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Just to be sure, will Laterite (being the first one to leave) arrive before or after the fort is retaken?

If before, what about Bullet? He took off shortly after Laterite, but he's on foot so I'd be relatively sure that he'd arrive after everything settled down.

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Probably after, or just as it's finishing up, since Kanami said that the knights that took/are taking Kieru wouldn't get there until after the action, and even though he has a horse, he's a bit behind.

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I should note that Beatrice wasn't fighting in the fort, but in a patch of trees within earshot of the fort. Being that the fort was smashed up to oblivion, the knight went on over to the bushes to relieve himself, and that's when Beatrice went all stabby on him. His two friends wondered what was taking him so long, and went to investigate, and got killed to.

Only allied forces in the fort at the moment are Slim, Grub, and Snare, possibly Arc. They're trying to thin out the Granford forces.

We all waiting on Kieru or something?

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Well since some might be waiting for me to push forward I guess I'm going to post the next part, if Fush want's to write up what Andra did after waking up, I'm sure he can do so without warping time too much, if he returns today.

So unless there's any objections I'm having Kieru arrive at the fort, since Beatrice isn't in the fort like I'd originally assumed.

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A few questions and corrections


Have you actually got something planned for those letters/papers? And planned something out regarding Schmidt? Since I might just screw things up a bit.


Favorite Relationship in this RP so far is Shizuani/Ivan. :P It's nice seeing a hostile relation that's negative go beyond. "X rolled his eyes and ignored Y"


Holy one.... isn't the right term. I might have said this before (I might not have). But the main religions in the world are Celism and Nature worship. Your concept of Buddhism in Izuna was something I welcomed, as I envisioned "Buddha" in this case to be a really strong warrior of sorts. Considering Izuna's skill-improving obsession, I thought it fit in nicely. But "holy" "divine" etc are words I want to keep connected to Celism.

Furthermore, Buddhism is originally Indian, and was warped in China before crossing to Japan, so while it's up to you, there's no need to be so devoted to "Buddha" in terms of honor and such.

I don't really mind Shizunai being "honor bound" and all, but if you feel like Shizunai is becoming hard to control, then you can act a bit more freely, Izunai (and Japan) aren't "honor" this "honor that." Though it is a typical portrayal of a samurai, alot were abusive tyrants, many succumbing to banditry. And while I doubt you want Shizunai to be as such, just telling you that you don't have to feel confined to being honor boy :P


Time is fixed now, go crazy :P

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Um, Arias is probably about to go actually break out his full power on some of the knights after seeing what happened to Beatrice. If there's going to be a problem with Kieru's kidnappers being turned into a pile of ashes, please do let me know so I can adjust my plans accordingly.

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Regarding "ash" that's fine. I've created two dozen soldiers, and don't care if you take out a chunk. However, to prevent you turning into Ether. It's important to be reasonable with your powers, and dumb them down when necessary. If Arias waltzes in and can kill two dozen men in the blink of an eye then we might as well just have him fight all battles for us. And while I did agree to Arias having Dean-level powers, I don't want him to be invincible in battle.

Two things of importance.

-Don't kill Kieru XD

-Beatrice isn't with the other soldiers is she? According to rn7 she's picking out a few soldiers who wandered away from the main group. So obliterating the others in a fit of rage, would require Arias to have a temper that lasts him until Talgusta fort.

If you want, I'll take a look at the post (PM) first if you're not sure about certain details. But if not. Feel free to post it and have me+others comment on it here. Don't really have anything planned for the kidnappers(?) other then death now. They've served their purpose.

The fish is back. :/ Worship I guess is the wrong word. Respect?... Seems underrated a word. I know Buddhism is pretty much about becoming a Buddha, but I don't think it's going to far to say they also look upto and follow the teachings of the supposed "First Buddha" :/


I doubt anything big will happen, I'm currently locked in war with a featherbrained LoAF'er so if I disappear for awhile, it's because I'm writing up a wall of text.

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Regarding "ash" that's fine. I've created two dozen soldiers, and don't care if you take out a chunk. However, to prevent you turning into Ether. It's important to be reasonable with your powers, and dumb them down when necessary. If Arias waltzes in and can kill two dozen men in the blink of an eye then we might as well just have him fight all battles for us. And while I did agree to Arias having Dean-level powers, I don't want him to be invincible in battle.

