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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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One Chance

Ivanko: I shouldn't have to kill you, Xenia.

He took a quick glance down at the maps on the desk and looked back up at the obviously skilled deserter.

Ivanko: You should realize your mistake and take this one chance I'm offering you to come back into our ranks. (Enough people are going to be dead when all is said and done. I'd rather not go butchering potential allies at a time like this.)

The Call

As Victor lied there, his eyes examining the warped wyvern, he continued down his previous train of thought. What type of superior offspring could this unnatural one produce. The only way to find out would be to dominate her and possibly kill Ixion. All of the other chimeras were loyal to him and thus he would have to be dealt with at some point.

Suddenly she stood up, her nose aiming up as if she'd heard something! Victor glared at her wondering what her ears could hear that his had not. It was no sound that she heard however. Something in her mind gained her attention and she spread all four of her wings to take off! Victor raised a scaled brow at her as she blasted off into the air! She flew off into the distance much to his surprise! Her speed was phenomenal, and even he couldn't have caught up to her had he wanted to!

He lowered his head again and snarled angrily. She was most likely rushing off to do the dark one's bidding. As he thought, her loyalty was to him, not the wyvern cause. Ixion needed to be dealt with if he was to have any chance of birthing any superior wyvern children.

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Luc Altair

Thankfully, Charlotte had obliged their request and the healing duties had gone as smoothly as Luc could have desired them to. "Thank you for your assistance, milady."

Luc listened to Reik'a request for information. He debated a bit whether he should tell her or not but before finally deciding he should. "The plan, is to leave the city and recover the missing Crimson weapon," Luc said. It was difficult, whether he should have used multiples for the number of missing weapons, but that seemed to be more inclined towards failure. "A smaller group will splinter off and act as enticement for the demons. If they attack, the rest of us will be moved in to assist via the power of Warp staff." Luc still didn't like relying on Ixion for this, but he saw little a better alternative.

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Xenia raised an eyebrow at Ivanko. "Is this some pathetic plea for your own life? Or has the deserter killing policy been abandoned for some reason?" she asked him.

"I suppose the advance group should just leave whenver everyone that is going is ready." Morgan replied to Cess. "Isotov has not gotten back yet though."

Charlotte curtsied to Luc and began to head towards the palace gates, ready to leave.

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"Well has anyone seen Istov? I think he left a while ago. But he went off on his own. It's probably been around an hour."

Cess put his hand on his chin. "I wonder if we should send Kelas or Irina to go look for him."

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"Heh. Warp staff? Wasn't aware we had one. Since when? Whose warping us? What group am I and Alf part of? How do we know when they're going to attack the smaller group?" Reika said, getting up from her kneeling position, still shivering.

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Ivanko: Not abandoned. If you run into anyone else expect to be dealt with swiftly.

As if on cue, an unarmed man wearing a simple shirt and pants walked in holding a number of rolled up maps in his arm, and simple notebook in the other. He halted immediately upon seeing the intruders!

Man: Ivanko! I've got the other ma-Holy mother of booze!! Xenia?!! W-what the hell are you doin here?!

He glanced over at Ivanko who was giving him a bored nonchalant look. He followed with a shrug.

Man: ... I'mma ... I'mma go and ... uh ... ... let you guys ... sort this out yourselves. I don't wanna get stabbed ... ... again.

Ivanko: *sigh* ... we're in a very important time for the organization. As of right now, it's more profitable for everyone if the past can be left there. Otherwise resources are needlessly wasted. What I'm offering you is not a privilege and it will only come this once.

Shamus At The Gates

As Isotov finally came back to the gates he saw two guards arguing with Shamus. Kamilla's name came up half a dozen times in only a few exchanges. Iso got curious and tapped Shamus on the shoulder to question him.

Iso: You know Kamilla?

Shamus: What?! You know Kamilla?!

Iso: Err ... not that it matters but yes.

Shamus: Quick, lad! Get me in there!

Iso: Why am I even allowed to come and go as I please?-

Shamus: Dammit, boy! That bastard Levski took'er and I need to get'er back, now!

Iso: (What have I walked up on?)

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Luc Altair

"It was a recent acquisition. Though really we'll be relying more on the person warping us all, a Priestess by the name of Stephenie. You and Alferis will be part of the rescue group, the larger group. And we don't know if the plan will work. But supposedly, even if we didn't try some others would split from the group anyway to hunt for the missing Crimson. At least this way we can have a relatively safe plan," Lc explained. Though as he spoke, something seemed to be missing. It was rather aggravating, and other than not mentioning Ixion, Luc couldn't even fathom which part was off.

