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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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'I'll have to watch out for that chop of hers... it'd be no problem if I had armour to stop it... but Morgan's physical strength isn't great... it shouldn't be a problem for me as long as it doesn't surprise me... let's hope she doesn't feel the need to use it.'

"As you know, my Gae-Borg is... unstable. The reason for that is my own lack of mental ability to control it... and that has to change." Damian told her, standing firmly.

"That is why I am leaving. That dark druid, Ixion, has the knowledge and mental capacity required to curb Gae-Borg's intrusions into my psyche. And that man always seems to know what's going on... the end of the world is in no one's best interest, I'm sure I could be here in a heartbeat if things become dire." Damian continued to speak, trying to graph an opinion from Morgan's face... but he couldn't find anything yet.

"As I am now, I am a danger and a burden. Surely you can agree the chance to lower that risk, as well as the very real opportunity to increase my strength, is a worthwhile investment?"


Irina was completely out of it, Aiya could tell.

"Irina, calm down. We need to find out what happened with Kiev... how he got out of the aerie, and where he got that hat..."

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"If that is what you believe, then you have already failed Ixion. This isn't a matter of a mind overcoming it's weakness, but of making a fire burn underwater."


"You could have given it to someone else." said Altion. "But that does not matter. It speaks volumes that you chose to not drink it, and I am both impressed and happy."

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Morgan furrowed her brow. "Stopping your instability would be quite useful" Morgan responded. "And perhaps this Ixion is the man to do it. I support your leaving, but...proceed with caution. Ixion may have similar goals to ours for the time being, but I would not trust him completely if I were you."

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Ixion: Your defeatist attitude is astounding. Perhaps fire cannot burn under water ... not on its own, but if I recall correctly, you are not alone. If a problem is so great that it cannot possibly be overcome by oneself, then the only recourse is to seek out others. I sincerely hope you are not afraid of assistance.


Stephanie: I suppose.

She quickly composed herself remembering that she was trying to enjoy herself for once and quickly turned to Altion with a smile.

Stephanie: Now then, no more talk of sinful overindulgence and the like ...

Irina and Kiev

Irina: But, mooom! These guys are the castle guards! They'll try to send us back inside to get crazy like the others and then who knows what they'll do to us!

Kiev smelled Irina and could tell she was being effected by alcohol. That stuff was bad news unless Ivanko was drinking it. Irina needed to rest so that she wouldn't hurt herself but the guards were still harassing them. He wasn't sure what to do short of beating them down.

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"Trusting anyone fully without a good reason is never a good course of action... I've seen too many good men killed for being too trusting to let that happen to me." Damian replied, clenching his fist for a second, before returning to normal.


"Irina... just calm down. Now Kiev, where did you get that stuff?" Aiya said, gently trying to calm the other girl down a bit.

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Ixion: Are you afraid of me, then? After all, you were quite concerned for Damian's well being when he came to me for help. Do you feel that you would be in danger as well?


Stephanie: Indeed. I am still quite curious about your people's culture. As much as I tend to get around, I do not learn very much without spending hours in libraries tediously researching.

Irina and the Kiev

Kiev gave Aiya a light moan which would have explained the situation to any other wyvern but unfortunately Aiya was not a wyvern. The answer came anyway once the nobleman Kiev attacked stepped out of the shadows shivering in the cold, covered only by his undergarments.

Nobleman: H-h-h-h-heeeeelp ... meeeee. Waaaaaaah!

The man began crying on the spot as the other guard rushed over to help him. Irina began laughing hysterically.

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"There is a world of difference between the two of us Ixion. Damian is a confused man seeking to outmuscle the Lord of Hellfire himself by your training. I wish mearly to humor your endeavors. Remember Ixion, one wrong move with me can cost you your life. Don't make a wrong move."


"Mmmmm... There is much to tell. We are a quaint people usually, humble and hidden, desiring to stay out of the worlds eye. Originally our town was started as a trading post, and it stayed like that until eventually we grew sick of taxes. We hid ourself away, and there is already a culture skism happening. Our gender roles are... segrigated. Men handle the hard physical labor while women tend the house. Even in combat, the men fight up front, while any woman whom wishes to fight is restricted to stealthier movements. Though with the amount of free time on our hands now that we no longer seek pay, it's turned into lots of loafing about on both sides."

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"Not a statement I expected from you, perhaps you've gained some insight." Morgan said to Damian. "I imagine you'll need to be leaving soon then, I can say your farewells for you if necessary."

