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FragMaster's FE8 hack


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basically, he posted this FE8 hack over on the FE8 boards, and I want a break from FE10 sooooooo here we go

quick rundown of changes:

-everything good has been removed

-it is more like FE7

-I don't like FE7

-Seth sucks

-in fact, everyone sucks now

hard mode, obviously, 'cause THAT'S HOW I ROLL BITCHES


3 turns

I send Seth in and... everything doesn't die? wtf?


inb4 Lumi rages

Chapter 1

5 turns

Oh look, Gilliam is also a piece of shit, and surprise surprise, Franz has also been nerfed into oblivion. Were characters this bad in FE7?

So whatever, I think Franz might still have a glimmer of hope left for him, so he takes the reinforcements while Eirika rapes the boss. GET IT, BECAUSE THE WORD RAPIER SOUNDS LIKE IT HAS RAPE IN IT








Also, the reinforcements herp derped and all suicided into Seth instead of Franz.


Trust me, this is nothing. You haven't seen ROSS yet.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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If Gilliam promotes to a Knight and/or gains trainee exp, he could actually be worthwhile. Maybe.

Apparently he will promote to Knight, but he gains regular EXP. The game has a 4-tier system, trainee->unpromoted->promoted->something good?

Chapter 2

7 turns

hahahaha, poor Ross. That's just mean. Nerfing an already shitty character?

whatever, my normal strategy doesn't work since Gilliam now has a hilarious 6 CON, so he can't drop Ross anymore. But otherwise, things progress as usual. Just shittier. I need to gang up on enemies in order to kill them. I try to feed kills to Ross - maybe he'll have non-shitty growths? Vanessa is hilarious. 7ATK and 5AS, with WTD against everything. Gilliam gets doubled and 2HKOed by most enemies since he has only 2 AS with an Iron Lance. Whatever, Franz/Seth/Eirika do most of the work.



Chapter 3


It's funny how even with his bases cut in half, Seth still rocks because growths are so shitty, I doubt any character is ever going to catch up to him.

Awesome times were had when the first chest contained a Dracoshield. Less awesome times were had when I realised Gilliam couldn't pick up Moulder. But I didn't care after getting a Secret Book and an Energy Ring and a Speedwing.

Still all too easy, though. As long as you don't look at Gilliam and Vanessa, you should be fine!


Neimi might actually be half-decent. She joins with 2 Short Bows, with 15 crit and 1-2 range. That + her Colm support could mean easy crits.

If the game continues to throw stat boosters at me like this, it might actually be easier than expected. Any suggestions for stat boosters are welcome, providing they agree with me.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Speedwing on Franz.

LOL Secret Book (Colm I guess), unless enemies have an avoid stat.

Dracoshield should go to Franz again.

Power Ring goes to Neimi I think. 1-2 Range is cool, and the extra power plus crit might make her really good.

Also, LOL 1 DEF, RES and LUCK. And shitty defensive stats everywhere. What is this? This is madness!

Edited by IntegerZero
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This is chainsaw murder. That's all it is.

Anywho, stat boosters.

Franz should get the Speedwing, which improves his Avo and AS. Energy Ring to Seth, as apparently the growths have been nerfed. Secret Book to Neimi, because why the hell not. +1 Crit is always nice. Dracoshield to Seth, so he lasts longer.

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Oh, and Seth doesn't start with a Silver Lance no more. Orson still has his Silver Sword, which I incidentally totally forgot to take off him :facepalm: oh wells. No stat boosters have been assigned.

I looked ahead to see Ross' promotion... there are no promotion bonuses aside from movement and CON. And he only has 10 CON as a Fighter. shit sucks.

Chapter 4

??? turns, didn't count

lolmonsters. he said he would buff them, but they're the same weak, slow pieces of shit you get in regular FE. I unleash Neimi and she's... really, really good. Like, 20+ crit against pretty much every enemy, doubles and 3HKOes (2HKOes the Mogalls), 1-2 range and decent avoid, too. Just the minor issue of dying in two hits to everything on the map, but who cares when you have good offense?

