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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Luc Altair

It was a simple story. But the details were the annoying part. Along with the pointless insults. "So, Esphyr was sitting in the corner when Reika accidentally came upon her. Esphyr wanted Reika to leave, but mad at her for being in the corner? Reika started insulting her." Luc bite his lip a bit before continuing. "So Esphyr escalated this because she was sick of being insulted. Both of you are at fault for this." Luc looked at Esphyr. "And Esphyr by the way you put your Crimson away as I commanded it, I'd say you do have control over it. Whether you realize it or not."

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"No I don't! I don't have control over this... thing! I never have! If I had control, do you think I would have done the things I have done?"

"Esphyr! I made a mistake. When I saw you standing in the room with the body of your roommate at your feet, I didn't know what had happened. I did the only thing I could think to do, which was to treat you like a child and assure you that it wasn't your fault. It was the motherly thing to do. I didn't know what I was dealing with, and for that I am sorry. So very sorry. Please, stop hurting yourself over my mistake."

"... I..." started Esphyr, unsure of what to say or do. "I don't... I want to be left alone."

"Sorry, but no. You are getting up now. You are an adult. Act like one. Pick yourself off the floor, and get a hold over yourself. NOW!"

Edited by Snowy_One
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Luc Altair

"Why are you so quick to resort to violence?" Luc reprimanded Mana. He moved to position himself between the various women and listened to the banter between Esphyr and Mana, slightly annoyed at it all. Luc gritted his teeth, he would deal with the hypocrisy later--like so many other things. Right now that woman had to take the lead on things, with a slight help.

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She...killed a roommate? In a rage she didn't have control of? That's...what happened to me with those guards. Hmm...maybe I should investigate this to learn about the daggers. No sense in going into a rage again and getting myself into huge trouble later on once I get those daggers back...

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"Because I'm mad. Mad at Esphyr for constantly being like a helpless child and mad at Reika for being stupid and aggressive." explained Mana.

"Well we don't all have perfect little lives and super powers!" shot back Esphyr.

"So because of that you whine and complain about how malicious your life has been? You're nothing but a whiny child, and I regret ever having taken you in to TISME. UGGGG! I need to clear my head." exclaimed the headmaster, thrusting her hands down to her side before she started to head for the door.

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Luc Altair

Perfectly acceptable reasons for anger. But not for violence. "So you're justifying your aggression in an even worse way then Esphyr?" Luc shouted at the headmaster as she left. Luc watched the figure of the older woman before turning away in mild disgust. He focused himself back on Eshpyr, and how he should handle her. "Don't try and compare people's lives. It never works." Luc turned his back on Esphyr. "And I do not know of your past history, but as of current I have seen you handle that Crimson of yours. People change, they grow stronger," Luc paused for emphasis, "Or grow weaker. If what she said was true, then you're already slightly stronger than before. Now either accept that and work through it all or continue in this downward spiral of self-loathing you have."

Luc looked at Reika. "Let's get you treated for those wounds." Luc glances back at Esphyr. "And you as well, if you care."

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OOC: This can take as long as it needs to; the intent is to get Kelas ready to leave, without too much time to wait after she's ready.

Hearing arguing up ahead, Kelas ducked off down a side corridor, eventually finding her way back to the guest wing. She got her pack in order and headed out to the stables, fetching Amari's tack. Seeing her owner exiting the barn with her saddle, Amari cantered over. Were they finally leaving this place?

Noticing that none of the other humans were showing up, Amari concluded that Kelas must be leaving on her own. Finally. She whinnied briefly to Trevor: you're in charge now.

Kelas groomed and saddled Amari, fastening her packs to the saddle. She was also glad to be leaving the palace and the bustle and stuffiness that came with it. Now ready to go, she headed around to the entrance to wait for the others.

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Troublesome Connections

The advice was familiar. For as long as he'd known Miranda, she had embraced the philosophy of desire. She wasn't one to let herself be held down by needless negativity or fake boundaries, nor would she allow her student to do the same. She began tapping her foot with her arms crossed waiting for Iso to say something.

Iso: ... you're right. I'm holding myself back again. It's dangerous and detrimental. I'll stop. With a mission and group like this there's no reason to look at things realistically. If I did I'd have to accept the fact that there's absolutely no chance in hell of us succeeding.

Miranda: ... good thing this mission takes place on earth and not hell then, huh? As I always say, "Screw the odds." The outcome will have the final say, not chance.

Iso: I know.

Miranda: You agree? Good. Then you've got no excuse to ever mention it again.

