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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"You don't have wings. I'll give you a lift if you want. I promise on my mothers wings I won't drop you this time though."


"Very well Dame Stephanie." said Altion, bowing. "I shall await your return."

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Inside The Ballroom of Happiness

Stephanie smiled at Altion and then stood up before carefully wading through the crowds to reach Ixion. Meanwhile Ixion was giving the Headmaster a suspicious glare.

Ixion: Really? That alone should convince me?

Stephanie reached them both right as he voiced his question and tapped Ixion on the shoulder.

Stephanie: Okay. I am going to be speaking with Sir Altion alone for awhile. If you need anything we'll be in a guest room.

Ixion: ... Stephanie. Do you have any earthly idea how suspicious that sounds?

Stephanie: I trust him.

Ixion: Not that Ivan isn't a worthless husband, but-

Stephanie: Ixion! You will not insult my fiancee right in front of me! Now then, as I said, if you need anything, we will be in one of the guest rooms.

Ixion: Thank you for clarifying which one. Also allow me to warn you that you are most likely suffering from the effects of whatever is turning this ballroom into a frat party.

Stephanie: ... what are you talking about?

Ixion sighed and made a gesture of submission that Stephanie quickly recognized. She smiled and ran back into the ballroom, the smile on her face barely projecting how excited and happy she truly felt. Ixion turned back to the Headmaster and shrugged.

Ixion: Fine. Let's go if you have such an overwhelming need to fly tonight.

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The Headmaster smiled before taking Ixion by the shoulders. Then, she spread her wings and with a quick swirl of the night air, the pair was off. Up and up the flew, higher and higher, yet at the same time not far away from the castle itself. In the night sky, they probably seemed to be little more than a mass of bats, and thusly no guards detected them. The flight wasn't long anyways, for all Mana intended to do was to take him up to the top of the tallest tower there and set him down upon it.

"Not all that far." she commented.


With Stephanie's return, Altion gave a bow. "I assume he said yes?" he said, noting her smile. Then, taking her by the hand, he lead her away from the ballroom.

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He looked over the edge of the tower and out into the vast distance. Everywhere his eyes went, he saw nothing but a fatal crash landing awaiting anyone unfortunate enough to fall from the tower.

Ixion: Hmm. I didn't think it would only take ten seconds to lose the home field advantage.

He shrugged and then took a short walk to an open spot before holding out both of his hands. He kept all of his concentration on that spot as a structure began to form made entirely out out of crystalized mana. It soon took the form of a small chair and once he had finished, he sighed, and sat down to relax after removing his white cloak. With the cloak placed over the back of the chair, he crossed his arms and his leg.

Ixion: Instead of digging up old issues right away, why don't you tell me why you're really following them around? It's not as if you can save any of them should the worst come to pass. Perhaps one or two but ... that's hardly worth the effort given there are nine essentials.

In The Hallway

As Altion and Stephanie headed through the halls, they came across Levski and Daneka. Both were for all intensive purposes ... wasted. Daneka was fiddling around with Lev's collar trying to open it up and once she had she began nuzzling his neck. He chuckled the whole time.

Stephanie: Levski!

Lev: >_>'

Stephanie began leading and brought Altion with her as she stomped over to the two. Daneka wasn't amused either at this point. She quickly glared at Stephanie like a wolf.

Daneka: Hey, get your own, Pinky. Zis one's mine.

She then noticed Altion on her arm and then rolled her eyes.

Daneka: Zat is just ridiculous. You can't just ... come arouuuuund here and recruit any handsome young man for your damn threesomes! Who ze hell do you zink you are? Huh? Take zat crap back to Halton.

Lev: Only men marry multiple spouses in Halton I think. The women almost never get away with that.

Daneka: Well ... take your crap back to whatever cult's ass you crawled out of, Pinky.

Stephanie: My word, you're drunk, the both of you!

Lev: How did you know I'm drunk? I haven't said one thing suspicious.

Stephanie: Perhaps if your hands were in a more appropriate place I would think otherwise.

Lev looked down to see where his hands were and flinched. It only took him a second to retract the both of them and give a nervous laugh.

Stephanie: ... fiend >_>

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"Because there is a tenth factor in all of this." said Mana, moving beside Ixion, yet keeping her distance from his chair. "Helenos. She is powerful indeed, a great threat, and desiring to taste the Lords flame for herself. Already, if it weren't for her idiot henchmen being idiots, she would have more than enough power to blockade the group until she manages to get all of her delectable snacks. It's not much, but I can wrest at least one from her hand should she devour it." she said before sighing. "It will hurt an aweful lot, make be go insane, and many other things, but the group still stands a better chance against a berserked me and Helenos with one less weapon, than Helenos with that much power backing her. Though, there is one other way, one... one better way to strike her down, and if the group cannot defeat her, only I will be fast enough to perform it. Setting the Lord free dooms us to the cycle of war again, but... that's better than Helenos's cruel world."


