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Tibarn's sprites.


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It's on all of them :P

Open paint -> View -> Zoom -> Show Thumbnail

Only works when you're already zoomed in.

That will be useful. Thanks!!


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Your Kyle should have shading around his beard to make it blend more with the skin, and there should be a little bit of shading where the armor overlaps to show that it's actually overlapping.

Your... Sage, kinda just looks messy overall. I really think you should look at other robed battle sprites to get a sense of how they should flow around him.

The shading on his body could use some more work as well, as it seems to be mismatched around parts.

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Your Kyle should have shading around his beard to make it blend more with the skin, and there should be a little bit of shading where the armor overlaps to show that it's actually overlapping.

Your... Sage, kinda just looks messy overall. I really think you should look at other robed battle sprites to get a sense of how they should flow around him.

The shading on his body could use some more work as well, as it seems to be mismatched around parts.

Ill reference other goateed figures, and other overlaps, like Fordes.

I know the capes crap, but can you do the zoom circle thing to point out shading issues on the body?

Edited by Spy
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Go for it. Make me proud.


It wasn't forgotten. Took an hour, and yet it needs more in my opinion.


Sword fighters. My canvas just keeps shrinking!

Accidentally forgot row 4. Will fix.

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FE mirrors one side map sprite animation for the other side.

You don't have to make both.

I meant on how the fourth row still has an axe.

I know about the mirror.

some of my splice contest entries take almost 3 hours, so 1 hour isn't that long imo :| haha

Anyways, my biggest issues are the eyes, the pillow shading on the chest and the spikes on the near shoulder(they don't seem to match the angle properly.

The chest plate was heavily reffed off of Echidna. Im not sure if it just looks bad or if the color set makes it look bad.

Ill experiment with that tomorrow.

And the spikes can easily be removed.

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It's exactly Garrets T-Shirt, I just had to keep it 16 colors. But I guess I can custom it >_<

u callin Hawkeyes necklace gay?

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