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"Clearly, the skilled mercenaries you've picked up in my absence will defeat me with ease should I decide to leave." Xenia said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she watched the unarmed man leave. "Still, you've piqued my interest. What is this operation that's so important?" she asked Ivanko.

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All Important

Ivanko: Come now, I can't trust you with that kind of information. Not yet at least. What I can tell you is that it's the most important campaign any of us will ever undertake in our lifetimes. It is the moment where the world will see us for what we truly are. And it is why the blood pact you broke exists in the first place. As the day draws closer I may share more with you, but that depends on the decision you make now ....


Victor continued to relax as people wandered about doing their daily routines. When he closed his eyes he went into speculation about how to gain the warped female. Suddenly he felt a presence nearby and opened his eye to see a human! One that was far too close! The man was one of Ivanko's cowardly little scholars. Not worth killing, but he certainly would if the man took even another half step in his direction. The man instead gauged Victor's responses and then sat down placing the maps and notebook down.

Man: Heh. You're not so bad, are you?

Clearly this human had no idea who he was accosting thought Victor.

Man: You're lucky, Victor. You get all the girls you want. I on the other hand live with a bunch of manly men and the women always flock to them instead of me.

What the hell was this? The human was making noises at him that resembled council pleas.

Man: I mean ... just look at Xenia.

Xenia ... the one Ivanko sent men after. The man needed to have better control over his females if he wanted to produce his own army of children. This man needed to be beaten if he was thinking of stealing females from Ivanko.

Man: The last time I tried to approach her, that wyvern of hers Svetlana they call her ... she stabbed me in the stomach.

The little fish eating one injured him? Victor couldn't help but give the man a wyvern chuckle, his sounds of being entertained catching the man's ear.

Man: It's not funny! I ... I like her. She's tough ... like I need to be, but ... I don't know. She deserted. It looked like she was negotiating with Ivanko. If that's the case-

As the man rambled on Victor paid careful attention to the words. Years upon years of hearing humans speak and picking up on context had made most of their messages understandable. If Xenia was speaking with Ivanko, and this man was planning to make a move on her in the middle of it, he was likely to be killed. Just as well he supposed. One less human in the land was one less issue for him to deal with later.

Man: -I'm sorry I keep bothering you, Victor. You're likely making plots of your own, aren't you?

Indeed ....

Man: Well I'll get out of your hair. Maybe her coming back is a second chance for me to prove I'm a real man just like the others. As long as I can distract Svetlana with a salmon or something, I should be able to get close.

A salmon for Svetlana? Best distract that one with what the humans called a whale. It would give him more time for whatever he was planning. Not that it would stop Ivanko from impaling him. Either way was fine really. It had nothing to do with him. Victor then closed his eyes expecting the man to leave. After a smile and a sigh, he stood up and walked over to the gates to head to the markets.

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"I haven't seen them." Charlotte responded to Kelas. "They're probably coming soon?" she speculated.

"So you expect me to rejoin on the basis of some supposed grand undertaking? Not a very convincing offer." Xenia said, nudging Svetlana closer to Ivanko.

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Luc Altair

Perhaps it was time to begin his own departure preparations. Other than recovering his halberd, there was little he had to do. But he had been without it for far too long for comfort. Seeing to Thunder was also important; though the lack of any reports flooding to Luc about Thunder's behavior was enough evidence that nothing terrible had happened.

Esphyr spoke to him while Luc was amid his own thoughts. Sir Luc? Well, that was mildly surprising, but comforting. "While I don't have the authority to call everyone, we do seem to be departing soon, so relaying that to anyone else you see would be helpful. And Fargo, too," Luc was always forgetting about the only man he actually still had under his command. Not that Fargo would do anything too stupid, but Luc still wanted to use him. "I'll be around the stables, if anyone requires something of me," Luc said before departing.

At the stables, Luc saw that Thunder was in good care. The saddlebags had been filled, oddly enough, so Luc took a look inside. His helmet sat on top of the tattered flag that was flown at the valley. "Paul," Luc said the name of the man who had obviously placed the items inside. Luc ran his hand over his helmet before donning the armor. All the better to hide himself from Ixion.

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"I don't know Fargo, but I need to talk to Aiya anyways. I... owe her an apology." said Esphyr, looking down at her feet, a cowed expression on her face before she turned and walked off, looking for the party members, but Aiya most of all.

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OOC: Warning: This post will contain smilies

Gambits and Speculation

Ivanko: Not convincing enough for you? Keep in mind that the offer is not a privilege but a once in a lifetime opportunity.

