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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"A small group will travel away for a bit, preferably to some wide open space, to lure out the demons. This group will contain Kelas and Isotov, Charlotte should go to I believe, a few others may accompany them if they wish. Hopefully the demons see the smaller group as a sign of weakness, they attack, Stephanie teleports the rest of us to their location and we hopefully kill them or at least recover Daranau." Morgan told Alferis.

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Not above the Law

As the possible-murderer walked off, Rob struggled harder against his comrades.

"Get back here, you ba-"

"That's enough, stand down," a husky voice said behind them, and the three soldiers stood erect. Walking in front of them, the Comet spoke, twirling her spear. "That man was not responsible for the death of your cousin, Private. She died on an unrelated attack. However, he isn't going free, so relax," she said, waving a hand towards her. "Follow me."

"Yes, Sir!" the three soldiers said, saluting before following the General into the courtyard. Ignoring everyone else, Alex homed in on Pary, and, putting turning him around, proclaimed, with a twinkle in her eye, "You, sir, are under arrest for assaulting an officer. Have a nice time in jail. Gentlemen, if you will?" she said then, smirking as the three soldiers pinned his arms and brusquely began to escort him off to the dungeons.

Peer Pressure

"... Why not?" he said, trying to get his mind off of Dani's departure. "If I recall correctly, the training field is over here. Come on," Derek continued, turning right around and past the stables.

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"So you plan to use people as bait Morgan? How can you justify such a thing? That is cruel, inhuman, and... flat out draconic!" hissed Esphyr. "Do they even KNOW that you plan to use them as bait? Or were you just going to hide it away from them? Were you going to mindwipe anyone who dissented with your plan?"

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Short On Time

Iso: I shouldn't be that long, but I need to take care of this before we leave or the next time ... err ... there might be an incident.

He looked passed Morgan as Esphyr and Alferis showed up and sighed when they began ranting at Morgan about the plan. He didn't mind people arguing with her, but sticking up for people without any knowledge of what's going on just seemed childish.

Iso: Like Kelas said, Morgan's cooperating with us, or we'd do it ourselves. I don't give a damn what the rest of you do, but we're going to help Arrin.

Irina: And ... after that?

Iso shot Irina a cold look basically telling her to shut up with his eyes. He knew she was trying to blow his cover somewhat.

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"All of those who I know are going to the smaller group are aware of the risks they are taking, as well as any who choose to travel with them. It is a risky manuever, but I feel as if it is our best option to restore Arrin. Unless you have come up with a superior plan?" Morgan asked Esphyr.

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"Being a mercenary should not exclude you from having thoughts." Morgan said. "Anyway, I suppose we could wait in a larger group instead, but then the demons may be less likely to attack, especially since their numbers are depleted, so that would lead to a greater chance of Arrin dying. Splitting up is not convenient in the least, I do not see where you are getting that." Morgan said, raising an eyebrow at Esphyr.

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"At any rate, I'd better find Arrin," Kelas said, backing away from the inevitable argument with Esphyr. She turned and headed down the hall.

As she retraced her steps, she passed Charlotte and Altion again. "Change in plans," she reported. "I'm not leaving, not entirely anyway; I'm riding ahead in an advance group to try and lure out the demons. Morgan also mentioned that you might come with, in order to avoid Jace's attention," she told Charlotte with a sigh. "It'll be dangerous-- you don't have to-- I'm just relaying the message."

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"This will help Arrin right? And I think avoiding Jace's attention, if even for just a little while, will be a good idea. I'll pack my things." Charlotte said, heading to her room in the palace. Now should I inform Eric, Dani, and Derek of my leaving? Apparently the group is supposed to be small, but they probably wish to protect me... Charlotte pondered the issue as she packed.

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"Hold on a moment. I did not assault the Comet. But, a Lady Alex." Pary broke from the soldier's grasp. He ran up to Alex, removing her helmet. "Oh wait, you are the same person."



Running ahead to the field, Rita flopped her self down in the middle, staring up at the sky. She threw her sword over, and watched the clouds. "It's really nice out."



Following Morgan around, Cess realized something to help the plan. "Maybe we should send a Wielder with them. Iso has already been severed, but Chase or Helios might attract them if we have to."

