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I don't believe this is a fairly difficult question though some of you may disagree with my opinions.

I'm wondering, in what order should I play the games that I can get a hold of in order to understand the story of FE?

The following games are available to me (though not all are here yet):

FE: Path of Radiance

FE: Radiant Dawn


FE: Shadow Dragon

Are the storylines of each game independent of each other, or are some games sequels of others? I was tempted to begin with PoR, then RD, then just play the remaining games in whatever order I could find them. Does this sound reasonable?

Also take into account that I have never played a FE game before (although I have watched many, many people play them). I would like to assume that the first FE for the GBA would be easier than PoR, but I don't have any way to confirm that (since my friends who are addicted to the games found them all to be quite easy).

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There's no real order to play. The games are different continents and stories with different characters. Now, if you ask which do we recommend to you to start playing I recommend GBA to be the first.

This are the only FE games that are connected in storyline and characters:


FE 1/DS -> FE 3/12

As for which is easiest, FE GBA (FE 7) is a bit easier than PoR in my opinion.

Tip when playing PoR and RD:

Depending on which RD version you have (I have the one with mistakes), you may need to play PoR in Normal Mode to unlock transfer stats for RD. Check the forums of the game or other sites for more info on this matter of transfers.

Edited by Light Lord
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Well that's nice. Sometimes I like game franchises with long lines of sequels, then other times I like them to be separated with bundles of sequels instead of a continuous string.

And from what you say, is PoR not a good game to begin with? With the first FE game on GBA, it may just be wishful thinking for a purchase at the moment as I cannot seem to find it at my local game stores. If I were to begin with PoR, would it be too difficult? I mean, the gist of the game is easy to me. The only thing that scares me is that if I lose a character he never comes back (and in terms of the plot, that would make me sad).

Would those pages tell me which version of RD I have? I just purchased a new copy a few days ago, so should I be fine?

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Of the ones that you've posted, only Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are interconnected in story (with Radiant Dawn taking place 3 years after Path of Radiance).

The "first" Fire Emblem (actually the seventh in the series) starts out with a tutorial the first time through, which would be a way to get used to actually playing the mechanics. However, Path of Radiance has an Easy mode (at least for the NA copy), which may or may not be more difficult (I've never really gauged the difficulty while playing it...).

Really, the choice is up to you. I'd probably recommend starting with FE7 (the GBA one) for the tutorial, and if it seems too easy, I'd switch over to Path of Radiance (FE9) and start it up on either Easy or Normal.

As for the earlier question:

FE1(Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light) (Famicom) and FE3(Mystery of the Emblem) (Super Famicom) are connected (FE3 (Book 2) is a sequel to FE1). FE11 (Shadow Dragon) is a remake of FE1.

FE2(Gaiden) (Famicom) is a side-story to FE1 so it's kind of connected, but only slightly (as far as I'm aware).

FE4(Genealogy of the Holy War) (Super Famicom) and FE5(Thracia 776) are connected in that FE5 takes place during the middle of FE4 as basically a side-story (though, expanding on events that happen between chapters in FE4).

FE6(Sword of Seals) (GBA) is the first game on Elibe, while FE7 (Blazing Sword, first NA game) is a prequel to it.

FE8 has no connections to any other titles, barring spiritual connections to FE2 (gameplay elements, etc.).

FE12(Heroes of Light and Shadow) is a remake of FE3 Book 2, and is the sequel to FE11 (though, it's not out in NA yet).

EDIT - If you just bought Radiant Dawn a few days ago, it'll be fine. It was only the first print run that had problems.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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And from what you say, is PoR not a good game to begin with? With the first FE game on GBA, it may just be wishful thinking for a purchase at the moment as I cannot seem to find it at my local game stores. If I were to begin with PoR, would it be too difficult? I mean, the gist of the game is easy to me. The only thing that scares me is that if I lose a character he never comes back (and in terms of the plot, that would make me sad).

Would those pages tell me which version of RD I have? I just purchased a new copy a few days ago, so should I be fine?

Not exactly. I like PoR, but FE 7 was way better for me. Hmmm, regarding if the game changes with the death of a character, I don't think so. They are only lost forever. Be afraid when you use the main characte and another character later in the game, if they die it's game over and you must restart the chapter (As always).

As for the problem I told you, I don't think so.

I've been looking for a way to identify them, but with no results.

The easiest way to notice this is if you have a PoR archive in a Memory Card and you try to transfer data with an Easy Mode playthrough. The game will freeze. If the game is a recent copy then there should be no problem with this.

I wish I followed my father's advice and waited a bit to buy RD, instead of buying it as soon as it was released.

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Play FE7 first. While I don't actually think it's the best one, or even the one most suited to beginners (that would be FE8), FE7 has a long tutorial and you are forced to play it, unlike other tutorials, and while that's fine for newbies, if you come to FE7 after having completed other FEs, you will quickly find it very, very boring.

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The only game where you don't have to lose characters when they die is FE12 Causual Mode, but that's not released in North America yet.

