tessa. As she looked down to ensure that no child had clasped onto her dress, she could almost swear she heard a faint, phantasmal voice calling out to her, nudging her towards Aiya. "Stop ignoring me. Don't ignore her."

"Tessa... Look..." she said, her hand clumsily going to the back of her head, rubbing it as she looked down, as if slightly ashamed of what she was about to say. "I know this doesn't sound like me but... Ummm... If you need someone to talk to, or... a dance partner... I'm here and willing to at least try."


"Indeed. This has been one of my more chaotic nights anyways. I almost wish I could return to my room and curl up in bed right now, but alas, it is too far away."

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"What the-?" Reika said noticing the commotion. Morgan, Tessa, Luc, Damian and Esphyr appeared to surround a brown haired girl. She kept backing away clearly fearful of the group.

"You're crazy! Nothing is going to happen to the continent! The demon king was sealed away! You're just a bunch of criminals carrying around cursed weapons pretending to be fighting to save the world! Look around, the world doesn't need saving! You're just deceiving yourselves! Can't you see that?!"

I like this girl already. She smirked, and heading over with a glass of wine, asked,

"Hmm? Is there a reason why you're trying to silence this girl? You don't want dissent or knowledge of your activites to spread here?" she said, a wide smirk on her face.

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Count Luc Altair

Luc had a rather difficult time choosing a wine of sufficient proportions, but after a few minutes of searching he laid his eyes upon a type of wine that was familiar to him. He quickly took the bottle and poured two glasses before returning the bottle. He had taken far too long just choosing a decent wine, so Luc was a tad incautious as he walked back around to where Tessa was supposed to be waiting. Along the way he narrowly avoided tripping twice, and actually fell but somehow recovered without spilling either glass. Luc slipped past some mingling nobles and looked at where he had left... and saw Morgan advancing upon a Kamilla who had some tome out. And Reika was along for some reason. Cursing his slowness in getting drinks, Luc practically ran back over to the others.

"Easy, easy. No need for things to get out of hand here." Luc tried to calm things while still holding the wine glasses. "Now, before we go around doing anything we all might regret, let's stand back, take a deep breath and tell me what's going on." Luc already knew what was going on, it was an easy reason to make. But he had to mediate things, and it was best to start at the beginning.

EDIT: Added words.

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"We obviously cannot lose the weapons, so we would be forced into a confrontation." Morgan replied to Reika. "Stopping Kamilla now means we do not have to kill as many religious zealots later, or risk a threat to ourselves."

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"Religious zealots? This girl? Your serious aren't you. Look at her? This girl is so ridiculously harmless. Besides, what are her friends gonna do, pray for us to die?" she laughed mirthfully. "Oh god, I think you had to much to drink already, like Alf. Speaking of which, where'd he get to?"

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"I think he lives in Arrin's saddlebags when we're on the road," Kelas guessed, leaning on the back of the chair that had previously been hers. "I would guess that Arrin feeds him. I did try to tell him we couldn't keep a cat, but... apparently he's managing, and now it's gone and stole my chair. Suppose I've got to give the little pest credit for surviving with us this long, and not being eaten by one of the wyverns." She tried to pick up the cat and got a handful of claws for her trouble. "Gah, ow... never mind, not surprised that the little bastard's made it this long. Wish I'd had one of these when I was traveling on my own, woulda made a good surprise weapon..."

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Stephanie: Oh yes, my fiancee, Ivan. He's a good man but so heavily misguided. He's also very close to being unfaithful to me. He seems to seek out magic practitioners whenever and wherever he can. I will not allow him to seek out a second woman. I was born in Halton yes, but Redwood is a Zaftran colony and I abide by those customs as should he.

She sighed and drew a circle on the table with her finger, her eyes focused on the center.

Stephanie: We could have such a good life together, just the two of us, but this pursuit for extras makes me feel so unloved. (I wonder what he's doing right now)

The Zaftran Borderlands

Alone in a snow storm sat a wyvern knight, his wyvern curled up in the cold, half covered in snow, and the rider, right next to him shivering to no end. Even his undercoat was doing little to help him, and his hood couldn't protect his face much.

Ivan: ... ... ... these is bullsh*t. Scouting mission? Scout what?! There's nothing in these region even worth looking at!

Ivan stood up in a fit of rage!



Ixion: Almost? So part of you still wants to enjoy the ball? In that case, let's go.

He offered his hand ready to escort the headmaster back into the castle and into the ballroom, completely unaware of what was happening there.

The Final Stand

Kamilla spotted Luc and Reika coming over and flinched. Now she was all but surrounded!

Kamilla: (No one ever listens to me in this group! Morgan is just going to turn them against me! Then they'll work together to keep me quiet! I have to get out of here, now!)

Without waiting another moment, Kamilla turned around and made a mad dash for the entrance to the ballroom!


Iso: Really? A surprise weapon? Heheh. Miranda hated cats. They reminded her too much of herself.) What did you run into while traveling that was bad enough for you to want to have a set of claws at the ready?