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"Guys calm down. Let me think............I can't really think of any other plan to be honest, except find their base and attack there, but they'll attack us on the way, so that's out. This is the only plan and if you guys have no objections, there's nothing we can do. Though how do you know the demons haven't delivered the tome to their master already? What if they kill the other group before you get there or they manage to anyway while you're there and escape? That's the real questions I have with this plan.

Though Morgan, Reika told me last night you threatened to mindwipe her and that brown haired girl last night said you actually did that. These plans, if they are the only way to victory or if they are the least risky, then I don't mind so much. But mindwiping is where I draw the line. How can you even think of erasing someone's memories? Of who they are? Why would you do that?"

OOC: Edit to reflect his current knowledge.

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"You are obviously mad, sir," Alex said, simultaneously punching the priest in the face. Retrieving the helm, the soldier shook her head as she stepped out of reach. "First of all, I do not even sound like a woman, sir. Second of all, I have no idea why the Daughter of Jace the Brute would enter this castle, nonetheless direct its' defenses. Finally, I said you assaulted an officer. Now you've two counts. Good luck," the Comet said, smirking as the soldiers pushed Pary further and further into the dungeons, where a wide variety of unpleasant individuals resided.

One of these rogues, a man by the name of Reginald, was busy pounding the walls of his prison. Reginald was a very violent, and chivalrous man, who was imprisoned for assaulting a man who had slapped his wife. This act was, unfortunately, done in front of several soldiers, and while most of them quite agreed with this man, the husband had filed a complaint. It was with this prisoner that Pary was to share a cell with, and it would be an interesting evening indeed.


"You could say that," Derek said, crossing the field. "Though, I think you should focus on getting ready. Let's see if this time, you're any better."

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As Charlotte left, Kelas rounded the next corner. She'd gotten turned around again; most of the others were again in sight, but no Arrin. She noticed Eric standing to one side. He'd probably want to come with Charlotte... and one more person wouldn't hurt. She approached. "Hey, Charlotte's going to leave with the smaller group that's going ahead," she informed him. "Just thought you'd want to know." She looked around, wondering where Arrin could possibly have got to.

edit: because I'm totally not nitpicky enough to edit for ONE MEASLY COMMA

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"Kelas." said Altion, hurrying to catch up to her. "If this plan is true, I believe my talents will be put to the most use in the larger group. However, do we really need to do this? Regardless of the cause, human bait simply does not sit right with me. Would you truly be willing to risk losing these people, even for your brother?"

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"... Thanks for the information," Eric said, smiling innocently as he began to head over to where Morgan and a good part of the group were. "I think I might go, as well. So, the plan is to bait the demons into attacking?"

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"I would go alone," Kelas told Altion, "but I haven't got all of the necessary traits for acting as bait on my own. I hate the risk, but... and I'm not going to force anyone to come with." She sighed. "I'll just have to be especially careful to protect the people who come with me, I guess."

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"You can't do it alone Kelas. Unless only one demon shows up, you can only shoot so fast and carry no armor or melee weapons. Please, take someone who can use at least one whom you know you can trust with you. I don't want to ride up only to find you and Iso dead."

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"Kamilla's temporary memory loss seemed a fair trade for not having to kill whatever people she would send at us if we let her go. Similarly, Reika's memories are not as important as defeating the Lord of Azure Flame, and if she insists on leaving I will be forced to act." Morgan told Alferis.

"Yes." Morgan said to Eric simply. "Make our numbers appear smaller then they are, then ambush."

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"It's complicated." Explained Altion. "I mean, I want you to be safe but I don't want your brother to die... Uggg! Why do things have to be so complicated?" moaned Altion in frustration. He didn't want Kelas's brother to die, but he didn't want Kelas in danger either! He didn't want to be useless to her, but wanted to be in the smaller group as well. Of all the possible conundrums, this was proving to be rather frustrating to the poor knight. Unable to be at his ladies side, but desiring it just the same.


"And then what? Will you wipe my mind the moment I start to drag my heels? Reika's mind when she does something else you dislike? Alf's mind for questioning you? It's a slippery slope at best Morgan. Stop now. While you are still sliding down it and haven't hit bottom."

OOC: Test tomorrow! YAY!

