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Wow, does everyone clock hack?

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Does everyone use clock hacking for wifi teams? Personally I find it kinda...wrong. You could honestly get a completely capped out char without reclassing or anything, like a hacker. I just think it takes the fun out of the game, especially on wifi - people quit on me now and I'm not a hacker or clock abuser, I just use save points.

If everyone does, though, I'll make a squad from my clock abused playthrough...

Edited by Maria's bro
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I see too many threads like this. .-.

While the end result is the same, the method is different, you could do everything you could do with RNG abuse, that you could with Clock abuse, it's just that clock abuse thins out the time needed to get said level up, whereas with RNG abuse, you'd have to reset countless times.

With hacking, it's like,


Max stats with no effort at all. And sometimes on a level 1 Jeigan.

tl;dr, I think it's perfectly fine.

Edited by MeteorLunarSolar
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Nope, but I don't play on Wifi.

The extra stats help, and it's not like we get infinite stat boosters. I'd prefer seeing clock abuse over actual hacking (ever face someone with Imhulu?)

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(ever face someone with Imhulu?)

YES. IT IS SUCH A *censored*.

@Marias Bro: capped stat Jagens and Swordmaster!Boahs are pretty lulzy though! Seriously, I dont because I dont play wifi.

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Cheaters mean nothing to the #1 hacker of this game.

93-99 Move?

225 forge weapon stats (0 WT)?


of course, imhullu is for wusses.

I hack, but i don't use imhullu.

It seems as if you're proud that you beat the living shit out of people by hacking.

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I've quit playing wi-fi when i saw all those crazy teams. And thats 1 year ago. Seriously Wi-fi on DS SUCKS. It also ruined Metroid Prime Hunters. A game based on multiplayer on such an easy to hack hardware...

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@someonewhodied: I'm guessing Sylvan has a field day with you when he faces you.

On topic: I don't even think I've ever clock abused if any abuse at all. (Except arena because of wi-fi weapon forging and secret shops.) Never hacked either.

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I have never clock abused or played Wi Fi, but I have RNG abused to get good level ups (in all Fire Emblems, not just this one). I have used AR codes but never to play against other human players.

I personally do not consider RNG abusing to be cheating. I only consider using a cheating device to be cheating.

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Most legitimate clock abusers have weaker teams that they use online. It's entirely possible that you have been facing hackers, or people who want to try out their new unhacked teams. I always give people the benefit of a doubt if they have no overforged or unobtainable items. I like to try to leave useless stats uncapped, to show I didn't use a max-all-stats code.

Personally I think clock abuse makes the game more fun, because it makes Paladins and Dracoknights much more usable, and gives you better character options and class flexibility.

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i see Clock abuse as just a faster RNG abuse too. i've made a RNG abuse, Clocked, average stat team, and a team specifically for with anyone. personally i try to use whatever team matches more with my opponent.

i feel like something people have forgotten about hacking vs clock/rng abuse is the time it takes to make it. clock abusers have to take the time and effort to make their team too. and considering how anyone with wifi can do it too while not everyone has an AR, i don't see why people bash on people working hard.

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Yes i am.

I don't play for fun or for the competition. I play to test the effectiveness of my WTFZOMGHAX teams.

You don't play for fun?

You're a sad, sad person with too much time on your hands.

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Yes i am.

I don't play for fun or for the competition. I play to test the effectiveness of my WTFZOMGHAX teams.


The entire point of the wifi is the fun and competition.

That's truly pathetic.

Edited by Maria's bro
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when i want fun wifi games i play more....real-time games like.... PS0, FFCCEOT, SSBB, MKWii, ect...

And i hardly even touch SD anymore....the only fire emblems i play now are: FE3:DS (STILL trying to finish reverse lunatic w/out hax.....i think my L button is starting to break from all of the soft resetting) and FE:RD.

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FE3:DS (STILL trying to finish reverse lunatic w/out hax.....i think my L button is starting to break from all of the soft resetting)

Lol, my L button DID break from all my resetting in when I used save point upgrades. Then I switched to another DS and the R button broke from it. :awesome:

So I guess that's why I'm not totally against clocking now...

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the button itself (the thing attached to the ds motherboard) snapped off...after the thin piece of plastic stopping that from happening snapped off.

Luckily, i can solder and i have a tri-wing screwdriver.

1 hour spent fixing it, and its perfect again

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My L-Button is also not responding, although blowing on it gets it to work for about a minute. Not from resetting, though. When I want to soft reset I just suspend and then load the nearest save point. Probably from switching between units.

On-topic: I certainly don't clock abuse. I actually just stay away from Wifi, and not just because my router is WPA encrypted. There's almost no strategy to it, you just spend hours and hours and hours abusing so you can have an all maxed team, and then you make the same movements depending on the map every time.

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