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Turncounts: Eirika vs. Ephraim?

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So after typing up this post in the Draft III, I decided to just make a new thread because I've brought myself to wonder: whose path is generally faster? I'd been convinced before I did some thinking and checking that Eirika's route was faster, but I'm not too sure anymore. I think Eirika's might be more easily skippable with Vanessa, but that's the point of this thread.

Post to follow.



Well, I've got myself curious now. What're the maps?

9-1: Port Kiris. Fairly long map, but made much easier with tough units, plus a flier/pirate!ross can speed it up.

9-2: Fort Rigwald. Straight and long rush complete with status effects.

10-1: Pablo. You actually skipped this one quite easily with Eirika + Vanessa, but an sans-flier clear would probably be ten-ish turns.

10-2: DURACELL. I got fucked here having to recruit + defend Cormag, so I had to take the full survival time, but one could probably clear this sans-fliers faster than 10-1.

11-1 and 11-2: fog of war rout maps with L'Arachel. Pirate Ship's harder but they're both bitches as turncounts go.

12-1: a windy path of peaks rout against monsters. Moderately long but rather easy.

12-2: rather straight map. Rush up, kill boss. Can't really be sped up by having a good flier.


13-2: a windy path of mountains rout against humans. Definitely worse than 12-1 - its equivalent - but I don't think the turncount is much worse. It's a little slower by my reckoning.

14-1, 14-2: stupid castles. Ephraim's is actually probably faster, but you have to deal with a Sleeper, a Silencer and two Berzerkers. NOT FUN, but doesn't slow you down usually.

Desert...well, I think it's faster to start from Ephraim's portion as long as you have two units each capable of dealing with an entire side of the map. Eirika's does have a more logical left->down->right progression, though.

and Chapter 16 - I'd say - is balanced. There might be a Warpskip bias towards Eirika's route, though?

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That sounds about right. Remember that recruiting Cormag turns the Aias chapter from a minimum 2 turn (maybe one with Tethys? Not sure) into 6 minimum.

Overall I'm not sure the difference is huge, draft counts are probably poor to compare because of forcibly strange unit choices.

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I'm discovering that Fort Rigwald is very hard to get under even 16 turns without a fast-paced tank unit, like a really beefed up Cavalier. Only Franz could deal with this effectively, since Forde/Kyle only had one chapter previously to gain experience.

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Even with Franz I took 19, but I had to get Amelia so that cost some significant time. I think Paladin!Franz would be the best bet because there's an Armorslayer in Gheb's room who can get lucky and end Franz very fast.

EDIT: You also have to Seize, so regardless of how fast Franz can go Ephraim has to follow.

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Honestly, Dondon, I'd be willing to hear your thoughts on both fronts - Seth and non-Seth. The thread was created from a draft log but I'd be curious either way.

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