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"If Reika were to leave after recovering the knives, she would likely be severed, killed, and thus make it impossible to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame. Hundreds of people would die, likely more. That would be unacceptable. So, no, I will do what is necessary, and if that requires altering someone's memories, then so be it. The more desirable alternative would simply for the Crimson Weapon wielders to stop acting like idiots and simply do the duty assigned to them." Morgan replied to Esphyr.

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"Not too complicated way I see it... I've got to go find Arrin," Kelas broke off, and headed off down the hall again.

She found him slowly wandering the halls. "You find her yet?" Kelas asked. Arrin turned, startled.

"Not yet... do we have to go?" Without realizing it, Arrin was making a face rather like that of a sad puppy.

"Don't make that face... as it turns out, you're staying with the main group after all," Kelas explained. "I'm going ahead with a smaller advance group and we're going to lure the demons out. Then the others will warp in-- that priestess is helping-- and we'll finish those bastards off." Kelas put a hand on Arrin's shoulder. "I've got to go now. Be safe, all right? I'll see you again in a little bit." She gave his shoulder a slight tug and let go, turning to leave.

Arrin's brow furrowed slightly with worry. "How long's a little bit?"

"No more than a day or so, and then we'll have your book back. Make sure the others take care of you, all right?"

Arrin nodded and stood watching as Kelas headed off down the hall to rejoin the others. Were things really going to be all right? He wanted to believe that Kelas could do it, that, like his teacher, she could do anything. But he knew it wasn't the case; it only seemed like it. Even his teacher couldn't, in the end...

He remembered seeing his teacher off the day before they brought her back, waving out the front window as usual. Just another trip to one of the academy branches... He hadn't thought much about it as he watched her walking away. And then she hadn't come back, not on her own, at least...

He found himself breaking into a stumbling run, more of a jog really. Hearing his footsteps, Kelas turned around and found herself being hugged tightly. "Be careful," Arrin mumbled, out of breath from the short run.

With a sigh Kelas returned the hug. "Don't worry. I'll definitely be back. Come on, don't tire yourself out..." As she let go, she scouted around for a chair and made sure Arrin sat down before heading away again.

Arrin sat and stared at the floor, hoping his sister was right.

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Slipping Out For Awhile

Since Morgan was now busy reasoning with Esphyr, and he'd already gotten a bit of a cue to leave he took it, quickly starting for the entrance. Irina stood up and followed him only for the ruffling of her dress to alert him. He stopped and turned around to face her before putting his hands on her shoulders. He spoke as softly as he could so his voice wouldn't carry all the way back to the others.

Iso: Irina, don't worry. I'm not leaving without you, alright?

Irina: I ... I don't trust you.

He winced a bit at her response. It definitely hurt, but he felt he'd earned it and sighed.

Iso: Let me prove it, okay? Go change or wash up or whatever else you have to do to get ready to go while you still can, okay?

Irina: ... alright. Fine. I'll do that, but don't take too long, alright? I'll come fine you if you do.

Iso: Probably for the best. If I take too long then something obviously happened to me. Well then, I'll see you soon, Irina.

He let go and turned to walk away leaving her in the hallway. A few minutes after he left, Lev returned. He walked through the door with a large bag over his shoulder. It appeared to be potatoes in the bag. Irina was now sitting back on one of the benches and looked up to see him coming by.

Irina: What the heck? What's with the bag?

Lev: Ah nothin much. You ever been on the road and heard someone say "Oh if only we had a sack of potatoes."? Well I've eliminated that problem.

He smiled at her letting the slightly confused rider know he wasn't serious, and then it hit her. She sighed and gave him a disappointed look.

Irina: ... ... there's an unconscious person in that bag, isn't there?

Lev held in his laugh as his shoulders rocked and then walked off, not answering her question at all.

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Hmph. Where did I put that mushroom? I can just get it's spores and... "Apothecary, apothecary, apothecary." Pary set with his back to the wall, mending his sore cheek with his staff. Alex had made his list, and now to find some herbs. WHy the guards had let him keep his belongings made no sense to him, but a dumb guard was a dumb guard.



"Alright I guess." Hopping up, RIta lunged forward, giving a quick strike. Missing, she kept trying to hit, but failed each time. Giving Derek obvious openings, it was a bit clear something was wrong.

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