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Let's Play Final Fantasy VII

Acacia Sgt

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Well, inspired by the similar threads around here, I've decided to start one of my own, considering right now I'm not exactly playing through anything. I blame school for my sudden easily-aquired-boredom on the subject.

Anyway, I won't start this until some time later (When? Well, depends how long it takes me to prepare things, which is why I'm posting this in advance. This usually means just a day or two, so no worries there.), so in the meantime, I leave this:

Cloud: Life

Barret: Furetchen

Tifa: Esau

Aerith: Integrity


Cait Sith: Furby

Cid: AcaciaSgt

Yuffie: Saloma

Vincent: Sporon

Yes, names are free for whoever claims first. Limit is 9 letters, by the way. And the cast is complete. And the poll is self-explanatory... Closed now.

Well, I think that would be all for now. I'll start once I'm done preparing and have at least the first four names.

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Alright, was faster than I thought, but anyway, I'm all ready to start this (well, still need a name for Yuffie, but it's still a long way from there). Expect it a little later...ish or so.

Geez guys, what's with the choices here? Males in the female roles and even in the poll the guy won? As if this game didn't had enough already in that department... >_> lol

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And it's here!!

Just a small note before starting: Due to the... interesting cast here, I've decided to try (so I ain't promising anything) to also include the other date scenes here. :lol:

Yeah, no way I'm missing this opportunity. So, with nothing else to say...


Let's begin, shall we?

So, after choosing New Game, we get some scenes of the stars, then...


Hmmm, must be someone important... she ( XD ) gets quickly out of focus as the camera zooms out showing an entire city, and then...


And so, the game begins...

Prologue: My Life as a Terrorist

We now focus on the wall that borders the city, a train arrives here then...


The guards are no match for these guys. Meet Biggs, Wedge (no, not the ones from Star Wars), and Jessie, members of Terrorist Group AVALANCHE.


And now meet the main hero, who goes as 'EX-SOLDIER' for now. Behind him is the boss of the group.


Checking the unconscious guards here give us a Potion. Two, actually. but only those two and can be with either guard, so it doesn't matter if you check both once, or either of them twice.

Now to catch up with the group, but we get ambushed on the way by minor grunts.



Wait, wait, wait. So a machine gun can barely hurt our hero, but a single sword slash kills the grunts? :huh: Well, this isn't a fantasy game for nothing folks! :3

So with the grunts out of the way, we finally catch up with the gang as they try to open a door. Small talk follows...


Well yeah, not common, but not impossible either. But most importantly, we learn the hero's name...


How ironic a guy named Life would go around killing left and right, eh? :/


Now the boss comes to remind us of the objective. And get to know his name too...


Furetchen?! :o What are you doing leading terrorists?! :blink: Wait, you're black too? I thought you were Irish. (Or Australian...? Or just lived there? Eh, I forgot... :wacko: )

Anyway, as everyone else goes ahead...


Life gives one last look at the reactor before following.

And that's all for now folks! Until next time!

So... what do you guys think? Must I change the way I narrate this or it's fine as it is? More or less usage of images? Comment more or less on the characters and their roles? Next update will come soon.

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Furetchen?! :o What are you doing leading terrorists?! :blink: Wait, you're black too? I thought you were Irish. (Or Australian...? Or just lived there? Eh, I forgot... :wacko: )

Half Irish, half convict.

And you made me think about Thin Lizzy.

This makes me happy.


...okay, this proves that 3D is overrated. Man, those arms... But the scenery looks really damn good. Gah, internal conflict...

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Time for another update, longer now...

Chapter 1: Reactor Raid

So, it's straightforward to the entrance, just following the gang throughout the place.


Okay, with Wedge covering our backs we have nothing to fear. Forward!

Now inside Furetchen explains exactly why we're doing this.



So basically Mako usage is like Oil usage except with worse consequences... alright, fair enough, though Life seems to not give it importance. (Ironically enough, in the sequels Oil is used as replacement... well, got to go with the lesser of two evils, I guess. :mellow: )

And then Furetchen joins the party! :awesome:

Well, that was basically the deal in the pre-voiced FF's. If you could name him/her/it, guaranteed they'd join.


