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Hemlock's Classic Mini Mafia


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Current claims:








Anyone else? We clearly have at least 1 possible Mafioso so I know who I'm aiming my power at tonight...

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I'm tired of everyone joking around, and that Darros is an idiot for claiming that. >_>

##Vote Tables

Since that would narrow down our townies. And I already know Life is probably going to aim for either me or Tables. Especially if he's the vigil.

I hate bolding tags.

Edited by Shopkeeper
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I have to go soon, but here we go.

First of all, Life, you look bad in my eyes right now. If you claim pr and the mafia doesn't like you, you know you're going to die early, right? You don't seem mafia to me, though; I think I may know what you are from your claim, but I'll keep silent about it for now. Tables, WoMC and Shop, you guys are kind of giving me vibes. Maybe it's just me.

Another thing: I wasn't playing around with that Tables comment. >___> That comment really kind of ruined this game for me, but oh well.


I think Life should know how the mafia could use this to their advantage. <__< Life, I don't fully trust you yet. I hope you know what you're doing if your town.

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...Um, sorry Levity :-/. I think I've said before I think you're one of the better players here (top 5 or so), but I was actually thinking more about what Life or WoMC would do (Life and I are a few of the best players, and WoMC's been pretty cunning and clever recently) if they were mafia. I seriously doubt you'd pull a strategy like that as mafia but... sorry :(.

Anyway, Life: I actually completely forgot about Oracles. The oracle being potentially hit is very useful and actually, adds a fair bit of use to your strategy. But it does still have a major weakness in that, firstly, there's a stalker and secondly, we still have no clears unless the oracle gets hit. Which is a 33% chance. In fact, it's less if the mafia stalked a PR (Probably me or Life was stalked, and Life claims PR). Assuming the stalk was random though, that's a 50% chance they know one PR - if it's the drunk or Vig they can simply kill him/her, if it's the Oracle they have a safe kill on anyone else. So that strategy has a 1/6 chance of success (the Oracle being nightkilled) by my calculation.

Finally, Psych. I... really have nothing to say to that. Asides from nice sheeping.

So back to Life's plan: I think a standard massclaim would be best, as I already said. It means we get the Oracle as a clear (who is very likely to not be killed simply because he then clears someone else (making it useless for mafia to kill him) OR we get to lynch one of two oracle claims (which A: gives us either one clear or another mafia while revealing the counterclaim to be fake OR B: lets us kill the mafia fakeclaiming AND gives us a clear as mentioned above), we might get one of drunk/vig as a clear or alternatively, we end up knowing 3/4 townie claims are clear and have two individual CC roles (which is good odds). Even the worst case scenario in this seems pretty comparable to the best case scenario's information and scumhunting material we'd get by just splitting into two townie/PR groups.

I'm going to ##Unvote for now because Life's logic seems more reasonable considering I tunnel-visioned Oracles. I'd also like to hear what other people think of Life/My thoughts on the plans are. Levity agrees with me, Psych sheeped Life and Levity which I'd be suspicious of, if it wasn't Psych (I think this is probably the first time I've been voted by three people on day 1, and for three completely different reasons, too).

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While I'm happy with it Spykor, I think Life's going to rage at you soon...

Anyway, that gives, uh, 4 or 5 townie claims? Depending on if WoMCs is a real claim or not.

Hmm... I think that makes 8 claims, so who hasn't said anything?





WoMC (?)




Spykor (Oracle)


So that leaves... Acacia Sgt. Hm. Is that someone who's changed their name recently or a new player? Either way, Acacia, if you're reading this then you better say something soon. If not then you're probably getting replaced.

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Sorry, Tables. After four weeks ago, I'm kind of touchy on those things now. I think people should just play mafia without calling each other the best players, but maybe that's just my opinion.

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While I'm happy with it Spykor, I think Life's going to rage at you soon...

