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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Isotov and Anyone Else I Forgot

Iso: Let's get back to the castle first, Pary. I'll ... answer any questions you guys have about her there. Right now we're just gathering a crowd. Let's go.

Lev shrugged. This was one interesting turn of events. Iso's teacher was an interesting woman, and conniving. He ignored the warm feelings that caused him and headed over to Irina who had just flown down with Kiev.

Irina: What's going on?

Lev: Later. For now let's just get back inside ... and get you into something more comfortable.

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"Didn't mean you, I meant yon gossipy townspeople," Kelas told Altion, pointing over her shoulder at some very curious civilians. "Those are never a good sign."

She checked Amari for injuries and, finding none, started up the path, falling into step next to Isotov. "Thanks for jumping in back there... I know you got your book back and that's got to help, but are you all right?"

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"Thank you. Is it okay for me to simply walk up to his manor and greet him? Or is he like one of those snobby employers who refuses to do so without a meeting first?"


Altion gave a roll of the eye. "Since when have you cared Kelas? Unless I missed something, you are a nomad. Those town people could claim you were a slattern on par with male fantasy women who stayed in the kitchen and served their husbands and it wouldn't matter to you out on the plains."

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Just when he returned to the castle gates, Alferis heard growls and the sound of fighting. Rushing in a bit to investigate, he saw a brief glimpse of Ixion and the chimeras roaring while a blond haired woman jumped off from the roof. It wasn't long before the chimeras and the beasts disappeared into the alley nearby.

"...What was that? I'm going back to sleep...." he mumbled, the pain in his head and his stomach growing till he bent over, his head touching the ground.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh....Owwwwwwwww....." he groaned, paralyzed by pain.



"Hang on. We haven't finished here yet. I haven't even told you my salary yet. I'm risking a lot just to give you a bit of information. I expect full compensation.

You seek to boost your reputation by going with them. Heh heh. I dunno about you, but I think hanging with psychotics who blow up everything they come across would damage your reputation. Besides, you really think they can save the world? They couldn't save a town. Really letting these people run around loose would be just as damaging in the long run as this demon king coming back, if you care to believe their tale. You remember that girl from last night? I can give you my own stories regarding their behavior."

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"Er, I'm not sure." the servant replied. "If you knock on his door, he may see you if you have business to discuss, or he may turn you away if he is too busy."

Charlotte heard loud booming noises coming from the courtyard. What is going on? She began pacing near the entrance of the palace.

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Memories of Mother

There was a loud explosion behind Eric, but as he was about to go check it out, a woman walked right by him, and began to run. Turning to see her, the swordsman realized that she was someone he hadn't seen in fifteen years. Someone he thought dead. Could it be?

"Hey, miss, wait!," Eric said, running after the woman.

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"That was a nice night. Too bad we got no invitation to the ball, but at least we got a good night's sleep here and a bead on our lady's location," said Geraro, lying on a small bed in a small wooden room. Beside him was another bed, occupied by his assistant, now lacking his mask.

"Sir? If Lady Liane finds out you disobeyed orders..."

"Oh pish posh. I'll get info on my current target, but I can't leave her lady all on her own? I've got to win her over, make her smile for me. Smile forever."

"......Sir. I think we should head out now," said the assistant, disgust on his face. He turned away, donned his mask and left the room, heading down the stairs.

"Why do people always give me that look?" Geraro said aloud, following suit. As soon as they left the inn, they headed into the direction of the palace.

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Iso: Oh don't worry about me, Kelas. I feel great, and Arrin's next. There's no reason to wait around anymore. Once we leave the city, we're going to find a way to catch the demon who's holding Daranau.

Are You My Mother? (Kiryn had better get this reference)

The woman continued to flee heading for a very secluded area near some back alleys!

Woman: (Yeah, that's right! Follow along, precious! Almost there!)

The woman quickly cut into an alleyway and waited at the far end with her head slightly staring down.

Woman: (... this should be simple enough ...)

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Luc Altair

Continued payment? Luc hadn't even considered such a trade. Damn his own inadequacies. "Very well, let's discuss continuous payment then."

"Perhaps; likely even. But I am here to help minimize such disasters. Though I haven't done an adequate job in the eyes of any I would reason." Luc shook his head. There would be time for reprimands later. "Yes, Morgan said you were lying--well, pure conjecture were her words but that is close enough for this case at least. In fact I've made plans to discuss that event later actually. Though multiple angles of discussion are far superior than just judging based on one person's retelling. Yes, I would be interested in your side of the story."