"If you want, I can call Esphyr over." said Altion. "She should have some choice words for the situation. Though Lev, think about this. If you go through with this, you will wake up tomorrow with a powerful headache, and a woman whom will be mad at you for taking advantage of her drunken state. Do. Not. Do. It!"

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Darth Ixion

Ixion: Why should the group ever have to contend with you as a wild blood lust driven half spirit at all? Why do you insist on ignoring your problems until they threaten your goals?

He wasn't interested in hearing the same excuses as before and quickly changed his tone to a more empathetic one.

Ixion: I learned very early on from Ivanko that in order to be at my absolute best, I needed to subvert as many of my flaws and weaknesses as I could. I am still human, yes, and I still have weaknesses. Perhaps I will never return with a full count, but I am far better off than most. Why do you choose to live with yours when the stakes are now so high?

The Hallway of Drunkeness

Daneka: What is he saying? Why would I be mad at Levski? I heard he's good at zis sort of zin-

Lev: Thaaaaaat's not important right now. I'm merely keeping the good colonel company until the alcohol says it's time for bed.

He gave a wide smile before Daneka grabbed his head with both hands and kissed him on the lips!

Daneka: Ze alcohol can shove it. You're mine!

Lev: These is going to be a ... difficult and unique challenge for me.

Stephanie: Of course it is, you lecherous fiend! You leap straight into the bosom of evil and then you call foul over claims of difficulty?! Fool!

Lev took it quite literally and stared at Daneka's chest for a good ten seconds before looking back at Stephanie and Altion. Daneka had nearly fallen asleep all of a sudden and was rubbing her head against his neck again.

Lev: Those are evil? ... holy sh*t.

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"...Heinz or Lev, probably," Derek said, still stroking his date's hair. "Regardless, I guess she'll be establishing herself as the de facto leader soon. Which is good, except for how she keeps getting downed. And after-battle recovery, but that'll likely be an issue no matter who takes rein."


How does she know me, again? "Haha, I get that a lot, Queen Jenny," she said, curtsying, as Helios continued the exchange. All of a sudden, he sat down, apparently having a headache. "Here, I'll get you to a room," Dani said, taking the wind mage's hand, and beginning to head for the hallways.

Edit: alot =/= a lot

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Confused one, Queen that makes rude remarks and the chew toy

"D'awwwwwww already? Have fun,brother! They grow up so fast dont they Sayer?" She asked happily

"Indeed they do, your majesty." Sayer responded

"Huh? Oh Dani. Where...?" Helios slurred unable to finish the sentence.

EDIT: Reword :facepalm:

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She giggled at the mention of Morgan being defeated in combat. It lessened the embarrassment from her own defeats.

Viveka: All those mooks of hers and not a one of them is ever around to take a hit for her. Oh whoops. I shouldn't call Chase a mook. I mean, I'm sure he likes her and all but ... uhhh. Never mind. She just needs to learn to get the hell out of the way.

Kiev of Burgosas

Noticing that Krinkov was still asleep and so was the pink one ... for the most part, he began quietly tip toeing out of the aeries. The hostlers had finally taken a break from watching them and that was a chance he didn't pass up. Once he was outside though, one of them quickly spotted him and ran over!

Hostler: Hey! Where do you think you're going?

Kiev gave him the answer in the form of a small moan. Of course he couldn't understand though.

Hostler: ... huh? Are you trying to talk to me? Hahahahahahahah! Silly wyvern, talking's for humans.

Kiev tilted his head. This human didn't know anything about Irina so he was just in the way. Perhaps he could distract the human by making him chase after something he liked. With that, he walked over to the other side of the entrance and grabbed a bottle of whisky from the top of a crate. The man that was sitting on the crate was fast asleep.

Hostler: What the hell are you doing?!

Kiev came back over to him and presented him the bottle. The man scratched his head a bit confused and then decided to take the bottle if only to see why the wyvern had offered it to him. Suddenly Kiev yanked back and the man was unable to grab the bottle. Kiev then offered the bottle to him again and the man reached for it yet again only to be tricked.

Hostler: What the hell?! Are you trying to make a fool of me, wyvern? Give me that damn bottle before you break it!