Okay, I won't go over the main game mechanics until next update, so right now I'd limit myself to say to move Furetchen to the Back Row since he starts with a long ranged weapon. Life also comes with the Ice and Bolt spells, but only the latter is useful in this area.

Anyway, the path is still straightforward, talking to Biggs and Jessie to have them open the doors for you. Jessie will go into an elevator, but before following her...


A side-path to the south leading to this chest. Now into the elevator.

Inside, Furetchen tries again to convince Life to care about the planet, but...


It sure is buddy, if the planet dies, what do you would happen to everything ON it? Life sure is not living up to his name, eh? :P

So, once the elevator stops, the path outisde is once again straightforward, climbing down stairs, and crossing pipes.


And items on the floor, absolutely. Once we descend enough...


Aha, a Save Point! Very useful these things are, allowing you to save (well, duh). Redundancy aside, we have to contiune. You can't go across the doorway, so the bridge is the way to go.


With more treasure to pick up. Materia... we'll soon learn more about it.


Alright, we're finally here. time to blow this place up!


:huh: What? Great, Life is now hearing voices... with an annoying sound accompaning it. <_< It doesn't last long fortunetly.


But now's not the time to question it, we've got company!

Boss 1: Guard Scorpion


As the first boss, it's not hard. It's weak to lightning so Bolt is recommended. In fact, the fight has very little strategy. Life using Bolt and Furetchen attacking normally. The boss will attack every other turn as he spents one using a Scan-like ability before an actual attack. But after twice doing that, it will raise it's tail...


Contrary to what Furetchen says (really Furetchen, that wasn't a wise move <_< ), you do NOT want to attack it while like this. Like past games of the series, the first boss will try to fool you by assuming a second 'form', so to speak, and if attacked, unleash a powerful attack against the party. So, just wait until it lowers it to resume the fight.


So by defeating it we get the usual EXP and Gil, and it drops a weapon for Furetchen. Better equip it after.

And that's all for now. Until next time...

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So I take it Yuffie will also be played as male in drag...? Anyway...

Chapter 2: Mission Aftermath


Of course, since the place will blow up, it's time to get out of here!


Be sure to help her, as you won't be able to continue without doing so. 10 minutes is more than enough so no worries there.


Once reaching here and it's done. It's cutscene time.


And get to see the explosion. A job well done, one down, seven more to go! B)


Yeah... the job's not yet over.


So it's back to base, eh? Well yeah, but before that, a quick rundown over the stats:


Okay, so...

HP and MP should be very obvious...

As for the base stats:

-Strength is precicely that, determines your attack

-Vitality determines your defense

-Magic for your magical power

-Spirit is for magical defense, or resistance for a more familiar term ;)

-Dexterity determines speed and physical evasion

-Luck for critical hits and lucky evades, which is just a plain simple evasion of an attack

Which brings to the main stats:

-Attack, which strength plus weapon's attack power

-Attack% (hit% basically), weapon's attack%

-Defense, vitality plus armor's defense

-Defense% (evasion basically), quarter of dexterity plus armor's defense%

-Magic Attack, just magic

-Magic Defense, spirit plus armor's MDefense

-Magic Defense% (evasion basically), just armor's MDefense %

Before moving on, one last thing. There is a bug that ignores MDefense of armor. As such, only Spirit is used to calculate Magic Defense. Now moving on...

Well, on the way to the train station ,we get to see the colateral damage of the explosion, and happen to enounter...


None other than the... girl... from the opening sequence! Who apparently sells flowers. You can choose to do so or not, but here it's where the long series of events to determine the date scene begin. Nothing changes the actual relationship values here, but buying or not a flower will, though later. Due to the winner... ( :lol: ) buying one is the way to go.


Nothing else but move on, finding more items on the way. Eventually we reach a crossroads, but...


The choice is timed. Depending on where you have the curso once enough time passes, it auto-selects that one. This goes on two more times, but the last one is worth of note as...


It's a pincer attack. Still, nothing you can't get away with.