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"Eh, various predators stupid enough to think I'd make decent prey. Camping out, there were occasionally wolves, the like, or something'd try stealing my food... Amari was a pretty good guard against that. Of course there was that bear one time... Towns, there's some wild dogs and such, but mostly it's the human sort, cutpurses'll go after anyone and are easy enough to chase off, but worse'll go after someone as... unlikely to be missed as I was." Kelas grimaced; those were not good times to remember. "But I managed to get away from those anyway, so no use giving 'em any more mind. Enough about that, and me wandering around aimlessly... You never say what you were up to before you ran into this mess. Where all've you been?"

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Iso listened in as Kelas explained and had to hold in a chuckle at the unfinished mention of a bear. A frown appeared on his face right around "but worse'll go after someone as... unlikely to be missed as I was.". Even if it was true back then, he didn't much like the thought. Soon Kelas changed topics and quickly. It seemed like it was his turn.

Iso: It's a truly dumb story, Kelas but, alright. After I left the fortress and my Irina behind, I tried to head for TISME, the one in Elyisima. None of the others mattered at first because the headmaster was in Elyisima. The assassins kept coming every few months, or any time when I came too close to the magic schools. It was obvious that they didn't want me and Proxima going anywhere where I couldn't be reached and severed.

Holding his head down, he slowly recalled the places he'd traveled.

Iso: Elyisima, Halton, towns and cities in those countries mostly. I needed to reach Ilyphina but I would usually venture far from it in other directions to try and throw them off. I only wanted to reach the headmaster so I could be aided with Proxima and start training to be an archsage under him ... err her ... urgh. Don't ask me why I don't grovel at her feet to become an apprentice, please ...

He sighed and then tried to shrug it off but his shoulders dropped even further.

Iso: Ten ... years. Ten years of this. I can't count the number of friends I knew that were killed by those demons on my hands and toes combined, and Shanice is the only one left from then.

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As Kamilla broke out in a run, Reika caught up with her quickly and grabbed her, pinning her arms behind her back and walking her back.

"Don't worry. I know exactly what you're going through," she whispered in Kamilla's ear.

"Now let's see, do you mind explaining to me what's going on?" said Reika, glaring at Morgan.

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Kelas' eyes widened as the story unfolded: given that it seemed to come with the Crimson Weapons, she'd expected misfortune, and she knew Isotov had lost friends to Shanice, but... she'd never thought there had been so much. "Oh, gods, I'm sorry, I didn't mean... didn't mean to bring that up," she finally managed as she walked over, bending down to hug her friend around the shoulders. "...I'm sorry."

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"She wants to report us to Septimian reformists, this is unacceptable." Morgan answered simply. "There are obviously trained fighters among the reformists, if she contacts them, we will either have to kill them or perish ourselves. Stopping Kamilla now means avoiding unecessary loss of life."

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Chase was slightly startled when Morgan's attention was caught by an eerily familiar looking brown-haired girl. Confused, Chase approached her, and was somewhat surprised when he identified her. "Kamilla! What are you doing here?" he asked accusingly, ignoring the fact that his reasons were probably no less odd than her own.


"Clara? As in, Chase's sister?" Conrad asked. "Because that's who I thought it was. Interesting," he remarked. "I suppose it's nothing of matter, seeing as she's a dancer by trade. I shouldn't be surprised."

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Count Luc Altair

Luc's plead of peace had been ignored, much to his chagrin, and now everyone seemed to be at each others throats. Morgan was threatening Kamilla, only for the girl to run and be pinned by Reika, and threatened yet again by Morgan, followed by that one fellow who Luc couldn't really place walking up. It was turning into quite a mess and Luc wasn't sure he could handle it before things took a turn that got them all thrown out. But he had to make the attempt at least. "Since I doubt you know, or if you do know you do not care but it will bare repeating, that girl is the date of the esteemed Duke Von for this ball. Any hostile action taken against her can be taken against him, and thus make it very easy for everyone here to become needlessly embroiled in political matters that would put an even greater hamper on future endeavors." Luc took a quick sip of his own wine glass. "So unless you think it would be faster to remove any possible obstacle in your path damn the consequences, I suggest we all calm down and discuss this like reasonable people and try not to talk of killing someone in the center of one of the most heavily guarded places known to man."

OOC: This post, it just feels so sappy and lol, yes.

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Iso was surprised to be embraced. He'd made mention of the story to others from time to time, and sympathy sometimes came as a result, but he still didn't expect her to try to comfort him. He decided to shift the blame to himself for actually going into it. He even managed to smile so that it wouldn't seem quite so scarring in retrospect.

Iso: It's alright, Kelas. It's just the story of my teenage years. I never bothered to mention that it was an inescapable surrealistic nightmare. Maybe you can understand why I had no faith in our chances of surviving in the beginning now?

The Final Course

As the two couples entered the final phase of the tango, there were claps beginning to sound off in time with the music, creating an encouraging beat! The noise was also a temporary draw from the other incident that was unfolding not far from the dancing circle! Lev put Daneka into one final twirl that saw her complete ten spins before coming down into a final embrace, Lev's arms holding her up, one on her thigh, the other around her waist! He was pleasantly surprised when he realized that his forehead wad resting gently on her breasts. He'd forgotten to expect that and gave a light grin. So did Daneka when she felt it happen.