So everyone goes south. I decide I'm gonna make some effort for Colm, since Neimi currently seems like High Tier material and their support will be useful. So Ross/Colm snack on the reinforcements while Eirika/Artur/Neimi/Franz take out enemies to the south. Eirika heads to Lute's village.

Sadly, the Iron Axe village hasn't been changed to stock a kickass stat booster like the Chapter 3 chests. I mean, who gives a shit about an Iron Axe?


Chapter 5

12 turns (sucks, I know)

Garcia/Ross go on the left, Colm/Neimi on the middle, Lute/Eirika on the right. Seth grabs the Dracoshield. Natasha follows Eirika to recruit Joshua while Moulder remains on the RHS. About 7AS is necessary to double reliably on this map, 6AS for the Soldiers. That's Seth, Eirika, Lute, Neimi, and Joshua.

Seth lures down Joshua. And jeez, Joshua sucks now. He's like Colm was in regular FE8! Ross and Garcia have fun chipping at the Mercenary with Hatchets (a 4HKO at ~60 display hit :awesome: )


I don't even know what happened to Saar. Why does he only have 9 CON? Illness? Took too many laxatives? Washed the lice out of his hair? That's lower than Knight Amelia, ffs, so I can only assume this means that Saar is a cross-dressing malnourished woman.


Ross and Garcia elevated their BROMANCE to C for CREEPY. Ross also reached level 10! Who knows what he'll turn into? Hopefully something useful, like a woman. srsly, the male characters in this game are failing, except Seth.

Chapter 5x

Finally, time to play with the cool lord and his awesome cavaliers and the grizzled badass. Except no, somehow even this group of ass-kickers was ruined too. Kyle and Forde no longer even double fucking SOLDIERS and KNIGHTS (Forde is weighed down by his starting weapons). Ephraim is a little better, but he has nothing on his regular form. Orson still kicks ass and looks manly.

And I'm beginning to suspect that all the knights in this game are ladies. I feel almost unchivalrous for killing them.

Yeah, Forde and Kyle suck now. They're really not good, like... a load of not-goodness.

Don't have stats for the end of the chapter, but Ephraim was around level 10, Kyle/Forde were 7 and 9, Orson was level 4. EXP gain is pretty high in this hack.

Incidentally, for people who want to know Ephraim and co's base stats, they were around 6 in each stat for Kyle and Forde, with 8/9 in most stats for Ephraim.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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I love the balance between Lute and Artur :awesome:

Man, this is a terrible hack. FM should just give up defending it and pass it off as a joke.

Well, it's not too hard right now. But according to him, enemy growths are higher than unit growths, so there may be difficulties later on.

In general, it's a very lazy hack. For example, he didn't bother to change around CON values for many classes. So while Colm counts as a Civilian, this means his constitution is higher. There are other strange constitution changes. Knights now have 9 CON. Garcia has 13 instead of 14 CON. But when Ross becomes a Fighter, he has only 10 CON.

And some units have been nerfed far more heavily than others. Franz/Forde/Kyle seem to suck now. They never gain stats. Even Seth gains stats faster. Which is funny that Seth ends up still being possibly the best unit. But I've had a lot of luck with Neimi, Eirika, Ephraim and Lute. Artur is horrible in comparison to Lute, with a full 7 less attack and 1 less AS at base, as well as a higher level and a generally inferior magic type. Neimi has Short Bows (which are also buyable) and doubling and good attack boosting supports. Her only issue is being borderline OHKOed.

Vanessa and Gilliam... they're just unusable. Vanessa can barely even damage the axe users in earlygame and if she switches to a good weapon she gets doubled and 2HKOed. Gilliam has the same problem but doesn't fly. Vanessa will probably be worth deploying just to ferry units, but unless she has killer growths, her combat is going nowhere.

Well, it remains to be seen how later chapters will pan out. But I am not impressed by the earlygame.

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Somebody has a massive hard-on for Lute.


Rapier? But I barely even knewi'er! :awesome:

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No, I object. He's -clearly- thought about this long and hard. I mean, it takes philosophical insight to realise that what Lute REALLY needed was more power and what Artur REALLY needed was to be a piece of shit.

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