1. Lynch Tables right now. The only reason he'd be happy with the Oracle coming out of the closet is so that he knows who not to kill tonight.

2. Uhai, I want you to stop playing Mafia forever now. Seriously. With that one move, you just lost the game for the town. Watch.

EDIT: I'd like to be subbed out of this game since Uhai just completely fucked the town over without using his (clearly nonexistent) brain. Seriously. After claiming Oracle, this game is now unsalvagable. I could have counterclaimed Oracle to try to hide him but the last time I tried that stunt, everyone thought that I was Mafia.

Good job Uhai.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Nice misrepresenting what I said. I'm happy with everyone claiming, but now the oracle has it'd definitely in everyone's (well, except the mafia's) interest to claim completely. And preferably soon so we can actually get the information to lynch.

I wonder... Life, did you realise this?

And Levity, perhaps you're right. Perhaps it's just that University is changing me (everyone here is the best ¬_¬) or perhaps I'm just getting arrogant or something. But either way I think you might be right. But even so I think it is relevant to this game. It's rare you'd see someone that isn't one of the best players die the first night when there's no doc, right?

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Nice misrepresenting what I said. I'm happy with everyone claiming, but now the oracle has it'd definitely in everyone's (well, except the mafia's) interest to claim completely. And preferably soon so we can actually get the information to lynch.

I wonder... Life, did you realise this?

Bolded is wrong.

Oracle publicly claiming only benefits the Mafia. Why? Because they don't want to shoot the Oracle for fear of revealing one of their members. As long as the Mafia don't know who the Oracle are, they MIGHT shoot him while trying to aim for the Drunk or Vigi. And since Uhai had to go fuck everything up for us, the Mafia (AKA you and your buddies) will either shoot me or Bizz which are helpful roles that need to stay ALIVE. The Oracle needs to die to be useful and by claiming, there's no way in hell that that will happen at this point unless we lynch the Oracle (bad idea) or have the Vigi shoot the Oracle (even worse).

But you're not stupid. You'd realize this. And the fact that you're not admitting to it makes me believe that you're actually Mafia.

I'd say that Acacia isn't stupid enough to counterclaim Oracle (mind you, you thought that the Mafia would actually claim Power Roles which is a terrible idea for them to do since we can then logically figure out who's lying) but after Uhai's move, who knows.

EDIT: Sub me out, I'm gone for a bunch of days.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Wait, Life, what? I... what?


"Venser, assuming mafia can always get someone to be ML'd d1, the odds would be 3/7(shooting blue) + 4/7(shooting PR)*1/3(3-way) = 13/21 =~ 62% town win That's assuming town can't scumhunt and mafia will always get someone ML'd. Even in that situation this setup is broken."

"Yes, we all know massclaiming d1 leads to town autowin. This setup is unbalanced, and the only reason the stats don't show that is because there are a whole lot of failtowns in the world."

"Massclaim only works if a blue is shot n1. If a PR is shot n1, massclaiming gives maf the opportunity to make it to 3-way lylo with no clears, which is only 33% town win. They do have to get someone ML'd to do that, but that's not the hardest thing to do. Good maf in that situation have two maf cc blue and one cc a PR."

Now, the first two are based on a blue (townie) dying night one and the third is innaccurate in it's 33%, as scumhunting makes it massively more town sided. Town isn't screwed. We have at LEAST a 33% win chance, more when we're actually sensible and scumhunt well, and that's pretty good considering our best role died night 1.

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If I get modkilled, do I reveal? Because if I die wont it help unfyck the town?

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Bolded is wrong.

I have nothing more to say, since you somehow missed the most important word, which was ONE WORD BEFORE WHAT YOU BOLDED. Seriously, are you acting stupid now or just strawmanning me?

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If you get modkilled, you won't reveal.

Life, I don't really want to sub you out because that won't fix anything, and I need 2 other subs Oh make that 3.

I might needs subs for Adell and Acacia Sgt.

Edited by Hemlock
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