Or perhaps not. :/


Fortunetly, Deus Ex Machina kicks in by bringing a train to conveniently jump into and make a quick escape.


And also happened to be the one you were suppose to get into even! Well, I suppose it makes sense, though the timing of it's arrival to where Life was is genuinly DEM.

Anyway, the gang goes into a regular wagon. Following, to be able to proceed you must talk to Jessie, who goes on to explain about the city...


Which apperantly is actually two-layered and everyone down below is basically the slums. And a note of the ID-Checking System used on the trains. Which then one goes immediatly after. Nothing to worry about, as the gang has fake ID's to pass this problem.

Now Life and furetchen start to talk about the state the city is in. Furethcen mainly complains, though it seems everyone else is used to it already or something.



Man, that's deep... :mellow:


Now we see the under layer, before the train reaches it' nextdestination...

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So I take it Yuffie will also be played as male in drag...? Anyway...

She wasn't already? :awesome:

I'm glad you're heavily abridging stuff, instead of going through every line of dialogue. Please for the love of god, ignore the materia tutorial.

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Chapter 3: Second Mission

So after the train arrives at the station, Furetchen gives one last speech before going to the hideout. To the right of the station is the Train Graveyard, but other than picking fights with the enemies there, there's not much to do there, so we should head left instead to the small town there.


And here it is, the 7th Heaven bar. Furetchen is quick to chase out everyone else inside. Now once inside, we meet Marlene, Furetchen's daughter (well, adopted, actually), and a childhood friend of Life's, who is the one that runs the bar itself. Now don't get fooled, since...


IT'S A TRAP!!! :wtf: (Had to... :lol: )


If you bought the flower earlier, this comes up. Since we're aiming to Furetchen, give it to Marlene.

Now we descend to the lower level for the meeting. Furetchen asks Life about SOLDIER, you know, Shinra's Elite, so to speak. Life's answer really gets Furetchen angry. Biggs tries to restrain him, but...


Obiously he's no match for the bigger guy, and get's thrown to the wall for his efforts. Way to go champ. <_<

Once more Life gives the 'don't care for anyting' talk and storms out of here. Esau is quick to stop him.


Again, pick shown choice if you go for Furetchen. Now Esau tries to make Life feel guilty by reminding him about a promise...


Stuff about protecting Esau once he joins SOLDIER, you know, that kind of stuff that's normal... well, should... :unsure:

But enough of that. This convinces Life to stay, and Furetchen is quick in giving him last job's payment: 1,500 Gil. Not much, but considering the life they have, I suppose that's a lot. (Besides, he's saving most of it for Marlene's schooling. He may be a tough, strict, and quick-to-anger man, but you can't deny he has a soft spot for his daughter, adopted as she may be. :) )

Now next morning...


No comment here. :P

For today's mission, Furetchen plans to blow up Reactor 5 now. But before, he asks Life for an explanation of Materia usage.


Due to general agreement (1 vote, lol), I'll skip this. Besides, it's not even that hard:

Step 1) Choose Materia from the menu

Step 2) Choose character

Step 3) Choose slot

Step 4) Choose Materia

Step 5) ???

Step 6) PROFIT!

See? That easy. No need for a long explanation otherwise. ;) By the way, some Materia can alter your stats. Like magic materia lowering your Strength and HP while rising Magic and MP. But it's a small difference especially now with not too much Materia to have and equip. So leaving Marlene behind to take care of the place (Isn't she like four? And already capable of tending to a bar? :huh: )

So let's explore the small town now, shall we? There is a three-story building south-east. The first floor has the Weapon/Armor shop.


Only thing worth purchasing are the Iron Bangles. The Assault Gun was already dropped by Guard Scorpion, and as for the Grenade, there is something better...

Anyway, the secon floor has some sort of 'Training Hall' for newcomers. There is a Materia next to the entrance, and after the guy next to it drops a chest with an Ether to get. The Materia gotten is an All Materia. It allows the multi-targeting of magic materia. In order to get the effect the slot of the All and the magic Materias must be linked.

The third floor has an inn, wihch costs only 10 Gil, but not necessary for now. The building next to the big one has the Item/Materia shop.


