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I'm totally waiting on Fish and friends to work their magic, yup. By which I mean I hope they post so I don't have to guide the situation.

Though if Cocytus would post, that would be swell too.

same here

maybe ill just post out of turn if it takes much longer though

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My apologies. I've been a bit preoccupied with other things as of late. I should be able to post something later this evening.

By the way, where exactly is everyone? All I know is that Bullet and Beatrice are outside the fort, Arias is entering the fort in his fit-of-rage, Laterite is in the general's 'quarters' with a dozen enemy soldiers, and Kieru seems to be in a dungeon somewhere.

Just want to know so I don't mess things up for someone else.

You would be "generally" right. (Kieru is actually also in the "generals quarters" she's just wasn't noticed trying to make an escape while Laterite showed up.

The confusion and error here come from me stating that the "Captain decided to investigate" being taken by Purg as the captain moving away from his soldiers and looking for the missing. Which led to the huge bulk of reinforcements, since I thought Purg had approached the "generals quarters" before the captain made any moves.

Ex (In the span of 10 seconds)

Captain: I should investigate

Laterite: I'm here now gimme mah pepahz!

Captain: Who? Why did you just barge into my camp?

Edited by Kanami
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Actually, I didn't much care where he found him, just that he did.

Reinforcements has led to some interesting writing, as well as potential hypocritical opinions on Lat's part.

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Yeah, sorry about my lack of activity lately, I'm not even actively trying to get my Uni dis-enrolement(?) settled properly as they just keep telling me they'll look it up. (30 Minutes a day) And I'm mainly talking to them over the phone. So I'm just being lazy really :P

What I should do now is work on my assingment

If not I should catch up and post in this RP

What I will do though, is go to sleep XD

Increasing soldier competence is fine, the more it happens, the better.

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i was going with what kanami said earlier, about any NPCs you make are yours to control; hence i assumed she'd be controlling the captain of the soldiers and would absolutely make them badasses or just throw a wrench into the plan in general

purg handling it instead works out just fine though

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I hope it's just an one-time deal though, else we just clone Arias and have him fight everything.

His left hand is probably going to have to be cut off after that (to prevent gangrene). I don't think we'll see Arias use a spell that powerful again Unless I decide that I get tired of this and decide to kill him off for real, because I'll make darn sure he goes out in a blaze of glory

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I could have sworn you said somewhere that Beatrice was left handed.

And the thing about the sword came from this.

She picked up her sword and strode on over to the knights *snip*

I wrote it as if Bullet was all but surrounded, so he couldn't get a very good look at where Beatrice had been laying, much less that she was walking over to them.

Edited by Camtech086
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The point I made about Beatrice being left handed mainly stemmed from this set of facts:

- Beatrice lost her right arm.

- She clearly isn't in any condition to fight.

- She didn't do anything when he charged the first time. (Granted, this was probably more from laziness than anything else.

- Wait! She's left handed. Maybe she can fight.

- She's certainly had enough time to rest.

- Her sword is gone, and so is she.


That leads to three possible conclusions.

A) She ditched them and took her sword.

B) She took her sword and began to attack.

C) She ditched them and someone took her sword.

Bullet just decided to be optimistic.

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I meant him to be one of those reckless guys who think before acting, formulate a plan that will never work, then succeed through sheer dumb luck.

'Course, I'll have him get over it if he continues hanging out with people like Laterite and Ivan.

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