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FragMaster's FE8 hack


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Archers are jokes, since it's easy to OHKO them.

But at least now they have offensive stats.

Even if they had a mroe respectable 8 CON, they'd still get weighed down to 0AS. The main problem is the prevalence of Steel weapons in midgame, which kills enemy attack speed.

Yeah. Hey, given the fact that every character and their dog has two-digit luck at base, maybe the hated foe should just get Killers.

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I'll do it tomorrow! I was out most of the day. Except for the 'arguing with Int' bits.

And I've decided to keep on trucking with the original hack. I'm mainly playing it for lulz anyway.

Thats why it's in this forum. And also why I can post something like "Danglesnorthorsegobblecockwrangler" for no reason and not get in trouble.

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I'll do it tomorrow! I was out most of the day. Except for the 'arguing with Int' bits.

heh. Sorry for backing off from that so abruptly. I was getting a little...agitated, and figured it would be best for the thread, my reputation, and me if I just closed my damn mouth for once. :P

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Chapter 9


pretty much the same as regular Eph Route Chapter 9. Even Gheb has barely changed, he still has no 2-range and is therefore laughable. Although he has a downright manly defense score now. Amelia is also untouched except for, unsurprisingly, more luck (as if she didn't have enough to begin with). Chests contain the usual boring stuff.



Chapter 10

Since Lute and Neimi have both capped strength/magic, I promote them. I suppose I could have waited for Neimi to grow more speed, but w/ever. Promotion bonuses are +1 to everything, so I guess it's not as insulting as Ross' promotion. Neimi has h4x CON now, though. She's manlier than Dorothy now :newyears:

I RNG abuse in this chapter so the Wyvern Rider to the right of Cormag spawns with 9 strength instead of 10. This way, Tana is not OHKOed by him and I only need to manipulate Cormag to miss so she can recruit him.

So Tana recruits Cormag and flutters back over to move Cavs out of the way of the village. Garcia/Ross/Ephraim head to recruit Duessel, who teams up with Seth to slaughter the reinforcements, while the others head to clear out the boss area. Beran is still an annoying fuck, made worse by Duessel now being shit. Selena looks interesting, though. It sure will be fun fighting her 32ATK targeting resistance when every character has less than 30HP!


EXP gain is FUCKED. UP. I'm not kidding. As a Sage and a Sniper, Lute/Neimi are actually gaining experience faster than normal - TWICE as fast! And now that I test it, it seems that Seth is gaining experience at a normal rate! I have no idea if this is something FM fixed in the update, but I certainly hope so. Also, for some reason Duessel has an Axe Rank despite being a Paladin. Paladins don't even have an associated animation for using Axes in this game.


Rundown of current bromance levels: Garcia and Ross have an A, Colm and Neimi have a B. I'm really worried about how I'm going to get Colm to promote in time to steal the Guiding Ring in Chapter 11, though. The idiot can barely even damage most enemies. Even goddamn Mercenaries have 7DEF.

Tana got killed by a Ballista. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Innes can recruit Syrene.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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A little bit. Lost a few points of defense, I think.

ITP: Neimi and Lute favortism.

I'm sad that most of the guys look. . .well, bad. Cormag's Speed cap makes me sad.

Neimi and Lute are good, but not great. Both of them have shitty durability.

Cormag's cap isn't that bad. Not as bad as Fighter or Mage, who both have lower speed caps.

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Guys, guys. It's called "Balancing".

Giving insane amount of EXP Growth is balancing?

I admit nerfing characters with Nightmare is a nice concept, but from the way I see it, it's like "nerfing" FE10 by giving Mia even better growths, bases, and caps and giving Meg even crappier growths, bases, and caps. :/

Edited by shadowofchaos
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