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Pokemon Tactical Game (Game Over; Team Rocket Wins)

General Spoon

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Also, btw town. Unless the kill somehow gets stopped tomorrow will be lynch or lose. As there are 8 people, with 3 Rockets. So when I die, and the night kill is done there will 6 people and 3 Rockets.

actually that'd cause a tie... :unsure:

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Are you saying your role has no ability to contribute so as a result you don't know what to do?

You can also put your 2 cents into a discussion as it helps.

Well, yeah. My role has limit of uses. And I used them all. So eh... Useless Amely is useless.

EDIT: ##Vote BK.

Edited by Amelia
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... Apparently it means MislYnch and LOse.

My Yeast Lost Ooze?

*coughs in a dignified manner* Regardless, I got evidence. Waver not in thy desire to stab thine targets.

Edited by Furetchen
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Yeah, it is. Once Spoon gets online he'll deal with everything, since it's the middle of the night for him (or very early morning, I guess)

Early morning, actually. Nobody who knows what's going on say anything please, as this update will take longer than normal to make. I think you all know what that means.

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After a majority vote, BK-201's head is smashed against the pavement, knocking his brains out. Eh, so islands don't have brains. I could care less.

You are Mirage Island.

You are transitory, existing not often and then only briefly. For some reason, you are currently existing in Realgam Tower AND are sentient AND have gotten caught up in the conflict.

You have an Ether. The Ether is an item. The Ether can restore 1 lost PP to a move. Using the Ether takes one night. Perhaps somebody else can make better use of it? It has a triangle sticker, but it doesn't mean anything.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

The innocent bystanders, realizing that at this point they likely have no hope left resign themselves to their fate. Amelia walks over and snaps Dracohon in half with her tail.

You are Cassandra.

You and your grandmother own a medicine shop in Mossgreen Village. You own a Parasect that you evolved from a Paras so that you could use its mushroom for you medical research. You have come to Realgam Tower to continue your medical research, but then this stuff happened.

You have an Ether. The Ether is an item. The Ether can restore 1 lost PP to a move. Using the Ether takes one night. Perhaps somebody else can make better use of it? It has a circle sticker, but it doesn't mean anything.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Turning around, you see that Ninji is ordering a Miltank to crush acey555. Blood spatters everywhere his life is smashed out of him.

You are Zigzagoon.

You are a Pokemon that always zigzags around, never moving in a straight path. You have zigzagged your way to Realagm Tower, and are in the middle of this war.

You have a fondness for items, and like to grab them from random places. As such, your ability ingame is Pickup, which you will be making use of. When a player holding an item dies you will automatically take the item from their body. While you are alive everybody will be told that each dead body was looted.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Amelia, bored, walks over to SlayerX and snaps him in half.

You are Barlow.

You are the muscle-bound leader of the Vientown Ranger Base, and your partner is Makuhita. You traveled to Realagm Tower on an official mission.

At day you may make a post containing only the phrase “TARGET CLEAR USER!” (bolded and underlined like that, and preferably in a large font size). USER will then be killed by you charging at them and smashing apart. This does not end the Day phase. You can only perform “TARGET CLEAR!” once in the game.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Seeing the last few figures approaching him, Furetchen cries out "Hey, I just realized that I overlooked information that points directly to two of you being mafia, though I don't know why I overlooked it until now. Oh, and if I had been communicating with Psych better I would have known the third one. We could have easily swept up this game and won if I didn't overlook that stuff. Can we have a redo?" He is cut off by JB25 splashing some burning chemicals on his face, which burn away his head.

You are Koga.

You were the gym leader of Fuchsia City's gym, a Poison type gym, before being promoted to the position of an Elite Four member. You traveled to Realgam Tower as a part of obscure ninja training, and got caught in this gang violence.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Prepare substitution for USER's attack” If USER or anybody allied with USER tries to kill you that night you will create a substitute which will take the damage for you. The killer will think that he has done his job, and you will appear to be dead. You will return as if nothing had happened the following night, and it will be announced by the host that you have returned. If you successfully fake your death, you will gain a new power.

After faking your death you have had some time to think about ways to help the Innocent Bystanders. While thinking you recalled that you know a technique for intercepting and viewing official mail, and then putting it in the appropriate person's mailbox while they are none the wiser. At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Intercept USER's mail” You will receive a copy of all official mail that USER receives during the night. Additionally, you may no longer fake your death.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Team Rocket has now taken over Realgam Tower, and have won the game. They toss their role PMs on the ground, no longer needing them. The first one that is thrown away is Amelia's.

You are Nidoking.

You are Giovanni's Nidoking. Giovanni has sent you ahead of him to Realgam Tower to begin the takeover of the structure. So, you went ahead of him to Realgam Tower.

As a Nidoking, you know a wide variety of moves. You plan to use these moves to help Team Rocket, but unfortunately, you used up most of their PP in the first strike. It takes 1 PP to use a move, and PP cannot be transferred between moves. You know that there is a way to restore lost PP. You the following moves:

Earthquake: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Earthquake” As soon as night falls you will cause an Earthquake, causing everybody who is not a member of Team Rocket or anybody using a protective ability to stay at home and fail to complete any night actions. This move has 1 PP. This move's PP cannot be restored.

Ice Beam: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Ice Beam USER” You will freeze USER with Ice Beam, preventing USER from performing any actions that night. This move has 1 PP.

Fire Blast: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Fire Blast” You will use Fire Blast on yourself, causing flames to surround your body during the following day phase. Because nobody wants to argue with a flaming monster, your vote towards lynches will count as two that day phase. This move has 1 PP.

Taunt: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Taunt USER” You will Taunt USER for a while during the night, infuriating him so much that he tell you his whole role PM. This move has 1 PP.

You can only use a maximum of one of the above moves at night.

Additionally, At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Using tail to snap USER in half” You will use your mighty tail to snap USER in half during the night, killing him. Because your tail is heavy, you can only do this on odd nights. You can kill and use one of your other abilities on the same night.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

The next one to toss a role PM away is Ninji.

You are Whitney.

You were the gym leader of the Goldenrod City gym, which specialized in Normal type Pokemon. You joined Team Rocket after they took over Goldenrod City because you could see that joining would bring you plenty of benefits. You are now taking part in the assault on Realgam Tower.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Send gym trainers to USER” You will send a group of gym trainers to observe USER throughout the night, and if USER visits somebody they will tell you who USER visited. If USER does not visit anybody, they will instead report back with who visited USER. While they are doing this, your gym trainers will help themselves to any items that USER has, and bring them all back to you.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

The last one to toss his role PM away is JB25.

You are Gideon.

You are the head Team Rocket scientist of the Sevii Islands branch of Team Rocket. Giovanni requested that you come along on this takeover of Realgam Tower because you assistance will be required.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Determining the chemical composition of USER” By determining USER's chemical composition you will discover his alliance.

You have the Boulder. The Boulder is an item. The Boulder is large, heavy, always pointing North, and it requires a lot of effort to carry it. The Boulder seems to contain hidden powers, but you cannot access them. Perhaps somebody else can? (Note: It would be best for your team to keep this away from the person who can actually use it)

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Team Rocket now has a wonderful new source of income to fiance their mob operations. Congratulations Team Rocket!


Postgame will hopefully be up later today.

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Fuck, I'm a moron. I shoulda been more suspicious that there had already been a full-PM cop.

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