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Choral Mafia III- ENDGAME UPDATED (finally)


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FIrst come, first served. But literally everyone who posts will be biased in some form. I'll just say that I didn't get the chance to play Choral Mafia 1, and also pride myself on my writing ability.

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More like: The minute I say something even remotely scummy, everyone jumps and I can't defend myself. So I give up. I'd rather not waste my time, and just watch you all be wrong come my role reveal.

It's turning into Life. But without all the evil plans.

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More like: The minute I say something even remotely scummy, everyone jumps and I can't defend myself. So I give up. I'd rather not waste my time, and just watch you all be wrong come my role reveal.

It's turning into Life. But without all the evil plans.

You mean, "Hahah you'll be next" and crap like that. You can defend yourself, but instead of even trying you just go and try to mindscrew everyone including your own side. Notice that come role reveal, everyone backed off as it was a legitimate defense.

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Not just there. It's happening again here in the Pokemon Mafia. When we're supposed to be listening to Tables, and following him, it's turned into: Kill Psych again.

I'm gonna be so happy when I can just start my game and you all get the added screw, without me.

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Not just there. It's happening again here in the Pokemon Mafia. When we're supposed to be listening to Tables, and following him, it's turned into: Kill Psych again.

I'm gonna be so happy when I can just start my game and you all get the added screw, without me.

And you're intentionally malicious snapping back at everyone who suspects you.

Arguing with you isn't going to change anything I see.

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Not just there. It's happening again here in the Pokemon Mafia. When we're supposed to be listening to Tables, and following him, it's turned into: Kill Psych again.

I'm gonna be so happy when I can just start my game and you all get the added screw, without me.

Between your constant psychotic behavior and your truly excellent performance in Reverse Mafia, I think everyone's kind of lost respect for you.

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NOW I CAN'T JOIN ;_________;

I'm dumb. ;__;

You can join~

CARA doesn't have enough members who want to play.

and yes, replacements are open

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Sorry, Life D:

Life has been subbed out and replaced with the first person on the replacement list.

Also, CARA still hasn't reached fifteen players.

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Yeah, this might sound irritated


If you absolutely detest playing these types of games then I'm sorry but this is how I run them

and don't sit there and say you'll join if you won't enjoy it

I want everyone to enjoy it, okay?

So... yeah.

I'm sorry.

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Just letting you all know that I am still hosting this, in case there is any confusion.

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tables asked to be moved to the replacements list, so Pride has been moved from replacements to signups.

ANYWAY SORRY GUYS this will probably start on or at least around the 25th of this month.

Thank you.

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