Yeah, Materia is expensive. We're only missing Fire from here so let's get one.

So before leaving town, I reorganize the Materia as so (a = means they're linked):

Life - Lightning=All, Restore

Furetchen - Fire

Esau - Ice

Now to get on the train. Everything goes fine until...


Oh no, they caught us! :o Now here comes a timed sequence. You had a certain amount of time to move from one car to the next. Failing is possible, but you want to otherwise you won't get points for Furetchen for the date scene if done right. Talking to some people give you items, and in one car, one guy will steal one from you and talking to him will give it back. There's enough time so unless you go walking all the way, you won't have trouble.


So after getting off the train we end up here. Going behind leads to a dead-end so beyond we go instead. After a trip through the ventilation shafts, with some items lying within, and ladder-climbing later, we reach the reactor.

It's layout is like the one before, so the drill is the same, go down to plant the bomb, and escape.


And now Life instead of hearing voices has a flashback... very tragic if he's remembering Esau's father dying... okay...

Anyway, getting out just like Reactor 1. Climbing stairs and the elevator. Except...


This can get a little (that's an understatement, actually <_< ) irritating since it requires good timing. Anyway, once the door opens, the exit is in sight.

Except they were waiting for us and surround us with soldiers. And who else but:


President Shinra himself is here. Furetchen is quick to point and accuse, but Mr. Shinra just shrugs it off and leaves a little present before escaping in helicopter...

Boss 2: Air Buster


We get to hear the boss battle theme here for the first time. And it's awesome, don't you agree? Y/Y

Anyway, this boss is surrounded, but can attack even from behind. It's weak to lightning and resists fire, so Bolt is once more needed here. The boss changes interswitches it's strongest attack (meaning it can't use both in the same 'form'), not to mention being able to turn around to face each side of the party. Once damaged enough, it won't be able to turn around, and that means he's close to defeat anyway. Defeating hims gives you a Titan Bangle.


Unfortunetly, it's defeat blows the bridge. The reactor's explosion cuts short any attempt to help Life. So Furetchen and Esau have to escape while Life...


falls to his doom. Will he survive? Find out next time!

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Anyway, this boss is surrounded, but can attack even from behind. It's weak to lightning and resists fire, so Bolt is once more needed here.

Shinra has enough money to build a high tech city directly on top of a bunch of slums, but they apparently can't afford surge protectors.

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Chapter 4: Back to the Slums

Last time, Life was falling to his doom... or is it? Screen goes black with what seems to be a talk between Life and some unkown. But then...


No, he's alive. And that flower girl is here too, except...


It's another trap! Great, just what we need, another trap... Well, it could be worse... ;)

Anyway, Integrity explains Life is now in the Sector 5 Slums, and about the flowers that he happened to fell onto must have broken his fall (yeah sure, no way that would have softened the blow, but then again, as an Ex-SOLDIER, Life is not exactly normal so that's more likely what saved him...). Either way, Integrity goes on about how she takes care of the flowers that grow here, and about Materia. She apperantly has one that seems to have no use. Hm... I wonder... :mellow: And asks Life what he does for a linving, to what he respons he's basically a mercenary.

Just then, some guy enters the place. Integrity then asks if she could hire Life as a bodyguard. The timing of this is not good news then. Life agrees to which Integrity says she'll pay him with a date. ( :lol: And we've still not reached the peak of this...)

Sure enough, the guy, Reno, has Shinra soldiers with him. Life and Integrity as quick to flee, with Reno and the soldiers after them.


Heh, so says the guy who stepped on them just before... <_<

Anyway, with Integrity now in the party, I'd recommend to give her the Titan Bangle and at least one of the offensive Materia. Path is straightforward and upwards, but just before reaching the rafters the soldiers start to shoot and send Integrity down again.


As she makes her way back again, soldiers will get in the way three times, and get the above choice. Fight and Run will lead to a battle, but with Hold On, you can push one of the barrels on the rafters to try to knock down the soldiers, take too long or push the incorrect one will lead to a battle. Since Integrity has a high lead on the date scene points, and could use the EXP, I'd choose to fight all three. The enemies can fall easily to a single spell so it's not hard.