Two things of importance.

-Don't kill Kieru XD

-Beatrice isn't with the other soldiers is she? According to rn7 she's picking out a few soldiers who wandered away from the main group. So obliterating the others in a fit of rage, would require Arias to have a temper that lasts him until Talgusta fort.

If you want, I'll take a look at the post (PM) first if you're not sure about certain details. But if not. Feel free to post it and have me+others comment on it here. Don't really have anything planned for the kidnappers(?) other then death now. They've served their purpose.

Alright, well, he's pretty much going to kill some soldiers now in the most brutal way possible. But this is going to be one of those 'fits of rage' that he can't always draw upon. Not to mention that he's probably going to be weakened after drawing on that level of power (Hooray for finding convenient excuses for keeping him weak!)

Obviously, I'm not going to kill Kieru. :lol:

Beatrice was just outside the fort, if memory serves. As in, she's probably a football field's length away or two (a couple hundred meters).

Also, would it be alright if Arias just happened to find a book of Light magic to give to Kieru?

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Well, regardless of where you are, just keep in mind that overpowering characters is seldom seen as a good thing.

As the Duck (Animal Quartet now) pointed out and kindly labeled "nerd rages" aren't very good ways to compensate for power boosts. Saying they get weakened is all nice and well, but the thing is, you can control the "rages." Arias can't, but you Cocytus can. And temporary weakness afterwards has a tendency to recover instantaneously when a problem arises.

I want to see how you handle the "Nerd rages" so I encourage to do what you've planned, but just keep the above in mind, every time you do one of these.


Nyeh, it's fine. Just preferring terms which lean towards "power and skill" for Izuna, opposed to "Morals, Holy etc"

If you want, I can write up a paragraph or two regarding religion in Izuna? (Or you can do it if you want).

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Crestia is Celism/Atheism 50/50.

I generally didn't want to make a religion for each nation since I have more then enough nation (politics) to play with without introducing another dimension (religion). So Garius, Tolmeaus and Menolka should be considered atheist with a few Celists mixed in. (In Menolka a few nature-worshipper, henceforth known as the Greens partyXD)

Izuna likewise was supposed to be atheist but since Yoshimitsu has introduced some concept of buddhism, I figure it'd be better to incorporate that into the world then reject it and cause unnecessary problems.

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Don't kill Kieru? Aw, but Laterite's piiiiissed!

Will address the papers in the post.

EDIT: Also that one guy he's confronting is the captain, who apparently was going to go investigate another part of the fort.

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Back now, will respond... sort of,


..... I really hope that "feminine purple" was a vial or something he had stashed away. Blood in this RP is red, not purple. And if you're going to be Alien vs Predator'ing I'd like to know before this develops into, "I'm a cool alien/I'm a demon/I'm badass/etcetc"

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..... I really hope that "feminine purple" was a vial or something he had stashed away. Blood in this RP is red, not purple. And if you're going to be Alien vs Predator'ing I'd like to know before this develops into, "I'm a cool alien/I'm a demon/I'm badass/etcetc"

No, it was the red blood on his blue robes. Sorry for the misunderstanding there.

(And if I didn't make note of the blue robes, I'd like to retcon that in, because I intended to say that they were blue at the time.)

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Okay, blue cloth, red blood, purple stain. Make sense. Though I'm not sure if blood color and cloth meshes under normal color mixing rules.

*Cocytus reptutation in Kanami's mind recovers to previous levels*

Just to be clear, non-humans, whether they be PC's or enemy monsters should be run by me before being implemented. I don't want to see a legion of demons marching across the plains. (Unless I've approved it). Only exception is animals... normal ones.

So damn busy >_< (No not important busy, little PM's and messages to reply here, there and everywhere)

As for clothes, blue is fine, I don't see how it's important, but if you want blue that's fine.

With battles, I expect you to write that up yourself at this point. Since my fighters (soldiers, bandits etc) are bound to lose. However will hopefully controlling them in more depth when the situation is turned. Though I doubt Laterite will fight his way out of 12 trained soldiers.


Pun... not funny XD

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