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My Grandmother is on her way to the emergency room


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Move this if this isnt where it goes, but my nana is going to emerg. She has cancer and is going under chimo, but has a life-threatening illness that if her temperature is over 38 she may die. Her temp is 40.

Im panicing and theres nothing I can do.

I feel useless...

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I know how you feel (well sorta). Just about a week ago my mom was rushed to the emergency room with a blood pressure of 220/175. My dad went to visit her, but my sister and I had to sit home without knowing what was going on. It sucked. The doctors still don't know exactly what happened, but her bp is still above 150.

Just try to stay calm. What eclipse said too. Try to keep your composure; if there's nothing you can do, there's nothing you can do. If you're religious, pray, or whatever your particular religion advises you to do. Don't torture yourself over what you can't control. I know it's easy for me to say, but really, I would highly suggest avoiding all the "worst-case scenario" thinking, as it doesn't help anybody, and just scares you witless.

Edited by Ragnell
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The thing is... shes two hours away from me and if she dies there... Ill never see her again.

Two hours? Can your parents drive you (assuming they didn't "forget" you at home)?

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Mom left I think, at its 10:20PM. And theres school.

Fuck school.

Sorry, Im still in that depressy mood and shit.

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She seemed in one of those moods where she needed to go alone. Dad wouldnt of let me anyway. Stupid School. Now tomorrow Im gonna be in a shit mood and have to deal with the hoards of people saying "Whats wrong!?" even though they probably dont care.

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Leaving you behind. . .sorry. Why didn't your dad want to go?

Not everyone who asks you that is doing so to get on your nerves. Some of them might be genuinely concerned about you.

If the worst does happen, don't forget to notify your teachers.

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Move this if this isnt where it goes, but my nana is going to emerg. She has cancer and is going under chimo, but has a life-threatening illness that if her temperature is over 38 she may die. Her temp is 40.

Im panicing and theres nothing I can do.

I feel useless...

...Be strong. I will pray for you.

Don't panic. You will just make things worse and don't feel useless.sad.gif I know that you want to do something but the only thing you can do is wait. I used to feel like that when my grandma died earlier this year. I was panicking when I was at school. My brother called me by my celphone and told me to call my dad for he wasn't answering his celphone and my grandma was not feeling well. *she entered into coma* I left school and went into her house. My cousin was crying and I started crying,too. sad.gifI don't want to demoralize you with what I just wrote but be strong for your family for they will need your support. I hope that your grandma is ok.

Edited by Midnight Star
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I don't know if this is any consolation, but my grandmother passed away less than two weeks ago from complications from heart surgery. So I can understand what you must be feeling. It's certainly not easy to go through all of that.

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My grandma had to go to the emergency room for pneumonia, and she survived. Very, very sadly, she died soon after (like, a couple months) by a heart attack. A week after being baptized too. :(

Just try to pull through. Your grandma is in pain, not you (physically). Stay strong for her (even though you aren't able to see her right now).

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Just stay calm yeah. My grandma died in July, a month before her and my grandfathers 64th anniversary. It was tragic. I wasn't there when she died and when I was there I couldn't work up the courage to say anything to her(she wasn't in a responsive state. I regretted it.

BUT. Even if you can't go see her I'm sure she knows you love her such. It can be a tough time so just hang in there.

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It's actually just as effective.

I did not realize that people praying for your cause is as irritating as stupid remarks about religion in a thread that has nothing to do with your problems with religion.

If you have a problem with prayer, find somewhere else to vent.

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