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FragMaster's FE8 hack


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And Seth OBVIOUSLY needed to suck, so did Gilliam. It was MANDATORY. FM, I salute you for being a god among men.

...I'm not sure what the point of this post was. I assume it was overlaid, rather badly put together sarcasm implying Seth was a bad character? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.

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Seths bases.

And his Jagen growths. Mind you still better than mostly everyone else.


Edited by Uhai
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Seths bases.

And his Jagen growths. Mind you still better than mostly everyone else.


*rolls his eyes* Yeah, I got that far (even though Seth IS, y'know, a Jeigan). ...Then why did you bring Gilliam into it?

Never mind, I'm not even going to try to penetrate your wording.

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Hes a soldier. Those generic enemy guys... the fail ones....

Well since I epicfailed, lets throw a party!!

Yeah, I realised that. They have a lot of Str and HP, though.

Yes. Yes, you did. But not as much as the Big FM Himself.

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Totally doing a run with you Anu. LOLOL Neimi is right below Seth in usability. Also. Base Natasha has +7 SPD, 2 DEF, 3 LUCK over base Moulder. This is madness! Also, lute and Neimi are broken.

Bishops are tier two dudes BTW gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

EDIT: Actually the arena is funky as shit.

Edited by IntegerZero
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The 5x chests only contain an Elixir and a Killer Lance, like normal.

Chapter 6

8 turns

Everyone uses the forest for cover and heads right. I have to be careful on this map, because I need the Orion's Bolt for Neimi and Vanessa is too shit to deploy. This puts a time limit on how long I have to reach Novala. However, it's still pretty simple. Lute/Neimi/Eirika/Seth go ahead and rape everything, Colm/Ross/Garcia pick up kills where they can. I send most of my units round the south and approach Novala from the south.

Mages are annoying.

Natasha and Moulder spam the fuck out of Torch staves.

It's amusing how the trapped Civilian now has thief vision because it was hacked into the class. But at least colm didn't start as a thief

that would just be TERRIBLE


Chapter 7

7 turns

Now that I look, there are screwed up CON scores all over the place. Mercenaries all have 8 CON (equivalent to a lady Mercenary, or Oujay), and Mages all have 3 CON, which means that they're on par with young girls. Ross' 10 CON is actually normal Fighter level now.

It seems that not even bosses are safe from the nerf hammer. Murray has had his speed and defense cut, which suits me fine because Eirika can 1-round him now. Vanessa drops Eirika by the boss and promptly dies, but Tana is about to join, so I don't care :newyears: ! Everyone else crawls around the bottom edge of the map. Stpuid Colm can't steal Energy Rings since now he's just a fail Civilian.


Chapter 8

16 turns


hate this map. The only problem is that room full of goddamn Armour Knights, since normally I could just have Seth stomp through it but now he can only take three hits without dying. But he still goes in and weakens to pave the way for Eirika/Lute/Neimi to swarm in. Colm and Natasha provide support, while Garcia, Ross and Moulder head to join Ephraim and co. Kyle and Forde are employed to chauffeur Ephraim around.

I pretty much routed the chapter by about turn 10, but I needed to get Colm to the chests and Ephraim to Tirado. Eirika is OHKOed, and Seth has about 35 display hit with the Armourslayer and doesn't double!


wtf is up with these wussy generals with shitty defense, nobody likes fast bosses (see FE6 HM)

Chests had an Elysian Whip (boo), a Speedwing (cheers) and a Seraph Robe (glee).


Totally doing a run with you Anu. LOLOL Neimi is right below Seth in usability. Also. Base Natasha has +7 SPD, 2 DEF, 3 LUCK over base Moulder. This is madness! Also, lute and Neimi are broken.

Bishops are tier two dudes BTW gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

EDIT: Actually the arena is funky as shit.

I generally don't go for arenas, but I'll give it a look when I see the next one.



LOL Eirika having more Res than Def.


Hes a soldier. Those generic enemy guys... the fail ones....

Well since I epicfailed, lets throw a party!!

Actually, they're not too bad. Obviously they're still like, the weakest enemies in the game bar monsters, but they're a far cry from their previous 'speed bump wielding a lance' level of challenge.

Incidentally, I want opinions on the following:

-Should I go shopping for purses and gossiping about boys with Eirika or eating steaks and wrassling Tigers with Ephraim?

-Has anyone used some of the characters I haven't bothered with, like Vanessa, Gilliam, Artur and Joshua? Do they end up good?

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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ummm guys, if you haven't finished chapter 7 and above, i suggest to download the new patch and just start from the prologue from there. because i changed a lot of the stuff from the original. and i think it has changed for better. and seth's bases are like that because he can promote again, he's not a super nerf btw.

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I'm not playing this. I'm just reading about it because I'd rather read about someone playing bad games than actually playing bad games.

Seriously, this looks worse than the reskins I used to do when I first got Nightmare.

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Certainly, enemy stat samples from Chapter 9 Ephraim:


Note that these screencaps do not capture the precise reality of the situation - many enemies are carrying steel weapons, which weigh them down. This means that even Garcia and Ross can double some enemies and ORKO (and some faster enemies can be OHKOed).

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I...I grudgingly admit I agree with his treatment of archers and mercs, at least. Would also agree with soldiers if their con could be boosted from lol6...

Edited by Furetchen
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I...I grudgingly admit I agree with his treatment of archers and mercs, at least. Would also agree with soldiers if their con could be boosted from lol6...

Archers are jokes, since it's easy to OHKO them.

Even if they had a mroe respectable 8 CON, they'd still get weighed down to 0AS. The main problem is the prevalence of Steel weapons in midgame, which kills enemy attack speed.

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