Afterwards, Integrity rejoins Life and both escape through the roof. As they keep getting away, Life mentions the Reno guy is a member of the Turks (no, not from Turkey), an elite division within Shinra. Why they're after Integrity, we don't know, but anyway, Integrity asks Life to take her home now.


Ending here after the scene, behind lies the church, beyond is the Sector 5 town. The path to Sector 6 is also there, but it's blocked for now. The town itself has nothing noteworthy, except for maybe...


A grammar error? No, not that. There's a man within that doesn't seem to talk and has a '2' tattoo. Creepy... :ph34r:

The shops here have nothing new to sell, except the Weapon/Armor shop which has Titan Bangles. Better get those.


Easternmost house has this flyer. It's part of a sidequest so better to check it out now than later. Talking to a kid in the same house reveals about a secret drawer of his. Checking said drawer have you discover 5 gil. But I would recommend against taking the money. you'll get something better later.

East of the town is Integrity's house. The garden next to it has an Ether and the Cover Materia. As it's name implies, it give you the Cover ability, to take damage instead of an ally. Now inside the house itself, where Integrity's mother thanks Life and comments about how once more they try to kidnap Integrity. Hm... Now that the job's done, Life comments about returning to Sector 7 and to Esau's Bar. Integrity gets curious...


Yeah, not we've not reached the peak... :rolleyes:

Anyway, Integrity offers to guide Life to Sector 7. Life however, says he doesn't want help from a trap girl. Integrity is not amused. Integrity's mother says to wait until tomorrow to which Life doesn't mind. She also says, however, that Life should get on his way in the middle of the night, as she doesn't want to have Integrity take the risk.

Taking her advice, Life sneaks out. You have to walk while passing next to Integrity's room otherwise you won't be able to leave. Once you'r downstairs however, you're clear to make the run for it. Crossing through town, it's time to get through Sector 6.


What the...?! :wtf: B-but, she was... so how... how is that...? Well, no choice but to take her with us it seems. But first, my setup:

Life: Lightning=All, Fire, Cover

Integrity: Restore, Ice

The path to Sector 7 is straightforward, and the enemies not too tough. Once getting through we reach a playground.


And once again Life tries to get rid of Integrity. Doesn't work. So anyway, another talk follows here, now about SOLDIER. Integrity mentions she used to have a boyfriend who was also from SOLDIER (Boyfried... the guy either must had no idea, or didn't care, or that's why he 'used to'. Take your pick. XD )

Anyway, before they continue talking...


Now what's going on here...? Let's find out. (And brace for what must be the most crack-filled part I was referring to earlier. XD )

Following the wagon, we reach the main part of Sector 6, Wallmart Market. A place full of shops and the like, very busy. So, investigating why exactly is Esau here...


And this is only the begginig... :P

So it's decided, to enter Don Corneo's mansion and figure out exactly what's going on. Problem is, men are not allowed, and busting in would be problematic, so Life has but no other choice:


Follow Esau and Integrity and get in drag himself! Will this work? Can this get even more cracked? Until next time...

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Chapter 5: Dude looks like a Lady

Alternate title: Life's blackmailing material.

Before anything, I'd say to check out the Wepaon/Armor shop. It contains Mythril Armlets, the next armor upgrade, not to mention actual weapon upgrades now for Integrity (Mythril Rod) and Esau (Metal Knuckle).

Anyway, for the actual cross-dressing part. The Don can choose either of the three, but depending on what Life is wearing determines who gets chosen. Let's go for Life, as it's the most funny... :awesome: (Not to mention it gives a choice for Furetchen's date scene)

First of all, a dress. There's the dress shop, but the owner is not there. Find him in the bar to learn he's thinking of leaving the job. Integrity is quick to motivate him back by giving him a new challenge: Life. XD

So, he asks for what type of dress. For the maximun effect, select 'soft' and 'shimmers'. Head back to the dress shop to get it now.


Now a wig. That's found on the gym. You have to play a mini-game for it, though. Doing squats. It's simple, press [], X, O in that order in 30 seconds. You loose time with the wrong button. Depending if you win, tie, or loose, is the wig you get. Winning, of course, gives you the best one.