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"There's always some bad sorts in a crowd," Kelas told Altion. "Always a few who'll see a target, some who'll see something they don't like. Too many of 'em and getting run outta town's the good option. We don't want to mess with that, especially now." She sighed; obviously crowds of staring townspeople were another thing Altion hadn't encountered.

She gave Isotov a dubious look. "You sure you're all right? Your eyes are still all over lights, seems a bit... off. And, well you obviously knew... well, I guess we'll hear about that part inside."

As they entered the gates again, Amari cantered off, vaulting the fence of the pasture and calling the other horses back into something resembling order. The stablehands could only gawk and complain; they hadn't managed to stop the mare from leaping out, and weren't about to do anything now.

ooc: swapped "neared" for "entered"

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Mommy Issues

Chasing after the lady, Eric was led to an abandoned part of Burgosas. The windows were blocked off, and the buildings seemed to have been in disrepair for years. He would have noticed this, had he not been so focused on catching up with the woman. Turning around the corner, he saw that she had stopped.

"Miss... What's your name," he asked, stopping a few feet away from her.

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A Bunch of NPCs Not There At All

After dropping off the princess and receving her pay, Xenia hopped atop Svetlana and sped off towards Elysimia, gold in tow. After a day or two, she arrived at her destination, TISME.

She flew onto the roof of the building, where three purple-haired mercenary mages were waiting. The youngest one had a pet goldfish in a plastic bag.

"So, I see you have acquired the funds." Matthias (the eldest) said. "We are ready to begin the spell when you are madame."

"This had better work" Xenia replied. "Why did you require so much gold anyway? You just wave your hands around and say some gibberish, it's not difficult at all. Certainly not equal to effort I put in securing that princess."

"It's not all about the funds." Madison (the middle sister) interjected. "We needed large material resources to penetrate the magical defenses of this location, not to mention transporting a wyvern requires a large expenditure of material foci."

While Mistress was discussing matters involving gold scales, Svetlana quickly became bored as she couln't really follow along. She smelled something, small but...tasty. Her eyes fell upon a plastic bag, containing a small creature...a fish! She darted out quickly and consumed the creature, bag and all, nearly severing the boy's hand in the process!

"Hey! Goldie was going to go in my aquarium! You better watch that fish-eating monster or I'll..." Maximillian's outburst was interrupted by his sister clapping his hand over his mouth. Xenia glowered at the boy.

"Well if there are no further interruptions, perhaps we can start the spell. If you would sit atop your wyvern madame..." Matthias said, gesturing to the circle in the center of the roof of TISME. The mages began their incantation...

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Iso: My eyes? Oh that ... heh. You know, that was part of my problem before running into this group. My eyes would never stop glowing and people thought I was a demon in disguise. It wasn't always the demon assassins and Shanice trying to kill me I'll tell you that much.

He sighed and hung his head trying to chuckle at the stupidity of it all.

Iso: It may wear off once I calm down more.

ShapeShfiter With a Sword

The woman turned around to face Eric with a blank look on her face. Suddenly she launched forward and flourished her sword! She quickly prepared to attack and kill him!

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His reaction was delayed, but Eric got his blade out in time to parry the blow. Getting out of his initial shock, the swordsman countered, eerily aware of how similar the style the attacker was using as the one his mother used, before she died. He was unable to get any solid hits, but on the other hand, he wasn't being hit. That boded well.

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"People attempted to kill you for unusual eyes? They must have been quite misinformed." Morgan said to Isotov. "Demons do not necessarily possess glowing eyes."

"So, by the way you were acting, the blonde-haired demon that we saw resembled someone from your past?" Morgan asked Isotov. "Any particular reason Ixion would want tp bring her back?"

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Iso: Are you surprised or something? People always try to kill things they don't understand. (Just look at what you tried to do to Miranda ...)

When Miranda herself came up, Iso dropped his recent optimism and gave the floor he was walking on a long look while he answered.

Iso: Miranda was my teacher. More than that really. She was very good at beating the demons that were chasing us and even made a bit of a sport out of it after awhile. Trying to train me I guess. That all came to an end almost five months ago. She was killed along with everyone else who was with us at the time. I only survived because Shanice couldn't sever me before I blew up the cathedral. Before you ask how I know it was Shanice, he told me right before he severed me in that cave.

