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today was a scrotum


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So i went to school had an alright day, did all this shitload of HW for the whole week, eat dinner play a little xbox, watch some football and stuff...all the while expecting to get the new Halo, now i cant pick up my friend to go to gamestop, my other friend who was gonna get it got grounded and i dont wanna sit in a line for 30min then go home and play by myself so basically i wont be playing reach all night like id be looking forward to the whole day and weekend =[ :angry:

woulda been so fun too...

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1. I play halo reach....I even went as far as to hack my Hdd contents to allow me to play the Reach beta at any time. Of course, my XBL ran out some time ago and I am too lazy to renew a membership for something i hardly use.

2. When i do renew my XBL,i will be on...a lot... my GT is, of course, someonewhodied.

3. Don't worry, I am too lazy to don't hack gameplay on xbox360 games

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Play SSBB.

I played that game aton, but now its pretty boring and i dont see why id play it when i can play whatever online game on my PS3 or 360.

You know, there's a sub-forum dedicated to games other than FE. It is conveniently named 'Other Games'. In fact, there's a topic dedicated to Halo Reach in there.

Have a fest.


3. Don't worry, I am too lazy to don't hack gameplay on xbox360 games

Aimbots and shit are boring to me, its fun for like a day but then its just like. "hey i killed you with an aimbot and if im unlucky enough could get banned from XBL"

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I played that game aton, but now its pretty boring and i dont see why id play it when i can play whatever online game on my PS3 or 360.

Aimbots and shit are boring to me, its fun for like a day but then its just like. "hey i killed you with an aimbot and if im unlucky enough could get banned from XBL"

1. Because ssbb is the shit...I still play it.

2. Exactly why i have no motivation to hack XBL. If i want to hack, i'll play some random FPS on my GC or Wii.

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1. Because ssbb is the shit...I still play it.

2. Exactly why i have no motivation to hack XBL. If i want to hack, i'll play some random FPS on my GC or Wii.

I have stayed up all night playing ssbb with my friends, minus an hour or so of reading FMLs. and, i tend to just rape everyones face and my penis gets to damn tired.

*finds out something exists and is stunned*

Edited by Fenrir
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