Now that's all you need to progress with the plot, but not enough for Life to get chosen, so let's keep going with this, shall we? There's a woman in the bar's bathroom feeling sick. Talk to her and agree to help her. Now go to the restaurant and order whatever, and...


this gets you a coupon to exchange in the Item shop for medicine. Best choice is Digestive, so bringing it back to the woman...


Next stop, the Materia shop. Can't buy anything here for now, but the guy needs a favor. So on the inn we go! In there just stay a night (either way a boss is coming soon so what better chance than this one?). In the night...


So buy the most expensive one. Just what exactly it's selling? I don't think we ever find out...

So bringing it back to the Materia shop guy...


Now for the final touches. Actually, this next article doesn't give out points due to being glitched, but let's do it anyway. Talking to a man walking around gives us the Member's Card, now we can enter the Honeybee Inn.

Ah yes, that place. With the correct company and room it can lead either to a very wonderful night or in need of brain bleach... like, seriously... >_<

Leaving Integrity outside to wait, Life enters alone, but will not come out like he came in...

Of the four rooms, you can only enter two. The &$#% Room (what...?), and Group Room. Since it doesn't matter, choose either, but the Group Room is technically the best choice...


Or not? Well, can't get any worse...


OMG IT DID!! :wtf:


Let us not speak again of this, shall we? -_-

Now for the final touch. In the northenmost room...


Now the result is random, and you can only tell what you got by the sound effect used. The best effect is the wind sound, but again, it's random. But doesn't really matter. If gotten everything else like I told you so, you're already set to go anyway.

Now it's time. Getting out (And find Integrity making a fortune selling flowers. Too bad you don't actually get any Gil from it. :/ ), it's back to the dress shop.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!! Eh, I mean, let's end this quickly for Life's sake... ( >:) )

Being allowed entrance now to the mansion. Esau is in the basement, so head there. Here, after the initial surprise (of course, to Esau may be normal, but for Life definetly not), she explains she's actually here for information about a suspicious man who was lurking around the slums.


Just then it's time to see the Don.


And the (un)lucky one is... Life! Yeah...

Now on his bedroom. There is a Hyper behind the bed, so get that before talking to the Don. Doesn't really matter the choices, but to get the points for Furetchen, it's the lower one in the first set, then...



Either way, you get found out, as Don Corneo realizes IT'S A TRAP!! (I pity the guy, actually, since the choices were ALL traps). Integrity and Esau quickly enter and the three now demand what the Don knows or else...


Well, no wonder the Don decides to talk instead. :ph34r:

Basically, the suspicious man was a Shinra executive, Heidegger. Looking for AVALANCHE's hideout. He has found out, and so Shinra plans to drop the entire Sector 7 plate on the slums!! :o

Before we could do something about it, the Don activates a trapdoor, and the party falls down to the sweres. But meanwhile we get a scene from within Shinra's...


Hm, that other guy (In blue, almost covered by the text box. Heidegger's the one in green.), he's not exactly agreeing... good to see not everyone there is that bad... even if it doesn't mean much for the situation.

Anyway, now the party is in the sewers. Time for the setup:

Life: Lightning=All, Cover

Esau: Fire

Integrity: Restore, Ice

And in here it's waiting...

Boss 3: Aps


Another easy boss. It's weak to fire. The boss has an attack, Sewer Tsunami, that hurts everyone, even the boss. It can come either from behind it or the party, changing the damage dealt to either side. It's also susceptible to various status ailments, but at this point, the options are few (most likely Paralysis with Life's Cross-Slash Limit Break). (Just recently fighting it, it actually killed itself with the move. Pathetic...)

So after beating it, the party decides to make haste to Sector 7. Can they make it in time? Until next time! If you excuse me, I'm going to get some brain bleach...

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That whole "I'll smash them" bit completely flew over my head when I was like, 8 years old. In fact, that whole part of the game was lost on me. I was such a naive child :awesome:

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Chapter 6: From Bad to Worse

So, after defeating Aps, let's get out of here, shall we? On the way there is a Steal Materia lying on the floor.