He then shrugged, still a bit saddened.

Iso: I don't know why Ixion would bring her back. Miranda seemed to have her own thoughts on the matter ...disturbing as they are. She was extremely gifted though. That much hasn't changed.

Levski listened closely since this was all news to him. He didn't have a clue what Iso had been up to the past ten years and was frankly a little disturbed by how tragic it had apparently been. Even Irina was listening as best she could, her headache coming down to bearable levels now.

Lev: (He shouldn't have gone. We could have protected him. Hell Ixion could have protected him if Ivanko gave the order. Then again, your family does have some serious issues. I guess safety and security in a Zaftran family that runs a mercenary organization is a bit too much to ask for.)

Irina: (Why ... did you leave in the first place? You said you were going to fix things but that never happened. We spent ten years apart for nothing.)

Disturbing Gambit

The woman quickly leaped back breaking off from the exchanges! Suddenly a dark grin appeared on her face! Two voices came from the woman's mouth at once! One belonging to Shanice, and the other being Eric's!

Shanice: Why ... my name is Eric. Heheheheheheheh-

Shanice tilted his head while widening his creepy smile even further! He quickly flourished the blade and launched himself at Eric still disguised as his mother!

Shanice: Hahahahahahaaaah! Come to mama!

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"... So, this was a trap," Eric stated, upon hearing the demon speak. Blocking the lunge, but just barely, he pushed the blade- which he recognized as his mother's- aside, and landed a solid blow on the aggressor. "Try harder."

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"I'm willing to believe that, but how would she be back? If she was obviously dead....And what is with that Dark Druid still following us? He was at the ball. Does he work with Lev or whatever you call it? What are his motives? If he can raise the dead...." I wonder if that can be imbued onto a staff.



Cess sat at the table. A fake fortune teller was just a scam for civilians. "Give me a try." He plopped the bag of diamonds down, some spilling onto the table.

"Oh, a big spender! You certainly have a vast fortune." Cess smirked.

"Just get on with it."

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"People's stupidity usually astonishes me" Morgan replied. "Anyway, it doesn't seem hostile for now, but...be careful. Remember that the creature you just saw is not the person you knew, it is a construct, created by Ixion using parts of Shanice. It is not to be trusted."

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Harder You Say?

The strike left a large gash in Shanice's chest and he leaped back gripping the wound tightly!

Shanice: Grrrrr! That's no way to treat a lady, especially not your mother ...

He quickly flourished the sword again and then left it in one hand! His left hand gave off a bright icy glow!

Shanice: You want to play rough, then let's GO!

The instant he said it, his fist slammed into the ground freezing over the surface in a flash! the ice spread all the way to where Eric was standing threatening to freeze his boots to the ground!

Who The Dark Druid Works For

Iso: ... right ... (I trust her more than most in this band of heroes. I don't think I could view her any other way.)

Lev: Ixion doesn't work with me or any of the other mercenaries. The only man he answers to is Ivanko himself. Whatever Ixion is up to, Ivanko probably gave him permission to do so. (Why do his activities always have to come so close to the group? He's going to give these people the wrong idea.) As for what he's doing and why, I couldn't tell ya honestly. He's always keeping secrets. (I know full well what he's doing and he's going to blow his own cover if he pulls another stunt with those monsters. Dammit.)

Iso: Miranda has a demon's body. That's hardly raising the dead.

The Tower

Kamilla sat around helplessly while Krinkov waited for the odd feeling to die down completely. Suddenly Ixion and Stephanie appeared a short distance away! Krinkov raised his head and once he saw that it was just the cloaked one and the loud mouthed one, he put his head back down. Whatever they were doing had nothing to do with him, and he was hardly interested. As long as they didn't start mating up in that reclusive spot he didn't care.

Kamilla on the other hand freaked out and backed up against the edge of the stone wall!

Kamilla: Who are you?!

Stephanie looked over and sighed.

Stephanie: A girl? What are you doing up here-

She stopped herself when she spotted Krinkov. She knew exactly who he was and who's wyvern he was. She huffed and shot back at Kamilla!

Stephanie: So Lev has resorted to simply kidnapping women now has he?! This is completely vile and sick! How could even venture down the path of abduction and possible rape?!