I haven't played PoR, so I can't give you my opinion on that, but if you want a game that you can complete in a relatively short amount of time, you could go for FE8. If I remember correctly, it also has a tutorial in Easy Mode, though I haven't played FE8 Easy since my first time playing FE, so I could be wrong. FE7 does have a forced tutorial, though, while you can skip to Normal or Hard on FE8 and not use the tutorial at all.

In my experiences, FE8 is easier to find in Gamestop than FE7. I haven't seen FE7 yet, but I've seen FE8 several times in Gamestop's Used GBA Games section. It's for ~$12.

Could be just my area, but who knows.

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You should try FE8 first. Cause it's easy for beginner. Easy mode has tutorial. While Normal and Hard don't.

Then you might want to give FE7 (after that is FE6) a try. Since those two are related.

I haven't played FE9/10 yet so... I can't help you.

Also, FE4 is recommended. Best FE ever. 8D

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Gonna echo the FE7 sentiment here, the tutorial it gives is the most comprehensive and is really infuriating if you already know how to play, which is a shame because the rest of the game is quite good.

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Well, I played FE 11 (Shadow Dragon) first. I guess that the main benefit of playing that first is that you are essentially playing FE1, only with better graphics. The game is fairly easy in normal mode, and the prologue chapters are not that long, making it not as boring as FE 7, with its prologue (aka Lyn's mode)

But if I had to say the first one I would have played now that I know the series, I would have said FE 8. FE 8 is probably the easiest FE, which is why I guess that would be the best one for beginners. Also, the game is not connected with any other game, making the plotline very easy to understand.

The only game I warn you not to play first are Tharcia 776 because that is the hardest FE ever made (and it doesn't even have a hard mode o.O)

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Play FE7 first. While I don't actually think it's the best one, or even the one most suited to beginners (that would be FE8),

That's not how you spell Shadow Dragon.

Personally I'd say you should go with Shadow Dragon first and then work your way up (or, technically, down, hehe) with whichever FE you'll feel like playing at the time.

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In my opinion, play the GBA games first, then PoR, then RD. It's actually much more fun and gives you time to get used to the gameplay. Although it has taken me something like 3 years to be as "good" as I am at any Fire Emblem game.

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Well, if it pleases the FE gods, I shall start with, er, FE7? The tutorial will be a refresher of what little I played a loooong time ago, so I'll go with that, then PoR, then RD. Whatever comes after that will be on a can-I-even-get-it basis.

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Not yet eclipse, but after classes I'll search the alleyways in my city to find a copy of at least FE7. In the event that I can't find a copy for myself, I'll just borrow one from a friend.

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If you can't get your hands on a GBA Fire Emblem, then it's best to start with Shadow Dragon, which shouldn't be terribly difficult to obtain. After all, it is a remake of the very first Fire Emblem, if you like old school you're in luck. I would not recommend making Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn your first Fire Emblem, those games are considerably more difficult than the handheld ones (unless you are playing H3-H5 on Shadow Dragon). I haven't played any of the Japanese Fire Emblems, so I can't give you an opinion on those. But Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are good, I would highly recommend you play them eventually.

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Out of the ones you have listed, the only one you probably shouldn't start with is Radiant Dawn, for both sequel and difficulty purposes (though I never played it myself, I've heard it's quite difficult).

For my recommendation for the one that you should start with, FE 7, 8, or 11 are all safe choices, so I guess you should choose which one you like the best from there.

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If you can't get your hands on a GBA Fire Emblem, then it's best to start with Shadow Dragon, which shouldn't be terribly difficult to obtain. After all, it is a remake of the very first Fire Emblem, if you like old school you're in luck. I would not recommend making Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn your first Fire Emblem, those games are considerably more difficult than the handheld ones (unless you are playing H3-H5 on Shadow Dragon). I haven't played any of the Japanese Fire Emblems, so I can't give you an opinion on those. But Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are good, I would highly recommend you play them eventually.

Path of Radiance is difficult? since when?

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Out of the ones you have listed, the only one you probably shouldn't start with is Radiant Dawn, for both sequel and difficulty purposes (though I never played it myself, I've heard it's quite difficult).

Chapter 1 of RD is extremely hard for a beginning chapter. If Chapters 1 and 3 were reversed in difficulty, it wouldn't be so bad.

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Well by luck I found copies of both FE7 and 8, so I've already started the first. I'm liking the tutorial so far even though I remember going through it once already a long time ago.

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Or if you find FE7 somewhat lacking in challenge (unlikely if it's your first time, but you never know), just play FE8 on hard mode since it's still pretty easy that way. Either way FE8 normal is a good difficulty level for a beginner I would say.

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I know I'm only 12 chapters into FE7, but so far it's been fairly average in terms of difficulty. Only one guy was lost between chapter 1 and 12 (Sain, but he wasn't that impressive anyway and I lost him on the boss of the chapter, so it's not that embarrassing). We'll see if the difficulty spikes soon :)

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