Viveka had been put through her own set of spins close to the end as well, and as soon as the song reached its end, she leaped into Derek's arms, her left leg held up by his arm, and her arms wrapped around his shoulders! The excitement was simply too much for her to blush, but she knew how she felt about what she'd just done. It was invigorating. As she looked Derek in the eyes it suddenly came to her.

Viveka: (... so that's how they did it ... ... it wasn't them trying to keep up with us at all. They probably forgot all about us in the middle of it. I'm being too petty right now. Forget Lev and Daneka then. This is about us ...)

A very thick applause came rushing over them from all directions of the circle! Both couples had performed splendidly, no missteps, and not even one close call.

Where There Is No Sanctuary

As Kamilla rushed toward the exit, Reika nabbed and restrained her, causing her to drop her beloved tome onto the floor! She struggled again Reika but eventually wound up right back at square one, but this time without her tome!

Kamilla: Urg! Let me gooo! Let go! Let goooo!! SOMEONE ANYONE!!! HEEEEEEELP!!!

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Iso: Honestly, I don't mind sharing, at least not with you. I just wish I could remember something positive from recent memory. (It wasn't all bad was it? ...)

What's All The Commotion?

As the two couples left the dance floor, the circle opened up to let them out and the crowd began to disperse. The applause finally began dying down only to be far and away surpassed by Kamilla's desperate cry for help! Before Lev dragged her over, Daneka managed to grab an entire bottle of vodka from one of the serving tables along with a glass! She giggled as Lev led her over and poured herself a glass.

Lev: We can't go two hours without something going wrong, can we?

Daneka: Teehee, my goodness zis is no less zan what I would expect from your friends, Levski.

Lev: ... huh? No "Monseiur Levski"?

Daneka: ... shut up, I'll call you what ever I want, and you'll damn well like it, heheheheh.

They finally reached the group and stood right behind Luc and Tessa for a moment, Daneka giggling constantly, and Lev listening in to see what was going on.

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"Indeed Sir Ixion." said the headmaster, politely taking his hand.


"Unfaithful? Bah. The bastard. Though the goddess makes no express ruling for or against, the fact that only Halton and some select minor kingdoms don't find it criminal should be enough. Tis a woman's law, but it is far from a poor one. I pray that you haven't tried to be unfaithful in return, for it would be a stain upon your pure form."

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Once the two had reached the inside of the castle the began passing various people who had been injured in the fighting. Harold's game had left some scars on the servants and a few idiotic nobles. Ixion leaned closer to the headmaster and whispered into her ear.

Ixion: Observe carefully. While my approach may have been too direct for your liking ... these types of injuries would not have occurred had I removed them personally.

One of the servants, the same one Ixion had dispatched first looked up at them as they came by and stood up holding his arm. Whether or not his injury was serious was unknown.

Servant Man: Um. Headmaster? I'm ... I'm sorry for how I acted. It was stupid trying to take your ... things just to get rich quick. I'm sorry. We all are, right? Right, guys?

Man: Shut up. I was as good as paid til Monty kicked me in the back of the head.

Servant Man: ... well ... I'm sorry to say the least. My family would be so ashamed of me.

Ixion: (I don't see why really. You wouldn't be chasing underwear for a lech if your family's financial strategies were any better.)


Stephanie: Oh goodness no! I would lay down my life before betraying a loved one's trust. If only that was enough. What more can a woman offer, truly? I suppose I can be a bit ... pushy, but if not for that, there are a plethora of sins I could not have saved him from.


Iso: Oh right ... the seal fragments. The Headmaster removed them for me but ... at the same time I'm reminded that she's ... not what I thought she was. I got presumptuous a long time ago, got entrenched, and then was blown away by the truth. No one else minds apparently but ... I guess I still do. Ironic that she cures me and then I lose my damn tome ....

He grunted at himself realizing that he was still slipping into negatives.

Iso: Sorry.

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"You are a woman after the goddesses own heart it seems." said Altion, leaning back a bit before laughing. "And you know what they say! 'While her left hand feeds, her right is feared even by the king of darkness himself'! Ivan must have a imprint of your fist in his cheek by now, opposite the one of your kiss."


A faint smile traced over the Headmasters name. She bent down beside the man gently, offering him her hand to help him up. "Your apology is accepted. If your family is poor and cannot feed or care for themselves, head for the nearest TISME branch. Tell them that 'She whom has glimpsed the tenth circle' has sent you. It isn't much, but a cure and a hot meal is at least some means to repay your honesty and diplomacy."

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"I dunno, might have made things worse if... whatever it was was still there when you lost the book, but then I don't know anything about this stuff," Kelas mused. "At any rate, we will get that damn tome back. And the other damn tome." Kelas sighed. "You said once that you took your tome so Irina wouldn't have to, right? I... I kind of wish I'd had that chance." She sighed: Arrin was in the next room, asleep. But what if when he woke up, he couldn't see? Or if he couldn't stop coughing, like Morgan?

What if he didn't wake?

No, that was impossible. Kelas' hands clenched into fists, and she started pacing back and forth. She'd get Daranau back before it was too late. She had to.

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