Iso quickly looked up at her for a moment. He knew she would be busy soon, but he couldn't help but asked.

Iso: I wouldn't have been so worried about our chances if ... you were with us.

Miranda: I'd like to, but I can't and my reasons aren't something you can fix so don't bother asking.

Iso: What reasons?

Miranda: I just said don't bother asking. You may have been stronger but Adrian sure knew how to listen.

Iso: (Adrian kissed up a lot so of course.) I don't care if I can't help you. If you've got a problem I want to know what it is. Maybe I can help, maybe I can't. ... besides. You just said screw the odds and I say the same. I'll decide for myself if I can help you or not.

Miranda: All this to recruit a woman who's body is forged from your greatest enemy in this life? You're still being unique in everything you do, Tovy. Alright then here it is. My first task is to kill Ixion which while you could help me with in some ways, would only cause problems should you be directly involved. The second ... ....

Her pause was long and her face was that of reluctance.

Iso: Tell me. I want to help you whatever it is.

Miranda: The only way you could help with the second problem is to stay as far away from me as humanly possible.

Iso: Stay away?! What?!

Miranda: My body is demonic in composition. I can't near you crimson weapon swingers for too long or I start to get ... mischievous. The Lord of Azure Flame has influence over my body and I can feel his will. The other demons are bound by his will in their very minds. I on the other hand am not bound the same way but I still feel it and it is ... very hard to resist when I'm this close to you ....

Iso: So ... you want to ... kill me?

Miranda: No ... I only feel compelled to sever you from Proxima. I don't even know how to sever a crimson weapon but I'm certain if I gave into the urge to do so it would come naturally. Thing is if I traveled with your group and went on a sever spree the group would try to kill me. If they somehow succeeded what would you do?

Iso: ... I don't ... I don't know ... there are only a handful of people I can honestly say I would never harm. Most are just people I should have never met in the first place.

Miranda: Exactly. You almost never think more than five minutes ahead but I do which is why I'm saying this now. I can't help you people any more than I already have. Not long term at least.

Iso: So you're going to try to kill Ixion ... and find away to overcome the demon king's influence?

Miranda: No I'm definitely going to kill Ixion, even if I have to marry him to do so. Men like him are the most dangerous kind. They always reach their goals without a hassle if no one gets in the way, and he wants something beyond human hands.

Iso: Why do you care about Ixion so damn much?

He was getting agitated especially at the lengths she was apparently willing to go. Even though her goal was stated as assassination, Iso still didn't like what the process could have become. Miranda continued her explanation ignoring Iso's discomfort.

Miranda: Ixion brought me back hoping for a servant dubbed "Apprentice" to help him in his schemes. That's all fine and dandy but he brought back someone who hates middle men and plows through them like a buffalo. If Ixion wants his ultimate power he's going to have to go through me to get it.

Iso: Why?

Miranda: Because that is what a teacher does. I block his path and he will fail unless he overcomes me ... which he won't. He won't because he chases after his goal bombarded by self made boundaries. Unlike you, Tovy, Ixion will concede when his back is against the wall. He will give up on this little dream of his if he gets beaten over the head with enough obstacles. I've helped people reach their dreams, and I've made sure others were crushed flat in order to give clarity. Don't ask me why I do this. You wouldn't understand. Just know that it's my desire to do so.

Iso quickly flinched and then stood up as quickly as he could much to Miranda's surprise!

Miranda: What is it?

Iso: I should tell you. Ixion has a mana link attached to my mind that links us. He uses it to see through my eyes and hear with my ears.

Miranda: ... ... ... well ... thanks for telling me that after the fact, Tovy. I guess now's better than never. I was just about to start rambling about how much I miss sex. Ixion doesn't need to hear about that. He might get ideas.

Iso: Sorry. I really should've remembered.

Miranda: Is he listening in right now?

Iso: I can't tell.

She gave him a very mischievous grin before leaning in a little closer, her arms uncrossing to be placed on his shoulders.

Miranda: Let's ... make a gamble.

Shamus To The Rescue

The large man finally made it back to the castle only to be accosted by the guards at the gate! That was the end of the line for Shamus for awhile. He couldn't get by them. His ranting and raving wasn't helping much either.

EDIT: Typo

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As the conversation with Alferis died down, Aiya wasn't quite sure what to do. Wandering rather aimlessly, she saw Arrin nearby, sitting down and looking rather... miserable.

"Hey... Arrin, are you alright?" She asked, squatting next to him, so that they were at eye level with one another.