Ixion: Stephanie ... shut ... up ....

Stephanie: Ixion!! Do not say such hideous and spiteful things to me!! I will most certainly not hold my tongue until my point has been made!

Ixion: If you don't heal me right now my sight will never recover. I will not live my life as a cripple, do you understand?

Stephanie: Your eyes? How bad is it exactly?

He uncovered his face revealing a horrible burn wound stretching over both of his eyes fusing them shut and immovable. Stephanie covered her mouth and gasped!

Ixion: I will have this wound healed with or without your help. Without your help an innocent person will suffer. Do you want that?

Stephanie: Ixion ... I-

Ixion: Hurry up.

She decided to not finish whatever it was she was trying to say and came closer with her mending staff in hand. Kamilla watched not knowing what to expect, and Krinkov went back to snoozing.

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Co-op Round! Versus: Eric

"You're not my mother," Eric retorted, as the demon used his foul ice magic. Rolling out of the way, he lunged at Shanice, only for another blade to block his. "...!?"

"Not getting away, brat," Ruby said, covering Shanice, and beginning an assault on the myrmidon.

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Double Team (Ending 90% of dogfights since World War I

Shanice grinned as Ruby appeared to block the next attack and quickly lunged at Eric as well aiming to take him on from his left flank!

Shanice: You're going down!

Viveka and Jasmine

The two girls met up back at the guest room they'd been sharing and got dressed fast while packing up all of the dresses! Their multitasking got them tangled up and confused every few minutes but once they were done, they painfully dragged the cases out into the hall and then rested.

Daneka and Alphonse

Before searching any further for Ixion, the two stopped by the dining hall and both sat down to eat.

Daneka: So, Alphonse, tell me about zis girl you were wiz.

Alphonse: The punch seemed to have hit her a bit too hard and she wasn't able to stay long. I promised that I would make it up to her today but I've yet to find her. There are also my duties to you, Madame Colonel. I couldn't leave you alone with the enemy so close by.

She smiled down at her food. She'd long since stopped considering Alphonse as a mere bodyguard. He was simply too catering, much like someone from her past that she couldn't stop thinking about. Once she finished her meal, she stood up and fanned out her cape so it wouldn't be caught up in the chair.

Daneka: Alright zen, let us go and find zis Ixion fellow and bring him to ze manor.

Alphonse: After you, Madame Colonel.

As the two Septimian officers strolled back through the hall they came across a seemingly pain stricken Helios. The two of them slowed down a bit and Alphonse leaned forward to take a closer look quickly noticing the letter in his hand.

Alphonse: It is one of the magi from Charlotte's group.

Daneka: More specifically, it's ze one you nearly cleaved in two, teehee.

Alphonse: So it is.

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"Is there anything else we need to know about this?" Kelas asked. She stared at her hand, rubbing her fingers against each other: the damaged skin had come back smooth, without the calluses left by reins or bowstrings. This would quickly right itself, but for the moment, it was decidedly odd. "Otherwise, we should collect the others and get going. There's business to be finished here I think, and then Daranau probably won't just drop into our laps." She looked up, glancing around at the others. "We need to get moving."

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Hearing a couple of voices, Helios raised his head to see Daneka and Alphonse who kinda caught him by surprise. "Gah! Your the two goons from the canyon!" He said pointing his finger accusingly at the both of them. Lowering his finger, he asked them "Erm, why would you two be here? Are you following us? Sheesh at least give me sometime to recover before you attack me..."

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Daneka and Helios Seeking Missile

Daneka gave an unamused look and crossed her arms. There was some sarcasm on the way ...

Daneka: Yes of course. We're stalking you people everywhere you go. There's absolutely no reason a Septimian Officer and her guard to show up in ze capital. Right.

Alphonse: The Colonel did not want to miss the ball and we have other reasons for being here as well. We witnessed you people at the event last night as well. Why are you here exactly?

Iso and Friends

Lev: Wait, aren't we supposed to be meeting Jace or at least one of us is or something?

He turned to Morgan hoping for some clarity. Normally he'd have paid attention to a detail like that, but the whole thing seemed a bit too simplistic and so he'd left it to Morgan feeling confident that she would have at least some of it figured out.

Iso: As soon as this meeting with Jace is over we need to talk about ways to beat these demons.

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