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Ixion: Oh I don't think you'll be wanting me dead just yet, Mana. Why humor me at all though? If you don't believe you can overcome your weaknesses, then I can't help you. Furthermore, I offer no overnight solutions. I would need to learn more about how your mind and body work in unison to help you conquer something that deeply entrenched.


Stephanie: Oh my, was the government overtaxing your town? Such things are not unheard of.

Altion's explanation of the different roles played by the sexes also caught her attention.

Stephanie: It seems that there may be a bit of sexism going on there. Do women freely choose such roles or are they forced upon them?

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"Trust is the most important thing you can give to someone... it can make or break you. Who you give that trust to is important, and should not be taken lightly." Damian replied to Morgan.

"As for my farewells, I plan to talk to Tessa, Aiya already knows... Esphyr would be opposed, I am sure. If you could inform her... it would be helpful. As well as the others... I will likely depart by the end of tomorrow, I would imagine."


"Oh... that's what happened..." Aiya said, seeing the nobleman.

As Irina began to laugh, Aiya turned to the guardsmen.

"I apologize for her... she had far too much to drink at the ball." Aiya said with a curtsy.

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Irina and Kiev

Guard: Wait ... what happened?

Other Guard: Oh wow. This wyvern actually stole someone's clothes to try to pass himself off as a noble. Hahahah.

Guard: You think that's funny?!

Other Guard: This is hilarious!

The first guard was not amused and quickly pulled out some cuffs.

Guard: We'll see how funny you think jokes like this are from a cell, lady!

Irina: Huh?!

Other Guard: Don't see the point in arresting her. She's too drunk to have anything to do with this from the looks of it, and it's not like anyone will believe a wyvern was smart enough to do this-

Guard: Shut it! This wyvern assaulted a noble! Either the rider pays for it, or the wyvern does.

Other Guard: Well the wyvern is clearly too much for you to handle. Don't take it out on the girl though.

The other guard walked closer to Irina and Aiya, turning to Aiya hoping to figure out something.

Other Guard: So where were you two while this wyvern was ... trying out human attire?

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"We were in the ballroom at the time. Still, the man looks uninjured, if a bit shaken. Surely we can solve this without a ruckus or anything, no one was hurt." Aiya replied, hoping nothing crazy would happen. If it came down to it, she would have to pay for the suit, and bail Irina out, but she hoped it wouldn't come to that.

"It looks like Kiev managed to get out of the aerie, and was trying to find his rider. If anything, you might want to find out why the hostlers weren't doing their job." Aiya suggested, steadying the obviously drunken Irina.

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Saving Mercenary Irina (Ether got it)

Other Guard: Wait, the hostlers?

Guard: Now come here, girl!

Irina quickly hid behind Aiya barely able to stay on her feet! Kiev tilted his head at the aggressive guard. He kept moving in on Irina with restraints. Was he trying to force her to mate? He would have to knock him down if this continued. Forcing a female to mate was wrong even among wyverns.

Other Guard: Hey calm down, I don't think this is even their fault. The hostlers might have been drinking again and if that's the case ...

Guard: ... >_>

Irina: Hostlers drinking? That's irresponsible! You'll give the wyverns a bad impression and then they'll start drinking too! You can't ... do that! Drunken wyverns can't dodge crap! I would know! Mom you've got to do something about those hostlers before they influence Kiev!

Guard: ... ... .... (Crazy consort.)

Other Guard: ... ... .... (Whoa ... this girl is ... plastered.)

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"As you can see, she is in no condition to be of much help to you." Aiya said, as Irina clung to her, while hiding behind her.

"And if you keep trying to go at her with cuffs, I don't know if I can stop Kiev from attacking you. He likes me, but I'm not his rider, she is, and he is very protective of her... why else do you think he would try dressing as a nobleman to see her?" Aiya continued, hoping to dissuade the more aggressive guardsman.

'Please, oh please just let this end without a fight...'

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"Because Ixion, I can. More of, I want to show you that some things are simply beyond your understanding."


"It's... Weird. While no one objects to a woman going out, or a man staying home, they... the best way to describe it is that it's a free choice, but it's the only choice that doesn't lead to being mocked and ignored."

OOC: I am sorry for my lack of activity today. My college schedual has simply been so brutal I have no energy.

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The Dark Druid let out a disappointed sigh and crossed his arms again.

Ixion: What is truly beyond my understanding is your incessant need to enslave and limit yourself so. nonetheless I won't be bothered trying to dig you out of your little hole. If you insist that yours is a problem beyond overcoming then it is because you have made it so. Your reasoning behind it is a poorly made excuse. I can't change that.


