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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"If most people had to live through what a half-spirit has to go through on average, they would go insane after just one year. Not everything fits right for one. It's to be expected considering that I am a mixed breed. But, for example, I can't flex my arms at certain angles. My wings weigh an aweful lot for a load constantly dumped upon my back, and if you don't fly regularly even a quick five second flutter is like you laid down on the busiest street in the city for a week and people walked over you. Worst yet, if for any reason I enter a magic field, I can't fly at all. These wings are too small to manage it unaided. Oh. And I have to avoid most foods except in small quantities because, not only does it cause problems when you try to fly, your body can't handle it. It doesn't sound like much at first, until you try to live it."


Altion gave a small smile as he bent down and delivered a friendly kiss upon her cheek. At this point, the world likely schismed into two. One in which Altion and Stephanie then retreated to the nearest bedroom for the night such as in the fantasies of a bunch of perverted teenagers, and one in which they didn't. This world is the world in which they did not. "Ah. Lady Stephanie. Tis a wonder, is it not? It has been so long since I have had such fun, and I can tell by the gleam in your eyes that this is true as well."

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Count Luc Altair

Kamilla had thankfully taken Luc's advice and departed before anyone else could stop her. Luc didn't know whether she would look for Duke Von or try and depart the party early, but either way he would need to contact Paul soon to keep watch over her. With the situation diffused, Levski and that woman had also left. Luc once again desired that he was going after her for intelligence reasons, but all the drinks could suggest otherwise.

"Sir Alferis has left on account of his overindulgence in drinking. Where he has turned in to is a question best left for the servants to answer," Luc informed Reika, not bothering to comment on the later half of her words. The full story revolving around those events hadn't been described, so Luc would just be foolish to jump into an argument for that. Chase's angry words meanwhile, had nearly no effect on Reika. It was easy for Luc to see that trying to argue with that girl would be a great challenge. If he need challenge her words in the future, it would be highly beneficial to continue listening in and learn her ways.

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"So Helios...... is she your girlfriend?" The queen asked gesturing towards Dani.

"What?!?!?!? Of course not!"

"Then what is she doing here? And why were you dancing with her?"

"I asked her out." He blurted.

"Oh! I knew it! You two make such a good couple!"

"Um.... no?"

"Shutup Helios. Oh my god do you know how cute you are?" She squealed shifting her attention to Dani

"Not this again..." Sayer said facepalming

"Sayer, I feel really bad for you."

"Please my lord, I get a kick out of this."

"Oh, I was gonna offer you another job but...."

"No wait on second thou-"

"Too later Sayer :D "

"My lord! ;_; "

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"Heh. The big galoot. Dead drunk last time I saw him. I'll check on him later, being my employee and all. Anyway, this girl might prove trouble for you, and you pretty much deserve it. Consider this a lesson, as in, don't be complete douchebags and drag along people when you get into trouble. Because it's not her fault you break the law all the time," said Reika sharply.

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Ixion: Hmm. You sound like one of my sick chimeras back at the fortress. A plethora of outwardly random seeming problems and conditions that are nearly incomprehensible. I suppose being a hybrid does have some disadvantages as well.


Stephanie: Why of course it is, Sir Altion. Oh it seems we both lack such excitement and pleasure in our lives. I can only imagine what prevents a man such as yourself from seeing this as merely the norm.

Kiev Awakens

After spending five hundred years, eight months, three weeks, twenty-nine days, six hours, and forty-two minutes devouring rabbits, Kiev had finally grown full and noticed that the red chicken was standing by the rabbit hole. The chicken squawked at him and then turned around to shake its butt at him! Kiev gave the chicken a perplexed stare. Was the chicken mocking him, or presenting itself as a mate? He couldn't tell. Humans would use their butts for a number of things, mating signals, seat cushions, insults ... how was he supposed to tell what the chicken was getting at? Suddenly the chicken dove into the rabbit hole! As he did this, the hole expanded to an incredible fifty foot diameter and Kiev fell in! Once again his wings were useless as he and the chicken tumbled for hours!