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Arrin looked up. "I'm fine," he assured Aiya. "I just have a headache; I'm not sure what was in that punch yesterday, but it didn't agree with me." It was about the best lie he could come up with. He tried to think of some way of changing the topic, when suddenly such a way was provided: the cat appeared back from its adventures, and jumped into Arrin's lap. "I'll be all right," he repeated, petting the cat and hoping that it would be adequately distracting. He didn't really enjoy explaining that he was sick.

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As Mana stormed out of the room in which Esphyr and Reika had held their conflict, the only thing she could think about was how she wanted to throw someone against a wall. "Stupid headmaster position. Stupid Esphyr. Stupid everyone bringing their problems to me. Stupid Reika. Stupid everyone! Stupid having to smile and take it!" she grumbled as she shoved several people, be they servants or otherwise, out of the way. She rounded the corner down into a narrow hallway leading out along the outer wall to the outside. Lined up against the wall was several small plants, sitting on pedestals, minding their own buisness. Grabbing the nearest one, she flung it against the glass window, shattering it and causing the window to collapse and break. She leapt up and out the window, spreading her wings before taking off into the air. Her temperament was that of a typhoon, a tranquil sky pushed too far until it finally broke into storm. She needed to break free and take a moment to rest in flight, letting herself calm down for a brief moment.

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"The punch? Hard Liquor, apparently. I got a pretty bad hangover... found out a bit too late..." Aiya replied, mention of the punch sending a fresh spike of pain through her head.

All of a sudden, the saturation of orange in Arrin's lap region increased greatly. It seems the as-yet nameless feline can returned from it's latest escapade, and had decided to attack itself to Arrin.

'He's trying to use the cat to change the subject... I guess I shouldn't pry too much...'

Reaching out to pet the cat as well, Aiya spoke again.

"It's because you lost Daranau, right? That you're not feeling well? I was around the crimson weapon research long enough, I know the theory was that losing a weapon would be... unhealthy. I guess they were right..."

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"It isn't too hard to figure out. Something is dragging you down, and Kelas is worried sick about getting your tome back... " Aiya replied, as Arrin seemed surprised she knew of his severing.

"Yeah, research. Damian was given his weapon to safeguard it from being stolen... so long as he was so close to the scientists, they didn't see any problems with performing their tests on an available subject. Most of what we know for sure about these weapons was found out in those studies..."

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"Ah... did you know any of the researchers very well? And when was this?" If she knows someone involved in Crimson research who might known my teacher... well, when I'm better, when we're done with all of this, maybe I'll finally get some leads on that group... Arrin thought. Had he been undistracted by his illness he might have reached more useful conclusions, but this was all he could come up with at the moment.

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"Hmm? No, not really. The only reason I was allowed to be near everything that was going on was because of Damian. I didn't know any of them particularly well... the research itself ended a couple of years back... I'm pretty sure it was four years or so that they stopped. They had been going on for a long time... almost twenty years." Aiya replied, wondering what Arrin was so curious about all of a sudden.

"Did you know someone involved in the research? I might remember them if you describe them."

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Chase silently went to the stables, not voicing the problem he had with the plan. But if he questioned Morgan, it would just cause more trouble than he thought it'd be worth. ... I feel so weak sometimes. I try to do my best, but... I wonder if we can really do this... Mounting Ava, he rade towards the rest of the group, frowning slightly.

Conrad too went to the stables, getting Thunderbolt ready, when he saw the distraught look on Chase's face. "What's the matter? You don't look too pleased."

"... I'm not," Chase replied. "... I'm not entirely sure about this. What if we mess up? What if the smaller group can't handle it... will they just... die?"

"You know perfectly well that things can go wrong with any plan, Veshkal. This one is no exception. But I too think that it is a bit more... susceptible to failure. I'll talk to Morgan about it on your behalf, since I don't really think you want to question her directly."

"... Thanks."

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"My teacher was doing independent research on the weapons," Arrin explained. "Any contact she would have had with other researchers would probably have been around ten or fifteen years ago; she didn't like to bother others, and once she had a tome to examine, she didn't need to. Anyway, her name was Ilony Haldensri, she had purple hair, and she would have been about..." It occurred to Arrin that he didn't actually know how old his teacher was-- had been, rather. "...about thirty? I'm trying to find anyone who knew her academically, in case they know anything about who..." He trailed off.

The cat looked up. Why had the boy stopped petting him? Ah well, humans weren't known for being sensible. He curled up and went to sleep, uninterested in whatever these two were discussing.

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"I don't know of her... I apologize." Aiya replied at the influx of information.

"Damian might have known her though... and he could get you in contact with the other researchers if you asked him."

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