Stephanie: I see. Social pressures then. Well that is better than an outright ban against women. People brought up in a certain way of thinking are forgivable. It is not so easy to ignore the law of the land however.

The Hostlers Did It

Nobleman: ... I'm still nearly naked and freezing. Why won't anyone help me ...?

OtherGuard: We should have a word with them. The very fact that this little guy got out of the aeries is proof enough they're slacking again.

Guard: ... fine. You two are off the hook for the moment, but when we get back, we're going to have a word with you about those clothes.

Nobleman: ... just ... just sort of waiting around here ....

As the two guards headed over to the aerie, Kiev began violently tearing the noble's clothes from his torso. The hate managed to stay on throughout this somehow. He then nudged Aiya on the hip urging her to get on so they could flee. He already knew he was in trouble for the clothing and wanted to escape while they were gone.

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"Thanks Morgan." Damian replied, turning away.

'Now it's time to find Tessa...'


As Kiev nudged her, Aiya turned to the young wyvern.

"Listen, Kiev. If we run away, they will just chase us, and everything will get worse, okay? We should deal with this here, it isn't anything major."

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Manning Up Wyverning Down

Kiev whined a bit, not wanting to have to deal with the guards anymore or the noble over by the bushes. He nudged Aiya one more time hoping she would change her mind and get on along with Irina, but once she didn't, he lied down on the ground and put his paws over his face. His plan to save Irina had backfired and he was certain they would end up paying for it in one way or another. The noble stood there still not knowing what to do.

Nobleman: I say ... where is my monocle?

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"Is that not a limitation of your own? To claim that it is impossible? Even if we were to assume it possible, there is two hundred years of thinking that I can not for you to attempt to disprove."


"Indeed. Though it may be that there is a desire, but it is impossible for a town to enact it on its own. I probably could have had a wife by now if I desired, but I passed it up. The girl I was most likely to marry was not one I loved. She wasn't ugly, poor of personality, or anything of the sort; just... I wasn't interested in her like that. The men pushed me to drink and if I had done so, I have little doubt I would have awoken the following morning with her next to me in bed. What's worse is that infidelity is such a problem once booze starts to flow, and men are expected to drink! Can you imagine that social pressure?"

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Ixion: Clever, but pointless. Allow me to rephrase myself then. I will not try to change what you believe. Whether or not I can is irrelevant. Bombarding you with "Yes you cans" is Isotov's philosophy, not mine. If you so choose to live with your ... condition for no other reason than entrenched beliefs then that is fine. I simply ask that you do not fill others with the same concepts. It is not a healthy mindset to have.


Stephanie: I can see why you are so adamant about the issue of alcohol. Social pressure has its uses though. Making perverted criminal minded men think twice before attacking innocent women, helping guide disorderly men into the church, making the common folk refrain from spewing out horrid obscenities. Of course there is the other side of things such as what you experienced.

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"Your philosophy is dangerous Ixion, be it right or wrong. Several years ago, I unwittingly told a young girl she couldn't control something. I didn't know what was happening and was trying to comfort her. You know her as Esphyr, a girl who now believes herself to be at the mercy of her blades whim. Maybe you are right, but I doubt it though."


"Indeed. Where I come from it is much stronger than it is out here. So much so that it is part of the reason I left. I am a deviant as it were. Interested in the outside world and its way of life. It's men, women, and customs... though I must admit the women here are very mannish by my customs. You and Charlotte seem to be the only women here."

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Where? No..... not again..... What.... do you want...? Who are you? Helios could be seem, laying down. Everything around him, darkness.

"Cant speak can you?" A man dressed in white with long green hair said. "Must be the strain. Didnt Jennifer tell you not to drink?" The man was pacing around, back and forth. Helios looked up to see the man had a white eye hidden by his long hair


"Figures." He muttered. "What can I say? You are me anyways, I never listened and got myself killed......"


"Still confused arent ya. I would tell you to find it out for yourself but a fool like you cant even begin to comprehend such a tale."

"Your.... Helios.....?" He asked the man dressed in white.

"No, at least, not anymore. Helios died, a long time ago. I had a disease and it got me. I was alone at that time, being separated from the group and all. It saw that I couldnt fight it anymore and took me away... but not fully."

"What do you mean by not fully?"

"Take a good look at yourself. You are what is left of me, at least what is left of my flesh and bone. Your soul and mine are entirely different."

"So, I'm like a clone?"

"Your me. Without any memories of what happened before Helenos' attack."

"You still havent answered the most important question! Who are you!?!?

"I am....... Hellsety." All of the sudden, everything went black.

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