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Um, I'm not quite sure what you're asking. If you're asking whether Merric having a positive defence growth makes him superior to Linde then the short answer is no, but it is a significant point in his favour. It just seems like a bit of a shallow question which a beginner would ask.

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While Marich having +25 personal defence growth(and 60% HP growth) is certainly helpful for him, it isn't the only thing that makes him better than Linda. Firstly, his Prf weapon(by Prf, I mean he can use it at D as opposed to having to wait until B rank)is effective on flying units(especially those retarded 40+ HP javelin/silver lance dracos in C21/22) and has a +20 Critical rate. Aura may have more power, but since enemy resistance blows in this game, the +5 power that Aura has is quite insignificant. Another thing going in Marich's favor is that IIRC, he is slightly faster(Linde has higher mag, but that's moot anyway since both are 2HKOing most of the time when trained). It's like Lugh vs Lilina except replace Lugh with Marich and Lilina with Linde(except in the case of FE6, I think Lilina>>>>>Lugh).

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Merrics Def growth is 5 while Lindes is 0 so is merric .

So really better than linde (Not including join time) ?

Well, obviously, 5 > 0, so yeah, Merric's Def is better than Linde's.

Merric beats Linde in pretty much everything except luck and a tiny bit of magic, so he's easily better than her.

Edited by Raymond
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