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Pokemon Tactical Game (Game Over; Team Rocket Wins)

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A public accusation quickly leads to a public vote which leads to a modified gun being shoved into Raymond's mouth which leads to the trigger being pulled which leads to his head exploding in a shower of bloody quarters. If he had been holding any items, something has taken them.

You are Blissey.

You are the greatest special wall in OU owing to your naturally high HP and Special Defense. Tired of always being in a support role, you joined Cipher to get back at those who always cast you as a supporter. Of course, then you got assigned to Realgam Tower in a support role.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Eggbomb USER” You will toss an exploding egg at USER. While USER is stunned by the blast, you will make off with his full Role PM.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.


Night 4 begins, and will end 48 hours from now or when all orders are in.

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I think I've reached a point where I'm auto-mafia whenever I live past N1.

I must have offended the RNG goddess in some way. >_>

Learn the binary code prayer nd offer it to her. Or you'll be cursed forever :o

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