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Jugdral 978: A Holy War/Thracia 776 Successor RP


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Not sure I see what you're getting at, unless you mean Ast is college-age, in which case yeah, that happens

Walter, why are you so determinedly down? I have a very similar wait and wait some more style and you rarely if ever complain. Give someone the benefit of the doubt until they actually screw something up, at least.

I've RP'd with you a ton in the past and I have lots of prior evidence that you will eventually post, even if it takes you a long time. Not the same for someone I've never interacted with; and much more often than not, people in general are unreliable/quickly abandon RPs, so I make that assumption until it's proven wrong, and I especially make that assumption when people start proving it right (i.e. someone says sign-ups will be up tomorrow, then 2 weeks later, they're still nowhere in sight)

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Nyeh, she could be, she could still be in highschool, I don't know, this is the first time I've interacted with her too XD Either way, I think it's most likely that she's busy since she has mentioned that she's moving. Another possibility that strikes me is connecting to the internet. I remember one house I moved to which required me to wait 2 weeks before they could establish a connection. Whether it was the house or the ISP I don't know. But if she moved to a new house I think it's more then possible.

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Discredit time! XD

According to her "Last Active" profile, she hasn't been online since that post she made on page 7. (She was around for an hour after making that post). I suppose 5 days still counts as a couple of days ago though :/

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I can't agree that it's officially dead. (It's been a week?) Since Astelaines return to ignite it back up again. However I disagree with the last comment, if Sage says it's dead, then it's dead! ..... Just kidding. Sages comment reflects what probably is the general consensus, and people are getting impatient, bored or uninterested with this concept. Which leads to death.

So yeah, disagreeing all round XD

Sage: I don't believe it's truly dead

mr e_s: Yes bacause Sage said so

Cats: Dying, not dead, if Ast returned today I'm sure people would return, I mean, look what they're resorting too..... XD

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I'll just leave it said I will be ready to go should Astelaine return to GM this, though I wouldn't have my characters rely heavily on hers for fear of abandonment.


Sages comment reflects what probably is the general consensus, and people are getting impatient, bored or uninterested with this concept.

Not uninterested, I thought this RP looked pretty great and I was excited about it.

I just don't think it's ever going to actually happen at this point, unless we want to try and make it happen without Ast.

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