He slowly grabbed his mug while eying Svetlana and took another drink before setting it down and nudging the larger container to the edge of the desk.

Ivanko: It's a good year, if you want some.

Finally he sat down in his chair and leaned back a bit putting his fingertips together.

Ivanko: Dare I assume what got you in here was a one way trip? If not ... you might be in need of an exit strategy ... just in case you win.

Preparations and Such

Irina finally returned holding a bag full of her belongings. When she saw the items Esphyr had left she leaped unto the pile and retrieved her training lance head.

Irina: Naelia ... if I ever see her again, Kiev's getting a huge breakfast. I'll teach'em to eat crazy thieves.

She then made her way toward the entrance intent on reaching Kiev.

Meanwhile Iso decided to ask the guards to let Shamus through with him, though he hand no idea why he was allowed in himself. The two entered the building and after a few minutes of walking came upon the gathering group. Shamus immediately ran at Levski!


Lev: Oh hi! ^_^

Shamus slid to a stop all of a sudden! The bag over Levski's shoulder was just big enough to fit a person inside! Lined with potatoes or not, it could fit a small girl like Kamilla!

Shamus: Levski! Who's in that bag?!

Lev: Riiight. Things got a little hectic and Kamilla ... she uh ...

Shamus: W-what happened? :o

Lev: Let's just say I can't walk around this place with a body over my shoulder. People will get suspicious.

Shamus: W-w-w-whaaaat?! K-Kamilla no ... ah no ... lass ... Levski, ya didn't! Ya didn't!

Lev: It was an accident, Shamus. I'm sorry.

He sat the bag on the ground and knelt down over it with a look of sorrow on his face.

Shamus: O-open the bag, ya filthy bastard! Let-me see'er!

Lev: Not here, Shamus ... it's not something people should see.

Shamus: Urgh!!

Shamus shoved Levski to the floor and picked up the bag before running back down the hall! He had to see with his own eyes if the girl was really dead! Once he left the castle, Levski turned to Morgan with a cocky smile on his face.

Lev: Took long enough. Heheheheeh.


Iso was curious and wanted to follow Shamus as the man ran into the castle but Kelas and Charlotte as well as some others caught his eye and he instead walked over to them.

Iso: Okay, I'm ready ... is Irina around?

He saw Kiev nearby guarding the unconscious pink wyvern, but not Irina herself.

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Here We Go

In the midst of the discussion, Eric had slipped away, sharpening his blade even sharper, before sheathing it and heading towards the gates, where he saw Kelas, Isotov and the princess, chatting. Keeping a fair distance away from the nomad and her mount, he said, just as Kelas finished speaking, "I am ready to go. Now, we are waiting on Irina, right?"


"Ah, the explosion. A shame, I'd say," Jace said, appearing genuinely sad, before brightening up. "But, anyways, I do have an offer for your organization." The Brute leaned forward. "It is an opportunity, assuming that what you are preparing for is what I believe you are preparing for, for Zaftra to gain territory. Interested?"

Chance Encounter

It was rather tranquil as the man traveled. The chaos of the city, and all of its' limits, were gone out in the country. Furthermore, there were few about, so he didn't get confused. This, as a result, relaxed him, allowing him to focus on speed. The amnesiac didn't know how long it had been, but eventually, he came upon a woman-shaped form and a child-shaped form. The child's aura was normal, but the woman's... It was like she had been blessed by the Goddess, as her aura felt similar. Could it be Kaileen?

"... Excuse me, madame, but, are you Kaileen, by any chance?" he asked, looking at the woman-form where her face would be, had he been able to see it.

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"Yep," Kelas replied. "Looks like her wyvern's out, at least..."

Amari looked over the small group: apparently Kelas was not leaving alone. There was the brown-haired girl who Kelas sometimes talked to: she was all right, and useful, because she had one of the shining sticks that healed wounds. The next arrival provoked a snort of disbelief: it was clear that the red man no longer needed Kelas' help to function, so what was he doing here? Amari twitched her ears irritably.

The third person to join Kelas was possibly worse, though. Amari had seen this man before, but something was different this time; he smelled different, and Amari didn't like him. What was worrying was that she wasn't sure why. She could dislike people like the blue woman for annoying Kelas and the red man for hanging around her too much, but this one... this one she just disliked on general principle. Involuntarily her teeth bared a bit and her ears swiveled back.

She'd have to keep an eye on this one.

ooc: yes, "blue woman" is Rita.

