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Jugdral 978: A Holy War/Thracia 776 Successor RP


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You have managed to quell all my fears about this with your well written answers to Kanami's questions. I have little to no prior knowledge of the SNES FEs, but I'll gladly sign up the titular character of Shu's Quest in a less deceased format, and play it by ere from there, should you be willing to have me.

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Here I was thinking this was just some random person wanting to start something to big for them. You seem to be level-headed enough, and you're certainly verbose enough to sway my opinion. I'll consider joining, even though I have no idea about the source material.

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I also like this idea. It's just some qualms about the timing maybe being a bit too far. I'd have prefered to maybe at least have some of the characters still alive, or children of them, but....

I don't know. I'm still interested. I claim Freege! D:

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You have managed to quell all my fears about this with your well written answers to Kanami's questions. I have little to no prior knowledge of the SNES FEs, but I'll gladly sign up the titular character of Shu's Quest in a less deceased format, and play it by ere from there, should you be willing to have me.

Wow, that guy really IS in everything!

I'd love to have you as a player, welcome aboard. Time for me to start drafting up some background/rules/signup sheet stuff!

I also like this idea. It's just some qualms about the timing maybe being a bit too far. I'd have prefered to maybe at least have some of the characters still alive, or children of them, but....

I don't know. I'm still interested. I claim Freege! D:

Here's the thing. YOU are the (distant) children of them! Why leave that to some NPC when you could be such a person yourself, hmm? :D

For a teaser, here's the opening setup. (Not the first post, but the "hook.")

Two hundred years ago, Celice the Liberator freed the continent of Jugdral from the stranglehold of the Empire and the machinations of the evil Loputous cult. Through his guiding hand, and the work of those blessed with the holy blood of ancient crusaders, peace spread throughout the land. Fallen kingdoms were slowly rebuilt; wounds of war were healed; the populace regained confidence and flourished. Jugdral entered a golden age.

Since then, Celice's descendants have ruled as kings and queens of Grandbell, Jugdral's leading nation. The other nations - Verdane, Agustria, Silesia, Isaac, United Thracia, and Miletos - have also been governed by scions of Celice's army. With the stability provided by long dynasties and unbroken lineages of royal families, the people of Jugdral hoped this peace of two centuries would last forever.

Few things, however, stand eternal.

Grandbell's current monarch, the aging King Sveinn Baldos, has called the nations together for a triumphant celebration of the 200th year of Celice the Liberator's victory over the Empire. Nobles from all across Judgral, along with their retinues, have been invited to attend. Commonfolk arrive at Grandbell's capital, Barhara, in droves, eager for the trade and pageantry of such an event. Others prepare to air grievances carefully nursed for centuries, ignite old rivalries, and begin recharting the continent's map of power.

It is year 978 of the Gran calendar. Once again, a storm brews within Jugdral.

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You have managed to quell all my fears about this with your well written answers to Kanami's questions. I have little to no prior knowledge of the SNES FEs, but I'll gladly sign up the titular character of Shu's Quest in a less deceased format, and play it by ere from there, should you be willing to have me.

This. Well, not the part about signing up with Shu, but the part about signing up if you'll have me.

On the subject of the timeframe, I think 200 years is perfect. I'll admit I haven't played FE4 or 5 and don't know much about their plotlines or characters (although I've played my fair share of more recent FEs), so I definitely appreciate a timeframe that lets me participate without needing to know the intricate details of those games.

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I'm not saying SCIENCE won't advance. I'm saying TECHNOLOGY won't advance. At least, not by much. Magic allows for the base manipulation of reality and for the instantaneous healing of most wounds and aliments. Put yourselves in the shoes of a person in that world. Would you go to the local church, whom even if they don't always cure you has very real healing power? Or to a 'doctor' who is likely to chop off a limb as well as give you an infection with a relatively minor chance to heal? Why bother building steam engines (at least steam engines as we know them) when we can have magic perform a lot of the things it would do anyways (maybe not in a FE verse, at least not without some technology of it's own). When one of the characters asked the HM about technology, she pointed out 'why bother? Science can do most of these things with magic with far less work' (more or less). The point I'm trying to say is, FE is a world with lots of magic. While I'm sure there are advancements that have happened in 200 years, they aren't likely to be what you think they are.

