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Pokemon Tactical Game (Game Over; Team Rocket Wins)

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It is impossible for you to sleep. You just know that something terrible will happen tonight. You just know it. Unable to sleep, you slip on your shoes and grab a jacket and head out for a walk. The night air is cool, and there seems to be a fight occurring. It appears to be MeteorLunarSolar and an Altaria ganged up on by a group of three people. One of them is pummeling them, another is strafing them on a Suicune while shooting them with a pair of SMGs, and the last one is destroying their minds. The triple threat proves to be too much for MeteorLunarSolar and the Altaria, and they die.

You are Winona.

You are the leader of the Fortree City gym, which uses Flying type Pokemon. You came to Realgam Tower because you caught wind of Cipher's plans, and wished to stop them.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Altaria, use Aerial Ace on USER!” During the night your Altaria will use Aerial Ace on USER, killing USER. Unfortunately your Altaria only has 1 PP left for Aerial Ace, so you can only do this once before you will be unable to perform this action unless you find a way to restore lost PP.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Deciding it would be prudent to put some distance between yourself and them, you decide to head back to your hotel room. However, when you are only a few minutes away from the hotel, you see Lux Aeterna being constricted to death by a massive tongue.

You are Rui.

Upon hearing that Wes was murdered during the night, you have become bent on getting revenge on those responsible for he death.

You have taken it upon yourself to get revenge, and Wes's Umbreon has joined you. At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Have Umbreon use Crunch on USER” During the night Umbreon will use Crunch on USER, causing him to be crushed to death by Umbreon's powerful jaws. Umbreon only has 3 PP left for this move. Therefore, this can only be done three times unless you can find a way to restore the lost PP.

You are allied with the Lovers. You win if the Innocent Bystanders win.

You dash past Lux Aeterna and the mysterious assailant and into your room, bolt the door, and then try and forget what you've seen. You also feel that if either of them had been holding items, something has taken them.


Deadline is 48 hours from now.

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Last night the Submarine Explorer 1 was taken from you by a group of people

Yeah, I think the same group targeted me but I might of been spared somehow. I don't know.

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No, everyone don't claim to Spike. No offense but I don't think you should lead the village.

##Vote for Jean-Marc to avoid my brain being crushed.

OK, I'm now going to volunteer myself to be the Town Leader. I was in touch with both Tables and MLS before they died and I have basically been cleared by both of them. I also have a lot of info on the town from talking to everyone since the start of the game but if I don't have your role PM, I'd like to have it. Also, we should lynch Balcerzak today. We have had proof for a couple of days that he's Mafia. And yet he's still alive.

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