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Preparations To Leave

While Kiev stood over the pink wyvern wondering when and if she would wake up, Iso took a glance at the both of them.

Iso: (They really ought to decide what to do with that wyvern)

Meanwhile inside the castle, Irina walked up to Lev with her bags in hand.

Irina: Well, I guess this is goodbye for now.

Lev: Huh?

Irina: I'm leaving with Iso.

Lev: ... small group, right?

She nodded and then reached over to hug him.

Lev: Be careful, alright? (I really should be going with her but that would be suspicious and they need the group to be as small as possible.)

Irina: I will.

She then turned to leave and headed down the hall to the entrance. Shamus himself came bolting out of the castle with the bag in his arms, held the same as one would hold a woman! He rushed toward the gates with tears in his eyes!

Interesting Offer

Ixion: (Hmm, that's interesting. What Ivanko is up to isn't so incredibly obscure that a genius couldn't solve the mystery. After all ... I did. However I was not expecting this.) ... we just might be. Tell me of this offer.

Daneka: (Excellent. If zere is one zing I've learned from watching Jace work, it's zat anything zat isn't a flat out no eventually becomes a yes, begrudginly or ozerwise heheheheh.)

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"All right, let's go!" Kelas told the group as Irina appeared. "We should probably try to leave the city via one of the less-patrolled routes," she began as they left the palace. "Get out unnoticed..."

Despite the determination and apparent confidence in her voice and step as she strode through the palace gates, Kelas had doubts. What if she couldn't do this? What if one of the others was hurt, for her mission?

She knew she herself could not turn back-- but the others could, if they chose. After they'd left the city gates and were out of earshot by any who might interfere, she decided, she'd make sure one last time that everyone knew what they were getting into.

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Conrad rode over to Morgan slowly, and whispered to her, "I'm sorry if I'm ruining anything, but one of the other Crimson wielder's also expressed concern with the plan- mainly the part where failure means the death of the smaller group, as well as it seeming more susceptible to failure... they wish to remain unnamed, but I'm sure you already know that only one of us would have a problem speaking up directly."

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Morgan eyed Lev suspiciously, but was then approached by General Conrad.

"Not sure who you mean, but that really doesn't matter. The plan is risky I will admit, and failure means ultimate failure, but so does doing nothing. I will take the chance of failure over inevitable defeat." she replied. "I must check if Isotov is back." she said, striding out to the gates.

She approached Isotov and raised an eyebrow. "Why did you get the thread removed? That was rather central to our plan. Anyway, I suppose you'll have to use this instead." she said, pushing the doll into his hands. "Not sure how it works myself exactly, you may want to ask Cess."

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The Gates Again

Iso took a look at the spirit doll and sighed.

Iso: (Not much different from Morgan herself.) Look, it wasn't my choice to have the thing stolen from me but I'm not sorry it's gone. Ixion's caused me enough grief without spying on my every move. I don't care how convenient any of this seems to you, don't underestimate him. (I can only hope Miranda actually manages to kill him in the end)

Once Lev had caught up he started looking around up in the air for signs of ... something. Shamus on the other hand had placed the bag into his wagon and rode off toward the edge of the city looking for a safe place to open it. He had been so caught up in mournful emotions that he hadn't even considered Lev's odd behavior.

The wyvern lord then came up to Morgan rolling his eyes at Iso's now typical attitude. He didn't know what it was this time but he was getting bored with all of the anti Morgan sentiment in the group. He chuckled at the thought of all of them being in the military with drill sergeants who would far and away surpass Morgan, possibly even drive the weaker ones to suicide.

Lev: Favor? Pinky over there is acting up again. Krinkov could keep knocking her out but that's bound to cause some permanent damage. Luckily I've decided what to do with her. I'll have to help Irina break her using the other method now though.

Iso: (Other method?) I'll let you people deal with that.

Iso quickly turned to leave.

OOC: Ivanko: *waits for Xenia to comment on stuff* -_-

Man: Now to buy a fish to distract Svetlana, and some good ol'vodka to come into Xenia's good graces ^_^

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Cess had stayed inside, waiting for Morgan, but he had noticed the doll in her hands. He rushed outside after her, to see Iso walking away. "You still have those dolls? Um, Iso can't just use it like that. First, at least one of the holders will have to have some understanding of magic, which would be fine, but they'll have to have a connection with the other doll holder. I don't think mine and Iso's is strong enough. I'll go look for Rita, and send her."

Cess hurried towards the fields where he had seen Rita training.



"Owwww." Rita was slowly coming around, her vision blurry. "Derek.....what happened?"

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