Now that Kiev was certain the human wanted the bottle instead of him, he chucked it into the air as high and hard as he could! The hostler looked straight up into the sky as Kiev slipped passed him. The bottle came down with a loud shatter, the hostler unable to catch it, and then Kiev took off!

Hostler: HEY!!! GET BACK HEEEEERE!!! (I can't believe I got tricked by a wyvern!)

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Morgan sighed "Well with that situation resolved, I think my purpose at the ball is fulfilled. I will retire for the evening." Morgan said, taking her leave of the ball.

Charlotte had been rather quiet since resolving the meeting with Jace issue with Alex. She felt rather dizzy, but felt it would be improper to leave early.

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Blood fell from his mouth, rough hands on his wrists. He was facing down, refusing to look into the face of his captor, the leering Hotello. He looked around the room, seeking a way to escape. The guards kept his weapons and vulnerary from him. There were several men around the door. It would take a miracle to escape.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself? You did attempt to assassinate me after all," said Hotello, in a droll voice, a sneer on his face.

"That's ironic, coming from you. What happened to the boss again? Oh that's right, you killed him. You buried your axe in his skull," he spat on the ground, blood and saliva falling.

"My my. I'm surprised at you. The late Kashimm was killed by a stray arrow, a sword digging into his skull. Everyone knows that."

"I saw you. And how many people here did you not manage to woo over. They know just as well you murdered him. And you made everything worse."

"On the contrary my boy. Look at all the loot we have? More than when Kashimm ever led. Now we have enough to buy a large amount of weapons to fight."

"Then why don't we fight the Septimians? That was the whole point. All I've seen you use these new weapons for is to push around more townsfolk into giving you more money so you could buy more weapons to extort more money quicker. The reason why I joined here was to fight the Septimians, not my own people."

"Really. It's time you know how the world works," said Hotello, leaning in close to his face.

"We cannot beat the Septimians in a fair fight. And why would we want to? They allow us to do whatever we want here. They won't arrest us if we steal now. You should be happy Alferis. A murderer and thief like you can roam free here."

"No! I'm not a murderer!"

"Heheheh. Sure you're not."

"I'm not! I'm not a murderer. I'm not!"

"Hmmph. Alferis, you sniveling whelp, you disgust me. For now, you will are banished from this organization. A hypocrite and a backstabbing man like you will only hinder our goals. If we see you again or if you cross us, we will hunt you down like a dog and kill you. Banish this man! He fills me anger!" cried Hotello. The men holding Alf relaxed their guard a bit and walked him out a little ways. Before they realized their mistake, he kicked one in the shins hard, snapping the bone and punched another in the jaw. He ran towards the two guards holding his weapons and bashed their heads together, the men unconscious and suffering from a concussion. He gathered the weapons and ran into the night.

"Stop him! Kill him! Make that dog pay!"

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"A bit too headstrong for that, apparently," Derek said, as the shamaness announced that she was retiring for the night. "Speaking of Chase, he needs to swing a sword. That bow isn't going to work, if he plans on fighting on horseback."


"You need to lie down," she said, dragging him out of the chair, and leading him out into the hall. Finding one of the guest rooms open, the mage promptly led Helios in, and, after laying him on the bed, stepped out, with a sigh. As Dani was about to return to the ball, she spotted Kelas, sitting against the wall.

"... Not going back in?" she asked, approaching the nomad.


"... Are you well, milady?" Eric asked, breaking a long lull in the conversation. "Perhaps we should get a bit of fresh air?"

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King Stefan and Queen Isolde rose to their feet to make an announcement. "Thank you for coming everyone, but the time for festivities to end is now at hand. You may all go home." they announced in unison, taking leave of the ball themselves. The remaining nobles shuffled out of the hall in various states of drunkeness.

"Oh it's over." said Charlotte in a rather disconnected tone of voice. "But I was having such a good time..."

OOC: Finish ball interactions here, new topic should be up tomorrow.

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Irina continued dragging Aiya along with her exiting the ball in an awkward fashion! Once they were in the halls, Irina looked around in every direction!

Irina: We have to escape! Into the night! Come on!

She continued dashing around taking Aiya with her!


Viveka: Ehhh Chase isn't very good with swords. Can't even take the head off a dummy without hurting his hands. I don't think he'd be able to do much with a sword from up on a horse either unless someone taught him how.

The Hallway of Clarity

Stephanie: Levski, this is sick! Are you actually going to ... take advantage of this situation and-

Lev: Whoa, slow down. Why don't you explain what YOU were about to do with HIM ... hm?

She took a defensive tone and stance, quickly placing her hand over her chest!

