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FE Ladies Hurt and Heal


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Go and hurt Sanaki, we can have a fail attempt at saving Mia.

Really, I wouldn't want to hurt either. I'll just get some revenge in the Men's HnH. Bye bye Pent :3

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Really, I wouldn't want to hurt either. I'll just get some revenge in the Men's HnH. Bye bye Pent :3

You do know I barely know who he is, right (and don't care since Nolan and Edward are already gone, anyway)?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Sit out until Round 2. You've already got your fangirl Iris on Ayra duty.

I find that word offensive.

Consider me a follower of Lumi's cult.

Ayra's safe with me anyways.

You do know I barely know who he is, right (and don't care since Nolan and Edward are already gone, anyway)?

But, I don't like Pent that will so it's two birds with one stone. ... What FE games have you played?

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But, I don't like Pent that will so it's two birds with one stone. ... What FE games have you played?

Elincia was the last of his favorites in the Ladies HnH and his favorites in the Men's HnH have long since been KO'd. He has nothing left to lose now. He's indestructible. :P

Edited by El Rey León
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But, I don't like Pent that will so it's two birds with one stone. ... What FE games have you played?

9 and 10 (who don't have any participants left for you to hurt) XD

Anyway, can someone hurry up and post, I want another chance to hurt Mia.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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You do know I barely know who he is, right (and don't care since Nolan and Edward are already gone, anyway)?

Elincia was the last of his favorites in the Ladies HnH and his favorites in the Men's HnH have long since been KO'd. He has nothing left to lose now. He's indestructible. :P

That's a very short term outlook. His favourites in the ladies one are basically dying first in the second round, now. I suppose if all he is looking for is getting them to round 2 that's fine, but if he wants anything more than that... Not happening.

As for Mia, do people really like Sanaki more than they like Mia? You could still save Mia rather easily just by killing Sanaki. And failmonkey does seem to be supporting Sanaki. Of course, I think Soul was liking her earlier so it's kinda mean, but oh well, right?

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That's a very short term outlook. His favourites in the ladies one are basically dying first in the second round, now. I suppose if all he is looking for is getting them to round 2 that's fine, but if he wants anything more than that... Not happening.

The only one I cared about in this HnH was Vika, and since she's out...

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The only one I cared about in this HnH was Vika, and since she's out...

Vika? Seriously, Vika? You think Micaiah sucks and you like Vika of all the possible loser units in RD?

also, page 6!! haha.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Everyone's good on Easy Mode.

Except Failcaiah.

Really? Because Vika is going to show up in 4-4 underleveled doing pitiful damage (even in EM) unless you boss abuse her in part 1. Considering Micaiah will consistently be better than Vika unless you put in hours upon hours of work into Vika, I'm willing to say you have no clue what you are talking about. Thus, FailMonkey. I sincerely hope that this name for you spreads like a virus. And you've already declared you don't care what I call you so complaining now would make you a flip-flopper. Or something.

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Ninja, that's a really pitiful argument. I play Easy Mode most of the time and Micaiah is totally usable. MAYBE you'd like her if you didn't, you know, dump all the BEXP on Vika. And NOT try to solo chapters with her.

Edited by Lightning
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I play Easy Mode most of the time and Micaiah is totally usable. MAYBE you'd like her if you didn't, you know, dump all the BEXP on Vika.

I don't, I boss abuse against the boss of 1-7. And I never said she wasn't useable, anyway!

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Basically, then,

Failmonkey: "Micaiah sux because I can dump time and effort into Vika to make her better than a unit into which I put ZERO work."

Intelligent people: "Um, you realize that is a terrible argument because you are doing something for one unit without even considering how the other unit would turn out if you actually do, you know, anything for her?" (or something along those lines)

Failmonkey: "It's my opinion. Go die Micaiah"


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Hey there, Narga, don't be biased against Sanaki because of me. :(

Sorry, it's not you. I actually kinda like Sanaki. And I don't actually dislike you. Unlike a certain someone...

I would have loved if Mia, Ayra, and Sanaki all made it into the next round. That's not happening anymore. If it's any consolation, I probably won't actually succeed with the save Mia campaign. As long as Sanaki has enough life left to survive Ayra reaching 50, you'll be fine.

Actually, I truly like Mia > Sanaki. It would be rather obvious to anyone that frequents the RD boards, actually. I don't think NM actually adores Sanaki. If he does, he is truly an idiot, though, considering Sanaki will never ever be better than Micaiah unless you are completely favouring Sanaki when you play. Personality? Sure, fine, whatever. But he keeps claiming that Micaiah sucks and I'd assume that given how frequently he mentions it that it must have some bearing on why he dislikes her.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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