Does exactly what it says it does. Anyway, once reaching the exit...


We end up on the Train Graveyard. This means we've still got time. Better hurry. The path is straightforward, though a little mazy. Items are either lying on the floor or inside barrels. Near the end you'll have to get inside some trains to move them around. Nothing complicated.

By the way, an enemy here, Eligor, has the Striking Staff as a stealable item. At this point it doubles Integrity's attack power, so I'd recommend to get one.

Finally arriving at the base of the pillar. Looks like a fight has already begun. Furetchen seem to be holding very well, but not so much on the other guys, especially not when Wedge gets thrown off the pillar...


Ouch. Integrity is asked to stay behind to take care of Wedge and Marlene, so now it's just Life and Esau up the pillar. Once reaching Furetchen, you get the chance to enter the menu.

My setup:

Life: Lightning=All

Esau: Ice, Restore, Steal

Furetchen: Fire, Cover

Better take the chance, as soon after a helicopter appears and from within Reno appears, and...


And activates the bomb. Oh no... :facepalm:

Boss 4: Reno


Another easy fight. Reno resists lightning, but overall, he's somewhat weak. The only thing to watch out for, though, it's his Pyramid attack. Basically the same effect as Paralysis or Stop except being encased in a Pyramid. Fortunetly you can attack these Pyramids to break them. Overall, not so tough.

Afterwards; Reno jumps back to the helicopter. The party tries to deactivate the bomb, but from the helicopter another Turk, Tseng, appears to say it's useless, and that...


Yes, Integrity got caught by them at last, and something about having the last Ancient ( :huh: ) at last. Integrity only manages to say something about Marlene being safe before they quickly get away as the bomb goes off. The party manages to grab into a wire and jump off, but, well, the plate falls. :(



Meanwhile, the party made it safely to the Sector 6 Playground. But everyone else is dead (saying Furetchen wasn't happy about it is definetly an understatement). Remembering Integrity's words, they decide to go to her house. Before doing so, there is a Sense Materia to pick up in the area.


Functioning like the Scan spell, let's you check an enemy's stats. Well, now back to Sector 5. By the way, if before you didn't grabbed the kid's 5 Gil, if you talk to him you get a turbo Ether. Totally worth it for loosing on getting just 5 Gil, eh?

Anyway, back in Integrity's house, her mother is well aware of her kidnapping. Life asks her about the whole Ancient thing the Turks were talking about. Turns out, it seems the Ancients are some kind of people who lived years ago, and Integrity is the last of them. then turns out she's actually adopted. Then comes a long flashback...

So years ago, the woman's husband was sent out to fight in a war against some country called Wutai. After some time, news came about some soldiers, incluiding him, finally returning home, but he never came that day. Going daily to the train station to wait, one day she happened to come acroos young Integrity and her almost death mother, saying they escaped from some labs and ended up here. And of course, the woman ended up adopting her. And as time passed, Integrity started to dress in drag say things about hearing the planet and so on (basically, was turning crazy being aware of her Ancient heritage). Even as far to be aware that her adopted mother's husband had died days before the actual news reached the house.


And of course, Shinra would get quick into the picture. And of course, they didn't allowed it. And the rest is history already seen (for the most part).

Anyway, with all this, the party agree on going into Shinra HQ and rescue Integrity. Meanwhile, Furetchen is glad to hear Marlene is safe and sound in the house.


Geez, and I thought all this got left behind in Wall Market. >_<

Speaking of Wall Market. It's time to go back there to go on. Once here, head to the Weapon/Armor shop. The owner will sell you three batteries for 300 Gil. You'll need them so buy them. Now, next to Don Corneo's Masnion (which is empty except for a tied-up lackey in the basement saying the Don was taken elsewhere for 'Information Leaked'. :mellow: ), there is a pathway to a part of the Sectors' borders.

Thanks to all the damage done, there is now a way to climb up. The batteries are neede since they activate some of the debris to open the path further.


Yeah, not a good sight... <_<

For next time, the begining of the Shinra raid. Until then!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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