Stephanie: Why I ... I had no such perverted thoughts in mind, Levski! Sir Altion unlike you is a very respectable gentleman.

Lev: He'd have to be to make those legs open >_>

Stephanie: What?

Lev: Nothin.

Stephanie: Speak up, I didn't hear you!

Lev: I said nothin.

Daneka: He said nozing now shut up and let me cuddle. Levski, I'm tired.

Lev: Heheh. I should um ... take her to bed now.

Stephanie: You fiend! Are you actually going to go through with such disgusting perversion yet again?!

Lev: ... heh. You know what? Think whatever you want, Stephanie, I honestly don't give a damn. Come morning, we probably won't remember any of these so it really doesn't matter what happens tonight now does it?

Stephanie: Fool.

Daneka: Pink Zealot.

Levski picked up Daneka and began walking off down the hall with her in arm. Stephanie picked up the bottle of vodka and huffed at it.

Stephanie: They cannot even do things in moderation.

Kiev's Bond

Kiev made a sharp turn during his flight and accidentally slammed into a nobleman who was heading back inside! The man tumbled a few meters and then rose nearly in tears and sobbing! Kiev shook off his head and stared at the pained man. Suddenly a thought occurred! How would he be able to get inside the castle?! He was a wyvern and only humans seemed to be getting in! He had to take human form to enter undetected.

The noble brushed himself off and then looked up to see that Kiev was gone! He panicked and looked every which way in search of him only to feel the wyvern's jaws clamp down on the back of his collar!

Nobleman: Oh no! It has me! The beast has me! Nooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh-

The man was dragged away into the shadows by the sneaky wyvern. A loud thud sounded and the screaming stopped, a sign that Kiev's paw had been used as a bludgeon. Kiev emerged a few minutes later covered in torn up noble's clothing. Not sure what to do with the monocle, Kiev swallowed it thinking it was some type of voice changer. It felt weird going down and it was making his voice lighter so it must have made it easier for the humans to understand him, yes?

He walked up to the entrance where two guards were waiting. He came up to them and sat down looking back and forth between them. Both men were astonished seeing Kiev wrapped up in expensive garbs now torn asunder due to Kiev's bad cloth thieving skills. The guards looked at each other for a moment.

Guard: ... is this wyvern serious? Who sent him here? Who's joke is this?

OtherGuard: Harold maybe?

Guard: Harold left, remember?! Who the hell is trying to pull one over on us this time?! Is it the aeries hostlers?

OtherGuard: Dunno. Maybe we should let the thing know it's not gettin in though. He looks convinced.

The first guard shooed Kiev hoping he would leave but he responded with a light moan. As a noble he had a right to be at the party.

Guard: ... what's with you?! I said git!

OtherGuard: Heheheheheh, this is cute.

Guard: Shut up! He's making us look like fools!

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"Hm? No, I've got to stay here," Kelas replied as the thunder mage-- Dani, was it? asked her if she was going back to dance. "I'm not much for dancing anyway, but my brother fell asleep drunk after one glass of punch, so I've got to stick around and make sure he's all right." She got up and stretched for a moment. "Dunno what they put in that stuff, but there was too much of it."

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"There is always next year, milady," Eric said, as the two exited the palace, for a little while. "That went well, though. No major incidents, and it seems that the nobles tolerated your presence. And mine, as your escort."


"... Well, it isn't too hard. Maybe I'll see what I can do, tomorrow," he said, eying the archer. "He'll need it, if he wants to be an asset for the group."


"Some sort of beer or wine, I bet," Dani said, shrugging. "They always do it... I'm sorry your brother had to get drunk. I should have warned you all..."

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"They did, didn't they? Perhaps they see the justification in what we are doing...or they just did not wish to make a scene in front of the king and queen." Charlotte said. Next year, hmm? So Eric thinks there will be a ball for us next year...I hope he's right.

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"Eh, I don't think he's even really that drunk, but he's very tired, which doesn't help. He... he'll be all right," Kelas replied, pretending that she believed it in the long run as well as the short term. "I'm all right here anyway; like I said, not much for dancing." She sat down again, thinking Dani would probably go back to the dancing, or something.

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"Because I can't get rid of this weakness. It's part of who and what I am Ixion. No matter how hard I try, I will always fly into berserk rages when struck with shadows. It will always be like that and never change, so long as I live. I don't have a weakness that can be changed by something so simple as training, only ones that must be lived with."


