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Dynamic Growth Discussion

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If you haven't read about Dynamic Growths, go here: http://serenesforest.net/fe11/dgrowth.html

Anywho, I got this and I personally think it raises some questions.


This happened when I was grinding with Navarre. Notice he got +2. He missed 2 HP when level up 2 times in a row giving him a growth of higher than a hundred. You need to be super screwed/blessed for it to happen at all though.

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If you read the bottom of that page, it says that the dynamic growth rates get a little tricky when the percentages are near 100%. I guess that's true in your case.

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I guess so. All of that screwage+Blessing just for him to reach his average >_>

Well, it's not necessarily screwage...

I was clock abusing, and discovered, at least on my account, that if the growth rate is over 100, the guaranteed 1 is added to the stat, then after 100 is subtracted from the growth rate to begin the check for the +2, another RN is used to check for the +2 using the same procedure it used to check for the +1, only that the growth rate the RN is compared to is the growth rate after the subtraction of 100 from where the guaranteed stat growth of +1 comes from, provided my account is accurate, and if the second RN is greater than the growth rate after the subtraction of the hundred, then the change in the stat stays as +1, but if it's less instead of greater, THAT is where the +2 comes from. So, you got lucky there... ;)

Edited by shadowjam
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Navarre's HP growth is 90% as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster. That's what's puzzling.

By growth, I mean growths after DGs. So in this case:

Level growth
6      90
7      90*1.1 =99
8      90 * 1.2 = 108 
9      108 - (100 - 90)* 2 = 88(?)

So, the second-to-last level's growth rate(after calculations), mentioned above, explains how the topic creator's Navarre's hp stat went up by 2 upon reaching lv. 9: The DGs impacted it!

Edited by shadowjam
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What I find strange is that dynamic growths kicked in at all. My understanding was that they could be negative, though a negative bonus would be ignored, like this:

Lv      Bonus
4  -9%   -9%
5  -9%  -18%
6  -9%  -27%
7  +9%  -18%
8  +9%   -9%

I guess this demonstrates otherwise!

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I'm not sure if I mentioned it on the forums, but the deductions occur slightly different to what I first believed. Instead of reducing by growth/10, it reduces it by (100-growth)/10, so what happened is probably:

Lv      Bonus
4  -1%   -1%
5  -1%   -2%
6  -1%   -3%
7  +9%   +6%
8  +9%   +15%

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