Kiev didn't remember landing or passing out, but he awoke in red water! He had something jammed down his throat and strange tube like things were attached to his body! He lifted up his head bursting out of the bubble! He looked around after barely managing to vomit out the tube in his mouth! He saw a vast expanse of pods attached to towers! Each pod contained an unsuspecting wyvern! Electricity ran up and down the massive towers! Kiev was then accosted by a flying metal thing with a half dozen eyes glowing red! It grabbed him by the neck and began making strange noises he couldn't understand! Oh where was Irina?! He would give anything to be able to see her right now! Was she alright? Was this it? Was he about to be killed by this flying pile of smithing tools?

Suddenly the flying thing released him and all of his tubes began blasting off of him! Suddenly he was flushed down the drain and fell into a river of water underground! As Kiev struggled to stay on the surface a giant loud metal thing hovered high overhead! He couldn't get out of the water to reach it! He slowly sank as a giant steel claw plucked him from the water and carried him up into the metal thing's stomach. When he awoke he saw several wyverns including the bull wyvern with the shiny things over his eyes. Without the shiny things over his eyes he didn't seem quite so intimidating. There was also a female with very short horns. These wyverns took care of Kiev for a good while and about after six days Kiev and the short horned one had fallen in love.

Unfortunately one of the other wyverns wanted the metal things to kill them all because the short horned one didn't like him even though there was another short horned one close by that he could have. Their giant metal thing was attacked by other metal things and destroyed. Kiev was caught up in a powerful blast and everything went black! He suddenly shot up in a wild panic and stopped only when he realized that he was still in the stables. Looking around he saw the pink wyvern unconscious and Krinkov enjoying a much needed rest.

What was that?

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"That's one way of thinking about it, yes," Derek said, stroking Viveka's hair gently. "Though, this is simply one of the similarities the twin nations share: spiking drinks at parties."


"Uh... no, your Highness," Dani said, blushing lightly upon being addressed by Queen Tora. "Thank you for the compliment, though..."

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Viveka: I suppose ... problem is, in Ilyphina there's TISME students. Where there's TISME students there's drinks getting spiked with arousal potions instead of just alcohol. There was a huge incident that I was caught up in once over that kind of crap.

She quickly tried to laugh it off and when that didn't work she started paying more attention to Derek's gentle strokes.

Viveka: Well I don't see any magi, at least none we haven't already met so I guess it won't be that bad.

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"We probably should have killed her." Morgan admitted. "But some members of our group are opposed to such measures, so bringing her along was the best solution. She escaped us though, and now is a problem for us to deal with."

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"It does. You learn to live with it though. Once again, I just put my best face forwards and try to keep moving."


"I wish I did, but alas, where I come from, such things are abstract." he said, taking Stephanie off the floor once again. "Have you ever heard of the Demon Village? It's little more than a name, but during the last great war, the village claimed itself to have been overrun by demons so that the local tax collectors wouldn't collect once again. As a result, we need to keep things low-key there. Dances are rare and... different than the ones here."

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"You probably should've left her alone idiot," Reika snorted. "There must've been dozens of people who saw you burn down that inn. What were you planning on doing, killing them all? Pfft, good luck. Bitch, I have no idea why they would allow you to lead or to why people bow down to you but I do know this. Leaving her alone was the best solution. And really, it's your own damn fault for being stupid, not her's. Pisses me off when I see you guys act like you're completely in the right you self righteous pigs."

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"If we would have left her alone, she would have reported us to Septimian reformists. Septimian reformists would demand on taking the Crimson Weapons or killing us. That would be unacceptable, and as such we would either perish or be forced to kill them. I knew you were a brainless moron Reika, but this is a very simple concept. Perhaps I need to use smaller words." Morgan said, rolling her eyes.