Lol. Snowy, non magic users want a quicker more effective way of defeating an enemy without needing to go out front. In battle, would you rather defeat an enemy before they got to you, or charge in and possibly suffer more loss of men and time. And who's to say science and magic are incompatible or staves and doctors can't coexist? One can use magic along with technology or incorporate it's uses in various of it's designs, possibly creating inventions are world doesn't have. And staves can cure one of wounds like burns, slashes and the like, but they can't exactly heal illnesses, not even a Restore staff could heal cancer. That's what I gathered. To me, Restore was things like purge the body of poison or calm one's emotions or wake the body up from sleep. Things like serious diseases and plagues are beyond the power of a Restore staff, but not necessarily for medicine.

@Psych I didn't know people could live for 200 years...

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What I'm mainly wondering is....pairings?

It's pretty hard to have a "Canon" Gen2 pairing list.

Yeah, the pairings are a possible trouble spot. The way I think I'll handle it, though, is that if you claim an ancestor, you can only claim one. For example, you may say you are a Velthomer duchess descended from Azel, or a thunder mage of House Freege descended from Tiltyu, but don't say Azel and Tiltyu. Just pick one, it makes everything easier. I understand that treating each character as having their own lineage, not connected to other ones by marriage, undoes some of the very interesting endings you can get. But this is the easiest way, IMHO, to use the game's events as history background and inspiration without getting too caught up on details.

If some game pairing needs to be established as this RP's "canon" for whatever reason, I will decide on it as GM. I don't intend to go around making this game my own Favorite Pairing Playground, however. Fair warning that I will gloss over things that aren't important to what the characters are doing.

Edit: Thanks for the interest, everyone! I'll have the preliminary rules and sheets up late tonight (EST time) or maybe tomorrow. Got some packing to do for a move. >_>

As for stats: this roleplay will focus on character and story development, as opposed to fighting or tabletop-style wargaming. While duels, fights, and war will likely become part of the story (it really depends on what the players opt to do,) the narrative is more important than the numbers. As such, you won't need to pick stats. Combat resolution will be talked out among involved players, or I'll decide what happens. We can work on a loose system for how to resolve crap when people try to stab each other, but I don't want to futz with stats, experience, or leveling up.

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We could vote? But NannaxLeaf, LeenxAless, and (I thought) ArthurxFee were at least cannon.

They are but there are plenty more "Canon" pairings, such as Aless/Nanna, and Corple/Altenna. (No NOT ask)

Yeah, the pairings are a possible trouble spot. The way I think I'll handle it, though, is that if you claim an ancestor, you can only claim one. For example, you may say you are a Velthomer duchess descended from Azel, or a thunder mage of House Freege descended from Tiltyu, but don't say Azel and Tiltyu. Just pick one, it makes everything easier. I understand that treating each character as having their own lineage, not connected to other ones by marriage, undoes some of the very interesting endings you can get. But this is the easiest way, IMHO, to use the game's events as history background and inspiration without getting too caught up on details.

If some game pairing needs to be established as this RP's "canon" for whatever reason, I will decide on it as GM. I don't intend to go around making this game my own Favorite Pairing Playground, however. Fair warning that I will gloss over things that aren't important to what the characters are doing.

It's mainly because of Holy bloods.

That's why I asked. =\

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They are but there are plenty more "Canon" pairings, such as Aless/Nanna, and Corple/Altenna. (No NOT ask)

It's mainly because of Holy bloods.

