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My overwhelming anger has led me to the point of uncontrollable rage.


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Are you trying to imply that the higher popularity of portable players now will cause a higher amount of consumers to experience hearing loss in some form, or something? I did not know that you were the new Captain Obvious.

Pardon me, Officer Oblivious, but you're the one who made the content-free, snarky reply in the first place. My point wasn't about the direct relationship between the increased popularity of portable music players and the accompanying risk of hearing loss; it was about the implications of a horde of middle-aged people with self-inflicted hearing loss.

If this is too nuanced a point for you, let me know, maybe I can whip up a flowchart for you in MSPaint.

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EDIT: Plus, how could you be mad when I'm blasting Access the Animus (remix) over and over again?

Because you are the only person around you who likes your music. Get used to it.

This sounds like a CRFH. If it's any consolation, it could be worse. Mine were.

You are very perceptive.

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You're going to have to do better than that if you want to satisfy me.

What kind of satisfaction are we talking about here? Probably not anything I can buy at the store considering how inappropriate this sounds! You can be real perverse sometimes ;).

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