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"And I know you're a bitch Morgan, but I understand perfectly. Surely she did not know at the time your highness, but when she you forced her along, she found out correct? Nevertheless, was she aware of your weapons before? Though if it's true, it's your own damn fault for revealing them. This woman probably could've been avoided, but instead you kidnapped her and forced her along. Maybe if you actually did your job or managed to trick her, you would've prevented a situation, but instead, not only did you have Septimian Reformists after you, but you got mercenaries and two kingdoms after you as well. And you call me brainless. Anyway, nothing we can do now, you put yourselves in this situation, you get out. I don't give a damn what you do to her, but it's completely your fault for what happened and just blaming her for it is ridiculously stupid," Reika rolled her eyes back.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Ixion: That's one way to deal with your problems I suppose. (Not that this wouldn't be an excellent opportunity for an experiment ...)

As they walked, they eventually reached the entrance to the ballroom, narrowly missing the incident prior.

Ixion: Huh. The dancing is nearly over. I may be more fortunate than I realized.


Stephanie: Different you say? How so? Are they strange, unusual, ceremonial?

Jasmine and Alphonse

As hard as she tried to cope, Jasmine had a splitting headache and couldn't manage well. Alphonse decided to take her out of the ballroom. He still considered himself her date though and wouldn't leave her side. It was beginning to bother him though that Colonel Daneka had left with the very man she'd tried to kill on three separate occasions now. As they walked, Jasmine was being supported by leaning back against Alphonse while he guided their walk. She noticed Morgan arguing with Reika and tried to steer in their direction.

Alphonse: (I do not think this is such a good idea.)

Once they arrived, Jasmine called out!

Jasmine: Reika, hold on a sec! I need to talk to Morgan.

Her head was waving back and forth, a sign of her nearly dazed state.

Jasmine: You can do head magic right? Can you fix my headache? I feel like I'm going to explode or something.

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"They are how a man and a woman are declared to be husband and wife for one." said Altion, giggling to himself. "Every year, at the advent of the new year, is a special party. One of the few times we care not for whom gazes upon us. At this party, there is a lot of dancing... and once dance in particular which is used by a couple to propose. It's faded in it's use, but it is still there. One would approach the other, and if the other accepted, they would dance.

Being able to express ourselves openly is something rare you see. Everything we do, it runs the risk of shattering our hidden peace from the governments watchful eye. So, dancing, or anything not hidden, is something... open. As valuable as any land or dowrey. Of course, we practice in secret so we don't screw up, but still."


"Conversely, I wish I hadn't talked so long now."

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"Your limited understanding in this matter makes your judgment of what was proper irrelevant. All you have heard is Kamilla's incomplete story, which is not nearly enough evidence to make a proper assessment." Morgan replied to Reika.

Morgan turned to Jasmine. "My magic does not really...remove head ailments. You may wish to find a healer, or perhaps get some bedrest" she suggested.

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Ixion Is Amused ... wait what?

Ixion: I'm actually rather pleased that you did ramble on. As I told you before and also at TISME, I enjoy acquiring knowledge above all else. What you've been doing and displaying since accepting my invitation to the ball has been nothing short of that ironically.


Stephanie: Oh my, that seems so repressing. Well at least your people are able to indulge at all. Still rarity is such a terrible thing. And a dance for proposing marriage? Hmm why don't other places have those I wonder. It's a truly fantastic idea.

Jasmine and The Enemy Guy

Jasmine: Urrrrrg. Are you sure? I don't want to miss the rest of the ball. Charlotte's busy with Eric and Tessa's busy with Esphyr.

Alphonse: Morgan wasn't busy with Reika just now?

Jasmine: They're arguing, that doesn't count.

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The guy who is developing, Chew-toy and Impulsive queen ^_^

"You look even cuter when you are blushing!" She said.

"Sis, there is a limit...... Dani, Im really sorry..."

"Shutup Helios."