That's why I asked. =\

Preliminary holy blood rules:

  • Choose only one type of holy blood. I know that certain characters can end up with a mix of several types depending on who you paired in the game, but let's aim for simplicity.
  • Characters may have major blood (which in most cases marks them as a promising warrior or high noble, and allows them to use a special holy weapon), minor blood (which makes them slightly better fighters, and reinforces their social status), or no holy blood at all. Keep in mind that some nobles also rule castles without having any holy blood. Check the chart below to see what your blood and House options are. (Lol I will add a chart)
  • Again, to keep it simple, only one character may have major holy blood in each type. For example, multiple people may play characters with Hezul blood, but only one character will have major Hezul blood and access to the Misteltain sword. Major blood is first-come, first-serve. Please don't claim major blood if you won't be able to post at least once every month.
  • No player will start the game with a holy weapon. Most of them are either protected by senior family members, or locked away somewhere. However, if you want to gain one in the course of play, great! Make it a story goal, strive to get there, and it will happen.
  • If your character has holy blood, it will physically manifest as a mark somewhere on his or her body. Keep this in mind when considering his or her appearance!

Hope that answers some questions! Also, please no claiming blood yet, wait on that til I get the rules/sheet/info up :)

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Can I make a preemptive strike? :awesome:

Name: Mikeal

Class: Sage

Blood: Major Tordo

Gender: Male

Descendant: Ishtar

Age: 23

Appearence: Short blonde hair, a crest on his hand from his blood, commonly wearing a yellow cape. Green eyes.

Background: A Tordo descendant, his father is the current weilder of Thor Hammer. Set to inherit it after his father's death, his two sisters minor blood also places them in influential positions. He met his fiance, Emily, at a ball a few years ago, and since then he has been set with holding the court position every since his father fell ill 6 months back.

Name: Emily

Class: Mage Fighter

Blood: Minor Holsety

Descendant: Fee

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Appearance: Soft green eyes and blonde hair, she commonly wears a necklace from her late mother.

Backstory: A young noble from Silesia. She was the daughter of a Throve Baron. Her brother ran away at a young age when she was just 4, she has always wanted to find him. Having schooled in the capital, she is very knowledgable for her age. When she first met Mikeal, she fell madly in love with him. Hoping that Mikeal would help find her brother, as well as her attraction to him, led her to accept his marrige proposal.

Yeah, I made two. >_> But she only has minor Holsety so it should be fine.

Well...I have the blood for later. Everything else should be fine.

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Looks interesting. I think I'll join.

'Course, I'm probably not gonna be on much.

Name: Cam

Class: Master Knight SwordMaster

Blood: []

Gender: Male

Descendant: Celice

Age: 16

Appearance: t62g50.png

Background: A homeless youth who insists that he is the descendant of the Holy Warrior Celice. However, he has no proof of this claim, and was ridiculed and teased. He has just come of age, and decided to set out to prove himself as a Swordmaster.

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Hahaha, I'm glad you guys are so eager to get rolling on your characters! However, I'm not going to look at any character things you post right now. I have some specific instructions I will need you to look at, and some sections of the character sheet that you haven't anticipated needing to fill out. It also isn't fair to people who don't know the game well. I need to give them time to read anything I prepare. So just hold them horses :)

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It's probably because EVERYONE wants the damn Major blood to use the Holy weapons and destroy things. >_>

Probably what it comes down to. Non-Majors just need experience to counteract, I suppose, and Holies aren't around all the time.

Confirmed Shanan descendant here, just sayin...

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Probably what it comes down to. Non-Majors just need experience to counteract, I suppose, and Holies aren't around all the time.

Confirmed Shanan descendant here, just sayin...

Yeah, but I'm just sayin' =\

Look at Psych.

Aless here bro.

Dunno about anyone else, I'm planning on 0 holy blood characters, only partially because I don't know a damn thing about the world.

Well, there are good things about no Holy blood in an RP sense, that being, royalty can mean nothing to you, and that you have no obligations to hold up to unlike if you were a royal.

Combat wise, you're at a disadvantage.

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