"Lady Stephanie, put the bottle down. If he desired to be a idiot, let him be. It is his right. Let the Goddess judge his soul when he goes unto her bosom. I do not desire to see you be struck down as well by her. Leave the bottle here, lest it tempt us while we are alone and commit acts of infidelity."

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Cess and Rita:

As Rita layed on the lounge, amazed at the book, Cess sat down with her. "I wonder what everyone's doing downstairs. *yawn*"

"I'm sure they're fine. You're falling asleep."

"Am not. But I'm gonna spend tomorrow training. Then we can go shopping."

"Alright. Try and get a different partner. Magic isn't good against swords you know." As Cess turned to like a Rita, she had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"Heh, *yawn* I'm sure we can take a nap here without anyone bothering us." He pulled his cape around them, and they drifted off.

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As the ball was declared over, Damian moved towards the exit of the ballroom.

'I will do this. What Ixion said was true... caution will not stop Gae-Borg from having it's way with my mind... only action will... and I need to take that action now...'

Damian had made up his mind. He would go with Ixion, temper his mind. All that was left was to tell Ixion he would accept, and tell everyone that he would be leaving.

'No... not everyone... only a few, the others can learn through them.'

Seeing Morgan nearby, Damian knew she would want to know up front.

"Morgan. I need to talk to you... now."


As Aiya was dragged along by Irina, the question she asked was rather simple.

"So... where exactly are we going?"

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Ixion: Keep lying to yourself if you wish. It's your choice, but to actually believe that something in the mind cannot be overcome simply because it is anchored in nature and instinct is pessimistic speculation at best. You are no asset to them in any way whatsoever with your problems. Damian seems to be coming to an understanding that he is in fact a very real danger to the group. Why can't you?


Stephanie: Why people overindulge in such things I will never understand.

She let out a heavy sigh and left the empty glass and bottle on the bench.

Stephanie: Perhaps a servant will retrieve this later. Alright then. Let us go and find a place to converse, Sir Altion.

Irina and Kiev

Irina: We're ... we're going someplace safe, where there's no drugs or alcohol to screw with out heads! I'm not going to let anything happen to you, mom! I promise!

Once they reached the entrance, they saw one guard chuckling while the other desperately struggled to move Kiev out of the way. The wyvern was simply too heavy and wouldn't budge though.

Irina: Holy wyvern ... Lord Kiev! It's you!

Kiev noticed the two intoxicated girls and began walking toward them! The guard that was pushing him fell flat on his face while the other one lowered his halberd trying to keep Kiev from coming through the gates! Irina didn't wait around and dragged Aiya with her yet again as they came outside and let her go only to wrap her arms around Kiev's head!

Irina: It's you! I didn't know what to do but now you're here!

Kiev agreed, he was there, and nothing bad was going to- THWACK!!! A blunt weapon came down on Kiev's head and jarred him up a bit!

Guard: Get out of heeeeere!! You'll not make a fool of me!!

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"I grow weary of this conversation. Do you think I can overcome it? I am shocked you have such faith in me Ixion. I will humor you, if only for a while. How would I do so?"


"Indeed." said Altion, taking her by the hand. A few moments later, they were in a private and secluded room. "This is remote enough Lady Stephanie. I applaud your decision to abandon the drink. Such things are rare where I come from, refusing such a substance I mean."

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"What the?" Aiya asked, as she saw Kiev wearing a torn suit, and a top hat. As Irina then moved to embrace Kiev, who was promptly struck by a blunt object, Aiya sighed.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

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Ixion: Do not be alarmed, Mana. It is not you I have faith in, it is the mind.

With that he uncrossed his leg and stood up, allowing his arms to come down as well after a few steps in her direction.

Ixion: I do not believe in limitations. That is nothing but a lie to keep our dreams socially acceptable and reasonable. The limits placed on the mind are especially insulting. If you ever want to subvert your weaknesses, you must first believe that you can. You must first disregard any notion that it is beyond your ability to control.

He lowered his head and chuckled a bit.

Ixion: I'm afraid that I cannot help you with that part.


Stephanie: Oh I had no intention of consuming any of that vile substance, though I was very tempted to pour it down a drain. However that would be a horrible violation of the royal family's possessions. I suppose all I truly could do was leave it there ...

Irina and Lord(?) Kiev

Guard: Go on! Git!

OtherGuard: Calm down. You almost hit the girl.

Irina: Don't hit my wyvern, you jerk! Mom, come on! We have to go!

Irina quickly hopped up onto Kiev's cloth covered saddle and grabbed his reins only to realize that they'd been ripped from the hitch.

Irina: ... not again.

Guard: Is this your wyvern?! Are you two responsible for this?!

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