"Sayer....... how long have you been appointed her guard?"

"Um, a while, Milord. Why?"

"Nevermind Sayer, get me a drink."

"........>.> Yes your highness." While Sayer went to get Helios a drink, Helios sat back and watched Morgan and Reika fight from afar. Morgan was winning. Dont have your bandit slave to back you up now huh. Go find a hole somewhere and die quietly.

"Your highness?" Sayer said holding a glass

"Oh, Sayer. Thanks." Helios said taking the glass from Sayer and downing it.

Shifting her attention from Dani to Helios, the queen spoke. "Helios, you were never a heavy drinker. Stop it before you get drunk!"

Helios handwaved this. "I wouldnt be doing so unless I intended to get drunk."

"Your weird. Why would you want to get drunk?"

"Thats for me to know." He said downing another glass. "Go away."

"Ugh your drunk already."

"Im not drunk, Im just a little dizzy."

"Thats the first sign. Do you want me to knock you out now or later?"


".........." The queen, disappointed with his answer turned back to Dani. "So whats your name? I dont want to keep calling you girl."

Edited by Kai
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"Mess up, lose focus, or trip and you may end up in the arms of a well-meaning member of the same gender for starters. Plus, a dance doesn't somehow change it, I think. It seems your custom of simply asking fits more than well enough." said Altion, shrugging. "Besides, would you want to be forced to wait till the end of the year to ask your lover to marry you? Though, I must ask, why did you choose to marry Ivan?"


"You realize that some people would think us lovers or married considering what happened tonight. I am grateful that is not the case."

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"Heh. That Kamilla seems to tell a more accurate story than you ever will," Reika scoffed. "You're sadists and you're criminals. I was there with you and I should know you would behave that way. And you're going to twist the truth and ignore the overwhelming evidence. My advice, if you don't want another situation to occur, then don't go around pardading you have Crimson Weapons. You don't know who might be listening. Or avoid getting into trouble, and if you do, not using your Crimson Weapon would be a good idea. Too bad that obvious idea didn't occur to you until we've had a couple of groups jumping us with knowledge of the weapons. You know what? It's probably not even a mole. It's probably your own stupidity and incompetence and waving a flag that shouts what you have is why these people are coming after you," she said in a bored tone, weary of this conversation.

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Count Luc Altair

Reika and Morgan continued their argument, and Luc listened along, seeking any flaws in their stances. Reika's arguments turned a bit presumptuous, some sounding like bluffs and lies, and her aggressive tone practically challenging someone to call her out on it. Morgan meanwhile, kept everything short and to the point. While Morgan's insults were less in number, their calmer nature was of a larger deal to Luc. After a long rant by Reika about Morgan's possible past activities, Morgan quickly shut off the girl by straight out declaring that Reika didn't have a complete view of events. And then they were interrupted by one of the pegasus riders and the swordsman that accompanied Daneka. Was everyone in the group dating their enemy? It was almost humerus how she had come over to ask for a cure for a headache, a problem some of those who overindulged in alcohol had. That seemed to add slightly more proof to Duke Von's claim that the punch was spiked at least, if someone was asking for a cure they wouldn't drink so heavily of their own volition. Morgan dashed her hopes by saying she couldn't--showing at least, there was some limits to her mental control abilities, or she didn't wish to waste them on so frivolous a reason--and suggesting other things that the woman didn't want to hear.

Luc turned his attention back to the arguments and adressed Morgan. "Well then, will we ever be told the full story? Dame Morgan?" Luc had been ignored yet again, but still he wanted to test out how she would react.

Reika jumped in with another wave of brashness. For someone complaining about how everyone else wasn't subtle, she was exactly like them. "Dame Reika," Luc tried the same trick with her as well. "If you speak of parading, perhaps you shouldn't be mentioning them as well. Though the crowd has died out, that would just make it easier for sound to carry and others to hear." Unless, she wanted people to know.

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"At this point, I really don't give a damn about what happens to you all. Did you know," she said to Luc. "Her attempt to recruit me was to chase me down an alley and blast me with dark magic to get me to join. I escaped of course but I kept running into them. If this Lord of Azure Flames is coming back, I seriously doubt these people should be the ones defeating them. I don't care if somebody here hears of the weapons. If they want them, your problem. It's not like it's all my doing anyway. You're all accidents waiting to happen," Reika smirked.

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Ixion let out a slight chuckle, a very rare thing for him to do.

Ixion: I asked you to the ball, you accepted. Harold went too far, and I assisted you. People can think whatever they like, but the simple truth is that their opinions are as valuable as a grain of desert sand.

He then gave her a stern look.

Ixion: Opinions about you are absolutely worthless, perhaps even less than worthless since you inevitably waste precious time on them. Pay them no mind, and focus on what you know is true. You're the woman following that group of neanderthals around, and I'm the one using them for Ivanko's benefit from time to time. That is all I see in any of this.


Stephanie: Why? Oh it started years ago. We are all still children I believe. Originally I was just a lowly choir girl singing during the services, but when I met the mercenaries in training I became fast friends with them, and I was even smuggled into the fortress on certain days to play with them. Ivan was always the shy one, but he was very cute and polite. Levski on the other hand hit puberty before anyone else and was trying things no sane child his age should have been trying. A few too many turn downs from me and way too many games of truth or dare and led to Levski daring Ivan to propose to me. There's more to the story of course, but that is ... the gist of it I suppose.

Jasmine and Alphonse

Alphonse: You really should lay down. I'll stay with you, I promise.

Jasmine: But ... oh why did the ball have to get ruined by a headache?

Alphonse: Hmm. Does it mean that much to you? Perhaps doing something fun tomorrow could make up for what is happening now?

Jasmine: A date tomorrow?

Alphonse: That is all I can offer I'm afraid.

Jasmine: (Please ... just let me ... just let me kiss him one time.) That would be so great. Really! I'm in!

Alphonse: Excellent. With that, you should get some rest. I will stay by you for the night if you would like.

Jasmine: You're such a hero.

She smiled up at him, her headache being slightly ignored for that moment.

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Count Luc Altair

Reika showed no sign of being moved by being given an honorific. There were a multitude of things that could be the reason, and Luc would go over them in more detail later. For now, he would need to respond to her very interesting statements. "You don't care? That is good to know. The chasing you down and attacking you? Well, that certainly helps explain things," Luc said. She was possibly lying, though Morgan would call her out if she was. And collaborate the story if what Reika was saying was true. "If the Lord is coming back, should really shouldn't be coming into play. I'll take damn well anyone that could. Be it them or others." Which was why Luc was here at the ball of course. It would be easier to fight with an army behind his back. "Of course, if someone here gets the idea to grab them, they would try and detain anyone in the... group." Luc left out some important information from that line of course. Giving her ideas that she could just yell who had the weapons or strike a bargain or other plans wouldn't do well. Though Luc thought she no doubt already realized that. "Yes, disaster clearly follows in the wake," Luc agreed with her. But now that he was here, he desired to turn those disasters into useful benefits.

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"When the shit hits the floor, I'm out of here," said Reika. "These losers burnt down an inn, attacked guards at a town for no good reason and attacked an innocent bystander at an inn claiming she was a dragon," said Reika. "Point is, I don't see why I should be forced and beaten up just to join their nutso crusade. I have my own life you know. Who says I have to do as you say? If I get the daggers back," she said dropping to a lower register, "Then I'm going to leave you once the job is done and if you try to stop me, you're going to get hurt. Badly."

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"Your statements are pure conjecture, and as such have no validity." Morgan responded to Reika. "As for the full story, I may elaborate on it sometime, but I hardly see the point. It would probably be better to talk about this in a more private area anyway." Morgan replied to Luc.

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